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BoD Daily Update

AJ Styles Update

AJ has booked independent dates through March. However, there are a few people in TNA who believe that AJ has already signed a new deal and will be returning to the company.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

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  1. Unless TNA is ready to cough up some money, AJ's not coming back.

  2. Threadjack (Sorry Bayless): Stupidest thing I read today.,-WWE-Polls-Fans-About-Tag-Teams.htm

  3. Vince McMahon is perpetually behind everything related to pop culture.

    "Who cares if the world stopped talking about it, I WANT SELFIES NOW!" - VKM

  4. Holy shit, Balls looks like hell.

  5. When you looked your best playing Santa Claus' Evil Brother, you're fucked.

  6. Wait...The Real Americans weren't in that tag team poll??

  7. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 17, 2013 at 10:29 AM

    What is crazy is that he used to be a teacher not far from where I lived. (I didn't watch the interview so I don't know if he still is.) He also went to the gym in Jersey that a lot of wrestlers went to and he said he lost weight because he took Stackers like M&M's.

  8. Vince McMahon reminds me of the Saul Berenson quote from the Homeland opening:

    "You're the smartest and the dumbest fucking person I've ever known."

  9. I know right? WWE cares more of thrown-together teams than the real teams like Real Americans and Usos.

  10. HHH is losing his touch...12 years ago AJ is signed to wwe with the belt, and jobbing to the game.

  11. I have a vision of him coming out during the Royal Rumble and getting his ass handed to him by Hornswoggle while a dumbfounded JBL goes, "WHO IS THIS GUY???"

  12. Whats up with homeland? Felt like a series finale really. Im assuming they bring it back but ive heard danes say shes feeling like shes getting into typecast land and isnt thrilled about it

  13. Its not the worst idea he's ever had but the execution was really bad.

  14. I still can't believe this is real. Assuming it is, it shows how small TNA is in the grand scheme of things b/c if they were anything at all and this happened, AJ would have gotten a contract from WWE just to spite TNA.

  15. It's already renewed for Season 4. I think they're going for a hard reboot. The Brodys are officially off the show, so the show is headed for an entirely new direction with Carrie's post in Istanbul, among sundry other things that may or may not work but THANK GOD THE TIRESOME BUSINESS OF BRODY IS FINISHED.

    And I say that as someone who loves Damian Lewis in the role. It's a shame they extended his storyline so far past its expiration date. I didn't feel nearly what I should have when the big moment came.

  16. Meth is a hell of a drug...

  17. Yea, I was just "meh" when he finally died. It made complete sense for the US to want him dead so I didn't have a problem with it. The scene where Javadi is explaining to Carrie why he should die, and she realizes hhe's right was so fucking awesome.

    The reboot thing is weird to me, guess they ran out of avenues to explore with Brody but it's gonna feel like a whole new show come next season. Guess that can be good or bad. I'll be pissed if Saul doesn't come back tho.

  18. AJ thing is a work. Don't know how it benefits TNA at all not having him on TV each week, but I still smell work. He'll probably make some giant surprise jumbo appearance at Genesis or something.

  19. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 17, 2013 at 11:32 AM

    If she didn't get punished last night AjJ should be fi-
    Oh, that's AJ STYLES..
    *backs out of thread*

  20. i just received a happy holidays card from wwe, and there was something profoundly amusing about goldust looking around all wide eyed and smiling in his little box a la the brady bunch

  21. Taz was brought in without the ECW title. He won it back and was pinned by HHH afterwards, as part of Vince's plan to 'help' ECW after the Mike Awesome situation.

  22. They apparently did offer him a contract, but it was so low that AJ would make more money doing independent shows, at least in the short-term.

  23. Vince seems to get a kick out of hurting his own product just to make fun of people he doesn't like.

  24. Yeah, ShowRey should be under BigMark for the title shot. ;)

  25. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 17, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    "AJ has booked independent dates through March. However, there are a few
    people in TNA who believe that AJ has already signed a new deal and will
    be returning to the company."

    I read that as:

    TNA is dying and desperate for anyone decent to perform for them so they don't completely implode.

  26. I've never watched TNA ... can someone give me the quick and dirty on AJ Styles? Which matches would you consider to be his best? I think I remember seeing that WWE was not that eager to bring him in based mostly on age, style and fit. Is that accurate?

  27. Styles: Excellent wrestler. Poor mic skills, average charisma, below average looks.

  28. Must suck to be such a negative person.

  29. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 17, 2013 at 3:05 PM

    I didnt know understanding TNA sucks horrid ass is negative. Thats just the truth. If it wasnt, they wouldnt be in such shit.

  30. He had some pretty sweet matches with Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels back when the X Division title meant something


  32. HHH could help TNA by pinning every membres of the TNA roster in a single match

  33. I bet you haven't watched a full episode of Impact in months or years. Probably just skim the results and troll about the show.

  34. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 18, 2013 at 12:50 AM

    Imagine if Alberto Del Rio was a slightly better worker that wasn't neutered by WWE style, and was from the South instead of Mexico, and you're pretty much there.

  35. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 18, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    I skip in and out, watching Chopped. More entertaining.


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