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A+ Match of the Day

Happy Sunday Blog O'Doomers!

Continuing with our Royal Rumble marathon as we head to the start of the Road to Wrestlemania. It only makes sense that yesterday we did the first and shortest Rumble (20 men) that we look at the longest Rumble from 2011, which was 40 men. I loved the addition of 10 men and while it stretched the roster a bit, the booking was pretty interesting at times. I was a little surprised they went back to 30 and I've always wondered what was the reasoning behind going to 40 anyway. Oh well, enough of my yapping, enjoy the match.


  1. Man that whole Corre v. Nexus thing just wasn't going to get any traction. 8 guys no one gave a shit about an CM Punk.

  2. The 2002 Royal Rumble was the longest ever.

  3. That was the reason it went to 40

  4. The reason for it going to 40 was because they had the Nexus and the New Corre faction to fit in the match. Outside of them not interacting during the Rumble, it was a well paced and surprisingly good.

  5. Who knew that 6 months later, he would win his first WWE championship.

  6. I was at this Rumble. The Nexus controlling the Rumble spot is my favourite

  7. ADR has to be the worst winner in the "Title sot at Wrestlemania" era

  8. Everything during that stretch was a little off the mark. Miz-Cena main event at WM? I believe Vince was involved in a steroid trial we didn't know about.

  9. That's a downer...hate to think there was actually a discussion about how to get Heath Slater and David Otunga involved in a Royal Rumble.

    I did enjoy the period where Nexus controlled things.

  10. Yeah... though I think "Cena-Rock also featuring Mike Mizanin as 'The Miz'" was really the main event.

  11. Yeah, that's probably one of the best parts.

  12. And then Cena ended it all by himself because Cena

  13. What made it very ironic was that Del Rio won the match to main event WM, only to actually open the show.

  14. "The Internet is going crazy over this Punk-Bryan pairing" as the live crowd is doing loud dueling chants of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan....even then they didn't want to admit both guys were over...

  15. Think how much shit like that we'd have been spared if they would have unified the titles long ago

  16. Hated the 40 man rule almost as much as i did the '95 60 second entrances one.

    30 Men, one enters every 2 minutes and for the love of god buy someone in Gorilla an actual stopwatch!

  17. I thought he was a great pick to win the Rumble-- FINALLY they were gonna go all the way and build someone new as a megastar, and Del Rio at the time was getting really good heat. The crazy thing was having Edge go over. It made zero sense, even if they planned on having Edge put him over the following month. Seriously, I think that loss at Mania 27 derailed ADR's career as he went from rising new megastar to "just another guy", a label which he's never been able to shake.

    It's funny how WWE never seems to strike when the iron's hot anymore. I mean, they give ADR a loooooong title run in 2013 (he basically won the belt in Jan 2013, and other than Ziggler's 4 week run he held the title til HIAC in October) when the guy is clearly not over and way past his freshness date. Yet they didn't give him a title run at Mania 27, when he was clearly at his hottest and had the most potential, just so they could dick the title around with Christian and Orton. Really bizarre.

  18. You gotta admit, it was pretty fun to see the crowd go nuts when they thought Santino was going to win.

  19. Part one, you hit it right on the mark.
    Part two, that's WWE booking logic for ya.

  20. Cena totally should have just won the Mania match against Miz, and have Rock beat up Cena afterwards. The whole "Rock helps the heel win the title, and then Miz just jobs the next month anyway" deal made no sense. The booking at Mania 27 (Cole over King, Edge over ADR, Miz over Cena) really was backwards as hell.

  21. ADR wasn't bad, I think I was of the belief they might have given Morrison a chance here. Recapping that RAW last week reminded me of how good ADR is on the stick and how good the overall character can be.

  22. My non wrestling fan cousin watched this Rumble with me and when Del Rio came out, he was wondering why no one would just go steal his car.

  23. They haven't done the 2 minutes legit in forever

  24. Sorry for your loss.

    It seems like the Raiders narrative hasn't changed much in the last 10 years. Take a risk at QB, get hot as a live underdog for a few weeks, and finish up at 4-12 or 5-11.

  25. Ive always wondered about that. Why do they drop so much money on the half time acts? Theyre gonna pull in 120 million viewers regardless, wtf is the ppint, unless the acts take a pay cut just because it solid pr to be a haltime act...

  26. You presume that most of the Superbowl crowd isn't made up of corporate comps and celebrity pull.

  27. I never realized how gigantic Gresham is until that scene in hard knocks where they brought him out for the Oklahoma drill like he was tong po from kickboxer

  28. That's a good point.

  29. I think ADR would've gone over Edge if it hadn't been Edge's last match.

  30. I maintain that even by the very low standard set by wrestling over the years, the "corre" is the stupidest name for a faction that's ever been dreamed up.

  31. That said, a whole bunch are drunk and probably go on a pee break anyhow.

  32. Lovie Smith is coming back next year...

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    TJ: AJ Styles nearly killed Roderick Strong last night:

  34. That's on Strong... tucked his head in when he should have gone the other way.

  35. Roddy took that move exactly the same way at "Escape from New York" back in '06. It was intentional. Stupid, but intentional.

  36. They want to make it a cultural thing and the half time act gets a lot of chatter on like ET and shit

  37. Chargers play calling is mystifying to me. Unless Rivers is secretly hurt or those gloves are bothering him way more than they have in the past, let him throw the ball. 2.5 quarters in and only 10 pass attempts. He's 9 for 10, throw it more!

  38. Kickers and punters play huge roles. Probably bigger than most guys taken individually. I also get annoyed when people bag on them

  39. Nice touch, nice grab.

  40. What body control

  41. Phillip Rivers has to be my least favorite player in the entire NFL.

  42. Louisiana-Lafayette representing.

  43. Really? Why?


  45. Tht game where he consistently talked shit to cutler made me a fan

  46. That Old Spice commercial with the moms is, in a word, weird.

  47. Old Spice: Fooling men into buying perfume for about ten years now.

  48. He's kicked the Raiders' ass since he came in the league and I can't help but be a fan of the guy.

  49. He's not the first to take that chance... hopefully he'll be the last. But I doubt it.

  50. How amazing is the crowd reaction when they do the Cena-Orton face-off?

    Obviously they're going for the Warrior-Hogan in '90 reaction (wouldn't be surprised if Cena vs Orton wasn't still on the table for a Mania 27 match that year), thinking that everyone would absolutely be losing their shit, and... NOTHING. Just epic complete silence from the crowd.

    And here we are 3 years later and they're STILL forcing that match down the crowd's throat.

  51. Aaaaaaaaand there it is!

  52. Wow. The Bengals fans in the start of the thread were right.

  53. Dalton hasn't played well. But I can't count him out yet. Look at what Luck and Hilton did yesterday.

  54. The way the ref started that sentence I thought they were somehow overturning it.

  55. Styles has done the Styles Clash like that before. He did it to Kazarian.

  56. You don't get paid for the halftime show

  57. I'll take a good block over a good catch any day and that was outstanding.

  58. Dalton is not in the same category as Luck

  59. That's clear. He still has a good shot here though.

  60. Could be worse, you could have been watching the Lions let the playoffs slip away with 61 yard field goals, interceptions, asinine coaching decisions, all that bs

  61. I have NFL Game Rewind so I saw it all my friend.

  62. Did they or Edge even know at this point this was going to be his last match? If I remember right they even booked Edge/ADR Ladder match for the next PPV. It wasn't until a couple of weeks after Mania Edge found out he was done with wrestling due to the neck.

  63. Get hot? When in the last 10 years have the Raiders "got hot"? The highlight of my last few years as a Raider fan has been beating the Steelers 2 years in a row and putting up 59 on the Broncos

  64. Chargers have 15 passes and 29 runs. It hasn't been raining all game, it just started.

    What year is it?

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    Anyone have any thoughts on the late game? Normally I'd say SF would win easily, but the weather scares me. Unfortunately I have to leave for work in 15 minutes and can't watch it.

  66. Anf there it goes

  67. Tony Romo is alive and well, folks!

  68. Game?

    I think it's close now...


  70. They're in Lambeau at 4:30. You can't ever count out Green Bay in Lambeau at 4:30

  71. Numbers wise it looks like a pretty easy game for the 49ers. But you can't trust the numbers since it's in Green Bay, it's cold and the Pack played half the season without their best player. So who knows, I'm not touching that one.

  72. As a secondary Packers fan I'm pulling for them. Rodgers will do his part but the 49ers are built for cold.

  73. This year's Chargers defense is historically bad. It's never over.

  74. I thought the Bengal find earlier were just overly pessimistic. I now see what they were talking about

  75. This is one of the funner Rumbles of the last 10 years. I actually really enjoyed the 40 man Rumble concept. Kinda wish they would bring it back every once and a while. Punk was great in that match.

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    Yeah, but their D still stinks. I'm thinking it's going to be a sloppy boring game.

  77. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    They are? How so?

  78. I hate to see a player live up to reputation but Dalton has done that here so far.

  79. Andy Dalton is garbage. Gotta take the sack there and live another play. Instead, he forces something that's not there and throws off his back foot.

  80. Isn't that the Cowboys D that were historically bad this year?

  81. Stout, hard nosed defense and a power running game with a reliable kicker.

  82. Big physical D. Run game also

  83. Lotta historically bad defenses.

  84. There was a lot of awful defense played this year. The Chargers weren't statistically that bad, middle of the pack. But they can't stop a nosebleed when it counts and gave up 31 to the Texans and 27 to the Raiders. To say their secondary sucks is a compliment.

  85. Someone tell Woodhead he's the size of Spike Dudley and to run accordingly.

  86. Right now we're going commercials, play, possible second play, commercials, kickoff, commercials, play.

    The NFL!

  87. Does anyone out there like nascar?

  88. 11th in points, 23rd in yards. That's not great, but acceptable.

  89. He can give a lineman the Acid Drop!

  90. Did, until the bullshit right before the Chase last year. Don't give a fuck anymore.

  91. That was a HUGE stop.

  92. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Are you talking about the whole Boyer/Vickers/Gordon thing? That was total horseshit.

  93. That's called the Matthew Stafford special.

  94. For all the Bengals' troubles, Maualuga is having a game.

  95. Yep. I've never liked Gordon, and Nascar's treatment of something that's happened more than they'd care to admit was so bush (NOT Busch) league.

  96. If the Bengals win this game Andy Dalton better take his game check and give it to his defense.

  97. Once WWE is out of a solid money partner, they'll learn.

  98. I swear I thought that was a playfake. It looked like pass blocking.

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    I can't fucking stand Gordon, and AFAIK Boyer and Truex were penalized for something that really isn't against the rules.

    I am happy that Vickers got a full time ride again. I've always been a fan of his, and the fact that I'm dealing with the same medical problems that caused him to miss most of the 2011 season has me pulling for him even more.

  100. It was hilarious how they tried to do it not once, but TWICE. The crowd wanted nothing to do with the 8367549292919320192182394628th rendition of that feud.

  101. If that actually was the case and WWE knew it was Edge's last match going in, then the decision to job ADR was even THAT MUCH DUMBER. Why have Edge go over a rising star when he could never even give the win back? ADR winning that match and claiming that he ended Edge's career on a loss would have been HUGE. On the other hand, Edge winning his last match was..well that's nice, i Guess, but really who cared? The retirement speech was Edge's big moment. Him winning that match did nothing for anyone.

  102. Man that Jimmy V botch was epic. For some reason, every always gets mad at me for making fun of that.

  103. We make fun of Michael Cole and WWE for telegraphing their commercial breaks with "knock opponent out of ring" and Coles generic line but the NFL is worse with their commercials.

  104. Only if it features cool looking crashes and explosion where no driver gets hurt. Otherwise, no.

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    The safety equipment in the cars these days is incredible.

    OK guys, I'm off to work. GO NINERS!

  106. I know it's not an "apples to apples" comparison, but what RAW does would be like the NFL going to commercial during an active play.

  107. The ball's in the air! WHO WILL CATCH IT?!

  108. DALTON DELIVERS AGAIN. Bengals fans, I'm so sorry

  109. Dalton with the beautiful throw to the defender.

  110. Gingers can't win playoff games! They are also soul less

  111. The Green Bay-San Francisco game just warmed up two degrees because of the angry sighs of the entire Cincinnati crowd.

  112. Holy crap, I didn't know Cutler was traded to the Bengals.

  113. Damnit Dalton. Way to live down to expectations. I picked Cincy!

  114. I repeat. I FUCKING HATE BEING A BENGALS FAN. Why do I always believe again every year? WHY?!

  115. I know Dalton isn't Luck but I remember Luck throwing what was thought to be a back breaking INT to open the 3rd and help them go down 28. For some reason I just won't quit on the Bengals yet.

  116. Bruce Springsteen wrote a song about people like you.

  117. That reason is you havent spent years watching this same shit play out over and over.

  118. FG or less on this drive: There's still a chance, maybe.

  119. This feels like the perfect time for one of those Chargers drives from this year. 10+ play drive, 7 minutes, end in points.

  120. I'm a Peyton Manning fan. I know all about playoff heartbreak.

  121. Their offensive play calling isn't going to win any awards.

  122. At least Peyton won a ring. And some games in the playoffs. No comparison.

  123. Their runs outnumber their passes over 2 to 1. If/when they blow this game, they're going to have lost because they played the entire game with no balls.

  124. I hate the expression but the Chargers are not playing to win this game. They're just waiting for Dalton to lose the game for them. I's working so far but this is the NFL so...

  125. I hope Whisenhunt wasn't planning on parlaying this game into a head coaching job. Who knows though, the Lions still need a coach.

  126. That kids room in the NFL Shop commercial that has a Bengals fan on one side and a Bears fan on the other is really sad.

  127. As a Bengals fan it wouldnt even phase me for Dalton to throw a gorgeous TD strike to Green on the first play of thise drive. But I also wont be phased if he throws a pick 6. Life as a Bengals fan!

  128. The game is like the wwe online ppv kickoff show. Time killing fodder until the important game

  129. I revise my previous statement. Dalton better give half his game check to his defense and half to the Chargers' play callers.

  130. The Pro Bowl will be all new, and will continue to be ignored.

    Also, Karate Ninja is my new favorite term.

  131. Want to make it fun this season? Mic all the players.

    Just don't tell them.

  132. The Bengals are demonstrating how KC should have killed the clock last night.

    Sadly, they're down 10 points.

  133. That was the play right there, he just dropped it. Good throw by Dalton though.

  134. Good rumble match but Cole's commentary got real catty once Striker made his "marking out" comment. Cole spent the rest of the show no selling Striker 's commentary. No wonder Matt Striker is no longer employed by the WWE.

  135. Yeah, it's sad that he was punished for being a fan at heart.

  136. Cole is bad but striker was just awful. Would you hear Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura or bobby Heenan saying "I'm marking out bro!"? He came across as this overcompensating frat boy.

  137. At least he never really had an annoying fake laugh.

  138. Lol that was the apex of "see how it plays out," and when they actually did plan and pay things off.

  139. What a lousy final match too. Opening the card and having no real match with an abrupt ending. For some reason it would have been better if he never wrestled and came out on raw like he did the next night. Idk.

  140. THat was rough. I'd rather have a Vince-Macho-Rob Bartlett three man than that. At least Randy's antics were entertaining.

  141. Lol. I'm not defending any of the current announcers. None of them do their jobs and I can hardly listen more than a few minutes. I honestly think the last guy who could have been something special long term in the booth was heyman. Before the invasion bullshit, he was our generation's chance for a heel albeit legit color commentator like Jesse Ventura. Its too bad they never put him back on.

  142. Seriously, how insulting is that of two "superstars" as they say. I always wonder that if Bryan or Punk were larger (I.e., they can intimidate) that they wouldn't pull shit like that.

  143. The Hornswoggle "humor" period with cena and HHH's burial of punk's domination are mytwo worst moments of the match. The cena Orton stare down to silence was sadly awesome

  144. It's better than hearing "building momentum" and "creating separation" for the entire show.

  145. Or endless shillings for an app.

  146. Amazing how the "next big things" pushed during the match are non-entities just three years later. Eziekel Who?

  147. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 5, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    The thing with this match is that Santino Marella was the last man left. Kinda took the suspense out of it. Not like the year later when Sheamus and Jericho would leave the viewer guessing as to who would win.

  148. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 5, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    They didn't know because there's no way they would have let him work it. It wasn't a 3 minute match. If they were willing to let him work this match, why wouldn't they be willing to let him work the next one to put Del Rio over?

  149. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 5, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    I have brought this up before. When you have two guys like Warrior and Hogan go face to face, it was special because they were both faces, in a time when faces did not go at it in the ring. Also, because they were kept apart from the time Warrior came to the WWF. Now, somebody has faced and beaten somebody else several times due to RAW and Smackdown and monthly PPV. It takes the uniqueness out of it when you have that much TV time to fill, and you're out of fresh match-ups.

  150. Sadly, Eddie was already dead by then.

  151. I always try to take the positive side of things, but... You are right, it was embarrassing how quiet the crowd was for that.

    At least they waited 3 more years to go back to the feud, at least some young fans might have never seen the match now. But it was WAY too early in 2011.

  152. 1:02:55 mark:
    Striker: To put in perspective, the tallest player in the NHL is Zdeno Chara,, who plays in this building
    Cole: WHO CARES??!??
    Striker: ... Kevin Garnett, 6'11, also plays for the Celt...

  153. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 5, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    I kinda liked heel Cole, it was a window into Vince's mind backstage. He got to yell at Striker before Striker even got backstage.

  154. That and the entire premise of pro wrestling is babyfaces overcoming the odds but something something cena

  155. Hee could just as easily have tossed one or two of them and survived until the next entrant, still look strong and not undo everything they just did.

    Solid troll effort though.

  156. The irony of it all is that CM Punk was basically being used to transfer heat to Mason Ryan before Punk left the company.

  157. Come to think of it, the 40-man Rumble would be a great way to introduce the NXT guys to a larger audience. Sure, they'd be little more than cannon fodder, great for those times when you need that monster to clean house. BUT it's be a great experience for the new guys, getting to rub shoulders with the big wigs.

  158. Awful idea, I'm sorry to say. It conditioners fans (uhm sorry wwe, I meant the universe) to see these unknown new guys as total jobbers. The company has enough problems building guys as it is.

  159. That was likely Vince feeding him lines to get at striker.

  160. Weird booking. You get Team Workrate going nonstop for the first ten minutes, and then you get the whole New Nexus story slowing everything to a crawl.

  161. Everything they do with wade Barrett seems to be total shit. How hard is it to book the guy?! They got Steve Blackman over with the lethal weapon shit.

  162. They'd be treated like jobbers, either way, so what does one appearance in the Rumble make?

  163. Well, it was a unique thing to do in the Rumble. Most of the guys they tossed were cannon fodder, anyway. It further pushed Punk, specifically. And Cena got arguably the biggest pop of the night when he eliminated them all.

  164. That would have been a good feud.

  165. I think Striker was on the verge of crying during the Booker T segment.

  166. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingJanuary 5, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    One of my favorite Rumbles ever. As far as the booking of individual segments, I'd put this one side by side with 2005 for as good as it gets thus far.

  167. If anything this match desperately needs more stars in it to make it more exciting and unpredictable on the outcome. Seeing a crowd deflate to silence and confusion as random nxt guy's come down the aisle is not a great idea. Go watch the 97 rumble when the crowd was supposed to recognize AAA talent. Total Pin dropping.

  168. They also didn't book Steve Blackman to lose on a regular basis.

  169. Yeah the Nexus segment in the middle really ground the match to a complete halt. They made their point after one or two jobbers got tossed, but it dragged on for 4-5 guys.

  170. It's so weird watching Daniel Bryan NOT come out to a massive pop.

  171. This isn't without precedent for a top babyface. Remember when the Alliance was dominating Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, and Chris Jericho.....and then Austin came down and took out the entire WCW/ECW roster?

  172. Probably forgot to shake HHH's hand/shook it but too tightly/shook it but not tightly enough on his first day as a WWE employee.

  173. For the record, My theory about the 40 man rumble is to "cancel out" the very first 20 man rumble. This way,when they do their "Royal Rumble numbers" segment, there is now an official average of 30 entries per year.

  174. That was the point. The crowd gets angrier while the jobbers get less jobbier until it climaxes with Cena. Really good booking

  175. Definitely. And they even had a great use for Khali, as he got rid of one of them for a major hope spot... Only that we forgot about new member Mason Ryan, who overpowers him, and we're right back to the 4 guy advantage. Then a few guys later, Cena comes in, HUGE pop. Perfectly done.

  176. It's say it's weirder that there's not a single "YES!" shouted by him or the fans. Of course, this was before his big heel turn and he started celebrating his world title win like that.

  177. Maybe HHH created a time machine to go back to 2011 and make sure that Bryan got buried.

  178. If they were larger, Vince would have died from orgasm-induced cardiac arrest by now.

  179. I agree 100% with the logic behind the booking. I just thought they could have accomplished the same thing using 3 guys, 4 at the most. After the 6th elimination, it got old. They could have told the same story in 6 minutes instead of 12. In front of a live crowd, that's a long time.

  180. Cibernetico! Cibernetico?

  181. Interesting theory!

  182. Thank god they pulled the plug on that one.

  183. Though, that did get a massive pop, if I recall correctly.

  184. Lol wow that's embarrassing

  185. Man striker was so terrible

  186. Remember that he was Jericho's protege on the first NXT and that Jericho talked him up very highly in the ensuing months. Maybe HHH's boner for politicking Jericho extends to anyone who's learned from him also? I mean, what could Chris Jericho possibly teach someone about THIS BUSINESS that they couldn't learn by spotting HHH at the gym day after day?

  187. That's what made Cena coming in so much sweeter. It was a great payoff. Like I said, I was there for it, and people were getting restless, so when Cena's music hit, people exploded.


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