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The PG Era Rant: Raw, 12-2-13

When last we left our heroes, there could only be one. One champion to rule them all and in HHH's Authority bind them... okay, maybe I'm exaggerating here, but we found out there will be an Undisputed Heavyweight Champion at TLC. With John Cena and Randy Orton on a collision course and everyone else sidetracked, what can we expect as we get ready for the Slammys in one week and a Pay-Per-View in two?

Tonight's prepackaged ad asks how far the champions will go to retain the gold. Our live look-in ad says we will do the contract signing tonight.

- The PG Era Rant for Raw, December 2, 2013.

- Live from Oklahoma City, OK. I miss Jim Ross. On the other hand, they say it's Oklahoma City, so we now have a barometer for how big a place has to be in order to be mentioned.

- Your hosts are the Usual Suspects, with JBL as Hyperverbal Kint.

- CM Punk is first out of the curtain. The announcers talk about fallout from the handicap match with the Wyatts and Shield. Punk talks about how he's been trying to figure this out all week, but he just now had an idea: it's because he criticized HHH on Raw. He didn't even think it was that big of a comment, but who is Punk to question anyone in charge? He needs it to be a coincidence, because if it isn't, he's going to have to go against the Authority, and no one wants that. I love shoot comments that aren't meant to be shoot comments. But if HHH brings Punk into it, he'd be dense. Punk is all about going against Authority, you see. If they are bringing him into this, they're “ignorant, stupid d________s”. Setting off the FCC alarm brings out Stephanie McMahon. She lays on the fake sincerity (which Punk questions), but says she's all about the free speech in the WWE. She's APPALLED that the Shield would attack over just a bad name. “What are we, in kindergarten?” Stephanie and Hunter are more mature than they used to be, but they need to admit Punk doesn't have the same values they do. Stephanie was just as mad as Punk over the Shield attack. Honest. Notwithstanding Punk's ego (Punk laughs at that), they have bigger fish to fry, like the contract signing. Stephanie, though, is a fair boss, so she's willing to hear Punk out... or, rather, she's willing to have Kane hear Punk out. See, Kane's job as Director of Operations is to handle crises. He's made a thorough investigation (somehow) and concluded it wasn't the Authority who ordered the Shield's attack. So there. Kane sounding like a lawyer is heel heat. Any questions? I mean, besides when Kane lost his integrity. Punk doesn't need patronizing, but Kane reminds Punk that the Authority is not the enemy. Punk says that, well, since Kane sold out and all, he can take the beating on Stephanie and HHH's behalf. Kane starts to take Punk up on the offer, but Stephanie holds him back. Yeah, that's going to help Kane's cause. And now, coincidentally, here comes the Shield. Punk quickly grabs a chair to hold off the dogs. Stephanie calls off the Shield before anything happens, because we're not going THERE again. RESPECT CM PUNK! This gets Stephanie a pop. But Kane says that at TLC, CM Punk will face the Shield 1-on-3. The announcers argue about conspiracies as we have our standoff.

- Still to come, contract signings! And there's a note that there will be ONE MAN who is ONE CHAMPION. Lawler: “There's been nothing like this before!” Except for 2001. And the WWE App will allow everyone to decide what moniker is being given to the winner. Meanwhile, Dolph Ziggler and Damien Sandow will face off again, with the winner getting a shot at Big E Langston.

- Next week, we're in Seattle for the SLAMMYS!

- Damien Sandow v. Dolph Ziggler. Sandow's pre-match promo is joined in progress. Langston is on commentary. This is also the rubber match, for those who care. The title match will be at TLC. Ziggler with a quick rollup for one and a dropkick for two. Ziggler with a leaping lariat off a whip sequence, but the Zig Zag is blocked and Sandow bails. Ziggler baseball slides Sandow to the floor, but gets flapjacked (sort of) into the steps. Back in, it gets two. Sandow gets aggressive and grinds Ziggler into the mat as the announcers mention SkipIt ™. Really. Sandow with kneelifts, the legsweep, and Cubito Aequet for two. Sandow with a front slam and he stomps away, but the moonsault misses. Ziggler with the high jump DDT for two. Blind charge by Sandow misses, but Ziggler connects and does ten punches in the corner into a Rude Awakening for two. Ziggler is caught trying the Rocker Dropper, but turns it into a sunset flip for two. Sandow misses something, and Ziggler with the Rocker Dropper for real, getting two. Ziggler goes up top, but Sandow trips him up and gets the full nelson slam to win and be challenger at 3:58. THAT'S IT!? *1/4 Sign of what the WWE doesn't get: garbage brawls get 12 minutes, straight-up wrestling matches get 4. Between two guys who are straight-up wrestlers. Do they just not want them to succeed?

- A look at Cena and Orton's Curricula Vitae.

- AJ Lee, Tamina, and Summer Rae v. Natalya, Brie, and Nikki. Only AJ gets an aired entrance. We note that AJ pinned Natalya, but Brie pinned AJ, in last week's elimination match. The one on Raw, not the one on Survivor Series. You'd think the PPV match would matter. Tamina and Nikki start. AJ is still skipping around the ring. Tamina slaps Nikki around, and she returns in kind. Tamina goes for a lariat, but Nikki with a crucifix for two. Nikki takes out Tamina's leg and brings in Brie. Missile dropkick by Brie and running knee, but Tamina catches her and gets Snake Eyes. Tamina stomps away and forces a cover for two. AJ is still skipping. So of course, AJ gets all the heat. Tamina chokes away on Brie and mauls her with the hair and headbutts. Summer Rae in, and she gets a leg choke with a ballet pose. And a hip check. It gets two. Tamina back in, and she gets a boot choke as AJ is still skipping. Now Summer with a leg choke, but Brie fights out of the corner only for Summer to cut off the hot tag. Summer Rae almost gets a sunset flip for two. Facejam DDT type thing gets two. Elbowdrop misses, hot tag Natlya. Everyone (but the skipping AJ) gets nailed, but a blind charge misses. Summer Rae asks for a tag from AJ, who just keeps right on skipping... over to the corner and gets the tag. Spin kick is caught, though, and Natalya tries the Sharpshooter, but Tamina saves and it's BONZO GONZO. Everyone leaves but the legal participants, and AJ walks into a small package from Natalya for the pin at 4:26. Shockingly good match. *3/4 See how much time budgeting matters in the ring? Heck, they stuck with it and it actually got Brie face heat. AJ just skips off like nothing happened, which annoys Summer Rae.

- So for those who were curious, Daniel Bryan was found in an abandoned parking lot and he is VERY angry. So tonight he'll face Erick Rowan.

- Vote for the Slammys on the WWE App next week!

- Wade “Bad News” Barrett is at ringside! I missed you, Wade. He has good news and bad news. The good news is we're live on Raw. The bad news is we're in Oklahoma, with hillbillies everywhere. They had to name the city after the state just so they could remember it. And, that's the segment.

- Backstage, Randy Orton is with a very nervous Brad Maddox. But Orton apologizes for what happened last week... but he needs a favor. Maddox has to tell the Authority to recognize Orton as the best WWE Superstar ever, the face of the company, and that he has better name recognition than anyone else. Orton says he's bigger than the WWE itself. This is the Orton I know and love.

- WWE actually plugs Steve Austin's podcast because he interviews Daniel Bryan. Speaking of...

- Daniel Bryan v. Erick Rowan. We look back at Bray Wyatt's promo about Daniel Bryan from SmackDown. Rowan misses a big right hand, but he corners Bryan. Bryan escapes and kicks away, but Rowan goes CLUBBERIN and tackles down Bryan. A headbutt hurts Bryan, but Bryan kicks away only to be knocked down again. Bryan smashes hard into Rowan and staggers him, sticking and moving before applying a sleeper. Rowan is staggered, but he throws Bryan off of his shoulders and charges right into Bryan's boot. Bryan attacks the arm and kicks away in the corner. Bryan kicks away on the arm some more, but Rowan blocks the Yes Lock and lifts up Bryan by the beard. A slam follows. No sign of Bray Wyatt at ringside, by the way. Rowan goes to lift Bryan up, but Bryan slips out the back and hits the Yes Kicks. Yes Lock try again, but Rowan makes the ropes. Bryan keeps on Rowan with punches to the gut, but a kneelift stops Bryan cold. Kneedrop by Rowan but no try for a cover. Rowan dumps Bryan out of the ring and follows, but Bryan jumps back in and dropkicks Rowan returning before adding a plancha try... that Rowan catches as he throws Bryan into the barricade and we go to break. We return with Rowan working a neck crank. Bryan fights out only to get slammed and hit with a low forearm. No cover, as Rowan hooks a reverse bearhug. Bryan elbows away to break, but runs into a clothesline. Bryan rolls out of the ring as Harper smiles at him menacingly. Rowan chucks Bryan into the steel steps. Back in, Rowan FINALLY covers, getting two. Rowan headbutts Bryan into the corner, but gets drop toeheld. Bryan begins the comeback with the corner-to-corner dropkick, but a second one runs into a back elbow. Rowan follows with a facewash (I think) as Rowan controls the pace. A second one follows, and a third, getting two. Side camel clutch is hooked by Rowan, covering Bryan's mouth, but Bryan fights out only to get thrown down. Rowan just steps on Bryan's face to wear him down. Bryan tries to fight out and gets more Yes Kicks, but runs into a fallaway slam. Avalanche by Rowan gets two. Rowan fish-hooks Bryan's nose, then switches to a chinlock. Bryan fights to his feet again, but gets nailed with a backbreaker. Big splash misses, however. Bryan low bridges Rowan and knocks Harper off the apron before landing the tope suicida. Crowd livens up, but Rowan just knocks him down. Bryan scrambles back up top, landing the missile dropkick and kip-up. Yes Kicks proper begin, but the last one is caught by Rowan. Bryan leaps behind him and stops a blind charge, but Rowan follows with a big boot as Bryan is sitting on the turnbuckle. Military press by Rowan, but Bryan slides down and cradles him for the shock pin at 13:58. THAT is how you do a big/little match, people! ***1/4 Wyatt appears on the Tron after the match and calls off the minions from attacking. He assures Bryan that they'll only hurt him if Wyatt orders it. Wyatt says that he's done bad things to good people, and he knows when he's wrong. He didn't get Bryan; he thought Bryan was just a little man tilting at a windmill (thanks to Total Divas). But here's the question: how long is he willing to pretend to be A-list? Wyatt knows the truth, even though “they” see Bryan as a puppet for amusement. Wyatt GETS Bryan in a way they don't. Together, they (Wyatt and Bryan) can be an unstoppable force. Wyatt implies that he can beat the Authority if he joins with Wyatt. Well, THAT just got interesting.

(Just a sidenote: this match legitimized Erick Rowan and showed his talent. Everyone was saying Luke Harper was the better of the two, and he probably still is, but Rowan showed he's no pushover in this match. Plus, Wyatt's promo can be interpreted in many different ways: the “they” he said see him as a sideshow could be the Authority, the Bellas, or us. Whoever wrote that promo deserves a raise.)

- Backstage, Daniel Bryan is looking over his shoulder so much he bumps into Kane. Kane congratulates him on his win. He then makes a 1-on-3 match for TLC: Bryan v. Wyatt Family. Kane does some mock YES as Bryan looks on.

- R-Truth and Xavier Woods v. Tons of Funk. JBL doing What's Up just doesn't fit if JBL is going full tilt heel. Speaking of full tilt heel, Brodus Clay is angry about Woods stealing his thunder and is pulling rank on Woods. Both teams are acting like faces, so who knows if this is just a quick misunderstanding or what. Did Michael Cole just compare Clay to a Victoria's Secret model? At least it wasn't with a straight face. Woods kicks away on Clay, landing a dropkick but running into a slam. Clay is still angry as he slams him again, then works him over in the corner and brings in Tensai. Tensai does short-arm tackles, but Woods forearms out and gets a Jeff Hardy jawbreaker. Truth in, and he works over Tensai with punches in the corner. Tensai shoves him off, but Truth with the splits and some stick and move before running into Tensai and losing the confrontation. Guillotine on the middle rope follows, and in comes Clay. He clubbers away on Truth, following with a heart punch and mocking dance. Clay punches low and works down Truth, but runs into a series of kicks and a leg lariat. Hot tag Woods, and he works on Clay's leg before knocking him down with forearms. Clay misses a blind charge, and the Honor Roll knocks down Clay for two. Woods clears off Tensai, but Clay bowls him over. T-Bone suplex follows, as does an avalanche. Clay to the second rope, but the big splash misses, and Woods gets La Majistral for the win at 4:09. Clay is none too happy and shoves Tensai away, leading to an uneasy moment between Funkers. 3/4*

- Hey, have you voted on the name of the hypothetical winner at TLC?

- Later tonight: Big Show and the Rhodes Brothers against the Shield. So I guess Show's head injury wasn't as bad as thought.

- Did we mention the Slammys are next week? Just checking.

- Sin Cara v. Alberto Del Rio. Mistico has some new ink. Assuming that's Mistico. As a reminder, this was the match in August in which Sin Cara wrecked his hand. Del Rio speaks about how Sin Cara represents “all the other peasants who are trying to cross the border” and he'll get Immigration to send him back. I didn't think he was Zeb Colter's friend. Del Rio with a headlock and he works Cara into the corner, landing a stiff kick and stomping away. He tries to throw Cara over, but Cara blocks and hits a diving armdrag. He does another ropewalk into a flip armdrag. Cara follows with a quebrada. Back in, Del Rio kicks Cara back to the outside. Cara is sent into the barricade, and back in, Del Rio gets one. Del Rio works the chinlock as I try to figure out if that IS Mistico. Del Rio with a maskpull slam and a big kick. Del Rio stomps Cara's back for one. Back to the chinlock as the crowd chants for I think Cena. Del Rio with a knee to stop a rally, but a blind charge misses and Cara gets a headscissors. Leverage kick by Cara, and he goes up with a crossbody headbutt. Springboard bodypress gets two. Del Rio with a German suplex for two. Del Rio lands a headbutt and throws Cara's head into the mat. Del Rio calls for the armbar, but Cara avoids it, catches Del Rio with an elbow, and goes up, but Del Rio misses the step-up enzuigiri. Senton bomb gets the win (!!) at 4:45. Totally didn't see that coming. If this is Mistico, he looks pretty good, and the doghouse rumors are wrong. But is it? Someone get on this! *1/2

- We look back at Randy Orton kicking John Cena Sr into next week in 2007. This is important because we have a contract signing later.

- Renee Young is with John Cena backstage. They ask if what it'll mean to be “Undisputed Unified champion”. They don't know what the App will vote for. Cena traces the World Title back to Flair and the WWE Championship to Hogan, and about which title meant more. But Cena is about change, and that change is because there's only one company, one fanbase, and there can only be one champ. So what would it mean? “Everything.”

- The Shield join us from an undisclosed location, each claiming they could beat Punk by himself. So against all three... forget it.

(Author's note: after some investigation by my minions, apparently that was Hunico as Sin Cara tonight. Should've known.)

- The Rhodes Brothers and Big Show v. The Shield. Cole says Show has a clean bill of health after last week. THERE HAS BEEN A SIGN GUY SIGHTING! Sadly, he's on the hard camera side. Ambrose and Show will start. Ambrose goes for a waistlock, but Show easily reverses to a headlock takedown. A headbutt and elbowdrop follow. Ambrose goes into the turnbuckle and gets smacked hard in the chest. Ambrose takes the Bret bump on a cross-corner whip, then the CHOP OF DOOM follows. The crowd asks for one more, and Show delivers. Ambrose brings in Rollins as JBL shouts down everyone who doesn't agree with him. Show steamrolls Rollins and slams him down. Another elbowdrop, this to Rollins, gets two. Show demands Reigns, and Rollins obliges. There's a staredown, and Reigns tries to shove Show, which he pays dearly for. A big punch to the gut and Reigns is cornered. Show pulls off the vest and delivers the CHOP OF DOOM to Reigns as the crowd goes wild. Reigns tries to fight out, but Show no-sells and beats him down in the corner. Reigns with an eyerake and Ambrose tries his luck, as Show finally sells 4 minutes in. Not for long, as Ambrose tries to go up top and Show slams him off. Rollins: “Pull on his beard!” Show with the arm wrench, and Goldust is in as the crowd requested. He punches away on Ambrose and sends him into the corner, then a snapmare and he works the arm. CM Punk is watching the match backstage as Cody tags in and the champs work over Ambrose. Running knee by Cody gets one. Ambrose goes to the throat and brings in Rollins, but Cody with a hiptoss and front stalling suplex. It gets two. Faces have basically owned this match so far. Goldust comes in and keeps up the offense, but Rollins shoves off and misses a leapfrog. Dustin knocks him down and gets an axhandle to the back for two. Goldust with armbar/nerve hold, and Cody enters with shots to the head. Cross-corner whip and backdrop gets two for Cody as the Shield have looked helpless. Rollins tries to fight out of an armbar and rushes Cody into the corner, and FINALLY the Shield have a chance as Rollins chops away. Ambrose tags in, but Cody clears all three guys in a flurry and catches Ambrose. Moonsault press gets two. Ambrose escapes Cross Rhodes, but Cody reaches for him only for Ambrose to throw Cody's arm into the post. Ambrose works the arm back in the ring as the Shield are FINALLY in control. It gets two. And with that we go to break. We return with Rollins working over Cody's arm. Cody fights out, but gets dropkicked by Rollins. Ambrose in, and he stomps repeatedly on Cody and adds a shot across the forehead. Reigns adds shots and goes back to the arm with a chickenwing. Cody fights out, but Reigns punches the throat on a Disaster Kick try. Rollins tags in and stomps on Cody's open gut. Rollins throws Cody shoulder-first into the post and follows with a forearm smash. Rollins taunts Cody before stomping him down again and choking him on the bottom rope. Stinger Splash misses, though, but Ambrose cuts off the tag only to get Hotshotted. Cody with a springboard dropkick on Rollins AND Ambrose at the same time, and this time Reigns cuts off the tag... for five seconds. Show is in and plowing down Reigns with clotheslines and a backdrop. Avalanche on Reigns, but Ambrose low bridges Show and the match resets. Show takes a long time to return to the ring, coming in at 8, and Reigns stomps away on him. Rollins in (as Punk looks on again), and the flying knee connects, but Show's on his gut and Rollins can't get him over. Rollins pulls him up and kicks him in the face repeatedly, finally getting two. Ambrose in next, and he cuts off any chance of a tag and stomps away (with Rollins adding a receipt). Ambrose taunts Show, but gets away with and keeps up the pressure with stomps before bringing in Reigns. Reigns with an uppercut and front facelock, but Show shoves off only to get hit with a flying clothesline for two. Ambrose checks in and nails the Power Drive Elbow for two. To the sleeper, but Show suplexes out of it. Reigns gets in and keeps up the pressure only to get caught with a chokeslam. Hot tag Goldust, who destroys Rollins and adds the kneeling uppercut and inverted atomic drop. Running kick follows, leading to the ten punch count-along. Rollins escapes but gets kicked down, and Goldust with a headscissors off the second rope (!!!!) and a spinebuster, Ambrose saves. Ambrose dumps Cody, so Goldust uppercuts Ambrose. Rollins and Ambrose go 2-on-1, but Show dumps Ambrose and Goldust powerslams Rollins. Reigns spears Show on the outside as everyone is down in the ring. Cody dives onto Reigns to neutralize him (but he tweaks the arm in the process). Goldust threatens to follow, but Ambrose meets him up there only to get superplexed ONTO ROLLINS... almost. Rollins avoids it and cradles Goldust for the pin at 20:35. Man, everyone brought their working boots tonight! ****

- But after the break, CM Punk will talk about his match against the Shield in a rebuttal.

- Meanwhile, we look back to the I Quit match at Breaking Point between Cena and Orton. Did we mention they're doing a contract signing?

(This just in on local advertising: they're promising a Cena/Orton champion vs champion match in advertising for SmackDown in DC in what I think will be the January 3, 2014 show. Of course, card always subject to change, so take that for what it's worth.)

- They're calling the Slammy category Total Diva of the Year. Please do me a favor and vote for AJ or Kaitlyn just to annoy Vince.

- Renee Young is with CM Punk. Punk's reaction to the match is that he's giddy. I think he's being sarcastic. And then he starts singing “I Feel Pretty”. Who gave him the extra strength Pepsi? No, seriously, his thoughts are that he's in trouble. He knows he's going down, but he promises to take the Shield with him.

- Meanwhile, Bad News Barrett is at ringside again. He has bad news for everyone: Thanksgiving was on Thursday, and we stuffed our faces. That's not the bad news. The bad news is that we'll all get heart attacks and die. And we're constipated. Not sure what to make of this.

- Kofi and Miz will try again tonight as a team after their disagreement. They will face Ryback and Curtis Axel next. But first, vote on the WWE App please!

- Your Main Event main event is Goldust against Ryback.

- Ryback and Curtis Axel v. Kofi Kingston and Miz. We're supposed to believe that Kofi and Miz got over their issues over Thanksgiving weekend. Miz and Axel start. Axel gets the early edge, but Miz reverses the waistlock only for Axel to elbow out. Axel with a big chop in the corner and some taunting. Miz reverses a corner whip and gets a clothesline before bringing in Kofi. Kofi with a running kick on Axel for one. Miz in, and he drops an axhandle on Axel's arm. Axel misses a dropkick, and Miz tries for a figure-four but Axel gets to the ropes before connecting with a Northern Lariat. Miz is caught in the corner as the ending is basically telegraphed now. Team Heyman works over Miz, with Ryback getting a slam and splash for two. Ryback pounds away, Miz tries to fight back, but Ryback cuts it off with CLUBBERIN, THEY BE CLUBBERIN TONY! Ryback with a suplex (holding him up for a very long time) for two. Kofi doesn't seem to want to throw the match. Miz elbows out of a waistlock, but Ryback pulls the hair to stop momentum. Axel in as Miz is thrown into the corner. Axel with a Perfect Dropkick for two. Ryback with a big kick to the gut and a mule kick for two. Ryback taunts Miz before cutting off a comeback with a bearhug. Miz elbows out of the bearhug, and after some dodging, in comes Kofi to clean house. Ryback catches him into the corner, though, and a swing misses Kofi and hits Miz. Kofi with a big bodypress for two. Kofi goes up top on Ryback before cutting off Axel, but Ryback flattens Kofi. Shell Shock ends it 5:55. Match had no heat. 1/2* Miz crawls over to check on Kofi and help him up as the crowd anticipates a heel turn. And there it is, as Miz slaps Kofi and walks off.

- Los Matadores draw WWE Shop duty. Yes, with El Torito.

- Last week, Orton smashed Cena with the WWE belt. We bring this up because CONTRACT SIGNING!

- Fandango v. Mark Henry. Henry throws Fandango down and then staggers him by hollering. Fandango tries to dance his way out of it, but his kick is caught and he's slammed. A big clothesline follows, and Henry steps on Fandango. Henry hits on Summer Rae because why not, but he catches Fandango trying to jump him. A hammer throw follows, then dancing, then another throw. Blind charge misses, and Fandango works over the head of Henry. Henry shoves off Fandango, who dropkicks him in the leg and gets a DDT for two. Fandango with some roundhouse kicks that floor Henry, and he goes up only to get caught... almost. The bodypress completes for two. Fandango slugs away before running into a series of clotheslines. World's Strongest Slam ends it at 3:22. Nothing to see here. 1/4* Henry goes all Sexual Chocolate on Summer Rae to celebrate as the announcers argue about twerking for some reason.

- For some reason (not even Cole understands why), we look back at the Thanksgiving SmackDown. Specifically, Titus O'Neil throwing up. Yes, this was recapped. I don't get it.

- Our SmackDown main event will be CM Punk against one of the Shield members. We don't know which one.  Place your bets with Tommy Hall.

- Prime Time Players v. We the People. Zeb Colter gets mic time to turn on Oklahoma and asks why Titus O'Neil enjoyed vomiting. He considers what O'Neil did deviant behavior. Do they know Swagger's FROM Oklahoma? O'Neil and Swagger start. Swagger works over O'Neil in the corner, but O'Neil leaps over on a whip and kicks away. Cesaro is dumped, but O'Neil boots Swagger down. O'Neil with a fallaway slam, but a blind charge eats boots. Cesaro in, and they work the back before Cesaro adds kicks to the gut and dumps O'Neil. Swagger tags in and heads outside, getting a big running lariat on O'Neil. Zeb says touchdown. Inside, Swagger gets two. Colter demands punishment as it appears the crowd is anti-Titus. Swagger with a headlock, and he rushes O'Neil into the corner. O'Neil tries to fight both off, but can't do it. Cesaro adds a Hotshot. Vaderbomb and leapfrog stomp follow (Lawler: “Not on the stomach!”), but Young saves. Cesaro is distracted by Young, and he and O'Neil go into an uppercut battle which Cesaro wins with a Karelin suplex. Swagger enters, and a double elbowsmash gets two. Swagger with an armbar on O'Neil, then Cesaro enters with a suplex for two and he goes to the chinlock. O'Neil flings Cesaro out of it, but Cesaro teases the Swing. Swagger and Colter insist that, no, really, not this time, but the crowd wants otherwise. Nine rotations later, Zeb stops him, fearing a replay of Friday. Titus indeed seems a little queasy, and everyone stands aside to give him space. It works, as he gets a hot tag to Young. Young takes on Cesaro with a belly-to-belly and erases Swagger from the apron. Corner clothesline on Cesaro and Northern Lights gets two. Swagger is caught with a powerslam and Cesaro with an elbow, but he leaps into the European Uppercut for the pin at 6:43. WE THE PEOPLE! *1/2 Would've been much better if O'Neil didn't play the stomach flu gag, but I'm sure Vince and/or Kevin Dunn finds it funny and that's all that matters.

- HHH and Stephanie are ready for a Contract Signing!

- Main Event Talkathon. We're going to see who will become the... hang on, lemme check the App... UNIFIED champion! (38%) Although the other two choices got 31% each. This is assuming there IS a winner. HHH and Stephanie are out first because champs enter last. HHH promises one man will be THE champion, and Stephanie makes sure it's crystal clear: ONE WINNER. ONE. You hear me? Stephanie brings in Randy Orton first. Crowd is divided on both him and Cena. Stephanie isn't too thrilled with Orton's “bigger than the business” claim, but HHH still builds him up as being one of the best and the belt as being the most important. HHH traces the World Title back to the NWA championship of the early 20th Century. Stephanie makes sure to mention HHH held both belts. I like it. HHH makes it clear that this wasn't Cena's suggestion or any whim. But before they could make it happen, they needed to know both champions were the best and could be the face of the WWE. And this is that time. HHH says this is their chance to cement their legacy forever. The crowd is quiet, but it's a good quiet. They're listening in. Orton will sign first. He signs the contract without comment. So does Cena, for that matter. And NOW they get to talk. Orton agrees that the big names have held the big belts, but he's bigger than all of them. Yes, including HHH. But that's why HHH made Orton the face of the WWE, right? Also, HHH and Orton have something in common: we don't like John Cena. (Neither does the crowd, apparently.) And Orton's the only one who can beat John Cena. And that's what will happen at TLC. Cena clears his throat and makes it clear they've met before. Cena pretends to introduce himself, which aggravates Orton. Orton mentions their history (Cena Sr getting kicked in the head, for example), and since then Orton has ruined people's dreams. He's the Apex Predator for a reason. It doesn't matter what Cena's done, because the reason he's here is... Cena cuts him off. He mocks Orton's voice and mannerisms, and he says the only dream he's ruined is HHH's. Why? Because HHH picked Orton for Evolution and Orton has never lived up to his potential. (Huh?) It's not HHH's fault. Orton is incredibly gifted, don't get us wrong. He makes it look so easy... but it makes Orton arrogant and lazy. Orton was the youngest world champ ever, he had Ric Flair to learn from, and he cruised until Cena ruined HHH's dream. Cena has never been asked to be the face of the company; he's just the hardest working, and that's the difference. Orton thinks he should be handed opportunities, but the heck with that. Orton was GIVEN the WWE title and Cena EARNED the World Title. If Orton wins, he will have to earn it. Cena isn't some fancy nickname; he's just himself, and he's annoyed. So will Orton leave or start a fight? Cena warns Orton: if he makes a move to start a fight, Cena will end it. And we'll remember what makes TLC what it is. Stephanie takes the hint and leaves. Cena promises to use chairs, ladders, and tables on Orton if he starts a fight. HHH walks off too just to be safe. “So, Randall... you gonna step up or you gonna step aside?” Orton clearly flips the table and steps up, and HERE WE GO. The brawl rolls outside the ring and Cena gets the better of it. He takes the ladder and rams Orton with it. But Orton with headbutts to take over, and he sends Cena into the post. Orton clears the announce table as Cena takes a ladder, and Orton gets the worst of it. Cena takes a chair now and has Orton groggy, sending the chair into the gut and back. More chair work on Orton, and he takes the microphone and smashes Orton with it. Orton now gets dragged to the steel steps and bounces off of them. He hands off his T-shirt to a kid at ringside, but that allows Orton to recover and throw a ladder at Cena. Orton with a chair now, and he smashes Cena in the back. He then jams the chair into Cena's throat and chest. Orton clears some room in the ring before setting tables up in the corner (as the fans want). He takes a table down and puts it in the middle of the ring as the announcers go nuts with the hype. Cena fires back and throws Orton into a table in the corner instead. He then sees the other table as the crowd goes nuts. Cena gives the thumbs down and picks Orton up, and it's the AA through the table. Now Cena poses over Orton with both belts as HHH and Stephanie look on in interest.


Well, better than last week. The big matches at the tops of the hours were able to carry the show and keep things entertaining. Bray Wyatt's promo has my attention, and the six-man shows the power of numbers, which was really needed after both handicap matches were made. I'm not sure I like corporate Kane yet, but he did what he had to do. The big thing was that everyone who had a match was dialed in tonight, and that ups the enjoyment level greatly.

That said, all the emphasis on Cena and Orton doesn't do it for me. We've seen both of them before, and after teasing Punk and Bryan the last two summers only to have them derailed by Rock and HHH, it seems like WWE is afraid to try something new. It makes for a main event that sounds very familiar and very stale. To be fair, the crowd still cheers for it, but at some point you have to pull the trigger. You had that chance when Cena was out and you chose not to.

Now the returns of Cena, Henry, and Big Show have clogged up the upper card unnecessarily. At some point, people need to be let go. Del Rio is taking his place going down the card, but what of the others? Is Mark Henry doing anything right now? What does Big Show have for a next program?

Actually, there's a lot of that. Cody and Dustin are treading water, which is bad when they're champions. Speaking of champs, Dean Ambrose has had the US Title and done nothing with it. A lot of emphasis on one storyline hasn't elevated much else, but shunted it away. Why does the US Title exist if it's never defended and Dean Ambrose does nothing on his own? How much time was wasted with the Intercontinental Title while Curtis Axel was being beaten repeatedly by CM Punk? All the emphasis has been on the two big belts to the detriment of the midcard, and it makes it hard to get interested in anything other than Cena and Orton... and if you don't like seeing them up top, what's left?


MATCH TIME: 67:51 over nine matches
BEST MATCH: The six-man
WORST MATCH: Fandango/Henry
KAYFABE MVP: Lots of choices, but I'll go Damien Sandow

FINAL SCORE: 7. A lot of important stuff happened on this show and there were two great matches, which really is all I ask to give a thumbs up. That said, man – we need to liven up the third hour in a hurry.

That's all for me. Scott will be back to grouse about the WWE with Raw Lite and NXT, and Tommy will wonder why the end of the week is abandoned with Impact and SmackDown. In the meantime, get ready for the SLAMMYS next week!

...c'mon, guys, can't you at least pretend to be excited?


  1. Good review hope we get angery Scott tomorrow.

  2. The wrestling nerd in me gets really angry every time the WWE propaganda machine lies about the World Heavyweight Titles history.... it is NOT connected to the NWA title. It's history started in 1991 when Luger won the first ever WCW title (it's irrelevant what physical belt they used).

    NERD RAGE!!!

  3. And that's even a stretch. The title's history really goes to September 2002. But then again WWE owns everything so it's not like anyone can put up a significant argument.

  4. The wrestling nerd in me gets really angry every time the WWE propaganda machine lies about the World Heavyweight Titles history.... it is NOT the NWA title. It's beginnings started in 1991, the WCW title and NWA title are two separate entities (it's irrelevant what physical belt they used).

    NERD RAGE!!!

  5. It was Hunico under the sin cara mask tn.

  6. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 2, 2013 at 10:25 PM

    Please bring in Positively Page to feud with Bad News Barrett.

  7. Who cares that the title is not connected with such great champions as Blue Demon Jr., Kahagas, and Rob Conway?

  8. I am constantly amazed/impressed (amazipressed?) by how quickly eople can put out such thorough reviews. Hats off.

  9. Honestly, it's what happens when you keep typing throughout the show without thinking. I've gotten good at fast typing and avoiding mistakes (though I'm not perfect), and commercial breaks are a great time to catch up.

  10. I'm not sure if that's a misspelling or a clever new word.

  11. Of all the turkeys to pardon, and he pardons Monday Night Raw?


  12. I think they go more for the fact that Ric Flair and the big gold belt go hand in hand. It isnt even the same big gold belt but I get what they are going for and have no issue with it.

  13. Me too. It's like the show just ended five minutes ago and the review is up. And it's a solid, good review. So Andy, a big thumbs up and thank you for your efforts. At least if I'm not enjoying RAW, I can change the channel, do something online, play with myself, etc. but you don't have the luxury.

  14. With the lone exception of R-Truth and Xavier Woods v. Tons of Funk, every match featured someone that has held the World Heavyweight Championship.

  15. Not your best work

  16. Yeah, the title lineage is so muddled at this point considering the NWA and WCW titles are technically separate entities, but really the only thing that gave the NWA title legitimacy past the 70s was Mid-Atlantic/Crockett. So when Crockett died and became WCW even though the NWA still existed it might as well not have, tbh.

    Then we have another divergent timeline because the belts got unified until 2002, which results in another "new" championship.

    In this case, I'll let the WWF claim the lineage of the Big Gold Belt because, if nothing else, it makes for a better storyline.

  17. When Orton/Cena/HHH were in the ring Orton was the guy with the least title reigns... at like 12

  18. Am I the only one who wishes that Dustin wasn't doing the Goldust gimmick anymore? They really could have just called them the Rhodes brothers and let Dustin revive the old "natural" gimmick somewhat. If they are THAT worried about people not remembering him, let him keep the facepaint or even have him dress in black and gold cowboy attire. It's just really out of place, imo, for a character as cartoony and offensive as the attitude-era Goldust to be in the kid-friendly, PG-era WWF.

  19. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 2, 2013 at 11:50 PM

    So, Hunicocara is back. Poor Mistico now has zero gimmicks he can use

  20. Funny thing is it seems like they respect the NWA/WCW lineage better than their own as when you see that big gold belt, you still think Ric Flair.

    When I look at the WWE title, I dont think Hulk Hogan or Macho Man or Austin or even HHH for that matter, I think Cena, I think Orton. I guess I grew up as a WWF and NWA/WCW fan and those are both dead now....

  21. I thought Mistico was now El Torito....

  22. Im fine with Dustin being Goldust, he just was never as over when he was the Natural...

    ...I might be in the minority but I hated when Mick Foley came back as Mick Foley, I preferred him as Mankind....

  23. Just finished watching the show via TiVo so I have some stray observations:

    * Just release Wade Barrett at this point. His character is worthless and he's never ever going to get over.

    * Hunico returns as a newly tattooed Sin Cara they want to push as evidenced by defeating the normally strong Del Rio. I can't wait for the awkwardly worded release notice for the former Mystico come early 2014 when his contract comes due. If only they had gone this route in 2011 when everyone thought it was a good idea the first time.

    * Miz is well on his way to entering the league of Kane, Big Show, and Luger for meaningless turns.

    * Should WWE be worried that the crowd is apathetic to Cena now and not even booing him? It was amazing how mild the reaction was to the entire closing segment.

    * Kane makes a serviceable corporate sycophant, but why not just go with Johnny Ace or David Otunga who aren't doing much of anything and have played the part better in the past?

    * I'm wondering if the random Brodus turn is to give Cena a random monster heel to kill time til Mania after the Orton program. Just look into the light and forget he's been a lower card joke for two years.

  24. Barrett never ever going to get over? He was INSANELY over in the Nexus. This doesn't seem like it'll do it, but the fact is he DID get over. The tools are there -- he has the mic skills to keep up with others, and he can work a long match -- but this isn't the way to get him over.

  25. They should make him wrestle as the Gobbledy Gooker for the remainder of his deal.

  26. I think INSANELY over might be going a bit overboard. I for one found him boring then and I find him boring now....

  27. Isn't Mick also basically Cactus Jack when he wrestles under his real name? The three personas always seemed to be Mick/Cactus, Mankind, and Dude Love.

  28. If you wanna get technical, Truth is a 2-time NWA (TNA) World Champion.

  29. Yup and I never was really a fan until he became Mankind. Not shitting on the Cactus/Dude Love persona's, just enjoyed him best as Mankind and that is when he got over most...

  30. Dustin was only ever over as Goldust. You want to take that away from him? Especially since it's been AGES since Goldust was anything remotely controversial?

  31. Man, I remember that Summer Rae WHC reign...

  32. Yes, he was insanely over in the Nexus, but then a pile of chairs and constant 50/50 booking for 3 years since has killed any memory of that.

  33. Why don't they just put Zack Ryder in the Sin Cara mask? God knows they could get a good C-Level storyline out of Zack wearing the mask and staging a comeback as Sin Cara; bonus points being that they could pay the whole thing off with him helping Cena against Orton and Kane (especially since Ryder has unfinished business with Kane)....

  34. Wow, that is a wonderful idea.....

  35. It's pretty amazing how far the NWA has fallen. It would have been better just ceasing to exist like ECW/AWA/WCW/etc. than living on in the current zombie state.

  36. Lets not forget it also was part of TNA in the beginning or rather TNA was part of the NWA...

  37. That at least gave it some national attention for a few years after it was mostly a "top tier" indie belt after severing ties with WCW in the 90's. Since cutting ties with TNA, it's fallen off a cliff in terms of "prestige."

  38. I think you're going to have to let Zack Ryder go at this point like the rest of us. We all liked him, but it's time to accept that he died when Kane chokeslammed him off that cross dock.

  39. I'm sure all involved will make both matches entertaining, but TWO three-on-one handicap matches on PPV? ugh.

  40. Goldust the character just doesn't fit in WWF now. If they want continue to call him that or even give him an outfit that pays homage to that, fine, but the wig, the bodysuit, it's all too much imo.

  41. I totally agree he wasn't over as The Natural, but I just think in current-era WWF using the super kayfabe Goldust outfit (complete with wig, robe, bodysuit,) just doesn't fit with the current tag team.

  42. It is pretty sad that they hardly ever seem to talk about the lineage of the WWF title other than the last 10 years. I understand the bad blood they've had over the years with past champs (Hogan, Savage, Sammartino) but these people are legendary figures to the fans and should be treated as such, even if only in service of selling the product.

    Maybe that will change more now with Sammartino in the HoF & I have to imagine Hogan signed to Legends contract sooner or later. I'm still bummed Savage only will go in with the rest of his family, but that was his call.

  43. I think if Dustin had come out as Dustin, he and Cody wouldnt be nearly as over as they are right now. Maybe he doesnt fit into todays WWE but thats probably why he is so beloved. A reminder of better days....

  44. I wouldn't go so far as to say "better". The point is that Goldust has more or less always been his WWF/E persona and Dustin Rhodes has more or less always been his WCW persona. That's all it is.

  45. As a baseball fan Ive become fed up with HOFs. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy the WWE HOF but Ill be damned if Im gonna have Vince tell me Koko B Ware and Drew Carey are more important to his company and its history than Randy Savage and Cyndi Lauper were....

    ...Same goes with MLB, those same writers that were using guys like McGwire and Sosa to sell papers and generate hits back in 98 are those same fellas now playing judge and jury on guys like Piazza that have never failed anything. I say fuck em, Bonds, Clemens, Piazza and co are HOFers in my HOF...

  46. You really think nowadays are better than the Attitude Era or the Agression Era? Cause Goldust was plenty over in the Era that followed the Attitude Era...

  47. That's beside the point. All I mean is that it has nothing to do with "better days". And if you want to get technical, Erick Rowan is probably the worst worker in the WWE right now and he just put on a great match with Daniel Bryan. That kind of stuff doesn't happen 10 or 15 years ago.

  48. The whole point was the OP thought the Goldust character doesnt fit into today's WWE and I disagree, as he is a breath of fresh air and a reminder of the days when there were different interesting characters. Dude was a midcarder in his day and is more over than the "faces of WWE", that is pretty telling....

  49. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say he's more over than the main eventers. But the fact that he's at a heat peak right now (arguably; he and Piper were red hot back in 96) is a testament to the story told of the Rhodes family against the Shield. It was logical, old-school, Southern-style, hero pulls it out against all odds booking that's been missing for some time. Say what you will about Hogan, but he ALWAYS let himself seem like he was in deep trouble before his match, and that's missing from stories involving Show or Cena.

  50. I grew up during the Hogan Era, so im far from a detractor. He wasnt a ring general but he absolutely knew how to tell a story in the ring, most of the guys today do not.

    Goldust does come off as more over than Cena and Orton to me. Maybe not with the little kids, but with the adults I would say its a slam dunk. Id say Goldust peaked in popularity with the team with Booker and also when he did the tourettes gimmick..

  51. Good idea, bad execution.

    He should come back as Mr. America.

  52. I was being sarcastic, think they couldve made some money with a Ryder attack on Cena when he took Eve away but Im guessing they were afraid Ryder would get cheered over the golden boy...

  53. And he did get to wrestle in the same building as Wrestlemania on the same day as Wrestlemania, with some sort of title on the line.

  54. Anything that allows a guy to stand out is a good thing.

    It also disguises how old he is.

  55. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 3, 2013 at 1:34 AM

    He was a great heel foil for Cena, unlike virtually everyone else they've put him in with. There was nothing redeemable about him and he got Cena 100% face heat. But, he was also a part of a long-term storyline and those never ever make it to WM anymore, so he was kind of fucked from the start.

  56. AJ Lee has held the WHC for both Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler, and held up the WWE Championship before acting as referee for a title match.

  57. * Don't care about Barrett myself, but he's a big guy who can kinda work, and isn't god awful on the mic. May as well keep him around.

    *Yeah, Hunicara is way overdue.

    *That's not fair. A few of Luger's turns were mildly meaningful kinda.

    *Eh. Cena's still over, just depends on the crowd, and the segment. That was a crummy crowd and a worse segment.

    *Because they maybe wanna have a match involving him getting his comeuppance at some point and he's a way, way better worker and more believable threat than either of those guys?

    *No, I think Cena's gonna get a good solid 2-3 month build to his Mania program, particularly if its against Taker.

  58. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 3, 2013 at 1:43 AM

    Would have blown the roof off the dump. That shit was so bad that cartoonishly evil Kane was being turned face by it.

  59. Eople have long been renowned for their mystic powers.

  60. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 3, 2013 at 1:44 AM

    Hopefully he got a great downside, because he's kind of fucked. I guess there's always Japan, I'll say one thing, he gets more air than virtually anyone else I've ever seen. It should have worked but I guess he can't work in a blind mask and it's not like the majority of the guys can work his style anyway

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 3, 2013 at 2:49 AM

    As someone who (a:) took 2 weeks to put up a review of a 3 1/2 hour PPV, and (b:) can't seem to find the time to do a review of a show that only lasts an hour, I'm not just impressed, I'm fucking astounded.

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 3, 2013 at 2:51 AM

    It's not connected to the WCW title either.

  63. Barrett has the tools to become a decent draw for the company, but at the same time WWE will most likely never push Wade to that main event scene again for whatever petty reason they can think of. Though, financially risky for Wade, if he ever wants to become a main eventer, his best bet is to leave WWE and make a big name for himself in another wrestling promotion like TNA or NJPW and if it works out, Wade can return to the WWE when his value is high.

  64. Why did NWA fall out with TNA? I forget now, but I figure that NWA would have bent over backwards and done everything possible to make the relationship work.

  65. This Cena/Orton stuff is def an upgrade. At least they're trying to build aa decent story with the history of the belts and talking about their past history.

  66. I thought he was going to be a bad ass or something with that new nick name. Instead he will literally be the bearer of "bad news".

  67. I just don't get it. He was instantly over in Nexus, has a legit bad ass fighting background, has good mic skills and THIS is what you decide will help get him over? I would love to have been a fly on the wall during that "creative" meeting.

  68. Thanks oh Bama, for jobbing to the Tigers.

  69. I agree. They're cheaters but it's relative to when you played. For their era they were still top notch HOF worthy dudes

  70. The WWF, WCW, ECW, and TNA have all been a part of the NWA.

  71. Same reason that WCCW pulled out.

  72. That's my point though. If we're talking old-school, southern-style feud than I feel like the more cartoonish aspects of his character should be gone.

    However, I will yield to popular opinion on this one, and just stay grumpy in my own little corner.

  73. Maybe I'm one of the optimistic few that will most definitely have egg on his face come WM season, but isn't it a good thing we are getting the likes of Big Show, Orton v Cena right now, in the filler season, as opposed to the next couple of months where things actually mean something. I just think either Punk or Bryan will be involved in the title picture come Wrestlemania, and that's a good thing.

  74. That's why I LOVE Deadspin buying somebody's HOF vote this year. And I hope they get one or two more, just to fuck with the old cranky bastards who wish sports were back in the pre-free agent days.

  75. I agree. WWE does this every year...this is their "down season" before they ramp up to WM build.

  76. (just to clarify) TNA pulled out because they decided they no longer needed the NWA name (and the minor headaches that come with it) to be "legitimized".

  77. They could call him The Superior Sin Cara!

  78. Miz has turned three times. In like 10 years. In a way more condensed era. Chillax.

  79. Didn't he die when he couldn't change the flat tire in time?

  80. I'd want to be a mosquito with West Nile. Getting one of the idiots would be good enough, any more would be a bonus.

  81. Goldust can still fit in as a character in 2013 WWE. Instead of the controversial envelope-pushing freak he was back in the day, now he's just that eccentric kid who dresses up to go to Lady Gaga concerts because he's expressing himself.

  82. No, for a rookie he was great as the Nexus leader. Carried himself as a star. they blew it with the booking.

  83. Del Rio losing to Sin Cara threw me off. Are they about to push Sin Cara again and wanted to give him a win over a legit guy? Are they de-pushing Del Rio right when he's coming off a world championship feud with Cena? Is this the start of a storyline where Del Rio deals with a different Sin Cara every week and goes crazy/paranoid trying to crack the case? Or was it just a random match to kill because they don't know where to go with either guy right now?

  84. If Stephanie isn't your first target...

  85. GOOD NEWS: Wade Barrett is back.

    BAD NEWS: This gimmick isn't going to get over!

    GOOD NEWS: After a few months creative realises that the gimmick doesn't work and takes Barrett off TV and promises to give him a character that works and reintroduce him at a later date putting him in a feud with an over superstar.

    BAD NEWS: WWE has come to terms on the release of Wade Barrett as of today. WWE wishes Wade the best in all of his future endeavors.

  86. That was just phase one of a slow death.

  87. PS: It should be more played out like this (starts at 0.52)

  88. Can anyone come back from TNA in high value? Things didn't exactly work out for RVD.

  89. They have plenty of time to switch that up before the PPV.

  90. I wonder if it would work better if it wasn't at ringside. An old school promo.

  91. I didn't like him.

  92. My guess is that ultimately Ricardo will show up under the Sin Cara mask and this is the start of that feud. Just right now Ricardo needs to lose some weight and get more muscle the all "natural" way before the unmasking.

  93. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 3, 2013 at 7:25 AM

  94. I thought Ryder's revenge against Kane was beating him in that random smack down battle royal to be. Gm for a day?

  95. Well, at least they're back to pretending that the world title is important. It's a start.

    If Bryan is going to get pushed back down the card, at least they found an interesting storyline to go with. Assuming creative knows where it's going and sticks with it, of course.

    Corporate Kane... meh. I guess it's really the only thing for him at this point, but I honestly don't care about Kane as a singles wrestler and really never have.

  96. While watching, I honestly thought it was the same guy playing Sin Cara. If it was Hunico, I'm good with that. I like that guy, and from what little I've seen, he's one of the more versatile workers.

  97. Can't watch these at work, but I love them.

  98. I'd be ok with that. Ricardo has some definite skills (he was really great in the Rumble...what, two years ago?), but I really like Hunico too.

  99. After the way they shit all over Bryan, I have no faith. I would love to be proven wrong.

  100. I think part of Kane's thing is that Glen Jacobs wants to transition out.

  101. I actually don't care what the window dressing or gimmick is as long as he's working this good. He could go straight up black Austin tights and boots or keep his current garb; as long as the man can keep up what he's doing and stays clean, I'm in his corner. So to speak.

  102. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 3, 2013 at 8:05 AM

    I can't stress enough how much BOTH Broadus and Tensai need to be turned heel. A monster heel tag team is needed in the division and now that you have R-Truth in a tag team with Xavier Woods you could put the Funkadactyls with them and give Tons of Funk a new manager/valet to lead them.

  103. I somehow don't think it would work with today's general fans, but I really like the idea. Well done.

  104. I thought the Daniel Bryan match was 2.5 stars and the Rhodes match was 3.75 stars but otherwise good review. I ffwd through everything but those two and adr vs "sin cara" so I really can't speak to the quality of the overall show.

  105. I can understand thinking I may have been optimistic on Bryan/Rowan, but you're quibbling over a quarter-star in the six-man??

  106. I love Goldust. I love the Darth Maul makeup. He stands out, he's different. Even my girlfriend really likes him and she never watched before this last year. What the Goldust character does I think, is allow Dustin to have a solid and well established character who doesn't need to do promos. I've never been more into his matches and miraculously, I actually like Cody now.
    It also helps that he's in the best shape I have ever seen him in. He's wrestling better than I've ever seen him wrestle. So I like it. The lady likes it. HHH likes it. Everyone likes it.

  107. The Real Americans are in Oklahoma and they still try to play them as heels. I wish they'd go full-on Hart Foundation, presenting them as faces in Red States and heels in Blue states. Of course that would require WWE to think their audience understands its own country.

  108. Interesting idea. Would love to see them try.

  109. I concur with your assessment of Rowan vs Bryan. I honestly don't get why guys trash him so hard. Based on what I've seen so far, he's a decent enough big man, and this was a good match. I think he has lots of upside.

  110. Some thoughts...
    - JBL has completely crossed over into 2010/2011 Michael Cole territory at this point. All the dude does is scream over everyone and put everyone down and try to get himself over. Completely fucking unlistenable, though if his goal is to make COle sympathetic then I guess mission accomplished. Anyway, wish he'd go back to mountain-climbing full time and stay away from the booth.
    - I will never understand the point of having HHH and Steph doing the "heels pretending to be faces" routine for this long. Absolutely nothing about the act is fun for the crowd because nobody is ever sure how to react, and it's absolutely made Orton look awful. How in the hell has it been 4 months since the initial Summerslam turn and HHH & Orton are STILL not on the same page? What could even be the point of that? They're basically doing a thing in which HHH plays face on TV and then turns heel every single month on PPV. It's completely fucking retarded and just makes everyone heatless, including HHH.
    - That said, my prediction is HHH climbs the ladder at the end of the match and makes himself the UNIFIED CHAMPION. That then could lead to HHH vs Cena at Mania. Where it leaves Orton, who knows, though I can't imagine Orton is a priority at this point.

  111. Why do you think Brock Lesnar is a lazy fuck?

  112. Read that they're back on the "Rey vs Sin Cara" at Mania kick, which to me is just an awful waste of valuable Mania time. Doesn't matter who is under the mask, the character of Sin Cara is just permanently damaged and a match against Rey wouldn't change that a bit. Total waste of a Mania match and Rey's time, so hopefully that's not what they're building to.

    As for ADR, I really hope it's the start of a general depush for the guy. He's pretty much been challenging for or defending either the WHC or WWE title on every PPV for the past 3 years. (At least it's certainly felt that way.) Time for ADR to sink comfortably into the midcard and put over some guys at the US/IC title level, or form a tag team with Sandow or something. Either way, hopefully that Cena feud ends ADR's "main event" run for a long while.

  113. Clearly you didn't see the botched 619 setup.

  114. I think you have made a fan of someone on the blog. You're getting a downvote for every comment, no matter what the content or length

  115. Yeah, I noticed that on this thread, and it's happened on a few others. < shrug >

  116. No, but I will admit that I generally can't seem to spot botches as well as a number of guys here. It doesn't help when I watch via "legit" stream on my MacBook.

  117. I agree that the announcing has gotten really bad; I tend to shut it out a good deal of the time. But, considering what Foley has said about his brief stint as an announcer, I wonder how much of it what bothers you with JBL is his fault and how much of it is VKM in his ear.

    It also makes makes me appreciate Ross that much more.

  118. It would also require them to be making as good of points as Bret Hart was.

  119. I workshopped this idea a while back, but Brodus losing his mind over being the kid-friendly goof a la Matt Borne's awesome ECW Borne Again character could be great.

  120. I mean, like everything else in WWE yeah it comes down to Stephanie being brainless and Vince making the process a million more times difficult than it needs to be. BUT, I still think JBL is personally doing an awful job of whatever it is Vince wants to do. Again, all the guy does is fucking scream over everyone and aim to get himself over. JBL is just another example of this backwards WWE policy where they put shitloads of effort into getting over guys who aren't active wrestlers (JBL, HHH, Stephanie, Maddox, Vickie) and can't draw a dime, at the expense of the everyday guys who actually have the responsibility of drawing fans. It's insane.

  121. With regard to Barrett, his absence was apparently because by Visa issues he was having. I believe this Good News/Bad News thing is something that started happening on the JBL/Cole show/podcast/whatever the hell it is. I can see how it would be entertaining in that context (though I heaven't heard/seen it), but it really didn't seem to translate well to the TV show, at least not with how they did it.

    But, some folks liked it, and if he gets over and winds up having more TV time and it leads to a good angle, more power to him. He can go in the ring.

  122. They will conveniently find a bag of weed in Orton's locker during the TLC match.

  123. yeah, I liked Brodus' character, but it clearly didn't work for most. I would be intrigued to see him go full-on monster heel to see if that works.

  124. Also, what the fuck was with Cena's "you've been a giant failure!" rant at Orton? Hasn't the dude won like 12 world championships, including the one he is HOLDING RIGHT NOW? I mean, I get in "real life" Orton has had his drug/attitude problems and hasn't reached mega-star level like Cena, but he's been a perma-main-eventer for a fucking decade. What is with WWE's boner for making pretty much every wrestler who is not Cena (or The Rock or Austin or Taker or HBK) seem like a waste of people's time? According to WWE talking points, Orton and Jericho and Edge and Bryan and Punk are all failures and second stringers. What the fuck? Between them, haven't they won like 50 world championships? One of them is already in WWE's goddamn Hall of Fame! It's nuts. I don't get this policy of consistently tearing down rather than building up. It makes everything the audience watches seem worthless, and when something seems worthless people just stop watching.

    I know this is sort of a long way from my initial point ("Why is Orton being labeled a failure, as that makes zero kayfabe sense."), but Vince's hatred for his own company and HHH's need to belittle everything that isn't him (or a select few, like his way over-praised buddy HBK) is just insane. Why make everything in your own company look like garbage?

  125. Great rant, although I disagree with HBK being over-praised, but otherwise, spot on.

  126. You make a good point. There is really nothing to be gained by tearing others down (true of life in general), especially those within your own company.

  127. I'm good with them going hardcore heel at this point, but I don't know that they need a manager. I suspect Brodus can work the stick, and they're big enough that they don't need the outside distraction thing. But, you're read about the redhead.

  128. Normally I would agree with you, but they've even gotten decent heel heat in red states (much to my surprise actually). Frankly, their angles have the potential to be cringe worthy as far as crowd reaction, but I think they've done a good job.

  129. You're star ratings skew a little too high imo. Not every good TV match is 4 stars. Im not quibbling over anything though, just stating my opinion

  130. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 3, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    ' This is
    the Orton I... love.'

    said no one ever (unless it was about ace)

  131. Btw...did anyone else expect Bad News Brown when Bad News Barrett was introduced for the first time? I was legit surprised when the last word was "Barrett."

  132. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 3, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    'There is really nothing to be gained by tearing others down (true of life in general), especially those within your own company.'

    ah, but you forget, in wwe land, the good guys can be bullies while still b*ing a star

  133. Your_Favourite_LoserDecember 3, 2013 at 9:44 AM

    didnt you see the party on smackdown?

  134. Great point on HBK, because as much as he is one of my favourites, the fact is his '96 run didn't draw shit all, and the Wrestlemania 26 main event where his career was on the line was a bad number compared to surrounding Wrestlemanias.

    (Counterpoint: If it wasn't for HBK, '96 Raws would have slipped to 1.5's instead of 2.5's, HBK / Cena is responsible for Wrestlemania 23's monstrous buy rate)

  135. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 3, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    Ricardo would only have to wear the mask the one time before the reveal. Hunico could go back to being Sin Cara. Ricardo has the skillset, but he's going need a LOT of work to fill his body out.

  136. It was a very heelish rant by Cena. Had they been out on the east coast, the crowd would have been cheering Orton to rip Cena's head off. No this does not mean I think Cena is turning heel.

  137. They didn't really shit all over Bryan though.

  138. The announcing is the worst its ever been in the WWE. Heel Cole was pretty terrible but JBL puts this trio over the top.

  139. It's kind of fascinating to watch the lines between gimmick and shoot blur with regard to how they treat their people, specifically with how they "punish" them. I have no idea of much of it goes back to the carny mentality intrinsic to wrestling, and how much of it is just someone puffing out their chest in an effort to assert/maintain dominance.

    Ryder gets over through his own efforts, and he gets rewarded with a program where he looks like a little bitch and is then promptly shuffled off to the depths of the card.

    Bryan gets over organically in a way I haven't seen since Austin (bear in mind I wasn't watching much at all between roughly mid 2000 - 2011), and they give him the gimmick with Kane and the therapist. Somehow, the guys involved make THAT work and they eventually give Bryan a clean win over Cena. Then they shit all over all that in an effort to apparently give us Cena/Orton after a quick Orton/Show feud. I suppose you could argue that Bryan's flirt with the main event might be beneficial to him in the long run, but that remains to be seen.

    I suspect that if Austin had gotten his start within the last year or two, he would not have gotten anything close to the same level of success. Of course, you could also say that he's part of the reason they push the company instead of one guy 99% of the time.

    Ultimately, I can't see how they'll sustain this model. But hey...VKM has shit more money than I'll ever see. So I could clearly be wrong.

  140. Sucks how it ended up for him because I really liked his work. He's been a "champion validates their reign through defeating solid challenger" guy for so long now I'll never take him as a threat in the main event.

    He also has the dubious distinction of being the guy that walked out of Summerslam 2011 with the strap. So he'll forever be in my bad books.

  141. Understood about the body type; I was working with the assumption that he would be able to pull it off...but is there a significant difference in height? Hard to fake that, but I guess if they're not standing next to each other, it may not matter.

    Nice video; thanks for sharing. That snapmare to the knee (for lack of something better to call it) really jumped out at me.

  142. How about Cena saying that Orton was given his title, while Cena "earned" his? How did he earn it -- by somehow getting a free world title shot after being out injured for months? Or that time he lost to CM Punk, got fired, then got a free shot at Rey Mysterio immediately after Rey won a grueling tournament to be champion?

  143. Ortons been so maligned by the "smarts" his last few years I think he's actually underrated at this point. He can work a 3 star match in his sleep, shows above average ring psychology, has a nice little character niche with the apex predator thing (yea, I know this angle has neutered his character schtick a little) and isn't terrible in the mic. He's no Rock or Austin, but he's fine if not a tad boring.

    There's a sports analogy here analogy bout someone being so hated or "overrated" that he actually becomes underrated but I'm drawing a blank...

  144. I love HBK as a character and his matches are obviously awesome and he's super over.

    That said, WWE Mythology puts him on the Austin/Hogan/Rock/Cena level of megastar, when in reality he's more at that Edge/Jericho/Bret/Foley level, and the reason is that he's part of the Vince/HHH innner circle. So yeah, I love HBK, but WWE rewrites history to make him seem a way bigger draw than he ever was. (While at the same time shitting on other guys who were actually at his level.)

  145. That's a fair point, can't necessarily disagree with that, although I guess I don't find the "over praising" of HBK to be that annoying.

  146. "I suspect that if Austin had gotten his start within the last year or
    two, he would not have gotten anything close to the same level of

    That's a really true and scary point. Guarantee that a 2013 Stone Cold would have to take some humbling losses to cool him off, or put over HHH so HHH could be built up for whatever his next bullshit non-drawing-a-penny feud is, or have "Because Stone COld said so" re-purposed into a catchphrase that the entire roster can use.

  147. There were isolated times when Orton annoyed me, but for the most part, I think he's been a pretty solid player. His matches are generally entertaining, and I personally really dug his maniacal face character. It was SO different than other WWE faces, no wonder why he constantly got pops despite not really doing much of anything important.

  148. I completely agree with this, and add to it that this Mythology extends to DX as some revolutionary group, when they were a response to the business-changer that was the original nWo.

    However, I do think that Bret and HBK exist at a level below the Hogan/Austin/Rock level but above Jericho/Foley, etc.

  149. I agree he's gotten a lot better but the hitc match with bryan was disappointing as far as quality goes and that survivor series main event was awful. And that can't just be blamed on big show since he's had good matches with a lot of guys lately. He's Orton is much improved and I thought he did good working with a stiff like Kane last year, and the noc match vs Bryan was excellent so I think he can work a really good match but he's mailed in some shit matches in main events.

  150. "I am NOT Zack Ryder, bro!"

  151. Not to be a dick but if reviewers don't see a difference between a 3.75 and 4 star match Theres nothing wrong with using a different system (plus/minus or letter grades for instance) that they do understand.

  152. That might be a matter of opinion and taste. This is what I see.

    They give Bryan a clean win over Cena. Then they have him lose the title 5 minutes after winning it via a screwjob from HHH. Next, he beats Orton, but loses the belt the next night on a fast-count angle, again being screwed over by HHH. Then, in the last match, HBK superkicks him into defeat. Ok, they had him make Shawn tap the next night on Raw, but Shawn is inactive. It was a nice moment, but HHH was protected. Never once did he treat Bryan as anything resembling a real threat to what he wanted. This is evidenced by the way he treated DBry in nearly every segment during the angle. At least with Show, he eventually sold the KO punch.

    Additionally, WWE transitions the "yes" chant to Show, and they seem to be making an effort to make it an generic thing, similar to what has happened with "what?"

    The truth is that had they let Bryan hold the belt for at least one period of time between PPVs, the whole thing wouldn't have seemed so...pointless. As it was, you had the standard babyface vs heel, but instead of the payoff the angle cried out for, we transitioned into the next program for each of the guys involved.

    I'd call that was shitting on Bryan. The moment where he won the belt at SS was a true markout moment for me; I really didn't honestly expect it to happen. Then they crapped all over it.

    I suppose you could say they crapped on what a number of fans wanted and not Bryan himself, but really...they buried him at every turn. They conditioned fans to value him less. What if they had built him up instead?

  153. There is simply no direction on this show. At all. Triple H helped Orton become WWE champion because he needed a "face of the WWE." So they've spent the past 3.5 months bickering, while Triple H and Stephanie fluctuate between heel and face, sometimes multiple switches during one promo.
    Sometimes The Shield gets involved, but they have no role beyond random attacks. Then Kane became an authority figure, but he doesn't do anything besides wear a suit. Even though this is a refreshing change, he still does...nothing. And then sometimes Brad Maddox and Vickie have power, even though it's not clear who is the real leader.
    Maybe this story is supposed to be a jumbled mess for a reason. Maybe it's supposed to reflect the real life doings of the creative team, which is probably layered in multiple beauracracies with overlapping authorities and no focus. That's the only thing I can surmise of this mess.

  154. least Cole was consistently heel. I couldn't stand the character, but it was better than the "tweener" thing JBL seems to be trying. But, the constantly screaming over everyone else needs to go.

    Really, I think 3 men is too many. They might well be better off by going back to a 2 man team. All of the announcing teams we really enjoyed were 2 men. Monsoon/Ventura, Monsoon/Heenan, Ross/Lawler.


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