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BoD Daily Update

This Past RAW Draws a 2.7 Rating

AJ Styles Update

AJ still has not signed a contract with TNA. According to sources, AJ and the company are far apart in regards to the amount of money in the contract and there is a belief that AJ might wrestle his last match for the company when he faces the winner of the TNA title tournament. AJ was backstage during the Impact tapings in Florida this week.

Credit Mike Johnson, Article on The Stars that Came from OVW

Randy Orton's Cousin Signs a Developmental Deal

Randy's eighteen year old cousin, Jasper, is under a developmental deal but is currently sidelined with a knee injury.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer


  1. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 6:31 AM

    It sure is nice of TNA to let a potential former employee showcase his talent to potential future employers.
    If this Jasper kid is anything like Randy we can expect to see another 20 - 30 years of promos with weird inflections and matches with never-ending headlocks.

  2. Rating - Ha Ha
    AJ - Wow, that is actually quite intriguing, I'm sure DGUSA/EVOLVE/ROH will be happy if he doesn't sign
    OVW - Umm ok your guys came from development, we know
    Jasper Orton - Who knows.

  3. Ratings: Last week was on the high side, this week back to normal. Raw will pretty much get a 2.5-3.0 no matter what at this point. I guess if I were in the WWE offices, I'd be more worried about the constant trend of viewers dropping off every hour rather then the weekly rating.

  4. I'm just going to touch on the AJ story:

    Two ideas:
    1: AJ and TNA are playing the reporters to further the storyline. Logical... maybe too logical for TNA's braintrust.
    2: I wonder if TNA's recent storyline woes (inability to finish a storyline properly, etc...) are the result of bad business, instead of bad storytelling.

  5. Don't forget the deification of gym bags everywhere.

  6. Sorry for the poor quality, but to whoever said that Raw was going to pull a 2.5...

  7. AJ in PWG I'll take for sure

  8. I admittadly don't know a ton about how ratings/viewership is calculated but does 2.7 x 3 hours = 8.1 million people watching wwe on Monday or is there another conversion?

    If so, that's that's essentially like doing a 4.0 over 2 hours which would be pretty good.

  9. I don't think that's how it works. Some people watch more than one hour..

  10. Does anyone else remember the Cornette shoot video where he essentially said that Batista was a pain in the ass in OVH and didn't really commit to learning a damn thing?

  11. A ratings point represents one percent of the households.

  12. See the Live Thread for more details

  13. In his shoot, Nick Dinsmore (A highly recommended interview) had an excellent take on Batista and his time in OVW. He basically looked at both sides and how they each had their points.

  14. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 8:00 AM


  15. Kurt Angle's another guy who should be on that list, but I guess there's political reasons why not. I remember reading somewhere that apparently he was the fastest trainee they ever had, picking things up faster than anyone else ever had. Basically, they called WWE shortly after he got to OVW and said, "He's got it. Come get him. No no, you don't understand. He's GOT it."

  16. Vaguely. Bayless makes a good point about the Dinsmore shoot...they talk about it in there. Worth tracking down, it's a great interview.

    I remember Cornette criticizing a little but also saying it was his lack of experience and age, that thet knew they had a limited shelf life with this guy since he was older and wanted to rush him through. I didn't really take it as criticism, although it has been forever since I watched the Cornette one

  17. Angle wasn't an OVW guy. According to wiki, "He was assigned to the Power Pro Wrestling developmental territory."

  18. Wasn't he? I thought he was very briefly? Okay, my bad. Still, I know the story about him very quickly picking up how the business works is true.

  19. Glad to see Cena rushed back to affect such significant change in the ratings.

  20. Cornette has always had a bone to pick with Batista due to an interview in which he said he didn't really learn anything in OVW, his real learning began on the main roster after getting paired with guys like Flair and Hunter. And Cornette took offense because he thought they did a lot to protect him and give him plenty of opportunities to learn the ins and outs of the business.

    Actually, here's the rant itself:

  21. What kind of hillbillies are the ortons to have a cousin named jasper?

  22. Thanks; will check this out at home.

  23. Good shit. Christ, he was roided to the gills during those clips they showed

  24. 2.7 is the average of all three hours (well, the average of all thirteen 15-minute segments, including the overrun).

    The overall number is a great "general" idea of how the show did (in this case, not great), but it's also good to see if viewership went up or down during the three hours. If it went, say, 2.5, 2.7, 2.9, then it's at least good that they increased viewers as the show went on, and that the announced main-event, in this case the contract signing, brought in viewers. If, on the other hand, it went 2.9, 2.7, 2.5, then it shows that the show was progressively less well received as it went on, and that the contract signing lost viewers.

    For simple math, you can count each point as one million viewers. It's more like 990,000 or something, but "one million" is easier to do in your head.

  25. "Jasper Orton"... what a name...

  26. Thanks. My amateur take on the hourly ratings is that it seems very arbitrary. Very few people except nerds like us are gonna devote 3 hours to they'll turn in for hours 1 and 2 or 2 and 3. Unless there's a consistent pattern I'm not aware of, like hour 3 always dropping, it just seems kinda random.

    I guess my question is relative to 2 hours it seems like they've still expanded, somewhat significantly, the viewership even though the the ratings are lower. So they could be conceivably be making a lot more from advertising and the next USA deal? Again, all this from someone with limited knowledge of how this shit works

  27. Get away from the barbecue Jasper get the hell away from that thing!

  28. How has Vince never tried something like the ambiguously gay duo?

  29. To be renamed Casper Brawlsalot

  30. He had Too Hot and he had Billy and Chuck. Those were fairly close.

  31. Here's something I didn't know; Jasper is still a name actual people give children. Like, not just in cartoons.

  32. Ahh, good call on Billy and chuck. Erased that from my memory. never got an overly gay vibe from Too Hot

  33. Unrelated image, but damn funny:

    Caption on the image from the site is:

    Voice from beyond says NO MORE TWERKING.

  34. Jasper Orton:

    "Not sleeping with me? That's a defecatin'.
    Being stupid in the ring? That's a defecatin'.
    Staring at my tats? That's a defecatin'.
    Defecatin' in my NXT gym bag? Ooh, you better believe that's a defecatin'."

  35. The best comment I've read here in a long time.

  36. Wasn't jasper Clayton Bigsbys (black white supremacist) best good buddy? "Jasper load up the truck".

  37. I was always partial to Lenny Lane and Lodi. Also Simon diamond n the Muskequeer.

  38. I don't remember a Too Hot. I remember Too Cool originally being Too Much or something, and they were basically doing the "good looking jerks" gimmick.

  39. I just find it really hard to believe that AJ doesn't have some sort of contract with TNA. I mean, when CM Punk walked out of MiTB with the belt, he was actually signed. It was a story, not a shoot.

    If he doesn't have a contract, what's to prevent him from saying "fuck off, I'm keeping this!" and not coming in to do the job to the new champ?

  40. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 5, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    Jasper sounds like he might be from Amish country. Will he bring his brothers Isaac and Samuel with him?
    Actually, an ass-kicking Amish faction would be cool. They could come down to the ring on a horse-drawn buggy. When Michael Cole is showing us all how to download the WWE app, they could knock the phone out of his hand and smash it. They could refuse the WWE Universe poll, and opt to draw straws for the winning stipulation. Their double team move could be called The Barn Raising. Their catchphrase could be "Tis no barn, English".
    I'm done.

  41. The fact that his title means nothing.

  42. Poor Roadkill, just ahead of his time.

  43. To most people, sure, but not necessarily to indie promoters trying to bring in a crowd who can say "World Champion AJ Styles" on promotions.

    It just seems like a stupid risk to take.

  44. Watch, Jasper Orton will be the guy they let keep his name.

  45. Beat me to it. Was thinking under the law of opposites, he'd get a GOOD wrestling name now

  46. Threadjack:

    My word document that contained the review for my 1995 WWF Timeline with Kevin Nash is corrupted, so I now have to start all over. The review might be up tomorrow, if not by Saturday.

  47. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    jasper should get the gimmick of brian griffin's cousin

  48. This is not Cena's fault. The fans are still revolting over Punk and Bryan being near the top 3 months ago.

  49. Heidenreich and Snitsky had their share of homoerotic moments.

  50. Or they will change his name and call someone else Jasper Orton.

  51. There is no chance that the company that fancies itself as the #2 promotion in the country with value equal to that of the WWE (according to Dixie) would put their title on a guy that they haven't signed and aren't really close to there?

  52. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 5, 2013 at 10:09 AM

    He will be Orton Jasperson.

  53. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    'up his wheelhouse'

    hi taz!

  54. I wonder if TNA has got the balls to Montreal AJ at one of his non-TNA shots.

  55. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    i bet your word document took a step and tore its quad

  56. I didn't mean to imply it was. It was more of an "I wish you hadn't rushed back and put your WM season in jeopardy by exacerbating a pre-existing injury. Because no matter what you say, you're NOT 100%, dude."

    Also with a side of "I kind of wish Daniel Bryan had been given more time on top."

  57. All that work for nothing.

  58. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 10:30 AM

    i believe they call that "dating"

  59. I think the Barn Raising would be a 2 on 1 electric chair, wouldn't it? Maybe a three-person superplex?

  60. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    They can call him "Jorts" for short and team him with Cena.

  61. There would be no need to threadjack if Saturday night threads go up when they are supposed to. Just keep that in mind.

  62. Yeah, he's thinking of Scott "Too Hot" Taylor, one of the members of Too Much.

  63. Didn't you hear? Whenever ratings or buys suffer, it's never Cena's fault.

  64. WOW. Stop the fight, this one is over.

  65. All titles mean nothing.

  66. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM

  67. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 11:31 AM

    some big afternoon updates (both 411):

    1) hhh is in control of creative now due to steph getting promoted to Chief Brand Officer

    2) shiny happy cena for all the good guys!!!

    'Following her loss at the Survivor Series during the elimination match, fans noticed that Diva Eva Marie was laughing and smiling on her way to the back. Word is that WWE is instructing babyfaces to not sell their losses, and to smile and engage with fans after the loss.'

  68. Oh right, right. Heh. Remember that time that Too Cool got bigger pops for the worm and dancing with Rikishi than anyone on the roster does today? (DBry doesn't count because the Yes chant is a company chant, you see. It's not just one wrestler. Oh heavens no.)

  69. Russo gave them a gay police academy blue oyster bar with bikers (doa) gimmick in 99 for a few weeks. McMahon actually wanted christoper and taylor to wed each other at the Memphis St. Valentines ppv in 99 but Christopher openly complained about it and it didn't happen.

  70. That show has compelling TV though lol

  71. Well, at least #1 is somewhat promising (or at least better than Steph's 11 year reign of terror). #2 makes NO sense at all. That'd be like having Peyton Manning smile and high five fans after losing that close game with the Patriots a couple weeks ago.

  72. I wi put up disc one tomorrow and disc two Saturday

  73. Huh. I had forgotten all about that dude. They key to Stranger's idea, however, is a faction. Like 6 fucking dudes that never break up and never add. Unless one of them is 16, and then he can do that Rumplemintz or whatever they call it when they go out and taste the rest of the world.

    Rumspringa. It's called Rumspringa. They probably consume Rumplemintz though.

  74. Aww, he started working out with Triple H - he was Sheamus before Sheamus was Sheamus.

  75. Wow. Seeing that name 3 times in a row kind of messes with me.

    Sheamus Sheamus Sheamus

    AH! I did it in a mirror and now my hair is spikey and orange-red! I look like a fat Beaker!

  76. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    Why does this remind me of "Revenge of the Sith"?

  77. Let's see which heel snaps in the locker room first.

  78. Fucking retarded. I can't think of any possible rationale besides they just want to no sell the importance of any win or loss and essentially matches themselves. YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING TV SITCOM, MATCHES MATTER. MATCH RESULTS MATTER TO A POINT.

  79. Picture the joy that would be a S of A / WWE crossover.

  80. We are a sitcom. See Khali, Hornswaggle, Los Matadores, El Torito, and Santino.

    Oh, and fuck you.

    - WWE

  81. God man, Donovan McNabb was the king of throwing a pick or doing something bad then having a shit eating smirk on his face. Couldn't stand it

  82. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    So, based off this theory Orton will be cheezin' like a Cheshire cat and doing chest bumps like a Milli-Vanilli video when he loses that TLC match.

  83. If WWE was the same as the Star Wars universe, Darth Maul would have been played by HHH and he would have won the fight at the end of Menace. Then he would have trained Ani himself (who would have, for reasons unknown, had red, spikey hair), only to cap him when he became a threat. Oh, and the rule of one Sith and one apprentice would have been mentioned and conveniently ignored.

  84. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    Orton: "I....lost. High....five. YAY."

  85. Heh....while that is funny, the blurb did specifically say that babyfaces were to no-sell losses. Heels, and Orton specifically, are probably encouraged to continue being pouty bitches.

  86. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 12:03 PM

    Oh, OK:

    Orton: "I....lost...DAMN."

  87. #2 is so awful, ultimately if the matches don't mean anything at all the whole ball of yarn that is "sports entertainment" unravels.

  88. You're right, but even the worst sitcom wouldn't do that; people get invested because they care about the story and characters. For a company that struts around bragging about it's ability to tell stories, they sure miss what the hell makes a good one.

  89. Exactly. Why is cena supposed to be a hero? What does he do? Isn't he a wrestler? Isn't he supposed to be a big deal because he's the best wrestler, and wins the most matches? Seriously what the fuck are they doing.

  90. It's like they want the entire company to break the fourth wall. I can't remember who said it (it might have been Keller) but are we just a short time away from everyone getting on the ramp at the end of Raw and hugging like at the close of SNL?

  91. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 12:10 PM

    DBry would be Luke but he would have been killed off in Empire Strikes Back after Yoda tells him over and over again that he's not good enough.

  92. Jasper is the kind of name that suggests a definite type of person.

  93. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    One who drinks moonshine out of a jug and plays a banjo?

  94. Yoda would be...also played by HHH? Well, there were clones. Or Steph? Yoda looked like he was amphibious; he could change sexes if necessary.

  95. Let's just say its not the first name I would want my doctor to have. Also don't forget the cousin fucking

  96. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 5, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    Yoda is Vickie Guerrero.

  97. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    the thought of all of them doing it while jazzy outro music plays amuses me

  98. Ugh. I could absolutely see them doing that after they go off the air.

    An ex writer claimed on a podcast that they tossed around the idea of doing a pregame/behind the scenes type show before each ppv where they'd show the wrestlers going through the match with the agents, show snippets of creative, etc. This would be interesting but so glad they didn't do it

  99. Yea. Makes no sense.

  100. Works for me. Though I may have puked just a little.

  101. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    'who would have, for reasons unknown, had red, spikey hair'

    he showed up at a senate meeting he wasn't even booked for because he loves THIS REPUBLIC

  102. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 12:20 PM


  103. I'm actually excited to see what HHH does in the lead spot of creative. If it's true he has that old school nwa philosophy, it would be a welcome change.

    I don't know how much say he'd ultimately have in the sports vs entertainment philosophy but he's gotta be better then Steph.

  104. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 5, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    'If it's true he has that old school nwa philosophy, it would be a welcome change.'

    ...with himself as ric flair...

  105. My god that would be awful.

  106. Nice.

    Who gets to be Jar Jar? Khali?

  107. I'm thinking himself as Dusty Rhodes more than Flair

  108. I have had the optimism sucked out of me by WWE Creative.

  109. Jasper is a HELL of a heel name.

  110. This could be like 1 wrestler or teams gimmick, but to make all babyfaces do it is kinda stupid.

  111. If it will make you feel any better, Bill Gates looks terrible these days.

  112. So meekins really gone it seems like??

  113. That's way better than some stupid pregame show where they sum up the angles and let wrestlers give promos that might talk a few extra people into buying the show. Most people don't give a rat's ass about behind the scenes of regular TV shows. Why would wrestling fans care?

  114. Dusty got his ass beat constantly to sell the angles, though. I wish HHH would play Dusty, especially a crazy bladejob to get himself fired.

  115. I guess, but he still put himself over as the best all the time and with titles when he was extremely overweight and didn't do much other than elbows in the ring..

  116. The RAW guest host can thank the cast and writers too.

  117. But it still can get recognized at an airport

  118. He will probably follow the career path of another Orton, Barry O.

  119. OVW didn't become WWF's farm until 2000, before that WWF mainly used Memphis.

  120. Maybe WWE is ahead of the curve on storytelling. Maybe when Ross cheated on Rachel she should've just laughed about it. Maybe when Tony killed Christopher he should've yawned and bought a sandwich. Maybe the kid who shot Omar should've started moonwalking.
    I think the WWE has tapped into a new method of storytelling where the characters only have one emotion.

  121. Replace 'sports' with 'video games' and you have what I sit through. Uh yeah, you guys build those mines or whatever!

  122. I want a "shoving buddies" promo spot with all of them smiling and trying to shove each other out of the shot.

  123. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 5, 2013 at 1:21 PM

    Next time I see him on XBL I'll shoot him a message and see what's up.

  124. My dad has always been a big sports fan, and I started watching baseball and hockey with him as a 10 year old in 1993. Hooked ever since.


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