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BoD Saturday Night Thread

On tap for tonight:

College Football, with the Big Ten, ACC, and Pac Ten  title games
World Series of Fighting on NBC
HBO Boxing after dark, highlighted by Guillermo Rigondeaux vs. Joseph Agbeko
Saturday Night Live is brand new tonight with host Paul Rudd and musical guest One Direction

Also, Konnan's Volume 2 shoot with RF Video won the poll with 41% of the vote. The recap will be posted on Thursday.

As always, discuss anything else you want to tonight in this thread


  1. World Series of Fighting?

  2. Just got off the phone and I'm pissed off. I think I need to sign up for the world series of fighting ex-wives

  3. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:14 PM

    Think of it as the ROH of MMA.

  4. ...Shawn Thorton is going to be in a lot of trouble.

    Though it's very Penguins like to injure two players and then run away from a fight.

  5. Ah. Well that's about the dumbest name for an organization I've ever heard.

  6. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    It's better than Bellator (the TNA of MMA). What does that even mean? And I'd say it's no more or less dumb than UFC.

  7. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    What did he do? And I've always wondered, is he Joe Thornton's brother?

  8. I don't think we've covered Austin's heel turn enough this week, lets talk about that.

  9. Love triangle?

  10. Nah, fighting over the kids

  11. Yikes. Good luck, you'll need it.

  12. They are cousins.

    Orpik made a hit to the head and went knee on knee with a pair of Bruins and refused to drop the gloves with Thornton. Thorton threw him to the ice and punched him anyway.

    Orpik was taken out on a stretcher.

  13. The thing about it is as much as it sucked and as much as The InVasion sucked, Austin was putting on 4 star TV matches almost every week. Work wise it was his absolute peak.

  14. I was being sarcastic, which I think you got, but yeah he was putting on great matches at the time.

  15. You know topics like Austin heel turn, re-booking the Alliance, Starrcade 97' are always fun to talk about.

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM

    I'd have to see the video, but from the way you described it it sounds like he deserved it. Typical Penguins hockey...

  17. I'm still hung over from last night. I'm laying on my couch high watching posse. Better than I expected

  18. I don't dissagree per say, but I'm going off the highlights on Hockey Night in Canada, so I will withhold full judgement till I have a few looks at it with less Don Cherry-isms mixed in. I'm watching the Leafs--Sens.

    Either way--get ready, More calls to expel the enforcers are coming (even though it was a guy hiding behind the refs that GOT him there in the first place)

  19. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:32 PM

    I think it's hilarious that Nash missed Starrcade 97 because he ate too many weed brownies and freaked out so bad that it fucked with his heart. Remember kids, edibles are no joke, moderation is the key there. Of course, he's given a bunch of explanations for no-showing, who knows which, if any ("jobberitis of the knee, I hear"), are true.

  20. Holy shit I've a hang over headache all day. I feel like I got hit in the head with sledge hammer. I wish I lived in a pro tree state I wouldn't drink at all.

  21. That fucking auburn game was amazing once again. What a crazy season for CFB.

  22. I've never heard that about the pot brownies.

  23. That's one of my favorite versions of the story!

  24. So 1 loss Auburn or undefeated Ohio State?

  25. Paul Rudd and 1D...probably won't be catching that one

  26. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:37 PM

    I don't support a ban on fighting, but I wouldn't mind seeing enforcers pushed out of the game.

    Also, I keep forgetting that I can watch HNIC now that I have cable and not DirecTV. I get CBC and CTV. Wish I got Global, though I suppose I had an antenna I could pick it up.

  27. Damn Mario van Peebles dad gets fucked up

  28. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 7, 2013 at 6:38 PM

    yeah, well i'm still hung. i'm laying on my couch watching pussy. better than i expected

    ...i'm lying :(

  29. It's close. They haven't really played defense all year so that has to count also

  30. Two things I hate, open mouthed yawns and someone taking a phonecall without moving away from me.

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:39 PM

    He told it in an interview with Grantland a year or two back. It's actually pretty good, you should look it up.

  32. I gotta say, I absolutely loving the way Africa is mourning(if we can call it that) Nelson Mandela's death.

  33. "I don't support a ban on fighting, but I wouldn't mind seeing enforcers pushed out of the game."

    No way to eliminate one without eliminating the other. If Fighting is in Coaches will take fighters to the Ice.

  34. ...I have no idea what you're referencing

  35. They're pretty much partying and singing.

    It's one giant celebration.

  36. Starrcae 1997 Was good Trhead!topicsearchin/$3A1997$2F12$2F15$20AND$20before$3A1998$2F1$2F1%7Csort:date/

  37. IMO auburn has played a tougher schedule and the win over bama should count double.

  38. Because they didn't like him? or because that's just how they Funeral down there?

  39. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    I'm just saying to get rid of the guys that do nothing but fight. I'm not sure who the guys that are enforcers today, but guys like Rob Ray, George LaRoque (sp?), etc... At least Donald Brashear was a somewhat competent hockey player when he wasn't punching people. Teams that sign guys that average about 2:00 TIO and lead the league in PMs piss me off.

  40. Auburn pretty much ended an era.

    That should count for something.

  41. I'm kind of leaning that way, but still think going undefeated can't be diminished. The SEC thing is starting to turn into the John Cena title.

  42. Blair underwood and Mario van Peebles in the same-scene?

  43. That's what I thought, was just checking you weren't one of the enormous delusional people I've seen who have been claiming Africa will be celebrating the death of a tyrant -_-

  44. Nelson Mandela? Tyrant? Wat.

  45. So keep Chris Neal and Shawn Thornton, say goodbye to goons like John Scott (Fuck John Scott)

    That I'll sign off on, I just usually separate the term enforcer and Goon as my distinction between those guys

  46. Austin is boring! late 1997!topicsearchin/$3A1997$2F12$2F15$20AND$20before$3A1998$2F1$2F1%7Csort:date/

  47. I agree with that, but I don't like diminishing the accomplishment of going undefeated. The Big Ten is down, but they still won every game. If they win tonight this counts as a big win also.

  48. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 6:49 PM

    Fair enough. Keep enforcers, get rid of the goons (I have no idea who John Scott is). That works for me.

  49. He was apparently a terrorist scumbag white-hater who fucked puppies and ate babies.

    Why else was he in prison for all that time?

    Check any FB comment thread on a RIP Nelson Mandela post and you'll find people who say things to that effect

  50. Carl Winslow as the barber ftw

  51. He averages like 3 minutes and plays for Buffalo. He's the guy who started the Sabres--Leafs line brawl in the preseason

  52. That is delusion from the nutbag part of the far right wing

  53. People say that on Facebook?

  54. The show where he had all those briefcases with the models was pretty cool for awhile though.

  55. look on the "Things Liberals Hate" Facebook page. Its sad to think that people actually think that way. Plus, they all have a severe case of persecutory complex

  56. I prefer the show where he had 1 person vs 100

  57. I've seen it on three separate posts.

    One by Facebook God
    One by Billy Talent
    and one by the Toronto Maple Leafs

  58. SNL is pretty bad this season. I cant even remember two sketches that happened and I have seen every episode

  59. People say all kinds of lovely things on FB. Everywhere else too, for that matter. When Obama was elected and reelected, "It's called The White House" for a reason was a popular one.

  60. Yeah, I once heard a story around the 2012 election last year that a parent told her kid that if Mitt won, he would put the blacks back in slavery.

  61. Christ. My first thought upon reading your first sentence had to do with The Quiet Man.

  62. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    Oh cool, someone 16 years ago thought he was boring.

  63. Not the best trolling I've seen, but very sarcastic. I give it a C+

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    I thought the name sounded familiar, he did a 7 or 10 game suspension earlier this year (not counting the games he missed while he was under "indefinite suspension" while Shanny decided his punishment) for a cheap shot so bad he should have faced criminal charges. I think they might have cut him. I know they waived Patrick Keleta (who was only on the team in the first place because he's a local guy), who was completely useless. Rob Ray might have been a goon, but at least he won the majority of his fights.

    BTW, fuck Tie Domi. Though I'll admit that him beating the shit out of that one fan that climbed into the sin bin to start shit was pretty funny.

  65. What a world we live in that a guy like Mike Napoli can get $32 million over 2 years. In this market, if he was a free agent, Mike Trout would probably get 10 years for $325 million

  66. He is a definition of the word "goon."

  67. Wow way to completely fuck up describing what actually happened

  68. The Robinson Cano thing knocked me for a loop. I had no idea he was the best player in the game. When did that happen?

  69. Hey, HEY, Don't fuck with Domi!

    And Scott still has his job.

  70. Even McCann got 85 million over 5 years. They will regret that deal three years in

  71. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:03 PM

    I'm sorry, but it's harder to "troll" the more banal, innocuous posts.

  72. ...which is why I did say I'm going off of what was aired on TV. I'll GLADLY bury Thornton as a prick if the broadcast was misleading.

  73. The Yankees never learn. I saw they signed Ellsbury also. I mean it's like you hit .269 and that gets you 100 million.

  74. Why doesn't the MLB have a salary cap again?

  75. As a Bruins fans, I still cant believe that Marchand doesn't get taken out by the opposing team's enforcer. He is such an antagonizing prick on the ice.

  76. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:04 PM


  77. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    Probably a cost-cutting thing, I'm sure he's signed for the absolute minimum. They need to trade Ryan Miller while he's still worth something.

  78. Well they got the luxury tax, but I'm not sure when it kicks in. Whatever it is doesn't seem to be a problem for the Yanks.

  79. As a leafs fan, I don't know how someone isn't murdered whenever him and Kadri start jaw jacking.

    They both have a thing for the antagonizing.

  80. Mike Trout would get some nations GDP if he were a free agent.

  81. Jonah keri thought if he hit the market today it would be 400

  82. Now THAT is a great trolling post!

  83. I would have loved for someone to tell Rush that on his radio show and hear him have a field day with it.

  84. Miller is still worth a lot, he has no wins, but his stats are golden considering what utter shit the Sabres are

  85. Good point. Seems like if south Africa knew how good he was at hosting a game show they would've freed him sooner

  86. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    Yup. Made you look like a fool and everything.

  87. I read an article on the Pujols deal a few months ago. The Angels didn't sign him for his bat, they signed him to get a better tv deal. The deal they ended up getting paid for the Pujols contract tenfold

  88. My fantasy basketball team is falling apart. First Beal, then Anthony Davis and now Michael Carter Williams has a knee infection. Luckily, I did a pretty damn good job drafting but still

  89. Someone's down voting all my posts huh? Oh magnum DA you little rascal.

  90. Reilly Smith, you gotta put that in

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:10 PM

    He's in the final year of his contact and has all but said he's not re-signing (see also, Thomas Vanek), so they might as well get something for him. The season is shot anyway, start Enroth and hope for the best.

  92. He down voted for the fact that1D will be on.

  93. Jarret jack >>> Avery Johnson... agree or disagree

  94. Ohio St is down 10-0

  95. That actually makes sense I guess. Sign a huge name and get a giant TV contract to sign better (younger) players in the upcoming years.

  96. I think at TLC HHH is going to win the titles.

  97. Theres few things more fun than using my electric hash oil pen and sipping on a fresh vegetable juice mix

  98. Dude earl clark is not bad

  99. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    This is what his posts look like

  100. It took him a while to get PT.
    You know who does suck though, Dion Waiters.

  101. #march2tenK

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:17 PM

    I feel stupid for not knowing that right away, considering I've lived in Buffalo for nearly my entire life. Then again, I'm an Avs fan (losing to the fucking OILERS 8-2, what the fuck?) and I despise the Sabres. Though now that they finally canned Regier I might come back into the fold (still Avs 4 life no matter what though), but I'm even paying attention to them, this season is already a lost cause.

  103. Oh, I agree--trade him, I'm just saying it's not like he's worth nothing. They can get actual substance for him if they do it right.

  104. Sorry didn't see your post below. Here is what happened : orpik crushed a guy with a clean body body hit. Thornton challenged him to a fight but Orpeck told him to fuck off basically. Later in the game a Bruin player was tripped and Neal caught him with a knee tk the head. Whistle blows, ref, Orpik, another pens player and bruin are talking at the other end of tje ice. Thornton comes from behind, grabs Orpiks collar, slew foots him, orpiks head hits the ice, shawn punches him in the face knocking him unconscious punchedhim again and finally elnowed him before he was dragged off

  105. I thought he showed tons of potetial last year but he's not any better and now he's gonna go diva on kyrie?

  106. Seems like a total headcase. Syracuse guards always seem to be busts. Look at Jonny Flynn for example. He probably plays in my local rec league for all I know

  107. Instead of down voting all my posts you should just up vote everyone else. It would be much more productive and probably bother me more.

  108. Sorry forthe wall of text and typos. I'm typing this on my shitty phone laying in. A hospital bed with 35 staples in my stomach.

  109. Jarrett Jack's mustache is inexcusable.

  110. Was mcw a juco guy before Syracuse or did he come right in?

  111. Down vote all you want but think about it, the match could be at its climax where Orton and Cena are fighting at the top of the ladder and then they knock themselves down. HHH is conveniently at ringside. What's stopping him from grabbing the titles? The way he was talking about one champion on Smackdown makes me think something's up.

  112. That Orpick hit was NOT clean. But either way the Neal knee was what REALLY pissed me off.

    The optics are also worse on Thornton then what he did (which was bad, no question--but It's not like he intended to stretcher the guy.)

    The talking heads are debating it, I'm with the panel--NONE of it happens if there had just been a fight between ANYBODY.

  113. Jesus, is everything alright!?

  114. I thought he got hurt and didn't play at all his freshman year.

  115. You sons of bitches!

  116. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:25 PM

    They should have traded him 2 or 3 years ago, but their former GM was a fucking moron, a subject I'm sure I've covered before many times. They also should have taken the 4 draft picks they would have got from Edmonton instead of re-signing Vanek.

  117. Hey c'mon now its very Clark gable-esque. I actually have always thought Jack looks just like styles P from the lox.

  118. If there is not a fucking SEC team in the bcs title game it's a fucking farce. II think the 2 best teams in the country are SEC teams

  119. Ready for a 3D gif?

  120. I agree with both of those.

    Would have been better for Edmonton too. They have plenty of youth, they need guys like Vanek. Everybody wins!

  121. Said it down thread, but I'll say it again. The SEC title has turned into the John Cena title.

  122. No. Straight freshman. No redshirt either

  123. I remember at a Red Sox game about ten years ago, Manny Ramirez was up at bat. Anyway, the sound guy used "I Get High" instead of the edited version and Manny gets up, you hear over the loudspeaker "I don't smoke the weed if it aint purple or blue." I recall someone getting fired over that

  124. I'm banged up. I'm not sure what that means. Please elaborate

  125. Assuming OSU goes down, we have FSU/Auburn? Or FSU/Bama?

  126. Tristan Thompson is playing great (watching cavs/clips on DVR)

  127. Lilly, I didn't do it.

  128. Drunk Ryan Murphy > drugged up jobber123

  129. I saw Boston College give Florida St. everything they had and kept the game close right until the end. They do not impress me that much

  130. He looks like Nick Cannon to me.

  131. Yea. I saw. That Davis in just fucked you up. You were getting such value out of him. Top 7-10 guy when he was healtyt. Mines falling apart also but it's just because all my guys are sucking for some reason

  132. There was a joke on here a while back that John Cena is more important than the WWE title, so we were all calling it the "John Cena Championship". The SEC title has become more important than going undefeated, so that's why I say that.

  133. Dude was an automatic double-double and also blocked shots like a maniac

  134. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:32 PM

    I really can't have too much hope in any of this city's teams though. I might as well move to Cleveland, at least there I can go to MLB and NBA games.

  135. I still think Bama is better the Auburn. Put Auburn and Bama on a neutral field and they win by 7-10. Think Auburn gotta get the title game shot tho. Hate the bcs so much

  136. I really think Auburn and Bama are both better then fsu

  137. Bruins/Penguins game is pretty intense

  138. Couldn't agree more. People scream SEC bias but there's a bias for a reason!!! They've won however straight many bcs title games, dominate other conferences out of schedule. Put like South Carolina in ANY other conference and they're conference chamos. They're like the 4th or 5th best sec team this year

  139. The Leafs and Senators are at 62 penalty minutes and counting

  140. Bruins just tied it up

  141. To quote Daniel Tosh, "I get tired when people say that SNL isn't as good as it use to be, it wasn't that good to begin with. The only reason it seemed like it was because you were 15, and excited to stay up past midnight".

  142. I agree. Bama is best team in nation, they should be playing but won't be because of 1 loss. Maybe Duke will come back and really fuck everything up.

  143. Isn't he older though?

  144. 3-2 Leafs despite shots being 39--20 in favor of Ottawa.

    So business as usual...

  145. I'm really hoping Duke pulls the upset for that reason, but it's not going to happen

  146. Better chance of Curt Hawkins main eventing WrestleMania than that happening

  147. The Leafs goalies are getting peppered every night. I have Bernier on my fantasy hockey team and he faces at least 40 shots per game

  148. Would love that. Fsu is good but I think Bama beats them by 10-14 pts

  149. I think he did get hurt and miss is Freshman year. I know he wasn't a JUCO guy.

  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 7, 2013 at 7:39 PM

    Gotta give you props for posting while injured, you have the #1 spot for a reason.

    What happened? Are you going to be OK?

  151. Yeah. Painfully aware, It's Reimer getting peppered tonight.

    The Leafs have been out shot in 25 of 29 games.

    Ironically they lost 3 of the games they had more shots in yet have a winning record on the season

  152. Chara go ahead goal with 13 seconds left!!!!!!!!

  153. Just wiki ed him. Holy fuck, yea. He's 22 somehow. Guess I was wrong and he red shirted a year. 22 Still seems way to old

  154. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 7, 2013 at 7:40 PM

    Boxing is on HBO?!?! I was waiting for the Zab Judah/Malinaggi fight on Showtime.

  155. That's gotta sting, who is at home?

  156. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 7, 2013 at 7:40 PM

    The Cavs are a player away.

  157. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 7, 2013 at 7:40 PM

    *steps out of the BoD bathroom*

    Dang! It's a chili night.

  158. I am not watching tonight, because football - but let me say it for fun...fuck the Penguins.

  159. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:41 PM

    Even if it meant Rey was wiped from existence... it was worth it.

  160. Bruins. They scored two goals in the final 1:29 to win 3-2

  161. *sniffs the air from the bathroom*
    I can tell.


    It only took 8 penalties, but Ottawa has tied it up

  163. The crowd must be going batshit then

  164. 9:45pm start time

  165. Yep. I wonder how many suspensions will be handed out after this game though.

  166. And that's from a former Pens fan. Cindy ruined the Pens for me after 20 years of fandom. Not only is he a (supremely talented) bitch, but the incessant knob slobbing over him, and the puckbunnies that now make up 80% of their fan base make me fucking nauseous.

  167. Tonight im contemplating taking my first bong rip or pot hit of any type I'm over 2 years

  168. At least two, Neal and Thornton

  169. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 7, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    They have 4 decent fights (on paper) Lara/Trout is boring me like an Orton chinlock.

  170. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 7, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    Dude, that shit's toxic. I think Farva needs to standby in case you go into shock or something.

  171. So who do you support these days?

  172. Seriously, OSU wouldn't finish ahead of Auburn, Missouri, Bama, LSU, and SC if they played an SEC schedule. Just like that ND team last year...Un athletic team that played a lot of close games and played a bad schedule. Look at how tgat turned out

  173. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 7, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    Amir Khan sucks as a commentator.

  174. Just don't send him send him to a fast food restaurant, he can't handle the people.

  175. I actually think last year's ND team is better then this year's OSU team

  176. Had my gallbladder taken out, ill be fine eventually. And all the top stars work hurt brother

  177. I feel living in a town of Losing

    Blue Jays--Suck
    Maple Leafs--No cup since '67
    Raptors--Super Suck
    Argos--Who gives a shit?

  178. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:49 PM

  179. Don't worry, right now to me, your at an Undertaker level a stardom where you can come and go as you please.

  180. They billed it as a triple-header main event.

  181. What gimmicks did you use?

  182. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 7, 2013 at 7:54 PM

    Does anyone recommend and gaming apps for your tablet? Trying to cure boredom here. Don't tell me Candy Crush either.

  183. Dude I fucking love candy crush. Only game I play on my phone

  184. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 7, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    You have thread privileges, so start an Austin heel turn thread.

  185. Yes a player away that will take their talents to South Beach.

  186. "I was just on a peacewalk!"

  187. We need more Daniel Bryan threads

  188. OSU's biggest problem is that crap out of conference schedule. They can't help that the Big Ten is down but Buffalo, Cal, Florida A&M, San Diego State?! wth man

  189. I work for, and cheer for, the Columbus Blue Jackets.

  190. Ha. Greatest COPS segment in recent memory

  191. Any Angry Birds or if you can, Booking Revolution.

  192. FSU is playing in the ACC, which is bad and has pretenders like Clemson.

  193. Now I'm curious, what do you do for a living


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