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20 Days of RAW: Episode 2

The Masked Reviewer looks at RAW Championship Friday from the Wheeling Civic Center and take a shot every time I say the word prior.

Remember to follow me on twitter! @maskedreviewer


  1. Hey you got a new Mic! I like this a lot more! This is actually pretty fantastic! I like it! You're officially in my 'watch while at work and doing manual labor' queue! my only thought would be to maybe slow down like...half a hair. Maybe even take your main audio track and run it through at like, 97 percent speed. It should give audiences a chance digest everything!

  2. The PPV business has been dead for a long time.

  3. That's what I'm curious about.

    For WWE's standards, 9.99 a month for all the wrestling you want seems too good to be true.

  4. Considering she worked in the same time period as June Byers and Mildred Burke (who was basically a female Lou Thesz) and was respected by both, I'd imagine she was someone to be reckoned with.

  5. They've offered up to $7.99 a month for some of the wrestling you want and they had all of the PPVs (albeit on a three month delay) on the Classics On Demand service for the longest time so this shouldn't really be a big hassle for them.
    If we see a price increase it likely won't come until a year later at the earliest and it likely won't be any more than $5 extra, after all you don't want to hook them and then lose them, that's a great way to kill the channel before it can truly start printing money.

  6. CoD wasn't showing PPVs live though.

    Wrestling fans are insanely fickle, even the slightest price increase like 5 bucks, will have everyone up in arms.

    I guess it's best to let it play out and see where it goes.

  7. So after a bit of possibly shoddy math, I get a figure of 1.8 million people needing to pay for a year of this at the $10/month price to equal the PPV revenue of 2012. I simply cannot fathom how this doesn't work out for them in spades.

  8. FALLOUT FROM PROJECTED RESULT: Mike makes an about face by giving away his password and letting his friends enjoy the WWE Network on their own devices thus preventing him from enduring more beatdowns.
    Of course, the only downside is he will now have to cover the expenses himself but given the choice of paying a WWE Network fee or paying expensive hospital bills, the WWE Network fee wins out.

  9. Anyone who takes a powerbomb off a stage and through a table while in her 70's is tougher than anyone in wrestling and deserves the respect of all of us.

    I cant top this line. I can only repost it.
    Thank you Mae.

  10. Hardcore Holly's Mae Young story from his autobiography is the greatest wrestling story ever. He's all warning her about how stiff he usually is, and says he's going to lighten up, and she refuses. When he warns her AGAIN about his clothesline, "this eight-year-old woman looks me right in the eye and says 'Bring it, motherfucker'."

  11. Not just PPV has changed with this but they've pretty much made it obsolete to ever purchase a WWE DVD or blu ray going forward. Wrestling fans everywhere just gained a shit ton of coasters.

  12. from wiki:

    "Mary Ellison [Fabulous Moolah] is buried in a grave plot at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Columbia, South Carolina. The plot appears to be a family plot designed for The Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, and Katie Glass."

    ;( this is so sad and heartwarming at the same time.

  13. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 9, 2014 at 3:46 AM

    Who is Katie Glass?

  14. a "midget" wrestler trained by Moolah which lived together with her for over 40 years.

    and according to wiki: "In 1991, she moved in with The Fabulous Moolah and Katie Glass in a house in Columbia, South Carolina, an arrangement which lasted until Moolah's death in November 2007."

    seems like a bad ass version of the Golden Girls to me :)

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 9, 2014 at 3:51 AM

    Hardcore Holly clotheslined an 8 year old? I always knew he was a prick, but that takes it to a new level.

  16. "[...] not shit captured directly from VHS."

    still the same argument.

  17. The kid told him "Bring it, motherfucker".

  18. Anyone can do that. It's getting up and walking again that's the hard part.

  19. with every other WWF/WWE and NWA/WCW ppv available, who really cares?


  21. but on the other hand I am also convinced that if one is able to watch the current ppvs without any additional fee, many people will choose to do that, too. so there is at least a little chance of it helping to draw some older fans back in.

  22. first old lady breasts i ever saw, now that was one woman dedicated to her craft.
    Do you think the hand is entitled to her estate??? jk, thoughts and prayers to her loved ones.

  23. sucks for canada they wont have it at launch, especially since you nooks really do have a hardcore fanbase. I will be signing up, and would be glad to help someone get signed up if they cant, just lemme know.

  24. The real tragedy is this only happened because somebody thought they were downloading the app. Michael Cole's trying to save us all!

  25. Way to point out a typo, you BIG POOPIE.

  26. other countries not being able to get it for a while i think will hurt them, bc canada and europe equal alot of their ppv buys.

  27. If TV and movie studios can't get their stuff removed from online what makes you think WWE will succeed? For everything that gets taken down there will be better quality rips uploaded straight from WWE Network IMO.

  28. potential game changer? No. It's Netflix for wrestling. The fact that live shows are on it doesn't make it a game changer. Sporting events have been available for live streaming for years.

  29. I can't see 1 million people subscribing, never mind 1.8m.

  30. It's a good deal for wrestling fans, but it's not anywhere near the earth shattering paradigm shift you think it is.

  31. This is just what WWE like to say at their shareholder conference calls. Wrestlemania does fine. UFC does well and Mayweather is out there breaking all PPV records

  32. There's no chance in hell they're going to make Over the Edge available.

  33. Sad news but she lived a long life.

    Does anyone know the deal with Moolah and all the girl wrestlers? I know she seemed to control women's wrestling and heard she was getting a percentage of everyone she trained. And what happened with Mad Maxine in the WWF? Didn't Moolah have some of them living with her, including Mae?

  34. Don't cry for Mae Young. Soon she'll be in a better place.

  35. Yep, I'm actually shocked that they have been so leniant with Youtube in the past years. MLB footage and the Simpsons is almost impossible to find on there, for example.

  36. Stand still, I'm gonna fall down.

  37. I don't think you understand the purpose of that thread.

  38. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 5:55 AM

    i tend to agree with you, based pretty much on something that waylon is using as a pro-game changer argument: wwe owns all the content.

    no one else will be in a position like that given all the hassles with studios that he mentions, so for that very reason it cannot be a game changer simply b/c it won't be possible for anyone else to follow suit.

    if the network could somehow set a precedent that everything on tv channels gets moved online in a centralizes fashion for those networks, then yes it's a big deal, but the reality is that that cannot happen given that a zillion different studios and/or production companies own what we see on tv, so nothing else can be centralized the way the wwe network content is. the end is result outside of wrestling is exactly what we already have: netflix and hulu

  39. Do you know what their actual deal is with the ppv companies?

  40. Well played, WWE. You don't make a dime off of me, because I only follow your product online and haven't ordered a PPV since 2010. Now, you get $120 a year from me because of the archive, and potentially the added bonus of me watching your current shows because my PPV's are covered. And there are quite a few other in the same boat.

    Kind of a home run all the way around.

  41. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:01 AM

    one thing to consider: will everything in the archives be available at once, forever and ever? or will stuff be up with windows of availability?

    i only ask this as someone who has had 24/7 for the last 7 years, and i've seen a ton of stuff that so many people are drooling over come and go.

    so i guess my point is (and this isn't to sound snooty or anything), with regards to archival stuff: been there, done that. for me, the appeal of the network is the availability of current ppvs. continuation of the current run of archival stuff i've already been following for all this time is a nice bonus in light of the loss of 24/7.

    if you can search things out, that definitely is awesome, but if you're still at the mercy of someone loading content, then it's just 24/7 online + ppvs in real time and for no extra cost

  42. I think someone mentioned it below, but it's doubtful that everything will be available at once. Some of the old shows may need to be converted to a stream-friendly format.

  43. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:07 AM

    but once it's there, is it there to stay? or will it be like 24/7 and the online archival stuff wwe already been showing, where something is up for a couple of weeks before being replaced?

  44. Well, things may shift towards a model where studios, networks, etc. produce their own shows and put them available for streaming. That's a change to who owns and delivers the content, but not a change to how we watch it. The streaming only model has been in place for a bit, and really took off with Netflix's recent success. Having PPVs isn't that big a deal either, since live sporting events have been available for a while as well. NBC streamed much of the Olympics and the Tour de France is streamed every year.

  45. I have no idea. I assume that's one of those details that will be announced.

  46. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:10 AM

    people also need to keep in mind that a lot of the stuff that wwe pushed will be edited in some way: music, irrelevant ads and plugs that were in the original, and so forth. thats a ton of the charm of watching old stuff for me, is for it to be placed in historical context with little odds and ends that wwe feels should be removed for current viewing

  47. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:12 AM

    i honestly doubt there will be that level of detail. for the most part things are going to be available wholesale as entire eps. if anything there might be special collections like they already do with dvd and some 24/7 specials

  48. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:19 AM

    My concern is will the matches be in their entirety or the crappy WWE edits?

  49. There is nothing to be sad about. She lived a better life than the majority of people on this earth and seemed like she died comfortably.

  50. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:21 AM

    The Tessmacher twerk thread.

  51. Have you seen a report saying she's died?

  52. It's obviously a work just to swerve the crowd from her upcoming surprise entry in the rumble.

  53. Her son will give a slow one handed clap.

  54. Glass would be Sophia then.

  55. Is it wrong that I'm imagining JR's voice for that?

    "Good lord! She's 80-years old! Hardcore Holly just clotheslined an 80-year old woman!"

  56. Those were actually prosthetic, if I remember correctly.

  57. yea they were, but still grossed out 12 yr old me.. lol

  58. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Pat Patterson would be Blanche.

  59. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 8:06 AM

    They need to reenact that with Hornswoggle playing the 8 year old.

  60. If that's was true, that would be awesome.

  61. According to some places, she's gone now. Bye Mae. :(

  62. Thanks for the memories.

  63. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    Rumor was she was breakdancing backstage afterwards.

  64. Horrable news. I was just watching the Raw with her match vs Ivory on it last night! Rest In Piece, Mae. Never forgottan.

  65. I hope the WWE network, has her uncensored bashing of Laycool.

  66. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    411mania reported it but I see nothing on yet.

  67. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 8:33 AM

    She'd eliminate Ryder and Ziggler.

  68. Hope this doesn't sound wrong in this context, but that would be the ultimate burial for both of them.

  69. Yes. She passed away this morning. RIP, Mae.

  70. full text:

    Mae Young and the Fabulous Moolah are two of the sweetest ladies you’d ever meet. All the boys respected the hell out of them and everybody rolled out the red carpet whenever they were on the show. By 2000, they’d already got over 100 years of in-ring experience between them, so that tells you how old they were. But they would still get in the ring now and then when they were given the chance. On one show, Crash and I were booked to do a tag team match against them, so we sat down in catering together to go over the match. Out of respect for them, I took myself out of the equation and told them that we would do whatever they wanted to do. Mae planned out a spot where she would be in the ring with Crash and I’d sneak in behind her. She would turn around and I’d clothesline her. I said to her, “Mae, I’ve got all the respect in the world for you but if you’re asking me to clothesline you, you need to know that I lay it in there.” She said, “Sure I know that, I want you to clothesline me.” I said, “No, you don’t understand — when I clothesline somebody, I try to rip their head off. It’s TV, I don’t want it to look bad but I don’t want to hurt you.” This nearly 80-year-old woman just looked at me and said, “Bring it, motherfucker.” In Gorilla, just before the match, I gave her a hug and thanked her in advance for the match, then asked if she was sure about the clothesline. She said, “If you don’t bring it, when we get back, I’m going to kick your ass.” Hell, I didn’t want to get beaten up by an 80-year-old woman, so I was going to do what she said and lay that clothesline in there nice and snug. We started the match and I locked up with Moolah, grabbed her in a headlock, and took her over. I landed right on top of her. I was 235 pounds at this point. She was 77 years old and she was taking everything I could throw at her. Unbelievable. The time came for the spot with Mae. She had her back to me as I was getting ready. When she turned around, I charged — she didn’t have time to prepare for it and I threw that clothesline from left field like I was hitting Bradshaw. I ripped her head off so hard that the poor lady cut a flip. I felt so bad! I asked her if she was all right and she said, “Yep, I’m fine,” and carried on. When we got to the back after the match, I went over to thank her and asked, “Mae, are you okay?” She patted me on the chest and said, “That’s how you lay a clothesline in, right there,” and kept on walking. Why the hell can’t some of the boys be like that?! That match was great fun and good entertainment.

  71. Interesting fact: Mae Young debuted 10 years before Ric Flair was born.

    Great photo:

  72. I don't think it was ever openly discussed, but I'm pretty sure they were a couple.

  73. That's the good way to do so. Have fun with the typo.

  74. No problem! Quality stuff sir! Have you considered making this a podcast?

  75. I don't really promote it as much, but the shows available on itunes.

  76. yea austin had some great tv n us title feuds in wcw, and a couple really good technical matches with steamboat. damn knees.


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