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Plug For Camel Clutch Blog

I wrote my first column for the site. It is a cool site that features talented writers. If you're one of those people who likes going to websites just to read columns, this is a good place for you.  In my next column, I'll be sure to plug this site as well, to start a cross-promotion sort of thing.

Apparently, people are having problems opening the link. It works fine on my end. Try this one if the previous one doesn't work:


  1. $100 is way to much for that imo

  2. Does someone get fucked in the ass and made humble?

    I'm sorry, but anytime I hear/see "camel clutch" I automatically think of that Iron Sheik line.

  3. Is there really a market that still exists for actual VHS wrestling (or any other) tapes?

  4. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 18, 2013 at 12:03 PM

    Kyle, for some reason the link does not work on this end. Anyone else having the same issue?

  5. The headline of the blog is "You will be Humbled by the Camel Clutch".

  6. Works for me. Try this, though....

  7. I loved Eric's commentary work for WEW and CZW. He was great at burying godawful shows with his sarcasm, nice to see he has a pretty good blog.

  8. I'm sure it's great Kyle, but both links have a connection error.

  9. $99? Keep dreaming, you'll be lucky to get $20 out of that.

  10. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 18, 2013 at 2:10 PM

    Got it. Thanks Kyle. Good read.

  11. I always thought I began the trend of "badger Scott with Camel Clutch Blog links"

    Eric deserves the traffic; he's run a nifty site for a long time

  12. The writing on camel clutch is not very good.

  13. Worst that I ever got was a Kris Kringle thing where a guy put in a certificate good to have him draw you. I didn't cash it in.
    I don't really have much else to say on this one. I would say my first NES I guess? My parents didn't get me one until probably a year after most of my friends had one already but then I got one with like 10 games all at once, so that was pretty boss at the time.

  14. We had a whole little sub thread about that the other day, where you been?

  15. I..would be very upset with that man.

  16. Here, but I can't see everything.

  17. I'm not really into receiving gifts much either. I don't find myself wanting much, and if I do then I will usually just buy it.

  18. That's tough with your Mom standing there in love with the pup though.
    If it was me I could walk easy. But my Wife, Kid, or Mom making sad eyes would open the wallet.

  19. That is some touching shit right there.

  20. That definitely beats the inevitable therapy bill that she'll be sending along..

  21. I could actually see the announcers acting like they don't know who is under the Santa outfits, even having Henry and Sandow in separate matches during the show to make it even more cute.

  22. Yeah I have probably broken character enough for one day so... I sleep with married women!

    That should fix things.

  23. Probably because you don't like Thai food?

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 5:49 PM

    Here's a random thing that I can't fucking believe I never thought of or mentioned here until about 20 minutes ago: my parents are named Nancy and Daniel. Even with my father having passed away, as a wrestling fan that's... I dunno, kind of unsettling, to put it mildly. I should probably just try not to think about it.

  25. Now the rest of us have to. Thanks a lot... CURRY

  26. In the spirit of plugs, go check out for a decent 45 minute interview with the Shield. I think it's one of their few true interviews where Ambrose is NOT acting extra surly. It's really cool to see how they gel together given how different they are.

    Also, check out the Talk is Jericho podcast. He's got some good stuff with Edge this week (first half hour kind of drags, though).

    Cutting the cable cord and working from home, listening to these podcasts while working keeps me stimulated.

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 6:03 PM


    Still, as the only wrestling fan of any crowd I've ever been in (outside of an actual wrestling show, of course), and being the go-to guy to ask about what happened when Chr... I mean Stevie Richards did what he did ("He was insane"), I can't believe I never thought of that until now. Their relationship was pretty fucked up, but it obviously could have ended a lot worse.

  28. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 6:09 PM

    You're a dick. Just want to point that out.

  29. I remember getting a GameBoy for Christmas in 1990, I played Tetris and Super Mario Land for the rest of my vacation.

  30. I'm never going to be able to look at any of you the same way again.

  31. Thanks for all of the kind words and the plug. Great to have Kyle on board and Justin has been an asset for years. Thanks guys!

  32. Here's the best gift I ever gave story. So I'm shooting ideas around with my co-workers about what to get my kids. One dude randomly says get them an arcade machine. I gave him a wtf look and he said, 'no, I'm serious'. He shows me some mame plans. I say to myself, "I can totally build this". I started on Thanksgiving day and worked on that bitch until a week before Christmas and BY GAWD that thing was built and functional. Just seeing the looks on their faces playing with it made all the frustration worth it.

    tl;dr: I built an arcade mame for my kids.

  33. So I'm going to this small work Xmas party tomorrow at this girls house. I went on a few dates with this chick before I started dating my current gf. My girlfriend doesn't want me to go. Crazy chick thing or valid request? I'm torn on this one

  34. Cost\benefit analysis. How good of a party is it going to be, how many friends of yours are going, does this other girl have a bf, and how pissed will your gf be?
    If the other chick has a boyfriend everything is defeated and there's no problem (if your gf isn't going to go to the party/doeant know this girl maybe consider lying and saying she does). If the party is gonna be super gay anyways and your gf will get mad pissed I might just sit it out. But if its going to be fun what the fuck is it to her anyways. Especially if your bringing her (but its a work thing so you're under no obligation imo). Basically I need a little more info

  35. It's valid cause she asked you not to go. Unless this is going to be the party to end all parties I suggest you sit this one out.

  36. It should be a cool party, at least cool enough for me to want to go. None of my real close friemds will be there, but all the work people i do happy hour or anything else with will be there. This girls younger, like 25, and usually does things pretty baller. She lives right across from this cool bar/club so when she has parties people typically end up there at points.

    she doesn't have a boyfriend and is real flirty so this is what annoys my gf. Nobody else is bringing their significant other so I Def don't want to be "that guy" especially since my gf will be clingy. The play would be to go and just bring my gf but don't want to be the only one. Might try and get some of the other dudes who I work with to bring their girlfriends so it's not as bad

  37. Let me tell you something brother, when I finished pumping and dumping iron on the big racks at Venice beach all the lifters there told me "Hulkster dude, you'll never be able to differentiate between the good and bad guy cut outs in that shooting alley brother."But listen up parallax dude, you and all my little hulksters were riding on the back of that Harley with me as I climbed up the mountains, ducked the thunder and lightening, drove back down em at 200 miles per hour brother. It was there where the big hulkster in the sky told me there were only 3 different patterns enemies come at you in the alley dude! So whacha gonna do, cardboard cutouts of 1920's gangsters and robbers. when the 24 inch pythons grab ahold of that NES zapper, AND START COMING FOR YOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

  38. Ok got it. Dude that request to not go is just silly ass jealous bullshit. Don't bring her either, that would be lame. I'd say, its the work Xmas party, no body is bringing their significant others, and you would hate it anyways. Plus its only at her house because of the proximity to that club. Then you casually mention some plan for just you and her on Friday or Saturday to defuse her anger a bit.

  39. Imo a gf who would tell you can't go to a work function Xmas party is being crazy and permitting her to get away with that is just enabling her mental illness and is a cruel thing to do. Pick a fight, draw a line in the sand, dont let someone control you because you have value as a person and its not her job to boss you around.

  40. Yea. I've decided I'm definitely going at this point, debating just on how to break it to her. The friday/Saturday solo idea is good...will help her be less annoyed/jealous about it.

  41. Man, I'd be pumped for a miami/indy eastern conference finals

  42. Wow yeah that was a great great game. I think the pacers make the finals

  43. Chicago vs Houston? Im a nba die hard and I really don't give a fuck. Hopefully Noah and Howard fight

  44. I'm not speaking to the Pacers right now. Tomorrow we have to hear more about Ray Fucking Allen and LeJesus Christ winning for a city that doesn't give a fuck and frontrunning adolescents who care too much.

  45. I was thinking about this the other day. I really can't say any present I got has really stuck with me. I'm glad my family quit doing presents for the adults. I think I'm going to get the kiddies (and me) some of those balsa wood gliders.

  46. Top 3 nba players in a fight? Lance stephenson, demarcus...?

  47. Ron artest, lance and still Charles Oakley lol

  48. If the pacers have home court in the ECF they go to the finals 100%. And no one in Miami will care

  49. I can get on board with that. I gotta open it up for 4 though just to get ZBo on the squad. Oakley could still fuck up half the league

  50. Love me some captain jack. I feel like he's just unhinged enough to be a psycho in a fight same with Matt Barnes. I've heard Stackhouse was an insane hard ass also

  51. I love Steven Jackson but the rumor is he was getting his ass kicked at the club when he shot off that gun. Plus Ben Wallace's brother beat him up too

  52. To me it's a pick your battles thing. Unless his heart was set on going then fight another day.

    If I'm understanding correctly he's going to a party at the house of a girl he once dated. I don't know any woman that's not going to trip over that. Farva isn't wrong for wanting to go and she isn't wrong for raising a concern. Charge this one to the game.

  53. Jeff van gundy doesn't know shit

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 8:10 PM

  55. Imo she's wrong because its work related. He's obligated to go. If she was just having a party I agree the rubric changes. But in this case she's wrong

  56. Ll cool j best buy commercial...what's the opposite of ftw?

  57. You'd never think it, but Steve Blake is a bad dude

  58. Damnit S Jax, never heard that Wallace one before

  59. I'm gonna need some more info on this...

  60. If she trusts you she should have absolutely no problem with you going and would be comfortable that you would do the right thing should your ex make a pass at you.

  61. Yea. I can see her discomfort in the situation so wasn't sure if it wwas a legit request. Was to cclose to the situtation to be objective about it

  62. He's the big fat black guy that jumped on him in the pistons riot

  63. Do you find it odd that you have random conversations with yourself on here sometimes?

  64. I can understand her being uncomfortable with it.

    Side note... has disqus started doing this annoying shit where you click on reply but it doesn't automatically put the focus on the reply box and you start typing which send you scrolling down the page?

  65. I got a long road to catch cult status.. every now and then I gotta hit a chin lock

  66. Lol you know she doesn't and he wont though

  67. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    Yeah, kids are great.

  68. YES! I thought it might have just been my browser or something because it only does it on my laptop and not my tablet. It's so annoying

  69. She doesn't, I've never cheated on her but there are definite trust issues.

  70. I think his thing is that opponents can't see him.

  71. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 9:34 PM

    He's into MMA.

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    Hell, I find a sixer of Genny to be a good gift. Free booze is free booze.

  73. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    X Man, Mase and Oak FTW.

  74. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 9:37 PM

    Oak got into a lot of fights because dude is flamboyant as fuck.

  75. Fuck. The. World.

    This wins.

    BTW what a fucking crazy team that was. I loved that fucking team (and I generally hate NYC teams) and that brawl in the 94 playoffs was one of the coolest things ever.

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 9:53 PM

    Like I said, now that I'm older and wiser I know not to fuck with a man's ride. It's just not allowed...

    Unrelated topic: brake fluid will totally fuck up the paint on a car (walks away while whistling in a casual manner...)

  77. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 18, 2013 at 9:57 PM

    That makes me want to know how you looked at me before.

  78. I have no problem with gay people (hell, my mom is gay), but my gate don't swing that way. And that's a shoot, brother!

  79. Actually, I really love Thai food.

  80. I like to sat that "I'm a man of contradictions".

  81. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 19, 2013 at 3:01 AM

    Nicely done.

  82. I soooo wanted to walk and almost did but as pissed off as I was I didn't want to have to tell my mom "nope, you can't have the puppy, ha ha". It was just a situation where I had to swallow my pride.

  83. I knew right away the "misprint" story was bullshit and this was just a scumbag getting more money out of me. He played it well though, making sure my mom got good and attached to the puppy before he sprang the price increase.

  84. Yeah, I got that. At least the dog has proved to be worth the cash.


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