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WWE Network...why?

Hey Scott, 
Thought about the WWE Network. Assuming Raw and Smackdown remain on regular cable TV, it seems like the only content draws for a WWE Network would be 1) Non-Mania PPVs 2) On-demand complete archive 3) Non-wrestling original programming, like say "Legend's House".

If that's the case, it really comes down to the PPVs being the ONLY reason they'll get anyone to subscribe to this thing. I mean, the #3 content is completely worthless, as possibly zero people would pay to see that stuff. As for the archive, they've had the WWE Classics service available on both cable AND online for years, and reports are that they maxed out at around 75-100,000 subscribers. Sure they way underhyped it, and if they actually put ALL of the archives on there available totally on-demand, then yeah it'd get more buys, but I'm thinking not too many more.

So that leaves the monthly PPVs as the only thing that will draw people to subscribe. So that said, aren't they just basically changing the price of their PPVs and selling them directly? Am I missing something or is that really what's going on? I mean, it comes down to them deciding "Well if we sell our PPVs for $10 a month rather than $65 a month, more people will buy them and we'll make more money. And we'll throw in the archive for free." What am I missing here? Because if the Network model doesn't include advertiser revenue or the cable companies paying WWE for the rights to carrying the Network, the network is actually just a subscription-based price adjustment for the pay-per-views.


Yeah, the feeling going in was that going digital would offset the costs associated with a normal cable network, but Meltzer was saying this morning that costs will actually be MORE for the digital sub because they have to set up all the infrastructure themselves without the cable companies eating some of the setup costs. However, if they make it through the first year, they stand to make more in the long run.  

Honestly, it's a crapshoot that they HAVE to take.  It might fail, but it's the way of the future and they can't depend on USA forever.  


  1. A WWE version of Netflix that also airs non-WrestleMania PPV's sounds awesome for me. I'm not sure it'll be worth it financially for them but if it has more "classic" content than what is (was) on Classics on Demand, I'm in.

  2. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 12, 2013 at 6:53 PM

    I know it's been said before, but look at all the trouble the NFL had launching a network. If WWE had started this process in, say, 2003 they might be in a better position to make it happen now. But they're playing catch-up and rushing around in a panic, which leads to bad deals, poor decisions and costly mistakes.

  3. It's from the usual Spidey canon, but then they did the "deal with the Devil to save Aunt May" thing and I think it may have erased it.

  4. haha shawn pinballing fir no reasons at times cracks me up.

  5. and yes the ladder was used as a weapon numerous times in this match.

  6. When WWE was first streaming PPV's over the internet, they were doing it for $19.95. It wasn't HD, but it was plenty good enough, and in 2004, I didn't pirate PPVs. That was the first year I paid for Wrestlemania, and I was darn happy to do so.

    If I was willing to pay that then, I'm still willing to pay that now. And they're going to throw in other stuff too? Sure, no problem, here's my fucking wallet. And let me know when you get the Mid-South library converted so I can be 6 years old again.

  7. Good question. Not sure about that myself

  8. The Shield was my first foray into those hour-long dramas with the overarcing storylines and anti-hero protagonists. It'll always be my favorite, mostly due to Vic and Shane. When he comes clean to Olivia near the very end, that may be my favorite 'moment' of TV ever.

  9. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 12, 2013 at 7:13 PM

    Tito Santana wrote in his book that he hung a paper cup by a string and practiced swinging at it and coming as close as possible without hitting it or having the wind from the punch move the cup.

  10. Ummm if they offered the complete wwe archives on demand I've just give vkm my credit card and he could charge me whatever. I'm one of those 75k wwe cod subscribers for probably at least 6 years. Its the shit but access to the entire library would be a dream come true and the end of my social life.

  11. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 12, 2013 at 7:13 PM

    When he fell off the ladder at the end was that a botch?

  12. I'm only about half way through season 4, so I'm bracing for impact. I heard the ending sucked, but I'm not nearly there yet. Still enjoying it up to this point though

  13. Am I the only person who doesn't really know porn stars by name outside of the 'HOFers' like Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson?

  14. Is it all non-WrestleMania ppvs? Or will the "big 4" PPVs still be available on PPV? I think that's the model that would work best.... also, will they be completely abandoning the ppv model for the non-big 4 shows? I mean, thinking back to 2011 and the "Summer of Punk," I'd hate to think I'd have to buy a network subscription for a year just because of one compelling show.

    But at the right price point I'm probably subscribing anyway.

  15. I'd like to toss in the episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns goes broke, and then turns face, then turns heel HARDCORE on Lisa via the slurry co.

  16. I was worried The Meme Event wasn't influential.....

  17. Him not caring what people think about him in bullshit IMO. From what I've read, a big reason he started using was because people weren't thinking of him as much as he thought they should (they were concentrated on McGwire and Sosa due to the HR race). Bonds' issue was he cared TOO MUCH about what others thought of him, at least as a player. As a human being, that's a different story.

  18. The Meme Event's are the highlights of my Tuesday morning.

  19. I have serious doubts that it'll be THAT successful.

  20. fuck yes. In your face, Good Morning America

  21. She gives a BABY a death sentence because...she wasn't invited to a party for said baby. And it's not immediate; they'll get 16 years with her before it happens, allowing them to get to know her. And that taunt she lays on Prince Phillip? Such a smarmy cunt.

  22. Hagman was probably just a method actor. He knew that kinda character would always be sauced.

  23. Are you the guy that does them?
    That name looks like the name of the guy that post them.

  24. The fact he was actually trying to be good but his actions *still* turned evil is an excellent argument for his candidacy.

  25. that would be I.

  26. Why wouldn't they have ad revenue? Asking honestly because I don't know.

  27. That's the last great season.

  28. I'm also one of those 75k CoD subscribers and have been since the day it was available on my cable system. I love the hell out of it and I'll be sad to see it go next month. I thoroughly enjoy watching old school wrestling before I go to sleep as it unwinds me and allows me to dose off easily. Guess I'll have to go back to SportsCenter.

    I'm hopeful for a larger chunk of the library with the network but I don't think it'll be the entire library. I've always been under the impression that they have so much stuff that isn't archived that it'd be technologically impossible for them to just throw everything they have up at the moment. But even if it's just Cod + a bunch of live PPV's, I'm sold.

  29. It's been talked about millions of times, but you need to look no further than the Killing Joke for how absolutely fucked up and dark the Joker can be. Joker forcing Gordon to look at pictures of Barbara paralyzed and naked is terrifying.

  30. Awesome, love them, keep up the good work, and if you could, could you do a PPV meme every once in while?
    Wow, you on the BOD, now I know why Scott was in one of your memes.

  31. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 12, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    No, he's admitted to starting off the day with a bottle of champagne and cruising along from there. He was never outright drunk, mind you, just pleasantly buzzed. Plus, J.R. was never presented as anything more than a social drinker on the show itself.

    Still, it added to the character. He's screwing everyone over and basically laughing in their faces while doing it.

  32. I was being facetious.

  33. I did do WrestleMania and Extreme Rules, but as a freelance writer, I only have so many hours in the week. My biggest thing is doing NFL writing, and that consumes my Sunday nights. I am, however, gonna do a monthly parody of old WWE PPVs using WrestleCrap inductees (I did Survivor Series for Thanksgiving, one of my favorite works ever

    And I've been reading Scott's work since 2001. I identify with his detached sarcasm and, generally, his taste in wrestling

  34. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 12, 2013 at 7:54 PM


    This is why I should leave internetting to the professionals.

  35. Well, Netflix doesn't contain ads, so assuming the network is the same model, there won't be any ads and therefor no ad revenue. Although I suppose they could go the Hulu route and include a few ads in each show.

  36. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 12, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    Elaine: Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye.

    Jerry: No, there's LESS.

  37. Got it, well in any case, keep up good work and yes the memes are influential

  38. I thought I was the only one who watched wrestling to go to sleep!

  39. The Love-Matic Grampa!December 12, 2013 at 8:11 PM

    He was SO PROUD of that slurry processing plant, which made it even more hilarious when contrasted with Lisa's absolute horror.

  40. I'm not subscribing if there's no app for Apple TV.

  41. "I mean, the #3 content is completely worthless, as possibly zero people would pay to see that stuff."

    If they added Sheik to Legends House, and put him back on the medicine, then yes, I'd absolutely pay to watch.

  42. Now that's dedication to one's art!

  43. I'd love to see those early WWF shows they shot in St. Louis. Vince was here a LOT in the early days of Hogan.

  44. The NFL had a problem because they charged an enormous amount to carry it. Which they eventually got.

  45. I would imagine they would feature them both ways for a while. It seems like they would be turning their back on extra revenue if not.

  46. I definitely do the same...has been part of my routine for a long time.

  47. I am gitty with excitement and I am not a current WWE fan. Years of achieved matches? GIMMIE!

  48. So once again, I stumbled upon an idiot (on YouTube) that thinks all of WWE's problems are its PG product. I started making a list of all the things that I feel are the real reasons why WWE is failing these days. This is, of course, a very subjective list. It's certainly all the reasons I'm not watching the product. You're welcome to agree or disagree on any of them. Are there any reasons that I've missed?

    It's because...

    ...they don't get behind guys who the crowd likes or gets over on their own.
    ...any titles except the World title are treated like garbage, especially the once-proud Intercontinental title.
    ...Triple H's ego gets into everything, where he needs to feed off the heat of the hottest current thing (he's been doing that for years).
    ...they cram guys down our throats that we don't care about (Del Rio, Sheamus, Orton, Cena)
    ...the product has become so homogenized to the point that there's very little diversity among each of the matches. All the styles are nearly the same.
    ...they don't have divisions anymore, like the once great tag division (which they'll occasionally do something more with and then forget about it again for months).
    ...Vince McMahon changes things on a dime because of whatever mood he was in when he woke up that morning, destroying any kind of decent build up for a wrestler.
    ...wrestlers are punished and de-pushed for some of the most ridiculous backstage reasons (not shaking hands with someone).
    ...there are few decent, memorable gimmicks anymore.
    ...very few of the new talent are given a chance to improvise either in the ring, or on the mic. They're forced to follow horrible scripts and not deter from them.
    ...there are no more managers. one is allowed to get booked too strong.
    ...of their ridiculous idea that "losing streaks" can get someone over.
    ...moving the titles around like musical chairs, making them more meaningless as time goes on.
    ...commentators that laugh at the product and don't do the job of putting over the product or adding to the story being told in the ring,
    ...shilling way too hard about social media.
    ...not listening to or giving a damn about what the general audience wants anymore.
    ...not having a finger on current trends or pop culture.

  49. People care about Cena

  50. Yeah, I threw him in there without thinking. I'd say he's worn out his welcome being on top for too long, though.

    But the point still stands about them cramming guys down our throats, whether we want them or not.

  51. I'm no fan of the current product either, but the WWE's tag division is the strongest that it's been in 20 years.

  52. Stronger than the days of the Hardys, Dudleys, E&C, etc? I strongly disagree.

  53. I did t read any of this but if the wwe network is 10-12 bucks a month, I get all the non WM ppvs, amd WM for the first year...FTW, I'm in.

  54. I had COD for a while and it was great, I would totally do this if the price was decent and had a good amount of archival stuff.

  55. It's the fucking curse of the world man, good luck

  56. I can't take that dude seriously in his insurance commercials now. I always see Schillinger branding Beecher ass

  57. I will be all over this as long as it is more extensive or more regularly updated than Classics was.

  58. You mean right before he threw a fit while holding a ladder and then remembered he was just part of a 25 minute ladder match and decided to start selling again... yep, botch.

  59. I listen to the ptb at night before bed! The Vince Jim Duggan screaming report usually wakes me up though lol.

  60. What YouTube video did you watch.

  61. Nope; do it ever night the wife works/ doesn't go to bed at the same time. I've learned to stick to stuff like ppvs and tv shows; those Top 50 Whatever DVDs they do have lots of LOUD NOISES!!

  62. A trailer for the Scooby Doo/WWE crossover. Which I think looks like a lot of harmless fun.

  63. That Scooby Doo WWE thing looks amazing!

  64. What are you applauding Shawn for? Gorilla Monsoon is the one who took Sid out and put Razor in!

  65. Saw that earlier today, how can they not include Punk? Oh right.

  66. Now for a complete threadjack, here's something to kill a couple more of your brain cells with this WWE scooby doo trailer:

  67. I guess Fred & Daphne's relationship is safe for another movie, then.

  68. The suplex he took on the floor was just stupid

  69. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingDecember 13, 2013 at 3:22 AM

    For some confirmation, I think that Nash comment was also said in a WWF magazine back in 1995 or 1996. I think it was in a "Vic Venom" or "Informer" article.

  70. What would the Rubber Match look like with they had Shawn/Razor Ladder Match 3 tonight?

  71. Yep. Really hurts an otherwise amazing match.

  72. I've always wound the ladder match at X overrated. This was a greater match, but the botch does hurt it a bit, especially since Shawn did such a poor job of covering it.


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