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BoD Daily Update

Kofi Kingston Update

Despite his upset of Randy Orton on RAW, there does not seem to be any plans for a Kofi Kingston push at the moment. His win was more to give Orton a  reason to snap and attack Cena's father.

Credit Wade Keller, PWTorch Newsletter Article Written by Bill Apter

Apter makes his debut on by writing and article about the night Bruno Sammartino lost the Heavyweight Championship to Ivan Koloff

WWE Stars Get Married

Jimmy Uso and Naomi were married on January 16th in Hawaii. Parts of the ceremony were filmed for "Total Diva's." Below is a picture from the wedding.

Highspots Releases New Installment in Their "Old School" Series

The series, hosted by Steve Corino, comes back for an interview with the Rock 'n' Roll Express. Below is a link to the trailer.


  1. Kofi isn't ever going anywhere. He is what he is. That's fine by me, but that Orton match stunk. The bill apter thing is really cool though

  2. I like the idea of Apter writing historical articles like this a lot.

  3. Yeah, Kofi is a midcard guy for life.

  4. I'm fine with Kofi not getting a push (he's great in his role as a gatekeeper for the midcard), but what a waste. Somebody else could've used a win over a guy like Orton. I loved Shelton getting those wins over HHH (almost 10 years ago!!!) and this could've been a similar deal.

  5. Kofi could have been more a few years ago but that ship has sailed. He still has a roster spot a lot of people would envy. Midcard babyface geared for kids that sells a ton of merchandise. This after thing I'm a fan of

  6. I've never seen anything from him that would make me think he should be anymore than that either. But the world does need veteran mid carders so that's definitely fine.

  7. A guy like Big E Langston could have used that win, although he does seem to be a bit overpushed right now.

    I loved the Shelton win from HHH though. That was awesome and a pretty good match too

  8. He is a good midcard vet. The fans really dug him until recently too.

  9. This would have been perfect for Langston.

  10. Adding to the things I thought I would never see: Bill Apter writing for WWE. This has been just a weird time for wrestling fans.

  11. It does seem weird. Couldnt believe it myself when i went on this morning.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 18, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    If Bill Apter is writing for, will the great Eddie Ellner be far behind?

  13. Off-topic but the vote for the next shoot interview is tied between Jake Roberts and Magnum TA, with the deadline tonight at 8pm EST. Vote by clicking on the link below.

  14. WWE writers have their heads so far up their bums.

  15. There also seem to be other weighs to induce Orton to snap on Cena Sr without making him take a loss. All in all I don't think it made him look bad but I don't think your champ should ever lose on free tv regardless of the situation

  16. I don't know. A lot of people could have used it, however Kofi actually sort of makes sense over a lot of others. Everyone else that I could think of is problematic.

    IC champ vs WWE champ headlined a Wrestlemania and that is how it should be. Giving that away for free is wasteful to the concept. (Not the two guys involved mind you. Big E vs. Orton without belts would be totes ok.)

    That said, Kofi and Orton have fought like, a million times, so one could argue that Kofi just knows Orton really well and can tell when he's "distracted". Or of course, Kofi could have just fucking cheated a bit. Someone said yesterday that they missed having feet on the ropes. Why not have Kofi do that? It wouldn't hurt his character.

    Who else? Reigns? It really is too early for that. Punk? Doesn't need it and it convolutes the Authority angle. DBry? Doesn't need it either and is busy finishing up the Wyatts (plus head injury.) Cena? Fighting at the Rumble anyway.

  17. In the long run, the loss isnt going to effect Orton anyway so it doesnt matter and the focus after the match was Orton snapping and attacking Cena's dad, to hype there match at the Rumble so if someone like Langston won, it probably wouldnt have elevated him all that much anyway

  18. Oh Kofi, always stuck in the mid card limbo.

  19. Unless shenanigans are involved, I agree.

  20. Kofi is this generation's tito

  21. Right now, he is like the 1991 version of Tito Santana

  22. Kofi Kingston is this generation's Bob Holly. He never does much of anything, but has lasted a long ass time.

  23. How long before he starts injuring and sandbagging people?

  24. No, the one's that let Kofi win against the WWE Champion but have no plans for him. I mean wtf. is that

  25. Anyone remember last year at the Rumble when Bo Dallas eliminated Wade Barrett and it was a huge deal? He also beat him in singles bouts as well. Now let's look a year later, Barrett has a podium gimmick and doesn't wrestle much, if at all, and Bo Dallas has been in NXT ever since, granted he is the NXT Champion though.

  26. Bo Dallas would have gotten over as a 1985

  27. Im gonna get GM Bayless to bury you on pregame shows for upvoting mick foleys post about me.

  28. Watching part of the Kevin Matthews shoot (the guy who accused Bill DeMott of being a huge asshole when he was the trainer in Deep South) speak about his time in WWE Developmental. Interesting Stuff in many ways

  29. The GM informed me that ABeyAnce1 will have to job against nebb28 in the next random plug Scott makes.

  30. Was he the one who posted a picture of a naked Zack Ryder in a wrestling ring?

  31. I like to think he's more of this generation's Shelton.

  32. He accused DeMott of making guys wrestle naked. He is telling some stories about DeMott in Deep South and stories he heard about what other guys told him about DeMott before he got there

  33. Yea, I briefly remember a story he said of how Zack Ryder didn't want to train and that he would do anything to get out of training so DeMott made him get naked and do squats I believe?

  34. Jack Tunney Bayless in this motherfucker!

  35. Naomi has to have the best ass of all time when it comes to the divas

  36. He just told a story about Trenesha Biggs, who wrestled as Rhaka Khan in TNA, how she came into training one day and her pussy stank up the entire building, with everyone talking about this, saying it was rank. DeMott then had her do a bunch of rollup drills. Matthews did say that Trenesha was a shmuck and deserved to get fired. Everyone seems to bury her on shoot interviews

  37. Are we including tessmacher in "divas"?

  38. Damn, that's a good one.

  39. Id go tessmacher then naomi but thats just me

  40. NO HOLDS BARRED...with David Rosenbaum

  41. Naomi has a fuller booty so I'd go with her

  42. Bo Dallas is a generic guy. Nothing much there I think

  43. You heel turned when you bloated about being better than people because of your job.

  44. I'm a tweener. I can play numerous roles. I didn't bring the arguement up. I started talking strictly about BoD stuff and you tried going to personal attacks about strip clubs and such. I responded in kind. This is growing tiresome and I don't think people want to keep reading about it. You've said your piece and I've said mine

  45. Torg vs. Officer Farva in a Steel Cage Strip Club Match has been signed

  46. Was she "officially" a Diva? I say yes, but semantics and all...

  47. This is a step back but I guess I can work a mid card feud if it's best for business

  48. The GM told me you will work any match he sees. Any pushback will result into a week of jobs in the WWF Championship Wrestling Threads

  49. You know it'll be a seven minute squash.

  50. Kofi: SHIT! It doesn't lead to anything! This means we shouldn't like it in the first place!

  51. Considering how "bleh" the match was... you nailed it on the head.

  52. He just numerous personas tho. It might turn into a handicap

  53. That's why it'll take seven minutes... every time you bounce him off the steel, he'll "transform" into another persona.

    He's like the real life Mick Foley, only with no charisma and minimal talent.

  54. I thought the story it told was good enough that the semi-boring match made it still acceptable.

  55. Here's a hypothetical parallel:

    1990: Barbarian defeats Sting in a non-title match on WCW Saturday night.

    With apologies to Sting for comparing him to Randy Orton.

  56. No no, I get your point. But at least it was something. I appreciate the overarching storylines, but when they can tell something (even as heavy handed as it was) in-match, that makes it fun for me.

  57. I only make appearance in BoD update threads or better the equivalent of B+ ppv shows or up.

    I actually do read those wwf championship wrestling threads btw

  58. This is so subtle I only expect the regulars to get it

  59. I appreciate that. It is a jobber thread though.

  60. at least let them have a honeymoon before you start moving in...

  61. WTF is it was a random unexpected moment. Everyone bitches about how boring and predictable RAW is then when something not boring or unpredictable happens they bitch about where it might go or that it didn't go anywhere... essentially unless people get exactly what they want they will bitch and moan.

  62. Life's version of the El Matador gimmick is coming soon.

  63. I'm willing to bet a lot of us read it, but there's just nothing much to comment on there. Not your fault Bayless, just the way the show was formatted back then.

  64. There he is. *chuckle*

  65. I just joke about that.

    You are right, there isnt much to comment on those anyway.

    I am recapping the Philadelphia Spectrum House show this Tuesday, which has the first known Savage vs. Hogan match, as well as Orndorff & Bruno vs. Piper & Orton.

  66. Please reiterate, I kind of forget which one.

  67. Are you going down to Hawaii so you can lay her?

  68. True. I think I've read everyone but don't think I've ever made 1 comment

  69. That post made me laugh.

  70. I do need to start using "blargh" more.

    bleh = It's there. Nothing bad or offensive, just not enough to be "good". Mediocre would fit here also.

  71. I would give it **1/4, personally

  72. Isn't "meh" the word you're looking for?

  73. Sure, that would fit too.

  74. There aren't too many laugh out loud moments in the video, but this Cody Rhodes, the character, visiting WWE HQ bit was plenty funny to me. I liked him with the mask, with the moustache, and when he batshit when he was fired--I guess I'm a Cody fan. Not sure if it's been linked already, but here's the video...

  75. Kofi's only chance at moving up the card is a heel turn.

  76. I was going to say "take a pay cut and move to TNA"... but that might just work too.

  77. He'd be a poor man's AJ in TNA.

  78. Anything will be better than going to TNA.

  79. I'd rather have his role as midcard babyface geared for kids then roll the dice with a heel turn. It might move him up the card a little but he's got a comfy gig. Kills it in merchandise I bet also

  80. from what I've read/heard, he's happy being a midcarder with his salary and job situation. Some guys just want to be on the stage, even if it's in the background... not everyone's that ambitious

  81. Canadialandish?

  82. Is this some sort of Canadian acronym?

  83. May have been said already, but isn't Randy Orton being a dick-heel enough reason for "snapping" and attacking Cena's dad? Does a heel need to lose in order to get mad or something?

  84. I'm primarily a lurker and I got it....pretty funny

  85. When kofi debuted, Shelton was still around but I knew Benjamin was done. Vince wasn't going to let two black wrestlers with similar builds and styles to have the same midcard spot.

  86. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    so kane hung up on some radio show recently b/c they mentioned isaac yankem. yeah, they definitely were the stereotypical dipshit dumbass juvenile shock jocks, but i'm surprised kane didn't at least ask them nicely not to bring it up (for whatever reason).

    on the plus side, they played a cool anthrax song ("fueled") in the background

  87. He'd probably just be a poor man in TNA

  88. Finally Goldust rubbing off on him lol

  89. "Jinx!" cried both Edge and Cena.

  90. Ahh. Thanx, yo.

  91. Are you saying all black people look alike?

  92. I didn't believe for a second Kofi would get a push. He's in his proper spot already.

    They needed someone to beat Orton that was both unlikely and in no need of a push. Kofi is that guy.

    You can't use guys like Big E. or Reigns because if you aren't ready to strap the rocket to them, having them beat the world champion wouldn't be in your best interest. With Kofi, it looks like a fluke, and nobody has expectations of him.

  93. The only thing that bugged me was using "WWE" in a direct quote supposedly from Lou Albano on the night of the match.

  94. Though his current gimmickn is GENIUS

  95. I'm kind of surprised that's a sore spot for a guy who's never been anything BUT a silly wrestling guy.

  96. I'd just rather see them use that pinfall on someone that they have plans for, that's all. It's not bitching it is just truth telling.

  97. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:35 PM

    gi jooooooooooooooe

  98. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    wasn't angle with her for a while?

  99. Yep. I'd argue he has the "4 limbs + vagina = HIT IT" attitude, but he never went after Kong, or any of the other Divas/Knockouts (not counting the Sharmell and "beastiality sex" crap, that is).

  100. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    no, its probably like a conveyor line, except the writers have no idea what the one at other ends of the line are doing, which is why nothing makes sense when the final product shipped to the public

    its the equivalent of getting dressed in the dark

  101. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    see my post right above

  102. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    its not bill apter and wrestling unless there's a public presentation of a trophy in the middle of the ring

  103. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    she's married, dude

    ...oh wait, ok, never mind, makes sense

  104. Youve been on FIRE recently. Push this guy Bayless

  105. Good work by you. Time to come out of the woodworks

  106. To reiterate: I am better then you all

  107. To retort: No, you are not. You damn sure aren't Straight Edge, for starters.

  108. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 18, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    i'm on fire?!?!


  109. Screw John Cena. Kofi Kingston is the one guy on the roster that desperately needs a heel turn.

  110. His wife rubbing makeup on his chest.

  111. I'm part of the Holy trinity

  112. I'm out doing stuff but I'd copy and paste in a clip of Mr perfect vignettes in here

  113. Damn, I was hoping to keep the "To r______" theme going...

  114. Somebody vote for Magnum!

  115. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    I remember when he pesented the Road Warriors with the awards for tag team of the year and Hawk said they'd use them for cheese boards.

  116. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:00 PM

    Kofi is the dredlocked version of Shelton Benjamin.

  117. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:01 PM

    He rides with Punk. GOD only knows what he's seen and gotten into. (pardon the pun)

  118. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    ...yeah. just throw chum in the water with the shark.

  119. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    "Hey sweetheart, you looking good. Is that a new dress?"

    "It's my wedding dress."

    "Yeah, sure. Anyway when you're done with this honeymoon thing want to get together?"

    "...motherfucker have you lost your MIND?!"

    "I didn't hear you say no."


    "Here's my number. Call me later..."

    *'llax runs across the buffet table and hops the fence.*

  120. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    He doesn't dance. He the black sheep of the negro community.

  121. I am insulted that you think I am that much of an amateur!

  122. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:19 PM

    He's not that bad. Maybe Jermaine.

  123. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    Pat Patterson. "I yam the first tweener. I was the first wrestler to go both ways."

  124. Kofi is probably move over than Shelton ever was but isn't even half the worker Shelton is. I think people forget how amazing he was, especially early in his career. The thing that killed him was not having a hot finish.

  125. Yeah, he needs to Ghana some edge because right now they're Jamaican him boring.

  126. Keyfob or die! Kane should start a new gimmick where he opens a key-cutting service for the other wrestlers, as part of his Authority role.

    "USING BRIMSTONE AND HELLFIRE I have cut you a replacement key".

    Then when Undertaker returns, he changes his name to Caretaker and is angry that Kane's key-cutting service means all the wrestlers have arena master keys, which Caretaker is unhappy about because he gets off on how it is HIS YARD and he (had) the only key.


  127. They do both have a sweet dropkick.

  128. Yeah, I always wish I could give the thread an up-vote or something, because other than saying "Man, this sounds mostly terrible. Was a nice read while I took a shit though. Thanks!" every time, I never know what I say.

  129. There are exceptions e.g. Genius over Hogan, Foley over Rock, but I think they prove the rule.

  130. As a hardware guy, this gets +1. As a wrestling fan, this gets +1. For the sake of my sanity, I add in a -2, and award nothing. But I laughed.

  131. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    I thought the exploder was a good finish.

  132. a lion fighter?

  133. I don't even think he needs to turn heel. but at least change ANYTHING about him.

  134. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    Fuck that Kofi needs a "Coming to America" gimmick.

  135. weren't you around for his one and only upper card push in 2009 are weren't you convinced back then?

  136. I think it was that he couldn't cut a good promo to save his life.

  137. King of kayfabe bill apter now working for, seems like a good match

  138. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 18, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    He was...alright. Better than John Morrison.

  139. I eouldnt mind sll the dancing negroes to revolt alla nod. Could b cool, and its been 15 years since nod so go for it.

  140. Problem is that I don't see corporate WWE trying something like the NOD again. I imagine they'd catch a backlash from civil rights groups or something.

  141. Plus he "hears voices in his head", so I mean if you have the guy as a psycho then it makes sense he'd beat up Cena's dad.

  142. True, but I do remember Shelton cracking me up in 2006 or so when he wasn't chosen by Vince McMahon to be part of his team for some type of match. He went on a tirade on the mic and then shouted "....OH I KNOW...IT'S BECAUSE I'M BLACK ISN'T IT!?!?!" as the camera quickly cut away. Hilarious moment.

  143. fuck, if I could ride with Punk and take sloppy seconds, I'd be happy jobbing to Tiger Ali Singh.

  144. I'm PROUD of my two down-votes. You're only down-voting the kind of lazy WWE writing that I'm mocking, ya know.

  145. Thanks! I mostly just post to amuse myself, thanks for taking the time.

  146. Long tights! C'mon, isn't that enough?!?

  147. At least the loss "meant something" for a change.

  148. Main eventers lose precious gaming time.

  149. They should catch backlash for the stereo types they invoke now.

  150. I miss Hawk. He was the equal of any of the one-liner guys out there.

  151. I think it's long past time for both a Doom II and masked-heel hijinks.


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