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15 best ppvs (according to

> This should be fun to debate before Raw.
> Haven't started reading it yet, so no spoilers. WrestleMania X-7 at #1 or GTFO.
> - Joe

I'm mostly fine with this list, actually. Some arguments could be made but I appreciate the effort.


  1. Second straight article I've read using "the Anomaly" as a nickname for Lesnar. Kind of a weird moniker to try and get over. Did a Christian group complain about "the Beast Incarnate" or something?

    I take exception to Royal Rumble 2000 being so high up on the list. The only things that stood out about the PPV were the HHH/Cactus street fight, Tazz's debut and the tag title tables match. All high quality, no question, but when you consider that the Rumble itself that year was pretty average, this can't be seen as the best of the Rumble PPVs. (Then again, you can't extol the virtues of just about any of the events from 2001-07 thanks to Benoit's involvement, so I guess I understand.)

  2. I prefer VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR myself. But he was called the Anomaly the first night he came back.

  3. Survivor Series 95 is a weird choice. Good show but top 15 ever? Also lol at the line about a potential WWE cruiserweight divison. Backlash 09 and SummerSlam 2013 don't belong on the list either.

  4. SSlam13 had TWO *****ish matches! Plus Christian-ADR was pretty good if I remember correctly (like 3.5 stars). I don't remember the rest.

  5. A lot of what makes Judgement Day and Fully Loaded (and No Mercy) from 2000 better than the Royal Rumble was Chris Benoit's ****+ matches on each show.

  6. Anomaly is terrible. Not menacing at all.

  7. MitB 2011 better be on here...

  8. This is why you should be head of creative.

  9. Outside of the main matches, everything was meh or worse. Good show but top 15?

  10. Pretty sure Benoit was on a lot of what was listed.

  11. Whoa. WM3 ahead of GaB '89?! And there's a lot of new stuff on here while skipping over WM19 and several great 2000 PPVs.

  12. #2 on the list seems a bit high to me.

  13. Nope. I really don't see the streak as this sacrosanct creation that one commits heresy to even speak of breaking, but at this point, it's a fixture of the Undertaker's character.

    Break it and some people will bitch.
    Don't break it and some people will bitch.
    Kinda sort of maybe break it and most people will bitch.

    I don't care if the streak ends or not, but a non-ending to a Taker WM match is a horrid idea as is a non-ending to WM.

  14. I didn't agree with a lot of list either but I can see why they wouldn't put all the great 2000 ones on there. It'd be admitting "what we did back then is a hell of a lot better than what we do right now"

  15. I'm never able to list my 10 best whatever because I can never separate best from favorite so my lists always look weird. But science says X-7 is 1. Not my favorite though.

  16. Putting a PPV from 1992 on the list is also admitting that. Not sure what 2000 has to do with anything.

  17. We'd get better QOTDs if I was.

  18. Super bloody, yes. I wouldn't call it underrated, though. It was what it was: a gimmick match chosen to add drama and disguise a lack of chemistry between two guys who had none.

    The obvious outcome aside, I do not understand the appeal of Lesnar/Taker. Every match they have had that wasn't gimmicked sucked. Do people REALLY want to see Taker do his shitty MMA-Lite kayfabe offense on a guy who could legit beat Taker in an MMA fight?

  19. It'd definitely be in the bottom half of the list, but... yeah, I think so. WMX is a 2 match show and I usually heard it in the discussion.

    I had both those matches at 5 stars. I can count on 1 hand the # of ppvs I'd say that for (WM X, WM 17, maybe 1 I can't remember).

  20. Yeah, but the WrestleManianess of it all counts for it too. And Savage/Crush rocked yo.

  21. My personal top 10

    1. Backlash 2000
    2. No Way Out 2001
    3. Wrestlemania 17
    4. Money in the Bank 2011
    5. Rpyal Rumble 2001
    6. Fully Loaded 2000
    7. Summerslam 2000
    8. Over the Edge 1998 (Austin was just so awesome)
    9. Summerslam 2002
    10. Bash at the Beach 1996

    Completely subjective but a majority of these are universally awesome.

  22. That show almost ruins the enjoyment of the discussion, just cause it's SO obvious that it's #1. You can't argue it.

  23. I'm saying if they put five from a single year on that, pal.

  24. Not a valid list, as they ignore some blatantly obvious picks on account of too much Benoit emphasis.

  25. Well that's just ridiculous.

  26. It was a decent show, but yeah I agree that it has no business being there. My favorite was probably the wacky team Survivor Series match.

  27. I'm in the minority but all the old guard can get off my tv. Breaking the streak is stupid cause it's built-in money. I personally have no interest in it and wished HBK broke it whatever year that was.

  28. I guarantee you Benoit had zero to do with what was on the list.

  29. How is that ridiculous? It's basic marketing.

  30. With what show?

  31. Because 5 PPVs from the year 2000 scientifically shouldn't be in the top 15 ever.

  32. I thought you could argue there's a better show

  33. Royal Rumble 2004? Wrestlemania XX? Backlash 2004?

  34. Are answers to the question "What are not top 15 PPVs of all time?"

  35. You could argue that Souled Out 2000 was a better show. You'd be wrong, but you could argue that.

  36. I don't remember that. But then I've only been a fan for the past 7 years, so I could be wrong. Either way I'd love to see Lesnar vs Taker. Two big monsters whose style and skill set and experience has changed. Wonder if Lesnar is strong enough to throw Taker around? Anyway looking forward to that match.

  37. What about for those of us who didn't watch or remember something from 10-11 years ago? 10 years is 1/2 a generation.

  38. I love that this didn't even close the show, but after the feel good win of Rey's win, fans had to sit through Cena squashing Edge and Mark Henry wrestling Angle in there final match on the card so Undertaker could ride in on a horse and destroy the ring with lightening bolts.

    Seriously, what the fuck!


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