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QOTD: Todd Lorenz

These have been flying in.  Trying to figure out how to be fair in posting the one off ones I get, the collection of them that come in, and ones I think will generate the most discussion.   Bear with me please if you've sent some and they haven't been posted...its only been 2 days damnit!

Thought this would generate some discussion.

From Todd Lorenz: 

How about...Who is the best villain of all time, any genre of entertainment?


  1. Obviously Skeletor.

  2. Darth Vader if you pretend episodes 1-3 never happened.

    Otherwise, God.

  3. Was just coming in to say Vader.

  4. Darth o's a great choice. Can't think of a better one

  5. Comics:
    Magneto-- Most compelling back story; a villain you could empathize with
    Joker--for pure maniacal evil, there is none better than the re-booted sadistic version. He killed for the sake of it and enjoyed creating mayhem. "Some men just want to see the world burn" is the perfect assessment, even if it was from the movie version

    Dexter Morgan--Sure, he's the protagonist in the sense that he's the central character and is generally likeable, but he is still a serial killer. We might like him for WHO he disposes of, but he is still killing people and fits the "villain" title in a different sense.

    Darth Vader--for many of the same reasons as Magneto
    Hannibal Lecter--it's more for Hopkins' performance, but he was just such an damn effective villain. Even when he was locked behind bars, you got chills because you just KNEW he could impose his will when the time was right.

    Video Games:
    Bowser--just because

  6. Mr. McMahon. Both the on-screen and real life versions.

  7. I think jump-ball between Vader and Magneto, for most of the same reasons. Used to be a good man, you can understand why/how he turned bad, you almost empathize with him...but he's an effective enough villain that you still admit he needs to be stopped.

  8. Oh yeah... Wrestling: "Mr. McMahon" and it's not even close. One of the best wrestling characters ever, period.

  9. Impossible choice, due to endless reasons.

    I'll go with Dr. Doom.

  10. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 12, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    The Joker

  11. Big Van? Or Darth? ;-)

  12. any woman, take yer pick

  13. I've never seen a show take such a nosedive like Dexter did. Such an enjoyable show and those last two seasons were crap. Esspecially the last season, filled with cringe inducing moment after moment. I kept saying, well this show can't get any worse, then the show would prove me wrong. Then that last episode, wow, it was so bad it was funny.

  14. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 12, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    That's a tough one because they were both backed by evil people. (Although I don't think Palpatine was as racist as Harley Race was.)

  15. Chernabog of Disney's Fantasia, no motivation, no back story, just doing his job of being the personification of evil.

  16. Walter White/Heisenburg. I really liked watching him start off as a fumbling wannabe criminal and turn into a full fledged villian losing his soul more and more as the show progressed.

    Thanos: The Infinity Gauntlet is a fantastic comic and Thanos is built up to be such a bad ass and doesn't dissapoint. Can't wait till Avengers 3, although Avengers 2 should be good with Ultron.

    Gannon: Always enjoyed me some Legend of Zelda.


    I'm sure there's more but I'm blanking for now.

  17. So in wrestling, just because of the age I was at the time for me the best ever wcw villain was Vader and the best ever WWF villain was yokozuna. They scared the shit out of me as a kid.

    I don't read much fiction but Prince joffery was a evil little prick and so isn't the Bolton bastard. Also ruhland sengar is my favorite villain in the (far superior to asoiaf IMO) malazan books.

  18. Yeah but Palpatine committed genocide which as far as I know Harley Race never did (although I could be wrong).

  19. It was Darth Vader, before the prequels took a giant dump all over the character.

  20. Doctor Doom. Magneto is fantastic, but Doom is slightly better.

  21. I'd say Vic Mackey was the most interesting villian on a TV show. Also Marlo/barksdale/bell were fantastic but I don't think any of those three were portrayed as villains.

    But Vic was so bad and he destroyed everything around him, abf just like Foley says the best villains 100% believe they are right which Vic did. Even at the end with Ronnie and seeing what happened to Shane and how he hired PIs to hunt his family down. I'd put Vic above Tony soprano and Walter white.

  22. Yeah Darth Vader is a pretty awesome villian. I'm not the biggest star wars fan but he is arguably the best villian in film.

  23. Kevin Spacey in Seven. Before that final scene, he was just your run of the mill serial killer seen in other countless movies. But he fucked with his rival in the severest form possible.

  24. I think the best action movie villian ever is definitely hans Gruber (with the t-1000 being a close 2nd).

    I think overall in film my favorite villain is film is either frank booth from blue velvet (Dennis hoppers best role ever?) or crazy ass max Cady (de niros best villain role IMO...hard to consider ace rothstein/jimmy Conway/young Vito etc real villains).

    I think for female villains its either nurse ratchet or the psycho bitch Faye dunaway played in mommy dearest.

  25. Thanos has saved the Universe far more times than most heroes.

  26. I think that Gordon gecko/Daniel Plainview/and Michael Corleone are three of the most fascinating characters ever put on film and they were all definitely "bad guys" but the characters were so deep and complex (more so Plainview and Corleone) that's its hard to just call them villains.

  27. I've always liked Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

    Because he was just a dick, but very funny.

  28. I'm a lumberjack and that's okay/sleep all night and work all day

  29. While I wouldn't call him the best villain, my personal favourite is Darkseid.

  30. Although does the fact that Vader was only 2nd in command to the emperor (who basically tricked anikan into becoming Vader) dq him?

  31. Oh and in real life (my lifetime so sorry Hitler) the best villain is definitely Uday Hussein.

  32. No, because Mike said that this is before the prequels.

  33. Even though it's cliche and already been mentioned, I don't see how it can be anyone other than The Joker. Think about it: all he wants is destruction, mayhem, and sorrow amongst those who could otherwise lead decent lives in Gotham. He's arguably the most popular comic villain of all time, and more importantly, he's never had anti-hero tendencies despite his popularity (see: Magneto, Deadpool).

  34. I've always been fond of Randall Flagg from The Stand.

  35. Eve. She was the first woman in a book of Jewish fairy tales from the bronze age who disobeyed a man and got her and her husband kicked out of paradise and made everyone that came after them into sinners.

  36. Yeah but didn't she put on some kind of sex show with a live snake and an apple? Plus I think she invented BBQ ribs.

  37. Doesn't he find out in return of the Jedi that the emperor was kind of using him though?

  38. I almost stopped watching that show after they killed off his wife. While I didn't have the same problem with the last 2 seasons that you did, that last episode....yikes.

  39. God. I fucking love that choice. You win.

  40. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 12, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    Why God?

  41. Though she is your Great^200 Grandmother...and mine. So show some respect. (200 generations assuming of course that the world is 6000 years old or so. Which it isn't.)

  42. Lol. Wondering if you pondered this for awhile or if it was off the cuff spontaneous...

  43. Old testament god was a massive dick to like... Everyone he came across. ESPECIALLY his followers.

  44. That's sort of what the Dark Lords of the Sith do though. So it doesn't hurt his character.

  45. This may be a bit obscure, but anyone who read Watership Down would probably agree that Woundwort was a damn fine villain.

  46. I feel a porn star qotd would be tremendous. Jobber, I saw someome mention a "pornatar story". What thread did you write it in?

  47. Multiple genocides in fact. Though of course since the prequels followed proper senatorial protocols it was all legal.

  48. I do my best work when I don't over think things.

    I was trying to be as offensive as possible here and I am still getting upvotes and positive feedback... what's a guy got to do to be a heel around here?

  49. Yeah I met aleska diamond at my juice bar yesterday.

    Its about 12 comments down the page. I was very excited to share. She was unbelievably nice.

  50. Ive definitely done some degrading shit to her in my head...

  51. Apparently, make a poor joke about a guy trying to quit smoking.

  52. In terms of wrestling, I'd go with Jake's 2nd run as a heel in the WWF. Fucking evil.

  53. Honestly I was more blown away by how fucking nice she was. Plus she paid for my juice. I'll never forget her saying something like "all together yes hmmm" when we got to the front of the line. She had a heavy duty eastern euro accent but the next time my real gf picks up the tab anywhere will be the first. I was seriously blown away.

  54. Kefka, Final Fantasy III/VI.

  55. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 12, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    Newman. Without a doubt. The most self-serving and soulless son of a bitch to ever be on television,

  56. Wow. Awesome. Isnt she european or something? Ive seen videosof her taking multiple cocks up tbe rear...kinda spoils it knowing shes a cool person

  57. Well, you did lob that one over the plate.

  58. Man he was a fucking prick.

    Kramer:Did you have to bring your girlfriend to this?

    Newman: *looks at jerry* Did you have to bring yours?

    Love that birthday cake wish episode so much

  59. Best villain? Hans Landa. The guy enjoyed murder than almost anyone we've ever seen in film, he made asking for a glass of milk one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Honorable Mention to Daniel Plainview for being the most hateable person maybe ever.

    Overall I'd say Magneto just because he motivations are completely clear and totally understandable even if you don't agree with him. Like the old Foley line "The heel has to believe what he's saying" Magneto 100% believes his is the only right way because he's seen what the other option does to a minority of people. They really did a fantastic job portraying that in First Class (my personal by far favorite X-movie)

    Wrestling-wise? That's tough, Flair obviously for us older gentlemen but I think the guy I'd really have to go with is HHH. He played heel to all of my favorite faces and continues to draw a visceral negative reaction from me to this day.

  60. Technically, there was was someone over him in the original film...they guy who made him release the chokehold....Tarkin?

  61. She's a top 5 porn star for me since 2011 or so. You gotta love those euro chicks for the flithy shit they do. Plus I prefer slender athletic body types to the PAWG shit that's all the rage today.

  62. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 12, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    I always thought of him as the Satan of the show. I believed he lived towards the bottom of the building...always scheming from his pit below.

  63. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 12, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    I must also nominate Dennis from It's Always Sunny. Fucking sociopath, that guy.

  64. Speaking of Bowser, can somebody clear this up for me?
    Is Bowser the second version of King Kuppa, or a completely different character altogether?

  65. Haha! I'm re-reading this book now because I found the short story collection at Goodwill a few weeks back. Watership Down is one of the very few books that I've decided to keep after reading.

    I also picked up Shardik at the same time and am looking forward to that one sometime in the next few months.

  66. Had to look up Hans Landa....that opening scene is complete. Fucking. Brilliance.

    And, you're the 2nd guy to give Mick credit for that line...if I'm not mistaken, I think Mick credits PS Hayes.

  67. All of those character on that show are terrible people, with the exception of maybe Charlie.

  68. I tried a few other Adams books; nothing else ever clicked with me. The short story you mean Watership Down...The Sequel?

  69. I find him, and in fact many of King's supernatural villains, to be more like forces of nature than real villains. Sure, you don't want them to win, but they are just doing what's in their nature.
    Because of that, my favorite King villain is Big Jim from Under the Dome. If you have only seen the (shitty) TV show, Big Jim in the book is 100x more evil and the story in general is 1000x better.

  70. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 12, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    Eh, I disagree. I actually had empathy for him. Granted, a great villain can get empathy from the audience. But I wasn't terrified.

  71. Bowser was the King of the Koopas.

  72. this one:

  73. Hans landa was amazing. Daniel Plainview might be my favorite movie character ever. So fascinating. A BAUSTARD IN A BAUSKET

    And that ending is off the charts. I'll fan boy for Ddl and pt Anderson all day long.

  74. I love how he was a mailman and just had bags of undelivered mail. I'm laughing just thinking about that stupid show. Nothing better.

  75. I've never felt dirtier watching a TV show than I did watching every episode of the Shield in a several week span. Vic was a terrible person who I had a lot of trouble not rooting for.

  76. Vern Schillinger. Killing his own kid puts him over the top.

  77. She had a super heavy accent and I could barely understand her. But yeah she was so nice, it totally ruins it for me.

  78. Oh, I just remember when I was a kid watching the Mario cartoon's and how the villains name was King Koopa. Then you go to the video games and all of a sudden, the guy has a color change and is called Bowser. Just got a little confused form it.

  79. Yeah I don't remember where he got it, I just remember him saying it in his book, that was many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many beers ago.

  80. Nobody is a dick like Gaston

  81. Never thought of it that way.

  82. What's great about it is he had a plausible excuse to himself for anything. I'm keeping the street safer. I'm providing the best care for my autistic kid. I'm protecting my guys. At the end he's ruined and alone...but still defiant. He's the greatest.

  83. Not part of this QOTD, but by the end of the night, Jef will be the new #3.

  84. He was truly given a sentence worse than death or prison. Great finale

  85. Charlie's done some terrible things himself. I mean, lying about having cancer to try to score with the Waitress? Not exactly a humanitarian.

  86. Switching the the two actors roles would have been very interesting

  87. I have not watched the show or read the book. Sounds like it might be worth the read.

  88. Still, most of the time he seems like an innocent little idiot that doesn't know any better and is really at the mercy of his friends.
    Oh and what about dating the black girl to try to make the waitress jealous?


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