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BoD Daily Update

Daniel Bryan Update

Bryan did not appear at yesterday's house show in Hammond, IN and has been pulled from today's house show in Kalamazoo, MI. He will be replaced by the Big Show.

Tommy Dreamer Back with TNA

Dreamer has been hired for a backstage role with the company, working as an agent and backstage, similar to the role that Jeff Jarrett was doing before he left the promotion. It has been known that John Gaburick is trying to build a new office staff for the company

Credit Mike Johnson,

Ryback Update

Although there is backstage heat on Ryback for backing out of a charity arm wretling contest against Titus O'Neill, his bizarre series of tweets from last week were a complete work and the WWE has even came up with the idea for some of their performers to make these type of tweets on slow weekends to get fans talking. Also, some in the company think that Ryback is legitimately nuts and a perfect role for him.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. OH GOD NO! Lord Bryan,please get well soon,It is written in my fantasy booking that you will win the rumble.

  2. Big Show replacing Daniel Bryan. THAT's rich!

  3. Poor Dreamer. How insane must backstage be that he'd willingly quit WWE with twins at home and a nest egg built in ECW?

  4. Good for Bryan not to try to work through this, or for WWE to force him. His long-term health is far more important than his short-term push.

  5. Yep, I still think overall their drug policy is BS, but big props to them for getting serious about head injuries

  6. Dreamer has a tough job man

  7. He worked backstage in wwe for a lot of years. And he's friends with Foley, so hopefully Mick taught him how to be smart with his money.

  8. Welllllllll, it's a big YES


  10. I just hope Bryan is healthy enough to get on TV and cut a promo. This could be very serious

  11. The good thing is the fans can still break out the YES! chant.

  12. Here comes Big Show to "adopt" the Yes chant!

  13. I guess this means we won't see Tommy Dreamer as part of Parker's Posse in TCW anymore.

  14. If Ryback is "legitimately" nuts...I don't think it's a good idea to encourage him to get in the ring with people, he might need some counselling or something. My guess he's just a talentless hack who needs to get out so Big E can get his spot.

  15. Would mark out big time if Bryan drew 30 and ended up winning the thing, like the way Cena won back in 2008. But if Bryan's not booked to win, then there's no point risking his health to be on the show.

  16. I don't think Ryback has the chops to make it believable.

  17. He comes off as more of a stupid asshole than crazy.

  18. Threadjack: there are whispers through some news sites that the WWE Network will be shying away from '80s content, especially the old regional promotions in favor of 1990s/2000s WWE/WCW/ECW content. If that's the case, I think they're making a huge mistake. It probably wont sway me from purchasing the network, but it'll definitely be something that could drive some of the old school fans away.

  19. Yea. He's not on the pillman mic/charisma level. If they went more of the meat head/ idiot crazy persona I could see him pulling it off

  20. Tommy Dreamer, or, the man that taught me a tight t-shirt solves quite a few body image issues.

  21. I'm sorry for your loss.

  22. Even if he's not, you can be pretty protected in the rumble. Have him come in at like 22 and hang around till all 3 Wyatts gang up and throw him out. No Heavy Bumping required. He should only participate if he's healthy enough tho obviously

  23. O'Doyle Rules! O'Doyle Rules!

  24. I'm sure that if he needed the money to survive then he wouldn't have quit.

  25. Slow news weekend.

    I like Dreamer. He seems to have that everyman quality about him that makes me think he's cool. I also think he has a good wrestling mind. Too bad he's officially arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

    I said it in another thread a few days ago, but Ryback is just not good enough. He's been around a while, and still comes across green as goose shit. Once this fails, he can go wrestle Sting in kindergarten playgrounds.

  26. Well see. The anti-bullying character goes down as one of the worst of all time.

    I'll give it time though. I initially hated Bad News Barrett because everything with him has been a failure but now that's one of my favorite Raw segments.

  27. I think this might be the focus in the beginning. And it does make sense. You can't give everything away in the beginning. Plus, I think that late 90's WWF/WCW and ECW are probably the biggest draw for a lot of people. Judging from people I know/Facebook, it seems like mostly everyone is excited to re-watch the Monday Night Wars and the PPV's from that time.

    I still think that eventually, once the network is up and running, then you'll start seeing the more 'niche' stuff like territory TV shows and all that. At least, that's what I hope happens and not that WWE decides to never put up 80's stuff.

  28. Well, they always said that they'd be adding new content as time went by.

  29. Bad News Barrett is scientifically, objectively awesome. Can't be argued

  30. That's probably the best characterization of Ryback yet.

  31. It depends on what your ceiling is for ryback. I'm not a big fan of his but there's no denying he was getting really over right around that punk feud and the fans were behind him. Working with Punk absolutely helps but he was still over. The fans still give him some reaction absolutely least as opposed to guys like Miz, Tensai, etc and he has a decent look. He'll never be main eventing but I think they could build him up to be an upper mid card guy

  32. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I harbor almost no nostalgic misty-eyedness towards that era. I think it's aged poorly, though I loved it when it happened. I also think they've beaten it to death.

  33. That's the difference between old school territory guys and new school guys. Territory guys quit if they don't think things are right for them. New school guys don't walk away from a guaranteed check and will put up with anything.

  34. That segment with him on Old School Raw was hilarious. The fucking gavel.

  35. I don't disagree, but he needs three things:

    A) To stop hurting people and improve as a worker.

    B) To make this new Ryback persona work.

    C) To find a good orthodontist. To quote Silvio Dante: "She's a good lookin' broad but, madonn'....those chompers..."

  36. If you're still showing any symptoms of a concussion, there's no such thing as a safe bump.

  37. I agree with a and b. Know you were kidding about C, but I like the busted teeth look for him. Makes him looks slightly deranged

  38. True. I should rephrase to "no bump." He could do kick punch spots then go over the ropes feet first.

  39. Agreed. As mismanaged as the booking for Bryan was after his SummerSlam win, Rybacks booking late 2012 was as bad. He was getting legit face heat and was over, and they thru the bucket of water on him with ppv lose after ppv lose and you can't recover from that

  40. Everyone loves the idea of the "there's nobody left when #30 comes out, so he wins by default spot" right?

    Make everyone believe his concussion is so bad he can't enter the Rumble. I mean really sell it. Then, do that spot. Have him come out and stand on the ramp screaming "YES!" to get the crowd into it. Once he's fully recovered, have HHH throw some bullshit roadblocks in front of him because he "didn't earn his victory" at the Rumble, culminating in a PPV match where he earns his title shot from someone. Have Brock win the belt, do Brock/Bryan at Mania.

  41. Ouch. What I want more than anything is some 800's footage with the WWE remaster. ..

  42. True, but I gotta side with the people who say that if he's not going to win, don't risk his health at all.

    Who knows what the company is thinking, but if you wanna get some babyface heat on him while he's out of action, come clean about the concussion and do a segment where the Authority bans him from the Rumble because he's not medically cleared.

  43. I'm okay with this.

  44. Oh, god, no.

    Having a babyface win the Rumble that way would be DEATH.

  45. That was such a tough spot for wwe. He was organically getting over withe the fans but they had the punk/rock stuff penciled in so they weren't giving him the strap even though the fans would have been receptive to that (not be btw but the general fans.) Then they had some doing stuff with the shield they were trying to get the shield over. They never built him back up after those 6 or whatever straight ppv loses. The rushed face turn to fed to Cena hurt him also imo

  46. Compression shirts are your friend.

    They're mine, at least.

  47. No it wouldn't. It would just have to be set up properly, and you'd have to follow through with a serious "Authority makes babyface beat the odds" storyline afterwards. It isn't the best idea, I agree...but Bryan could do it if it were followed through on properly.

  48. What. The. Fuck. FWIW, someone said the other day they're gonna start by making 1.5% of their video library available and then add 1.5% every so often. The initial offering of the library is 1200 hours or something llike that.

  49. Well, that's terrible about Bryan, I was wrong. Hopefully a week in a dark room can fix him up in time.

  50. If BRYAN had his way, he'd be wrestling right now.

    Ugh. Something about a multi-concussed wrestler with no real regard for his long term health who used/uses the flying headbutt and crossface and is widely regarded as one of the best pure technical wrestlers in the world...

    A little on the nose.

  51. I don't think everyone loves that idea at all.

  52. Shit, you went and said "slow news." Maybe it's just me, but it's been my experience over my time as an internet news reading fan that something bad happens.

    I remember when Scott Keith complained that there wasn't much to talk about or a slow news day/week/weeks that something bad happened. Pillman died, Owen's accident, Benoit snapping.

    There's probably nothing behind it, but I always get a bad feeling now when someone says something like that.

  53. That part was actually 65% sarcasm.

    I don't love the idea, but I'm spitballing out of boredom.

  54. No. No, no, no.

    The "win by default" is a horrible way for a babyface to win, regardless of how you build it or follow it up.

  55. Alright, Doomers...the man has a point. Someone get eyes on Flair, Kevin Von Erich, and Dynamite Kid, post haste!

  56. If its really as serious as this sounds, it'll come down to a game time decision. He absolutely shouldnt do anything to jeopardize his long term health but it's gonna be really hard to keep Bryan out of it since I'd bet they are tossing around the idea of him winning it or at least having a great showing and being a final person in the rumble. It's really just bad timing.

  57. You're right. Again, Sunday morning boredom.

  58. 90's kid represent!

  59. I'm hungover and all I want to do is watch the WWE network. Life isn't fair.

  60. Ugh D Bry, the only thing coming to my mind is Magnum. Hope he can stay healthy; now that he's beastly over he can slow it down.

  61. A guy with a few concussions reminds you of a guy who nearly paralyzed himself in a car accident? Not trying to be a dick, I'm just missing the connection.

  62. What happens if Bryan's concussion is really bad ala Sidney Crosby's back to back ones and he's out for Mania?

  63. while I personally agree I am not sure that this would apply to the vast majority of (potential) subscribers.

  64. B-b-but...I wanted to watch old Saturday Night's Main Event! :(

  65. Factually incorrect. Crosby's second concussion never happened. It was just a really bad yeast infection.

  66. Shut your mouth!

  67. More the idea that these serious concussions could derail a guy who is about to blow up. It's just really bad timing.

  68. Ah, gotcha. He just needs to resist the urge to get back in there. He can participate in r ways.

  69. You have a solid avatar.

  70. Actually, no. Born and raised in Pittsburgh. Grew up a Pens fan. I gained a distaste for him his rookie season, it got worse when he punched Valabik in the balls, and then I despised him after he whined about the hats being thrown. He literally acted like a girl when that happened.

  71. I was wondering that myself, I mean, it's not like Bryan's going to Randy the Ram it, but still.

  72. Still think it's a work. They're teasing with Bryan and slowly making him bigger and bigger. They gave us his moment on Raw and then took him away again and he *may* not be in the Rumble due to a concussion. Bryan is going to come out #30 or in the last couple numbers and have a similar reaction to Bret Hart showing up in the 94 Rumble.

  73. I don't think I've ever met a Pens fan who hated Crosby, even from militant Geno fans.

  74. If it was a work, they would have pushed it on the website.

  75. Holy shit, the Cody Rhodes at WWE headquarters video is the greatest thing ever.

  76. No, it's when Scott goes and takes a vacation that shit hits the fan. As long as Scott's home, we have nothing to worry about.

  77. Crosby is an idiot. He starts so much stuff with guys but will never drop the mitts. He's a cheap whiner.

  78. He has fought a lot for a big star. Also, that is his job to start shit and try to get a power play.

  79. Sorry man, I hope you and your family are doing ok.


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