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A way to not break the streak and still put someone over

> Hey Scott,
> Firstly, I want to say that I'm firmly in the "the streak should never be broken" camp but I think there's a way for them to have their cake and eat it too. What if, say Daniel Bryan takes Undertaker to the limit and the match ends in a draw, double pin, time limit expiry or however you want to book it. But 'Taker and Bryan won't have it and the match gets restarted. And then after a couple more false finishes, 'Taker finally wins after a tombstone.
> This way, the streak can still continue and Bryan can claim to be the only man to finish a match with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania not having lost.
> Thoughts?

No buys. Either break it or don't break it. If you want to do that game, just put Taker over where it matters (WM) and then he can job a million times clean as a sheet every other day of the year if you want. Taker knows how to make guys look good in losing and could sell Bryan as a threat and then win in the end.

Fanwank alert: I'd tie in the Authority stuff by having HHH tell Bryan to prove that he's an A+ guy once and for all and he has to win every match from now until WM or join the Wyatts again for good. And of course with four weeks to go in his winning streak, HHH reveals that his last challenge will be breaking the UT's streak. So that gives you a guy in a massive win streak challenging Undertaker with real stakes (since fans HATED the Wyatt turn so much) on the line. If Bryan wins, great. If he loses, Undertaker can vouch for Bryan and stand up to the Authority on Bryan's behalf and destroy HHH or something.

Or they could just do Brock v Undertaker yet again, whatever.


  1. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    You way screams of having HHH interference in the match. Then HHH wrestles DBry at the following PPV and puts him ove...I can't even type that with a straight face.

  2. Loved that storyline when Vince and flair did a variation of it and this would be a great way to do it again.

  3. Assuming the Wyatt's are still together by Mania 31 I'd book Taker against all three of them and lose. Therefore Taker has an excuse for losing, the streak is broken, and Bray still gets all the glory.

  4. Daniel Bryan's not breaking the streak this year. The streak's not going to be used as a rub for an upper midcarder's momentum.

    Both these assertions are equally absurd to me.

  5. That's...actually kind of a cool idea.

  6. Again, why the obsession with defeating the streak?!? What good comes of it?

  7. Have to say that is some $$$ fantasy booking

  8. At this point, I dont see any reason to end the streak. Let that be Taker's legacy.

  9. I think it should be ended to either
    a) put over the heir apparent (say a guy like reigns) on his way out
    B) set up a huge rubber match. Like have Taker beat Cena one year. Have Cena then beat Taker to set up a huge money match

    No other reason to end it just to give a random guy some rub that he'll piss away

  10. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    That should have been the end game for putting DBry in the group to begin with.

  11. Bryan ends the streak cleanly after reversing the Tombstone into the Yes Lock; that's right, Taker taps!!! Undertaker shakes Bryan's hand afterward raises his land and raises a fist to Bryan from the top of the ramp while the entire audience engages in a MASSIVE 'YES' chant. Bryan is made like a Kid n' Play fade in the shade.

    The next night, Raw begins with with a replay of these final moments, only the 'Yes' chants are gradually overtaken by a beeping sound. The camera cuts to an alarm clock which is immediately swatted by a muscular hand. COO HHH sits up on his couch and rubs his face. Stephanie enters the room.
    "Are you almost ready?"
    "Yeah babe, I was just getting in a power nap."
    "You look pale, is something wrong?"
    "No, I just had the craziest dream."

    "King of Kings" begins to play and HHH heads out to the ring.

  12. The layout of the match at WM 27 was perfect for getting someone over while still preserving the streak. Unfortunately they used it with HHH, rather than someone who'd actually benefit from the rub.

  13. Like I said yesterday...Bryanmania has reached the point where anything other than not ending the Streak will be considered as yet another burial. I like Bryan quite a lot (going back to the tiny handful of ROH matches of his I've seen) - but the expectations and hopes people have for him have lost all sense of reality.

  14. So Taker's legendary streak ends, and nobody gets a rub from it due to it being a 3 on 1 beating? Hmmm... No thank you!

  15. I still feel a massive vile Cena heel turn is the only thing worth ending The Streak for at this point. Daniel Bryan doesn't need The Streak, he is already super over. I'm not even that interested in Bryan - Taker for Mania.

  16. Yep, sadly, some people will simply never be happy. Daniel has easily had one of the top 3 pushes in the past 5 years in my opinion.

  17. "I'm super excited for Cena - Taker at mania"


  18. Which Rocky ends with both the guys down on the mat trying to answer a 10 count, then Rocky gets up at the last second? III?

    They should do a Rocky III

  19. They should do a Rocky II

  20. Bryan doesn't eat chicken breasts and has a funny beard you see

  21. "Damnit. Now I'm out 14 bucks for a pizza."



  22. Take that objectivity and common sense thinking elsewhere!

  23. Again, a lot of it is the result of general WWE booking since... 2002-03? Short of "This guy is OUR guy" moments, a lot of people have no trust in someone's push until completely proven wrong.

    Bryan's had what could/should have been several of those moments, only for the following booking to be... erratic? Questionable? Haphazard? Confusing? You tell me.

    "Breaking the Streak" would be one of the few remaining "moments" left, as would winning the title and HOLDING IT FOR MORE THAN A DAY.

    Personally, no, the Streak should NOT be broken by Bryan... not this year at least. Breaking the Streak correctly has to be a heel thing, because the fans will likely turn the breaker heel anyway. Running a "respect" angle MIGHT keep the breaker face, but could just as easily be a flat turn-off. So, this year:

    Cena: Not turning heel. Next.
    Bryan: See above. Next.
    Punk: See above. Next.
    Batista: See above. Next.
    BROCK!: Why? As much fun as he is, he's still "damaged goods" overall. Also, I have no faith in the match being worth anything. Next.
    Anybody else: Either not worth the rub, not believable, or not ready yet (Reigns or Ambrose).

    Sorry, but WM30's gonna be a streak extender, IMO.

  24. Sorry!

    Ok, ok. Cena wins at Royal Rumble, holds on to the title until Wrestlemania. He wrestles Undertaker at WM ('cause otherwise, GTFO). Undertaker wins, gets on the mic and demands a 'real challenge'. Bryan comes out and beats him 5 seconds, breaking not only Undertaker's winning streak, but also King Kong Bundy's 'fastest pin' record. And he gets the WWE title as well.

    I'm sure you can figure out a way to also have that match unify the WWE title with the ROH, TNA, NWA, IWGP and Western States Heritatge titles as well.

  25. Oh wait, I forgot one more guy:

    Miz: (falls on the floor laughing, cannot breathe, shit, this hurts, chest pain... whew. Deep breaths, slow deep breaths. There goes about half my humor for tonight, thanks Miz. Fucking twatwaffle.)

  26. That'll hold off the dogs...for NOW. Eventually they'll only be satisfied if it's renamed the "Daniel Bryan title of the Universe" and he's going over other galaxies champions.

  27. Damn hater, I've stuck up for D Bry quite a bit on here. I just don't think that match up does anything for either guy. That match splits the crowd and not in a good way. I do think the beard is ridiculous but Bryan is a fantastic athlete and I respect the hell out of him.

  28. LOL... just fucking with you... the beard does look stupid but he makes it work.

  29. I've never heard anyone propose this, but what if they booked a rematch from Wrestlemania 12 and had Kevin "Diesel" Nash end the streak?

  30. Hogan still needs his win back from Tuesday in Texas. Just sayin...

  31. I like your style kid.

  32. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:17 PM

    ...why would they do that?

  33. I would actually be stoked to see him win the belt at Mania, actually that is what should happen.

  34. The internet explodes

  35. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:20 PM

    No Undertaker stretcher ride?? DBry is BURIED!!!

  36. Agreed... I honestly feel like anything other than the show closing with Bryan holding the belt screaming YES along with the fans has been a waste of the last 2 years.

  37. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    THIS X 1000.

  38. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Yeah. I don't know WHY the WWE didn't copy these to bank off of the beard:

  39. I thought Hogan won that one and lost at Survivor Series.

  40. If they know ahead of time what WM is going to be Undertaker's last (I'd like it to be his 25th personally if his body can make it that far which would be 33 at the earliest) then they should do a countdown from the day after the previous WM.

    I'd also have that year's Royal Rumble be for the prestige of being the last person to ever face The Undertaker. Make it the biggest Rumble yet (40, maybe more) and anyone that is physically capable of returning does so because this is pushed as the one final greatest chance to write history. HHH, Michaels, Nash, Roberts, Snuka, as many of his past opponents that can still take the bump get involved. Hell, do that thing they did with Omori in 96 and actually loan a Japanese wrestler and a Mexican wrestler for one night and say that people from around the world are desperate to be the person to do it.

  41. There are tons of beard marketing opportunities they haven't capitalized on... I guess they hate money

  42. You would be correct actually. You can prove anu point with those annoyning little things called facts

  43. And then Goldberg challenges Nash at the next ppv and gets his Starrcade '98 streak loss back. Gold, Jerry. GOLD!

  44. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    As the newest member of the 10K club Allow me to present you with a complementary foot rest for your throne:

  45. Dude that is treating women like objects and I am opp... no that's awesome. Thank you very much.

    :: High Society Handshake ::

  46. "Allow me to present you with the newest resting place for your cock."


  47. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Now THAT would cause Y2K levels of internet meltdown.

  48. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:29 PM


  49. Only if spray paints "NWO" on his back afterwards.

  50. "Allow me to present you with a familiar resting place for your cock."


  51. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    ...she also comes with a wedding ring and dress for extra inspiration:

  52. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:35 PM


  53. Ha.

    ::parallax excuses himself for 10 minutes to "use the bathroom::

  54. I made her frame that a display it above our bed.

  55. Yup, and then they had a little dash of the early stages of Rocky II after the match, where Creed (taker) needed to fight again cause he got beat up so badly, but Rocky (HHH) who came so close to winning, is all "nah, we had our time."

    But again, it was HHH who got to be in that awesome roll.

  56. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 20, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    That is also how Cena/Brock should have been done.

  57. It's so weird because normally I am in agreement with most everything OfficerFarva says on this board AND I try my best to be objective, but the D-Bry thing is one of the few things I disagree with you on, and so, like Ultimate Warrior at WM VII, I find myself looking at my hands and asking the gods, "Am i just being too biased towards Daniel Bryan?"

  58. someone texted Nash the idea?

  59. Shawn Michaels. Triple H. Edge. Batista. Randy Orton. CM Punk.

    Just some of the names of guys unable to end the streak but some of you are willing to give it to some Joe Nobody as a means for a rub.

  60. He could dust off the fingerpoke of doom!

  61. Bryan isn't a nobody, is he?

  62. No, but he doesn't deserve it this year either.

  63. Lol. Some of my "Bryan fan" stuff is slightly exaggerated. It also doesn't include rationale Bryan fans, just those that cried "burial" after all 3 Orton ppvs, after the HHH B+ player promo, after joining the Wyatt family, etc. I'm a huge Bryan fan also, but the unadulterated bias towards everything wwe did with him as negative or biased just killed me.

  64. Brock Lesnar fought in the UFC....Undertaker WATCHES UFC!...How can you not be excited for that?

  65. I couldn't get on for half the day either.

  66. The cut of his jib is spectacular.

  67. Huh? When did Taker fight Leaner? Or was the "again" implying something else?

  68. He isn't a somebody yet either.

  69. No half measures, Walt.

  70. Ages ago, at one of the Summerslams. Taker lost.

  71. I'm sure AJ wouldn't mind going in for a taste from the source.

  72. But Cena needs the win?

  73. Are you on to now Cena needs two matches against Taker?

  74. No matter what there plans are, and I know this sounds like a broken record, but not doing Cena vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania is throwing away money. It also frees up Bryan for a Title Match, and then Lesnar can get Batista. Those three matches would draw a huge buyrate.

  75. I wasn't talking about Bryan here by the way. Not that him beating Undertaker is that much better anyway.

  76. Seeing Taker heel it up one last time would be cool though.

  77. Bryan vs Orton with HHH as guest color commentator, Steph as guest time keeper, HBK as guest ref, Maddox as guest ring announcer, Outlaws as ringside security, and Kane as special guest enforcer would be pretty awesome in a 1999 kind of a way.

  78. They had a cell match and a pole match about 11 years ago. The cell match is super bloody and underrated.

  79. That will never happen, but would be awesome.

  80. The OP must have forgotten they already did that more or less. With El Gigante. That turned out great!

  81. That is my fear with Taker/Brock. They'll try and do a worked MMA style match and it will be terrible.

  82. I guess I get they want to maybe hold off on Cena vs Taker for a later WrestleMania as that's their last Super Match left. But Taker is getting older and nobody knows if something will happen to the guy and he's done with wrestling. I would much rather see Taker vs Cena and Bryan vs Brock for Mania this year.

  83. They had three PPV programs during Brock's original run (2002-2004). Normally, you could say "yeah, but that was 10 years ago", but the problem is that it makes up so much of Lesnar's short WWE career. Of his main event programs, he faced Big Show and Undertaker many times, so there is no "dream match" feel to any of that.

  84. Hell yes it will be. Who in Fuck All would actually buy that a pro-wrestler (and an aging one at that) would have the slightest chance in a legit fight with Brock Lesnar? No buys.

  85. Me too. Orton/Batista and Punk/HHH would round out all the big players.

  86. This is tremendous. Great idea, especially the international stuff. Play it up as the last great feat that no one else will ever be (and has ever been) able to claim. As an aside, I'm gonna need Giant Gonzalez as a surprise entry as well, if we're rehashing old Taker opponents. :)

  87. Yes, but Hogan needs his win back for that 2002 title loss too, brother!

  88. Who should have faced him at 27 though? Maybe Sheamus?

  89. Gotta keep Eric Rowan strong, ya know

  90. The Streak shouldn't be broken. I mean, what's the point. This is something that can never be booked again, it was the perfect storm. The WWE stumbled into The Streak & got lucky to still be making bank off it once a year, the money is in The Streak. For a worker to be considered to break it, it would have to be another "perfect storm". A worker who's guaranteed to be committed to wrestling for the duration, young, where the rub would transcend his career into a crossover mega star, generate mad cash, & happen during or igniting another wrestling boom. The only person I thought remotely fit that mold was CM Punk when he blew up. Such a win would have likely elevated him to Cena level. But....he is too old, & the business is currently stagnant where him being elevated via ending The Streak wasn't going to change a thing business wise. If there was competition right now, business wise, like during the Wars & WWE needed another Cena level star.....then maybe. Plus, if there were another ongoing streak, someone chasing Taker's streak to match or beat it, then I would say end it & hype the current "streak holder" for the next 10-15 years. But no such situation exists.

  91. Eh, for my money Bryan's already a much better wrestler than Orton, much less of a headache backstage, and while Bryan hasn't been over for as long, Orton's never been as over as Bryan is right now.

    I mention Orton specifically, because by all accounts Taker was willing to drop the Streak to him. If so, why not Bryan?

  92. Here's how you put Bryan over without breaking the Streak:

    Get to the match however you want, just so long as HHH doesn't want Bryan to win (either in Scott's scenario or just out of jealousy because he couldn't beat Taker in 3 tries). Book the match down the middle, but have Bryan get the edge, probably with the LeBelle Lock. Taker isn't tapping, but he doesn't seem to be able to get out of it either. Cue Triple H run-in where he beats up Taker to cause the DQ, or in some other way causes Bryan to lose (maybe the ref is out, so Trips just pedigrees him). Taker's pissed, Bryan and Taker beat the crap out of Trips and whoever he brought with him (maybe Billy Gunn bumped the ref), and close the show as tense allies. HHH getting his ass kicked by Taker and/or Bryan to close the show (or match, if you wanna put Cena on last) keeps the fans happy enough, and you get all of the following:

    *You sell Bryan as a guy who can maybe beat the Streak, but didn't, setting up a rematch a year down the road. Having Taker in a hold looks good, and Bryan can argue he would have won, but Taker basically never taps, so he'll never know for sure unless they go again.

    *You get the heat on Bryan (possibly with Taker) vs. Authority for Extreme Rules.

    *You set up a year-long build (or two, if you wanna do Taker/Cena in between) of Bryan being sure he can beat Taker, but having to scrap to get another shot at him (ala Shawn in 2010).

  93. There's a mild difference in work-rate there.


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