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BoD Daily Update

George Scott Passes Away at Age 84

Wrestler No Longer Advertised as Appearing in the Royal Rumble Match

Wade Barrett is no longer being advertised as appearing in the Rumble match this Sunday.

Credit Posts "Where Are They Now" with Snitsky


  1. I got some bad news!

  2. Bryan attacked Wade to get his spot?

  3. Gene Snitsky Family Planning Center: It wasn't Your fault.

  4. I wonder, when the WWE told Barrett he was out, did they do it from behind his podium?

  5. That would be bad news for him

  6. RIP George Scott.

    Why aren't they letting Wade Barrett wrestle?

  7. They better have lifted it first.

  8. Hopefully it means they have something else planned for the character on the show. Maybe I'm imagining but I think someone in the RAW thread talked about how great it would be if he just stood by the ring and notified everyone that got thrown out that they were, indeed, no longer going to WrestleMania.

    I just found out yesterday that the theater here in Buttshit is doing the Rumble for a $2 cover, I've never gotten to watch with more than 3 people in my whole life so I'm very much looking forward to Sunday.

  9. It's kinda funny that Snitsky is best remembered for having a foot fetish and kicking babies when, for a brief period of time, WWE felt he would be the next badass monster heel. By 'funny', I mean "terrifying',but this is the company that looked at Kozlov and heard cash registers so no surprise here

  10. And the guy. What's his name, the Australian guy that was supposed to be a prison fighter or some shit. He was gone in like a month.

  11. You mean Nathan Jones? He busy starring in Jet Lee films and running his own dairy farm.

  12. Yeah him, I just checked the card for WrestleMania 19 cuz it was the only thing I could remember him being on.

  13. The Cow-lossus of Boggo Road?

  14. He never even made it to his match.

  15. Haha, even better!

  16. He was at the previous year's Survivor Series, where, if memory serves, his signature move was falling on his ass.

  17. Was George Scott the guy who bitched at Flair for wearing a back brace while recovering from the plane crash?

  18. Koslov was vastly underrated.

  19. I just laughed for 3 minutes about that idea for Barrett. Would instantly become my favorite guy on the roster if he did this

  20. He made it, just not at the start. He ran in after the match started to help Taker out.

  21. Easy way to build a first feud too since some guy could get tired of his antics midway through the match and brawl with him. Might keep the crowd in the Rumble if there's a dull spot.

  22. Bad News Barrett started getting funny once he has the rising platform. So of course the E would stop doing the gimmick.

    But we all called it a month ago.

  23. Forgot about that, I just remembered how Show and A-Train ambushed him in the locker room.

  24. Wade Barrett, a guy with a gimmick that should have failed that is making it work. A guy that has a blog throwing every possibility for him to use to make his act better.

  25. This comment alone invalidates any argument you make, and it invalidates any opinion you have. Turn in your card, Dougie.

  26. "Bad News Sweet-T, you are NOT going to Wrestlemania." Fuck, that's an awesome gimmick.

  27. If they use him humorously at the Rumble, it could possibly end up better for him than his actual involvement. If he wrestles in the match, he'll be in for, what, 10 minutes, he won't be a focus at all and his elimination may get ignored completely.

    Using him for a skit somewhere is the preferable option.

  28. I'm sorry he doesn't fit into your narrow definition of what constitutes a good wrestler.

  29. Where are you getting that the gimmick has been ended?

  30. You do understand that was the type of response he wanted, right?

  31. He was a big intimidating motherfucker who you could believe would ground and pound his opponents.

  32. Yup. Gave him the old-school wrestler version of "Take a salt tablet"

  33. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    He wasn't awful, IMO. Just boring.

  34. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    Wasn't the Undertaker mentoring him?

  35. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Vince was standing on it when he told him.

  36. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Or a lawyer defending people accused of rape.

  37. Has anyone said

    "Wade Barrett... I've got some bad news..." yet? If not YAY ME! If so... MAH BAD.

  38. No Barrett? Will the disappointments ever end?!

  39. When I read the headline I immediately thought of him doing live commentary throughout the match. That would be priceless during the slow parts of the match.

  40. "Will the disappointments ever end?!"

    That's what she said!


  41. The Santino/Koslov tag team was legit over. They had something going, then were promptly ignored per WWE standard operating procedure.

  42. Given the lineup they are putting out for this year's Rumble, there's bound to be a lot of dull spots.

  43. More like The Blunder From Down Under.

  44. Screw what Snitsky's doing now....when is that "Manos" sequel he shot four years ago finally going to be released? That movie's had more delays than the new Robocop remake.

  45. I dont completely disagree. I'm fine with the 'bring in monster heel, build him up, job him to the top guys, shunt him down the card' thing. He probably deserved better than teaming with Hornswoggle and he did have a good look. But he fucking sucked in the ring

  46. Wade, I've got some bad news...

  47. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    It was old school common sense pairing. Dude lacks charisma so they pair him with a manager/partner that does.

  48. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    I'm sure that joke has been around well before 2005.

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    Salt tablet?


    I know it from King of the Hill.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 22, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    Well, are you Chinese or Japanese?

  52. I dispute it's claim over the title.

  53. I've got some bad news for you...

  54. Uh..."The Ocean"?

  55. Hopefully this is because Wade Barrett will be at ringside with his podium with a mic and yells out "I've got some bad news!" every time someone is eliminated.

  56. This actually made me laugh out loud.

  57. Please don't be one of those people who claim it's Troll 2 because that wasn't even the worst movie of 1992, let alone worst of all time (both of Melanie Griffith's 1992 turkeys Shining Through and A Stranger Among Us were a million times worse than Troll 2).
    Manos is the only movie to be woefully incompetent in every department: Acting, storytelling, editing, pacing, directing, "special effects", music, dialogue and especially camerawork.
    Honestly, name one other movie that was horrible in every single one of those categories (BTW, Troll 2 at least had competent camerawork so that alone disqualifies it from the running).

  58. I haven't seen "Troll 2." I don't really care to at this point, mostly because there's such a big following I'm kind of sick of hearing about it.

    "The Trial of Billy Jack." Horrible acting? Check. Horrible storytelling? Check. Editing? An actress flubs a line and repeats it, and they don't edit out the flub. Pacing? Manos is taught in comparison. Direction? Easily at least as bad. Special effects? They superimpose an image for a TV screen an inch too far to the left. I'd listen to the Torgo theme on a five minute loop before I'd listen to ANY of the shitty musical numbers in "Trial of Billy Jack." Or any of the dialogue. Camerawork? This one is the tossup, because there are some vast shots of really gorgeous desert landscapes (the movie could afford helicopter shots), but it's hard to say if they're good shots, or just functional shots of nice subject matter. But there is a lack of understanding how to use camerawork on display. A character is off frame, and is revealed to another character when the camera moves back to a wider shot. But the other character should've been able to see him the entire time. That's not how that works, movie!

    What "The Trial of Billy Jack" has that "Manos" DOESN'T, is the ability to work me into a white hot rage by comparing actual school shootings like Kent State to the stupid school shooting in the movie. It does this IN THE OPENING SHOTS with somber drums over title cards showing statistics of the real school shootings, and then the same stats for the shooting at the "Freedom School." This is how it chooses to make its first impression. Then it lies and exaggerates facts about the real shootings. The entire movie is a giant, infuriating, hateful, political clusterfuck. "Manos" is truly awful, and I will never dispute that. But it's awful to a point, and that point is well before I get angry. "The Trial of Billy Jack" pisses me right the fuck off IN ADDITION to being worse in several categories.

    Also, "The Trial of Billy Jack" is three hours long. It's longer than "Manos" and "Troll 2" COMBINED.

  59. Holy shit, somebody besides me who actually remembers the dreadful "Billy Jack" trilogy (quadrilogy if you count "Born Losers").
    Yes, Trial Of Billy Jack was quite dreadful although it would still be disqualified because Tom Laughlin at least had access to a camera that could film longer than 30 seconds at a time and at least they had actual sound equipment that could record the laughable dialogue in real time unlike Manos where Hal Warren had to record the dialogue in post-production because his movie was so low-budget they couldn't even record dialogue in real time.
    And at least the Billy Jack crew got paid unlike Manos where only the dog got anything resembling a payment from the movie (and even then, it was only a bag of ultra cheap dog food as Hal wouldn't even spring for any Purina Puppy Chow).
    But somebody should send the Rifftrax crew a copy of "Trial Of Billy Jack", STAT.

  60. I'd say the sheer insurmountable length (to date I have not been able to sit through it without either taking little breaks or having friends over and drinking) and the rage-inducing political bullshit makes up for the technical functionality. And I'd LOVE a Rifftrax commentary for the movie. I'm also working on a movie review web-show, and "Trial of Billy Jack" is gonna be one of the episodes for sure.


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