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Yearly Review: WWF October 1989

Mr. Perfect makes his way up to the main event scene. Do we get a perfect champion?
WWF World Championship Scene: (currently held by: Hulk Hogan) While Hogan had to deal with Ted DiBiase and his Survivor Series team, he also had new challengers for the WWF World Championship, the Genius and Mr. Perfect. At SNME #24, which was taped on October 31st and aired on November 25th, Hogan lost to the Genius by count-out. The bigger story was Mr. Perfect coming out and putting gum on the championship claiming that Hogan wasn’t a perfect champion. Perfect caused Hogan to lose after hitting him with the championship and escaped to the backstage area with the championship. This market the occurrence of Mr. Perfect destroying the championship with a hammer and demanding a title shot against Hulk Hogan!

WWF Intercontinental Championship Scene: (currently held by: the Ultimate Warrior) During the October 2nd taping of WWF Superstars, the Ultimate Warrior competed against Dino Bravo in a test of strength competition. Bravo did a few push-ups with Jimmy Hart sitting on his back. Bravo proceeded to do more push-ups with a larger man that was randomly picked out from the crowd named John. Bravo managed to do several push-ups with John on his back. When the Ultimate Warrior attempted to do the same thing, John hit Warrior with a sit down splash and along with Bravo attacked Warrior. At the October 31st taping of WWF Superstars, John would be revealed as being the Canadian Earthquake.

At SNME #24, Warrior defeated Andre the Giant by disqualification to retain the championship. Heenan tried to get involved by Warrior took care of him by tossing him into Andre. On the house show market, Warrior continued to beat Andre the Giant in just a matter of seconds to retain the title at least that was the case at MSG. In Toronto, Andre and Warrior would have a steel cage match next month for the championship after Bobby Heenan tricked Warrior into accepting a rematch.

WWF World Tag Team Championships Scene: (currently held by: Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) Demolition managed to regain the WWF World Tag Team Championships at the October 2nd taping of WWF Superstars where they defeated Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Ax pinned Blanchard, who was illegal, to win the titles. Andre the Giant and Haku stated during the taping that they would beat Demolition and bring the titles back to the Heenan Family.

Other Happenings: 
- During the October 22nd edition of Wrestling Challenge, vignettes of Mr. Perfect and the Genius playing golf, darts and bowling and proclaims that Hulk Hogan couldn’t do it better than Perfect. They would continue to air vignettes taunting Hogan believing that Hogan wouldn’t be able to compete at a high skill level like Perfect can compete at.

- Dusty Rhodes continued to prevent Big Bossman from beating down opponents with his nightstick. Rhodes saved Tito Santana from a beating during the October 3rd taping of Wrestling Challenge after Santana wrestled Honky Tonk Man.

- Greg Valentine and Ron Garvin continued to feud as well. Garvin prevented Valentine from using his shin guard numerous times. They would wrestle on October 8th in Toronto, Ontario where Valentine picked up the win.

- Dusty Rhodes danced with a mystery woman during the October 31st taping of WWF Superstars, who ended up being Sapphire. Rhodes successfully defeated Big Bossman at SNME #24 after Bossman was distracted by Slick arguing with a fan at ringside. Rhodes would dance with Sapphire afterwards.

- The Rockers defeated Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard at SNME #24 in a best two out of three falls match. After the match, Bobby Heenan insulted Anderson and Blanchard saying that they were the worst team he had ever managed and promptly fired them.

Ratings: WWF SNME #24: 8.7

Bob's Opinion: It's quite refreshing to have a young heel in the main event scene working with Hogan. It's especially different with Perfect not being bigger than Hogan. So, Hogan working with not only a good worker but a smaller one at that, was interesting. Plus, the scene when Perfect destroys the championship was really memorable and a great way to insert Perfect into the championship scene.

I've always been a huge fan of Earthquake, and his debut by attacking Warrior was pretty cool as well. Maybe it's odd, but a feud between Warrior and Earthquake is rather interesting. I've been liking the fresh heels being brought in.

A quick reign by the Brainbusters, and quick tenure with the Heenan Family. Their run lasted just about a year and they could've done so much more had they stuck around. Anderson would head back to WCW while Tully tried as well but failed a drug test and didn't get a contract.

The undercard feuds aren't exactly interesting to me. Bossman/Dusty seems like a waste of Bossman to me, but Dusty had always been popular so I suppose a few wins over Dusty would help Bossman moving forward. What are your memories or thoughts on the WWF at this time? Share them below!

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