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QOTD format...

While Meekin was MIA, a few people had the idea of going to a rotating weekly writer for the QOTD.  This would give it a new voice and diverse interests to explore every week, keep it fresh, and give everyone a chance to be a contributer here.  It will continue to keep a non wrestling thread up everyday also, an idea lots of people seem to support.

With Meekin officially gone now (sadface), Scott has approved this idea so it's good to go.  

Thoughts?   Any way to improve it?  Any volunteers right off the bat?  I feel the easiest mechanism would be for the volunteer to write it daily and email it to me to post so I can just cut and paste it in.

I'm not gonna write any so volunteer contributers are crucial.  I've seen people express interests in other threads...


  1. Instead of an "of the Day" format how about "Whenever Someone Has a Legitimately Interesting Idea" format for a question/off-topic thread. Schedules are for squares.

  2. I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!

  3. I fully agree. After 3 days QOTD degenerates into "Well guys, what color was your poop today?"

  4. Elaborate on this for me.

  5. I always thought a podcast or Skype type show with different contributors would be cool.

  6. Today's Question of the Day: What should we do with Question of the Day?

    I'm going to agree with the idea that it doesn't actually need to be a daily thing, maybe once every few days, when a legit topic comes up. Or, we break it down into different themes for different days.

    Monday is music, Tuesday is movies, Wednesday is comics, etc.

  7. I feel that my post was sufficiently elaborate.

  8. However it goes may I suggest no more fucking otters?

  9. Youd be wrong. So you want just a free for all blog with threads on anything is what it reads as. I was legitimately tyring to understand the mechanics of your idea.

  10. Ok, I see there is a misunderstanding. I meant 'legitimately interesting' to imply that posts would be on average less frequent than daily, because a daily commitment often leads to the well running dry rather quickly. Quality over quantity. Who judges the quality? Not me, that's for sure, I'm just a passerby.

  11. I think he's saying a lot of the QOTD are not worth posting and that when someone has a good/original idea, that should get posted.

  12. Qotd is the BoDs equivalent to the madden curse.

  13. Gotcha. I dont disagree, its frequent and the well runs dry quickly. People, along with myself, a fan of a non wrestling type of thread daily.

  14. God I hated that so much. Such a little thing but it bugged me for some reason

  15. Qotd: Bossmans "hard time" or Dusty Rhodes "American dream"? Go...

  16. America dream. Not even close

  17. He carries a big stick/ball and chain too/you better watch the line or he'll be coming after you

  18. Qotd: Sweet sapphire or vickir Guerrero?

  19. It bugged me that everyone said they hated it, and yet he still persisted with it.

  20. QOTD: Wes Welker suffered his second concussion of the season yesterday. So, how close is he to committing child murder?

    /shows self out

    See you guys tonight. Got to get back to work

  21. I feel Vickie has insanely hairy nipples

  22. Not sure if that's a vote for or against. Care to elaborate?

  23. Like get stuck in your teeth and swallow

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:35 AM

    TJ: Bobby Cox, Joe Torre, and Tony LaRussa were all elected to the baseball HOF today by the Veterans Committee. Also, Roy Halliday announced his retirement.

  25. All deserving entrants I think

  26. I actually use "I'm just a common man" during interactions occasionally.

    for example - "White Thunder why don't you build a time machine? "because I am just a common man".

  27. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 9, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    Those are three of the GOATs as far as managers go. Well deserved. The Halladay thing blew me away because I thought he still had something left, even though he had a bad year.

  28. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 9, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    As long as the QOTD does not run into such terms as "existentialism" and "pathos" and "banana hammock". Everything else is up for discussion.

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    I'm on the fence on Torre, he had by far and away the best players. Still, 5 rings is 5 rings. I feel the same way about Phil Jackson.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    Halliday is one of my favorite players (only guy who's jersey I own), so I'm sad to see him go.

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    (Cleveland voice) That's nasty.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    More like the equivalent of the union delegate that ends up wearing cement shoes within a couple months of getting the job (DENTAL PLAN!). At least guys burned by the Madden Curse usually bounce back the next season.

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 11:58 AM

    The picture of the otter with a crappie in it's mouth made it all worthwhile to me.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 12:00 PM

    A crappie is a fish, if that's what you're laughing at.

  35. Hard time. American Dream's not bad, but BBM's theme was just better.

  36. I knew it was a fish, but just seeing "the picture with the otter with the crappie in its mouth..." in print made me laugh

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    It is pretty funny when I think about it that way.

  38. Well, fuck. There went 2 of my best ideas.

  39. I'd be happy to try my hand at emailing you a QOTD, though I think the best way to go would be to get contributions from a number of people, post the one you like best on any given day, and hold on to ideas you like for occasions where you don't get anything better.

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 9, 2013 at 12:14 PM

    ladies and gentleman, the girl on fire, nick piers!

  41. The question of the day should be questions about how to format/create the question of the day.

  42. Put me down as happy to contribute to this or anything else on here. That doesn't involve otters, Blink 182 or your mystifying world of American sports and the mutderousness of its players.

  43. We'll never be as bad as the average football/soccer riot seen worldwide.

  44. Can I have a question of the day?

    Dammit, I just used up my question. I'll have to try again tomorrow.

  45. On a related note, that might be the one positive of our group drawing for the World Cup... at least we won't have death threats against our team and it's friends Asshole Fans At The Hotel and Asshole Fans Throwing Human Waste At Us. I feel (kinda) bad for Mexico, Croatia, and Cameroon.

    I think.

  46. To those who love football: "Ain't gonna happen."
    To those who despise football: "Not soon enough."

    The "normal" human should be solidly in the first camp, or at least leaning that way.

  47. OK, fine down-voter (whoever you are!), how about THIS suggestion? Instead of a QOTD, we have a regularly-posted open thread and, if someone has suggested a question, a QOTD can be included in said thread?

  48. Perhaps but our football riots contain less risk of death then just attending one of your high schools.

  49. Just got out of the hospital, what happened with Meekin? Also, QOTD needs to be future endeavored.

  50. Meekin got a new job where most of his time is spent writing tweets and summaries and tech support jobbing and considering his relatively lackluster time management skills, he'd hate to leave you all waiting with bated breath for a return that would never come.

    See also: Austin, Stone Cold Steve.

  51. Oh are you from Brazil? Yeah, your team is going to just brutalize that group. And Argentina in theirs - they have NO competition there.

    FWIW, I'm English but I don't want 'my' team to win. People here still keep crowing on about winning back in '66! It'd be insufferable.

    USA up against Portugal and Germany is going to be a slaughter too.

    My money is on South Korea - not to win but they're the guys I'll be cheering on. Germany to win it.

  52. Um... I'm American.

    Being in the "Group of Death" is still better than being in the "Group of If We Win, We Probably Die, Literally."

  53. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    Wow, that's pretty ignorant.

  54. The QOTD can't be half pregnant.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    How ya feelin, buddy?

  56. I honestly think someone being in charge of picking the best ones that get emailed to him is the way to go... that way we don't have some stupid fucking gimmick like Otters, we don't have someone getting burned out after a few weeks, and we don't have to have it every day if there is nothing worth posting... furthermore I would like to contribute, but I just don't see me having the motivation to do this 7 days in a row, even once.

    Oh and something about married women... if I don't include that I get complaints.

  57. Ignorant of what? I admit it's a slight exaggeration. Slight.

  58. But then the person in charge of picking the best ones could get burned out.

    The danger here, and I've seen it way too many fucking times, is that we end up with some kind of really complicated political system just for this. I've seen too many forums, blogs, news groups etc. all disappear up their own vote-recounting arse.

    How about we all just think of a good question, mail it to Scott or one of the other fine mods here, and then they post them in the order received? With no further approval / voting / selection unless they consider the question to be offensive, e.g. "How many dead children will satisfy the voices in Wes Welker's head?"

  59. Getting up and walking kinda sucks but other than that, normal.

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    I thought it was an ignorant thing to say in general. I mean, if it was joke, fine. It's a bad joke, but I've posted some pretty shitty not funny jokes myself, I'll admit. If you're serious, comparing a soccer riot to school shootings is stupid on many levels.

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    Good to hear you're OK. You said you had to have to have your gallbladder removed. If you don't mind me asking, why?

  62. Seriously. Look at her. Tell me you font think she has hairy nipples.

  63. Don't give WWE Creative any more ideas towards jokes for John Cena to use tonight.

  64. Okay, so what was I being ignorant of?

    I'm sorry you found it stupid on many levels. I thought it an astute comment for this reason:

    Football riots are frequently due to the presence of far-right hooligans intentionally causing fights, often for nationalistic reasons.

    Whilst happily a LOT better as regards British fans, it's still a massive issue elsewhere... e.g.

    So there are sad parallels between a troubled youth with a very, let's say, nihilistic ideology, deciding to shoot up his school; and someone using say, a knife to do the same thing to opposing fans. The obvious bridge being that Scandinavian guy who shot all those poor kids last year, showing that what was once a local issue (American high school shootings) is becoming national - just as British football hooliganism is now plaguing Europe.

    Or maybe I just thought it was a tired national stereotype and it's funny to see the hypocrisy of how people react when it's their OWN nation being stereotyped. Either/or.

  65. I don't think she has hairy nipples. Mainly because I wasn't aware that this was a common problem. I've never run into it, and I can only remember one person who told a tale with first hand experience; a friend back in high school who said he was with a girl who had that issue.

  66. Why speak in the third person?

  67. Who will put out the email address so we can start to send questions?

  68. I hated the criticism of this question. It was worded really really poorly, even though I'm sure Meekin was joking, but it was a solid debatable premise. Not the killing of children part, but the part of should the nfl be afraid of a "benoit" type situation?

  69. Gallstones. I've had them for a few years and I actually made an appointment to get it taken out next week but last Wednesday it got infected and I had to be rushed to the ER. Doc told me if I had waited a month or 2, it would have started to leak and maybe even killed me. At minimum, he said I would have been in the hospital for 6 months.

  70. Yeah, had my gallbladder removed. Now I have 35 staples in my stomach. And I didn't even have to wrestle New Jack!

  71. Everyone else calls me Meekin, and I wanted to try it out for myself. I like it!

  72. I'm starting to rethink this because I didn't really want to sort through various emails to choose stuff, but I'll see how it

  73. Ugh, glad the surgery worked. Just read your reply to Amsterdam. Good think you went in when you did, I've seen gallbladder leaks man, and fuck does that shit get intense.

    Looks like you got a few days of nothing but tv and wwe YouTube channel ahead of you.

  74. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 9, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    i love you, easter bunny

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 2:53 PM

    You make a lot of good points. I thought you were just kind of trolling at first, and may have misinterpreted your original comment. I don't disagree with what you just said, but I see it as a school shooting being one or two people going off the rails, whereas a soccer riot (or any kind of sports riot, American fans rioting after their team wins a title is no better) is a collective thing and a better representation of the culture. BTW, I don't think of soccer riots as a British thing (and have nothing against you Brits at all), but as a soccer fan thing, mostly South American fans. Hell, there was a big one on Brazil yesrerday.

  76. Copy and hopefully it goes well, good luck.

  77. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 2:57 PM

    I always thought it would be hilarious to use a fish as a weapon in a match. Just bust out a carp and blast someone with it.

  78. That's.....pretty clever.

  79. Yep. It's Britain's biggest contribution to world sports in the last few decades. Well, that and David Beckham, and the British government has repeatedly apologised now for inflicting Beckham on the world. Just like the Canadian government has apologised for Bryan Adams.

  80. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 2:59 PM

    I hate when people call me by my last name.

  81. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 3:01 PM

    As a hardcore auto racing fan, I'd say England has contributed more than enough.

  82. I'd love to do this fairly consistently, but I likely don't have the name value. I need to gain 20 pounds in BoD developmental and really learn how to work.

  83. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    Try to be the designated driver for one of the main eventers. That worked out pretty well for the last guy that did it.

  84. Make sure you shake hands properly

  85. I could probably fire the odd one off, but not interested in coming up with a week's worth at a time.

  86. Just make, and have people e-mail that! Then give the password to a trustworthy individdle!

  87. I'd also like to point out that literally the day after I said I was too busy to do the QOTD, I'm suddenly all caught up on shit.

  88. Eh, it's a family tradition. Meekin just kinda rolls off the tongue, and for whatever reason the name Paul isn't to say?

  89. But it's a good one for it, I knew a guy named Curry at one point and I can't even remember his first name any longer..

  90. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 9, 2013 at 3:25 PM

    'I could probably fire the odd one off, but not interested in coming up with a week's worth at a time.''re talking about qotd's, right?

    i really hope thats what you're talking about

  91. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 9, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    'Meekin just kinda rolls off the tongue'

    thats what she said

  92. So throw one up.

  93. Hard Time, and not even close. American Dream is good but Hard Time is A+

  94. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 3:29 PM

    For some reason it really irritates me. I've never been a big fan of nicknames either, just refer or talk to me by my first name.

  95. Sure thing A-Bomb.

  96. The Wife had hers out a couple of years back, but they were able to do that keyhole surgery thing. Sucks about the staples.

  97. Absolutely. I stopped making the films years back.

  98. or you know we could just stop trying to turn this place into the amateur hour home of badly written opinion pieces and help restore it to being what it should simply be, Scott's blog.

  99. Eh, I don't know. I like the off-topic QOTD discussions. Plus, Scott's got a busy life and can't keep up on a daily schedule, even if just to answer a question or two. This way, we get something to talk about between shows to bitch about and also keeps the hits coming for Scott.

  100. Just read this thread. Seems like the popular opinion has evolved to be people firing in one off qotds they find interesting. Send them in and ill post and well so how it goes. Seems like we support a non wrestling thread so as long as it keeps drawing I guess ill post until its time to future endeavor it

  101. Disagree, I like that there's a B Team. Scott never does shoot reviews, or QOTD, or Saturday Night threads. All of that stuff is cool.
    And even if he did all of that stuff, it's nice to hear different voices.

  102. If only there was some way If you don't like it, don't read it, and for the record, this "B-team" shit you hate makes that Scott fellow money so he can keep doing this whole blog thing in the first place.

    You're killing the undercard because you want more Main Event. There can only be one main event.

  103. Well if you say so!

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 9, 2013 at 4:00 PM

    Maybe Scott has a full time job and a wife and a kid and shit...


  105. I love when guys come out of the woodwork to issue their very first comment as a complaint.

  106. I imagine any topic can be turned into a question somehow.

  107. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 9, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    *ahem* I am running an idea through my head. Hear me out: a decently coherent opinion article about people's opinions. It will be 5 paragraphs of blank space.

  108. I would say don't estimate the power of being able to piss people off to start good discussion. The more people disagree, the better the conversation, etc.


  109. 1. Do you like beans?
    2. Would you like to see a movie with George Wendt?

  110. That's what they were supposed to do and it would have only took 15 minutes. But halfway through, they had to do it the old school way.

  111. What's funny is that they actually had one last year. I read an article last week that talked about how Jevon Belcher has been wiped from existence.

    Jevon Belcher was on his way out of the league so it's pretty easy to forget him. The better question is can they erase a star player or hall of famer just as easily?

  112. After Benoit the WWE went overkill with the wellness thing. The NFL has taken some hits but I'm amazed how this stuff can just keep bouncing right off them. That shield is damn near bulletproof

  113. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 10, 2013 at 1:03 AM

    do you like gladiator movies? have you ever been in a turkish prison? have you seen a grown man naked?

  114. So meekin is dead?

  115. You're supposed to be dead.

  116. Silly loser meekin will never have a she.


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