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Yearly Review: WWF September 1989

The Million Dollar Man and the mighty Zeus are still coming after Hulkamania.
WWF World Championship Scene: (currently held by: Hulk Hogan)
At SNME #23, which was taped on September 21st but aired on October 14th, WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated long time rival Ted DiBiase with a small package. DiBiase accidentally hit Zeus with a clothesline during the bout leading to the finish. Jake Roberts came out to ringside during the bout and chased Virgil to the backstage area after Virgil stole his snake bag. Zeus ended up attacking Hogan after the match by twisting Hogan’s neck before DiBiase put the Million Dollar Dream on Hogan. Roberts returned to the ring and scared Zeus and DiBiase away with his snake.

WWF Intercontinental Championship Scene: (currently held by: the Ultimate Warrior)

Warrior continued to feud with Andre the Giant over the championship. On most of the house shows Warrior was able to beat Andre in under a minute. They competed in competitive bout at a MSG show on September 30th where Warrior retained the championship by disqualification. After the match, Warrior beat Andre down with championship until Andre was knocked off his feet.
WWF World Tag Team Championships Scene: (currently held by: Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) 
The Brain Busters continued to defend the tag team championships against former champions Demolition on the house show market. They would retain the championships each time despite losing to Demolition by disqualification. There weren’t any other developments in this feud.

Other Happenings: 

- During the September 21st taping of WWF Superstars the Genius revealed that Mr. Perfect was his new protégé. This taping also featured Perfect’s first appearance with theme music.
- The new king of the WWF Randy Savage pinned Jimmy Snuka at SNME #23 after hitting Snuka with Sherri’s loaded purse. Snuka got some level of revenge by scaring Sherri Martel from the ring after knocking Savage to the floor.
- Rick Martel and Tito Santana wrestled to a double disqualification at SNME #23 when their partners for Survivor Series got involved in the match.
- Roddy Piper continued to get under the Heenan Family’s skin when he pinned Haku at SNME #23. Piper and Rick Rude would have several matches on the house show market including a double count-out match at MSG which was Piper’s first MSG match in nearly three years.
- The Bushwhackers embarrassed the Rougeau Brothers and Jimmy Hart at SNME #23 when they defeated the Rougeaus and stripped Jimmy Hart to his boxers.
- Jimmy Snuka and Honky Tonk Man continued their feud from a couple months ago with a match at the September 30th MSG show which saw Snuka beat Honk Tonk Man after a four and half year absence from MSG.
SNME #23:
Bob's Opinion: 
The feud between Hogan and DiBiase continued though it's pretty clear that DiBiase is never going to get the championship. At least DiBiase is given a few strong moments even if it included the help of Zeus. Also am a fan of Jake Roberts helping Hogan and getting a spotlight in a main event caliber feud.

I know that Andre was on his last legs in terms of health and in-ring ability, but to have him lose to Warrior in under a minute had to have pissed off some people. I would've loved to have seen Andre live even if he could hardly move. Getting a minute or less of a match with Andre jobbing couldn't have been all that satisfying.

Savage continuing to be involved in lower level feuds is rather depressing. I guess the main event guys can't always have top level feuds even when they are out of the main event scene. Though, that doesn't exactly apply to Hogan, ever.

The feud between Piper/Rude is a great feud to have on the undercard. I've watched a few of their matches on the house show circuit at the time and they put on some good matches. Their cage match a few months later is an enjoyable one as well. I never really considered to be all that great in the ring, but considering I have mostly watched his stuff from '94 onward I'm clearly missing his more memorable stuff.

It's a shame to see the Rougeau Brothers, a promising heel tag team, lose to the Bushwhackers and made out to be fools.

I had for some reason lost all the sign in stuff for the blog here, but it's good to back!

What are your memories of the WWF at the time? Please share them! Thanks!

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