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Rare Match of the Day

Here is the dark match from the June 3rd, 2002 RAW tapings, which featured Shelton Benjamin vs. The Prototype (John Cena). Good showing by both guys, especially Shelton. 



  1. Finally my NxT fix !! Thank you very much for your work !

  2. 3:12: "Could we have a real match please?!"

  3. Eleven years later, we're still saying that.

  4. Ten bucks says that guy is currently a huge John Cena fan

  5. I remember being in an AOL Wrestling Chat room around 2000 - 2001 and there was this person that kept spamming that his friend "The Prototype" had just gotten signed by WWF and was going to be a huge star... everyone of course told him to fuck off and his friend would never make it and be turfed inside a year... I bet that guy still has a log of that chat.

  6. How amazing would it be if that was actually Cena trying to do some proto-Zach Ryder Internet self promotion?

  7. har har har because Cena can't wrestle! amirite!?

    I think he has enough good matches at this point that we can drop that particular tired criticism. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate the Cena character, but this ain't one.

  8. I wish Shelton,had been a better promo guy. I think he could have been even bigger star

  9. har har har because Cena can't wrestle! amirite!?

    I think he has enough good matches at this point that we can drop that particular tired criticism. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate the Cena character, but this ain't one.

  10. If it was I guess you could say he was... The Prototype... for getting your character over via the internet!

  11. That seems to have died in recent years. After the match at Money in the Bank with Punk the trolls have really died down and mainly just focus on his character now and how he needs to turn heel RIGHT NOW

  12. Yeah, thank goodness. I hate Cena as much as the next guy, but that was a pet peeve of mine for some reason. I guess having an arguably top 5 match of all time will stop a lot of the complaining. haha

  13. There's someone who should be a Paul Heyman guy.

  14. Where is Benjamin these days? ROH, indies, out of the business?

  15. If he was on the roster now he would be

    a) feuding with a black guy
    b) teaming with a black guy
    c)feuding and teaming with black guys

  16. I saw this same match a week later in Oakland (the infamous return of The Rock and Austin walking out on the company show). I remember fans chanting "boring" and yelling "wooooo" for Ric Flair out of frustration with these nobodies.

  17. I had the pleasure of seeing Shelton wrestle twice before his debut: once teaming with Brock as the Minnesota Stretching Crew and once with them as opponents. I honestly couldn't tell you who the tag team they faced was but I remember the match being pretty good.

    The singles match between Brock and Shelton though? Off the charts awesome and the crowd, which was still filing in when it started, got very into it and Cincinnati is, typically, not one of the louder crowds. Shelton played heel and went over, which is really strange in retrospect.

  18. JoJo may be a year and a half younger than Paige, but Paige is being held back by the fact she isn't blowing the WWE Champion.

  19. Wild how this is from 2002 and looks like could have been taped at a Raw last week.
    They should troll the fans and just have Cena come out as The Prototype wearing that gear and act like he's this new guy.


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