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WCW "Revolution" reboot promo from 2001

Thought this was interesting. Apparently it was a promo WWE produced in the spring of 2001 when they were still going to run WCW as a separate brand.

Yeah, they had touring schedules and advertising and tickets printed and everything.  That's why the Tacoma RAW cost them so damn much money when Vince changed his mind on a whim.  


  1. Neat... but I think it's silly that the promo refers to WCW as THE WCW.

  2. Using the "original" WCW logo, and not that abortion of a logo brought in near the end: WIN.

  3. Imagine if someone (anyone) besides buff was put in that main event. How differently might things have gone?

  4. The fans were going to shit on it regardless. The fans had no interest in a WCW title match, and the only guys who could have changed that were still being paid by Turner to do nothing.

  5. Of the guys available, the only two I can see leading to an interesting match were DDP and Lance Storm. Nobody else who was signed (Helms, Kanyon, Mike Awesome) seemed like a credible challenger who could work an interesting match with Booker. The problem is that, once you book those matches, what comes next? If that fraction of WCW's roster had been really interesting and able to carry a promotion, I'd think they would have stayed in business.

    The one wild-card is Raven - I could see him cutting a promo about opportunities stolen from him, WCW turns to him when they have no other choice, etc and making something which could work. They could have worked that for several weeks into something which could have interested people.

  6. They just did NOT have the top talent signed. Its equivalent to Wcw buying Wwf at the same point and Kane being the biggest acquisition

  7. I'm not sure that promo is 100% legit. Right after WWE took over, you never really saw the old logo like that (only their bastardized version). So that makes me believe someone created that video on their own.

  8. Bret Hart wrote the copy for the promo.

  9. WWE's oddball version of the WCW logo was still better than WCW's reboot logo by miles.

  10. Strangely, I'd think WCW would have a BETTER chance today, if one of the "Unholy Trinity" (Vince, HHH, Steph) were supporting it.

  11. This. Short of a former WWF guy like Hogan returning for the main event, the crowd was gonna turn on the match. They were fighting an uphill battle from the beginning.

  12. I remember hearing a Jericho interview that he would go to WCW again if McMahon started it up. Lots of WWF guys were willing to move to help

  13. But the Tacoma Raw took place AFTER the advertised dates in this promo! I'm not saying Buff Bagwell didn't put the bullet into WCW's head once and for all but that match would not have affected the planned launch of the New WCW.

    Vince got cold feet well before Tacoma shit all over their plans.

  14. or instead of doing a WCW show in Washington to lukewarm reactions....

    why not do it ONE WEEK LATER - you know, when Raw was held in Atlanta!?!

  15. I quite like Cornette's idea, where the first WCW match on WWF tv would occur against a WWF wrestler, but the match would end in a worked shoot fight causing everyone to freak out and in kayfabe terms give a reason to separate the WWF/WCw brands so WWF can spend a year rebuilding the WCW brand/wrestlers, so when they finally did do an invasion angle, it'd mean something.

  16. Yes I think it would have worket to make a WCW show plus the ECW guys plus guys like Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and so. And then after several months, they could bring in the Ric Flairs, Rey Mysterios, Eric Bischoffs, Hogans, Nashs, Goldbergs, Steiners, Halls, which did came anyway. And THEN they could have startet the Invasion with all the top stars.

  17. They didnt have the talent roster to make it work.

  18. The closest thing to a viable main event was Booker vs DDP. Both were former champs at least. But where do you go with a separate brand after that?

  19. I guess running WCW vs ECW could have killed some time til the big names were available

  20. But how do you then build up and blow off the rest with fake wrestling matches? As much as Cornette hates Russo, this is exactly Russo's brand of "everything is a work, except THIS" that doesnt lead to anything worthwhile

  21. I was at the Tacoma RAW and thinking the exact same thing. Personally, I was excited for the match because Booker T was one of the few reasons I still watched WCW up to the end, but speaking for my home state, we're just not WCW country.

  22. I agree the a lot of Cornette's ideas on the Guest Booker thing was very Vince Russo-ish, but he did have some good ideas and that's where McMahon/Patterson type filtering will take place where they'll use the good ideas presented and scrap/edit the bad ideas.

    From Cornette's Guest Booker edition, it seemed like he wanted to do a lot of worked-shoot fights between WWF/WCW guys (haven't seen it in a while so going by memory here), but I'd filter that and only do one worked-shoot fight angle, because doing anything more than that and it'll enter Vince Russo territory, but I believe doing one would be a necessary evil and if executed correctly, it could create a big buzz like when Nexus first debuted on Raw and destroyed everything.

    I mean the heart of the angle was that fans believed that WWF hated WCW, so doing a worked shoot fight wouldn't be beyond the suspension of disbelief for most fans.

  23. Then the normal WWF video crew walked up to his editing bay, with tears in their eyes...

  24. Test, Big Show and a bunch of WWE mid-card invaders.... maybe even the Dudleys or Edge?

    I don't know, it wasn't well thought out.

  25. Really? Maybe not so much in 1999, but I went to the Kay Arena house show in 1997 and that place was rocking. They did good numbers at the Tacoma Dome for Spring Stampede 1999 too. Nothing compared to Atlanta I'm sure though.

  26. Click the source link on the page to get to the Vimeo page with other videos the guy has done. It's legit.

  27. At the time, I thought maybe they could have Jericho, Big Show, Benoit, Radicals jump back to WCW. At least infuse some more upper-level talent into the mix. Then Benoit went down with surgery and Eddie was gone in '01. I guess Jericho could have still been the focal point of the WCW brand.


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