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Hulk Hogan Update

At this moment, Hulk Hogan has not signed but many are confident that he will. Also, he is not expected to wrestle as they company feels that they he will not be able to pass the medical tests required for him to perform.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Batista Making His Return at WrestleMania?

In this week's Observer, Meltzer reports that Batista is talked about as "being in great shape and probably coming back."

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Latest News on the Roman Reigns Push

Here is what Dave Meltzer wrote regarding the Reigns push in this week's Observer:

"It’s no great revelation that Reigns is being groomed down the line for one of the top spots on the babyface side with a big push at the Rumble. That said, if anything, the plans right now are even bigger than one would have thought."

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter "Where Are They Now" Feature on Jimmy Wang Yang


  1. Good on not having Hogan wrestle a match. I wouldn't mind seeing him at Mania ref a match or be in someone's corner. Even come in, make the save, big boot, leg drop. But no full matches. And it's not about him putting on a crappy match, I just don't want to see the guy get really injured. End up fucking crippled or something.

    I would be very happy with a Batista return, not sure where he should go on the card but I think he would fit anywhere.

  2. All those leg drops over the years ended up destroying his hips.

  3. What's wrong with pushing the people they already have? How many people really miss Hogan? Yeah, they will pop if he comes out, but it's time to let it go.

    Same with Batista. The fans have moved on. No problem with him coming back but it's not like fans have been begging for a return.

    Roman Reigns - I just don't see the big deal. This looks like it's going to happen regardless so what can ya do.

  4. He was asked if he could change 1 thing about his career what would it be... he said he would have used a sleeper as his finisher because that move really took a toll on his body.

  5. As soon as one of his advocates can explain to me what they see in his push that they didn't see in Ryback's I will get on board.

  6. The "even bigger plans than we thought" sound like some shit Meltzer made up to spark rumors.

  7. At this point I just see him as generic big man #4392. I'm like you, I need to see more than spears and screaming.

  8. It's hard to like a push that hasn't started yet.

  9. A lot of people are hanging their hope in that one match with Bryan, conveniently forgetting that Bryan is in the Flair-zone and can carry a broomstick to a good match. Plus people are desperate for someone, anyone to crack info the upper card.

  10. Just post 'I hate everything'. It's quicker.

  11. He can't do the leg drop anymore...

  12. Austin has said similar things about the stunner and he did it for a fraction of the time.

  13. It has.

    But I was more referring to the way that many here are lining up to suck his dick.

  14. Then fine, just have him cheer somebody on in their corner and maybe throw some punches. I'm fine with him not even getting physical at all but I'm guessing Vince will want some action from Hogan.


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