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A+ Match of the Day

Man that 2010 Rumble discussion died a painful death.

But on the bright side, yay, someone found Royal Rumble 2006. Thanks wnyxmcneal!

Ok, so year, two guys lasted over 60 minutes. Seems like a perfectly good match but a lot of people don't seem to have the love for it. Maybe it was Rey Misterio's shtick with honoring Eddie Guerrero, I think it was genuine but probably still over the top, especially when people wanted the real thing.

Three to go! Scott gave this one ***1/2 and you can read the rant here. Take it away Lillian!

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  1. Watched it for the first time earlier today. Thought it was alright. The midcard was absolute death though. And relative to the push he got, Bobby Lashley is the worst wrestler of all time.

  2. No problem.

    I hate this Rumble. It's so boring. I think according to Scott's rant there's 13 minutes without an elimination? And Rey doesn't actually do anything.

  3. The entryway is the best thing about this Rumble.

  4. They also gave away a lot of the numbers in the backstage vignettes.

    Royal Wumble, thanks Lillian!

  5. I get douche chills every time rey points to the sky or embrasses himself 'In honor of Eddie.". And its good to know Eddie was still playing jokes on rey inthe afterlife by giving him number 2. Ugh

  6. I remember nothing about this other than Rey sitting in the corner most of the match... and as everyone knows I am not a huge Rey fan so I am would rather watch "Mick Foley Lost in Cleveland" than this shit

  7. The Chavo Guerrero stuff is awful

  8. Didn't this Rumble do, like, 600k buys? Or am I committing a Wellness violation?

  9. Triple H was so bad in this era. The mustache, he was overweight and slow. The DX turn helped him out a lot.

  10. The definition of "too soon." Only got worse at WrestleMania when Rey was supposed to be doing it for Eddie but the crowd turned on him and rooted for Angle.

    Also, this match sucked. Rey & Triple H just laid around for an hour. Has to be up there with the 1996 Rumble as the "most boring"....just nothing interesting happens for so much of it.

  11. I remember getting angry about Triple H lasting as long as he did, as I was starting to assume the WWE was going to give him the win over anybody else. This may be the first recorded incident of Triple H trolling internet smarks!

  12. Nah, that was the fake title switch with Jericho, lol.

  13. Crap, completely forgot about that. Dude's been messing with us for close to 15 years now? That's some fucking commitment to the cause.

  14. This wasn't as bad as I expected. A little boring. HHH playing punching bag for much of 60 minutes was an interesting story although I didn't like him overselling exhaustion when the Big Show entered because he had only done about 90 seconds of work.

  15. Thought this rumble was fine. Actually thought Triple H was good in it too.

    But, to throw some fuel on the what-if fire, I think an RVD win (he was super over here), vs champ John Cena, who was gonna get booed at WM regardless, could have shifted the awesome ONS match to the microscope of 'Mania.

  16. Chavo was over as fuck for a little while after Eddie's death.

    Wonder how he felt about the rocket being strapped to Rey instead and slowly being put to the backburner until he became un-over again.

    Don't get me wrong. Chavo sucks. But that had to sting a little bit.

  17. Come on now. We all know that Triple H took #1 because he wanted to do his water spit.

  18. Whaaaa? 1996 is great. Probably the most underrated Rumble.

  19. Would be nice to see a set like that again. So sick of the "HD set designs" that are all the same

  20. Let the Rumblus begin!

  21. Can't forget Rey's "acting" when drawing a number.

  22. Didn't like how Rey basically used a rana to get everybody out.

  23. I really thought he was on the verge of taking off after that great match with Cena on PPV. Then he took off... for obscurity.

  24. Just showed how great Cena is carrying him to that match.

  25. I liked this Rumble. I liked the story of Rey eliminating HHH and Orton and surviving for an hour. I don't like that he holds the record and hope Bryan is healthy enough to set a new record on Sunday.

    I sent a copy of an article on the top 15 ppvs of all time that posted that should be good for debate. Is Money in the Bank 2011 the second best ppv ever? I LOVE that show but I don't think it's the 2nd best ever.

  26. Maybe I'm soured on this because of how they ended up treating Rey's title run... yeah he won the title at WM, but he lost EVERY match after that for four months until losing the title to Booker T.

  27. I was at this Rumble. The crowd was sooooo hot for Rey. I was so disappointed in his performance though. He was on the floor for almost the ENTIRE time.


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