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Place to Be Podcast - Kevin Kelly 2001 Part One!

We recorded an awesome episode with Kevin Kelly tonight. In addition to covering the first half of 2001, Kevin also went into depth on Final Battle, Chris Hero and of course Ring of Honor.

We also put together a Best of Kevin Kelly at Place to Be Nation piece to commemorate our 1,000th published article:

Thanks for sharing with your readers!


  1. Screw you WWE, now I have to change my name.

  2. The American Pitbulls could find success as the new British Bulldogs, provided both men start taking large amounts of steroids. Especially Eddie. He has a long way to go to catch Davey Boy.

  3. Pitbulls and Staffordshire Terriers are the same.

  4. So, are the Pitbulls even going to be a thing anymore after Richards' apparent melt down?

  5. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 19, 2013 at 4:12 AM

    So is he the father of Kelly Kelly or what?

  6. I've now watched 2 episodes of NXT, and it's giving TNA a battle as my favorite wrestling show after WWE's main programs.
    Meanwhile, I also watched Main Event tonight, and Miz was in total babyface mode. I thought he'd turned heel?

  7. According to The Ascension is now Konnor and Viktor. Although the last time I checked they had him listed as K'onnor. They seem to change the spelling of their names on a whim.

  8. "Earlier, the first 200 people in line for tickets get to meet JoJo and Eva Marie! I’d hate to see what the next 200 people got. The caterer for Smackdown? Dolph Ziggler’s hairdresser?"

    Hey, some of us would love a chance to meet Eva Marie, girl is FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.

  9. I believe he is the father of Tamina Snuka

  10. That was the EXACT match I was thinking of when I mentioned PWG. That match absolutely blew me away, for sure my MOTY

  11. Yeah and Nakanishi had a run in WCW as Kurosawa.

  12. Your wish has been granted and it is awesome!

  13. God I am such a Nakamura mark now. His series with Tanahashi and the New Japan Cup run were scary good. He's probably the one to beat AJ and then drop the belt to Okada at WK next year.


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