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BoD Daily Update

More Creative Changes?

According to a source he spoke with in the company, Mike Johnson reports that he was told that the authority story line will lead to a match between HHH vs. CM Punk, with the Big Show disappearing for a while then returning at the Royal Rumble

Credit Mike Johnson,

Sin Cara Update

Last night on RAW, Sin Cara was portrayed by Hunico. The original Sin Cara is back home in Mexico and his contract is running out shortly. During the European tour, Sin Cara merchandise was very popular among kids so the decision was made to give the character another push.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Michael Hayes Back With the Creative Team

Hayes was backstage at RAW last night working with the creative team and will be going forward. He had been off the road for a while dealing with some personal issues.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Layla Update

The reason for Layla's disappearance from television was to deal with a medical issue. No word on whether or not she is planned to get written back into any storylines.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. People used to like HHH believe it or not.

  2. So Punk is feuding with Johnny Ace in 2011 when that story is suddenly shifted over to John Cena and he gets to be the one that puts Big Johnny away. Now, Bryan is feuding with HHH but instead of that logical endpoint, Punk gets the big blowoff match against Hunter.

    My prediction for 2014 is that Cesaro gets involved in a hot angle only for Bryan to usurp the storyline in 2015.

  3. I really liked HHH in the ring at one point during his career. Now I'd be happy if he just stayed off camera. Of course, someone else would probably fill the role and do the same, I guess it doesn't much matter who it is.

  4. Yea. 2011 has taught us better then to expect such things.

  5. What I liked about the Punk Side Universe stuff was that if I didn't want to watch the Authority, I still had a separate world to pay attention to. 3 Ring Circus style.
    Now with Punk's involvement, Everyone in the upper and mid card is mixed up in the Authority storyline. Shield, Punk, Orton, Cena, Rhodes Bros., Show, Kane, DBry and the Wyatts are all involved in the same storyline/feud.

  6. So...HHH will beat Punk, take his broad, and go on to multiple title runs?

    I think my head just exploded. Honestly, am I missing your point?

  7. Yea man. I was close to that point during the Daniel Bryan 3 week email/A+ splurge

  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but but the Mike Johnson report just says it will "lead to a match" between Punk and HHH? I don't see anything about Wrestlemania in there. Let's not completely freak out yet.

  9. I said it on another thread...I'm good with Hunico as Sin Cara. Dude can go, and is well-versed in multiple styles, from what I've seen.

  10. I'd be more inclined to say that he's somewhere between megastar and the other guys you mentioned, in terms of drawing power. But, in the ring, I think he's the best ever.

  11. There was a running gag after the return of Hardy and a little after the time that Edge stole Lita that any form of a match that included Edge and Matt Hardy ended with Edge pinning Matt Hardy.

    Hence Matt Hardy was Edge's official job guy.

    And Punk has been nothing more than HHH's official job guy since the days of the Straight Edge Society.

  12. Ok. That makes sense now. Thanks for clarifying.

  13. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 3, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    "The reason for Layla's disappearance from television was to deal with a medical issue. No word on whether or not she is planned to get written back into any storylines."

  14. And the weird thing about this is I'm sure that Punk will go over and try to carry him to something watchable but HHH probably thinks he's doing good business and giving Punk some long-awaited victory back (which is probably how they will build this) but reality is most people either forgot the bullshit in 2011 or would rather forget it.

  15. Agreed. I'm ok with Trips never wrestling again, unless maybe they can come up with something really compelling. This ain't it.

    I wonder if maybe Punk shouldn't turn heel, or maybe quasi-heel and just start kendo sticking every damn one in sight. Austin made it a habit to stun just about anyone, regardless of face/heel status; maybe something similar to that.

  16. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 3, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    I have an update for you.
    You can put a fried egg on anything. Thank you Logan's Roadhouse.

  17. I also have an update *juggles fruit*

  18. It was heelish, kimda like tbose tessed WM 29 heel hints. A nasty streak in Cena may add something new in his character. I think they are ggonna try and sell this a little by having the authority remain ambiguous and it'll lead to a "who's side are they on" match between the two at rumble. This may just be them playing into it a little. Just to reiterate your point and statement. this does not mean i think Cena is turning heel. It's leading to him eating a Pedigree at some point


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