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Hulk Hogan Appearing at WrestleMania

According to Dave Meltzer, Hogan will be making an appearance at WrestleMania. He also states that the call has been made to not have him do anything physical so he will not be wrestling at the show. Meltzer also speculates that Hogan will make his return to WWE television on the 2/24 edition of RAW, which is the day the WWE network launches.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Original Plans for the American Wolves TNA Debut

The original plans for their debut was to win the Tag Team Titles. However, Dave Lagana nixed that idea, stating that TNA had built up the Bro Mans up to the point that they got over. Now, the plans for the Wolves are to feud with Bad Influence.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter Article About the Origin of the Royal Rumble Match

Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards Announced

Here are some of the winners:

Wrestler of the year: Hiroshi Tanahashi
Most Outstanding Wrestler: Hiroshi Tanahashi
Feud of the Year: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada
Tag Team of the Year: Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins
Most Improved: Roman Reigns
Best Techincal Wrestler: Daniel Bryan
Brawler of the Year: Katsuyori Shibata
Most Overrated: Randy Orton
Most Underrated: Antonio Cesaro
Best Weekly TV Show: WWE NXT
Match of the Year: Tanahashi vs. Okada Tokyo Dome 4/7/13

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. I just posted this on a thread yesterday, but people may not have seen it. This is a recent radio interview with Daniel Bryan (17 mins) and its interesting to hear him diplomatically talk about the crowd reactions he is getting and why he is not getting pushed harder by the company:

  2. It's a interesting mix what I assume is truth (stuff about his wrestling style and general outlook on his career) and kayfabe (how he is navigating backstage politics, how WWE doesn't consider him a draw).

    Yeah, maybe that other stuff is semi-truth too, but it all fits very neatly with the storyline of him not being big and muscly enough to be considered a top guy by McMahons/HHH. The first words in his promo from the last Raw were about some people saying he's wasn't fit to be the face of WWE.

  3. Look forward to listening to this. As for Bryan, I found something on another message board that's worth looking at for a laugh. Check out this match from 1989 between the Rockers and the Brain-Busters. At the 6:09 mark, you'll see a WWF ring crew guy behind that looks EXACTLY like Daniel Bryant when he was with the Wyatts. Check it out:

  4. You should check this out too:

  5. Tomorrow Meltzer will report that Hulk Hogan is 100% not going to be at 'Mania

  6. Here's the latest of those HHH/Cole weekly interviews, which are usually a waste of time, but this time it's Renee Young instead of Cole and it's suddenly a decent 5 minute bit.

  7. IF you believe this, seems that we can cross the "Cena mixed tag with Hogan" match off the scenarios for Cena at WM. Further limiting what Cena can do at mania...


  8. Full disclosure: I didn't listen to this but I've heard Bryan talk about this pretty recently. Even if he thinks hes being used incorrectly, what recourse does he have? He's been a wwe regular for about 3 years, so doesn't have significant pull or political prowess. Has already been fired once. Is probably still viewed as green by management. All he can do is be diplomatic about it. It's common sense. There aernt other promotions for him to jump to.

  9. I would have loved to see one last leg drop. Yes I know he can't/not supposed to do one.

    If this news is true, I'm surprised if he doesn't even do a run-in like when he did that against Muhammad Hassan.

    Also, if this is true, then maybe Hogan is getting inducted into the Hall for a 2nd time for something else...maybe the first WM or nWo maybe?

  10. He can go to ROH and make them a viable number contender just like Hulk Hogan going from the AWA to WWF! *Sarcasm*

    Yeah, he isn't in a good position if he had a problem with his booking since there really isn't a good place to go as an alternative. That's why there should always be two good promotions out there, even if they are distant cousins to WWE so that guys have options in the business.

  11. It's a work for his character.
    Bryan seems a smart guy. Why would he slag off the WWE when it's made him rich basically?

  12. If they can't do Hogan and they don't do Taker, I wouldn't be surprised to see them squeeze Cena into Batista/Orton as a triple threat.

  13. I do remember seeing something about the first Wrestlemania Main Event getting inducted as a whole, but that was still a rumor.

  14. Stick Lesnar in there too and have a "who's the best OVW alum" match.

  15. I just hate Michael Cole and I can't help it. It bleeds into some of my reviews for the old RAWs too. I watched an episode for future review yesterday where he's commentating with Ross and just blowing his calls of moves left/right and you can tell in Ross's voice that he's getting annoyed by this prick who has no clue what he's talking about. The worst part is that at one point in the show he was left to do commentary all alone and he just filibustered through nearly an entire segment and just never shut up.

    The man feels he has to narrate EVERYTHING like I'm watching wrestling on the radio. I don't need to be told that the Undertaker is walking to the ring. I can SEE THAT. Add to it or say nothing at all.

  16. I'm of the belief it's gonna be Brock/Batista at wm. Is we don't get cena/taker,, they could do worse then put him into that as a triple threat. I'm so burned out on cena/Orton at this point. I don't want them anywhere near each other at wm

  17. I just hate Michael Cole and I can't help it. It bleeds into some of my reviews for the old RAWs too. I watched an episode for future review yesterday where he's commentating with Ross and just blowing his calls of moves left/right and you can tell in Ross's voice that he's getting annoyed by this prick who has no clue what he's talking about. The worst part is that at one point in the show he was left to do commentary all alone and he just filibustered through nearly an entire segment and just never shut up.

    The man feels he has to narrate EVERYTHING like I'm watching wrestling on the radio. I don't need to be told that the Undertaker is walking to the ring. I can SEE THAT. Add to it or say nothing at all. Just gets on my last nerve.

  18. WWE should capitalize and get Richard Sherman for WM. Then they could do this:

  19. I could watch Renee Young interview a tree.

  20. I'm not sure how I feel about "matches" getting inducted into the HOF. I'm not even a big fan of stables getting in either. Tag teams I'm okay with, but I'd rather have singles/tag team guys + promoters, broadcasters, etc. than either of those. It just feels cheap to me.

  21. That was pretty funny. The only problem with it was the huge WWE logo on the bottom left and Okerlund saying "macho man."

  22. So if Cena/Taker is the plan... how do you think we get there? There isn't much of a storyline other than "I want to be the one to beat the streak"... and I would think a match that epic deserves a little more than a 2 month (or less) build.

  23. Good question, but I honestly think they'll just have Cena go out and scream "I NEED TO PROVE MYSELF!!!!" and cut the same promo he cut against the Rock two years ago where he just HAD to win to justify his career.

    It's just really hard to construct any bitterness or a story because the Undertaker is only going to do 1 match and will only be around for like 6 weeks.

  24. I'd like to see an epic build but I really don't think it needs one to sell the general audience. They are the 2 biggest draws wwe has, especially at WM. Cenas the only guy left casual fans would think has a chance, albeit a slim chance, to break the streak. Even smarts would get sucked it. Look at some of the Cena turns heel and breaks the streak scenarios go on around here.

    I think it'll be as simple as Cena losing to Orton, them coming out amd saying "aww shucks I lost the title but I've done everything in the business. Gimme the streak." Off they go

  25. You're probably right... I just think that short changes us a lot... like it is not going to have the epic feeling to it that it really deserves with a build that short and the motivation being "I need to beat 'Taker because I am Cena" and how does 'Taker respond? "I respect you lets see who is the biggest dog in the yard?" I just don't think it would be a very good feud.

    They really should have done the "Cena has an awful year" build and had it lead up to him trying to prove himself against 'Taker last year... at least then there is some reason for them to have a match.

  26. The Hassan run in is a good parallel , I remember he was rehabbing from surgery and wasn't cleared yet so he couldn't do the leg drop but threw a couple of big boots, did the "by the head" toss out of the ring to both, and posed in front of the American flag. That will never NOT get a pop.

  27. Keller reported that wwe views Hogans real value to the company as being a pitchman/diplomat to help market and sell the network. I don't think a WM nostalgia spot is really what they are valueing him for at this point

  28. Yeah and it goes to what I hate about Cena's character because he'd just be like "oh well, I lost the title, but Undertaker the streak is more important!" The title shouldn't take second place to some guy's winning streak at 1 pay-per-view and the other thing is that when Cena win or lose (hopefully lose because he shouldn't end the streak) is done with the program he'll just be back in the title picture saying "I CARE ABOUT THAT BELT!" despite shrugging it off months ago.


  30. I don't know. Why do guys like ziggler spout off in public and hurt their career?

  31. Give him a live mic and an 8 ball amd they have my money for at least a year.

  32. What about this?
    Match at Elimination Chamber for the streak, Bryan vs Cena. Bray intereferes to costs Cena the win. Bryan gets the Undetaker this year, Cena gets his revenge against bray this year and builds up to earn a shot at the streak for 31.

  33. Hell, in that scenario I'd pull for Bryan to end the streak and elements of the crowd might as well. It'd be an interesting crowd dynamic to see the pro-Bryan people go versus the pro-Undertaker/streak people.

  34. I really don't get what the purpose of that style really is, either. It basically makes Cena into a character with no drive or purpose, because nothing actually bothers him and therefore nothing truly drives him, because he DOESN'T CARE. Look at Hogan's promo after the twin ref screwjob vs Andre. He was FREAKING OUT about losing the title, it was killing him. And guess what? It made fans want to see him win the title back. Imagine that!

    Switch Cena into that spot, and he's doing an Andre impression and telling everyone how the million dollar man isn't actually rich and then doing twin jokes including a Kid Rock-esque "and tuh-wins!" Oh, and then he ends by saying he's won the belt before and he'll win and lose it a million times again, but what matters most is entertaining the fans!

  35. AT least half the crowd was hardcore rooting for Punk to end the streak at last year's Mania, and Punk was coming off a long run as the company's biggest heel.

    Guarantee Bryan fans outweigh the Taker fans if that match ever happened.

  36. Did anyone actually seriously believe that they were going to put their #1 babyface and top draw in a tag match with a nostalgia act?

  37. From Batista's Twitter:
    ""Just wanted to
    thank everyone who supported my return. I missed you guys!! All you
    other negative Smarks can suck my balls! Haha!!! #onelife "

    Preparing for a post-Rumble heel turn and feud vs Bryan or Punk? Is he actually an insecure megadouche? Or both?

  38. Listened to a Keller podcast like 2 years ago with a former writer. He said around the time he left they actually had some long term discussions of eventually trying to completely phase out the titles in X amount of years. The rationale was that it would make everything character driven as opposed to athletically driven. No idea if it was ever seriously considered but the fact it was even discussed tells you everything you need to know.

  39. Can someone with a WON subscription tell me, Does Meltzer give full results of all the awards or just the winners?

  40. Oh he's an insecure megadouche.


  41. Last year, they should have inducted MSG into the Hall of Fame AT MSG. And that would also have been the time to induct the first Mania.

    There's no connection at WM30 in New orleans.

  42. He gives the full rundown of the votes.

  43. If you didn't know who tweeted this you'd think they were 16

  44. They should give Warrior a Tonight Show - like talk show on the Network.

  45. "Time to kick Brock's ass! #Mania #YOLO #BellyTatPower "

  46. Full results. At least he did while I subscribed...up to about a year ago

  47. And if you saw the wardrobe of the person who tweeted it, you'd think they were 16 and handed out fliers for a nightclub.

  48. I'd like her to interview my tree, if you catch my drift.
    Intercourse. I am interested in having relations with Renee.

  49. "Tore skinny jeans at gym #deadlift #FML"

  50. Yeah, the leads me to another rant about how WM30 should be at MSG. Yeah, yeah I know they want stadium shows for more $$$, but I like tradition.

  51. He's easy to ignore now that he's not playing a heel, but holy shit those years where he was a heel were the worst things ever and one of the main reasons why I tuned out of WWE for a while and only read recaps and watched the big matches via Youtube.

  52. I'm co-signing on that rant, sir. Plus, I could have gone this year. I didn't bother at the Meadowlands last year (it's a pain getting to Jersey in normal conditions), but I would have braved it to get to MSG this year.

  53. I wonder if Batista did the Batista Bomb standing up so he wouldn't tear his skinny jeans? Or so he wouldn't tear his hamstring.

  54. We need to start an over/under on how long it is before he gets injured.

  55. Anything past Mania, I'm taking the under.

  56. Smart money says May, but I'm tempted to take the risk and say he doesn't make it to Wrestlemania. Unlikely but possible.

  57. I don't understand why they couldn't run MSG and just raise ticket prices through the roof to make up the lost revenue from not having it in a huge stadium. Granted, I'm not sure if that would still make up the difference, but I think it would just be cool to have the 30th in MSG to be like "look how far we've come and such." Vince could cut a quick promo at the beginning of the event just like he did WrestleMania 3.

  58. Thanks, did Machine Gun Anderson get any votes for brawler, underrated, improved, or match of the year?

  59. I think they just prefer the look of the stadium shows. To be fair, it's pretty impressive when you get to pan the sea of humanity in the crowd.

    Admit it, the visuals for WrestleMania 3 were FAR better than 4 or 5, or even 7.

  60. I'm not a fan of these guys getting hurt, but I would like to see how much WWE would panic if Batista hurt himself in the Rumble match.

  61. He's probably winning because they can't risk him bumping over the top rope.

  62. So basically if you don't follow Japanese wrestling you have no idea who won most of the awards. Great!

  63. Ha. We need to start calling that "the Sheik finish" or something.

  64. Oh yeah, WrestleMania 3 was awesome and really added to Hogan/Andre. Even though less than 90,000 were there, I still like to think 93,173 were there for that match.

    Still, if you have all your WrestleMania's at big venues then over time it just loses its visual appeal to me. Alternate them in and it really is like "wow!"

  65. Because he is an idiot...

  66. I hate the "I'm here to entertain the fans" stuff, because it's essentially admitting that the matches are fake, but I'm the best at putting on fake matches to entertain the fans. They might as well just decide the title with a dance competition.

  67. Totally a work. And if anything in there was the total truth, it was cleared with the bosses before he said it.

  68. Undertaker wants to face Bryan? I'm not sure about that one. On one hand it's a nice gesture of respect that Undertaker wants to work with him at Wrestlemania. On the other, he's obviously going to beat him.

  69. He didnt place in top ten or honorable mention in any of those categories.

  70. Not in an actual wrestling match, no. Nobody ever thought that except Piper it would seem.

    What everyone thought was that perhaps, they'd put Hulk in Cena's corner and Piper in someone else's corner. So that when Piper tried to cheat, Hulk could punch him and Cena wins. Woo!

    But to be clear. Are we using Hogan can't wrestle to prove that Cena/Taker will happen?

  71. Russo wanted to get rid of the ring at one point IIRC

  72. We'll see a double noggin knocker, I'm sure.

  73. An idea that was so brilliant WCW used it for one of the worst wrestling video games ever made!

  74. New podcasts

    Dean Ambrose on Colt Cabana's show:
    DDP on Steve Austin's show:

  75. It's all voter based and anyone who subscribes can vote.

  76. I'm betting those guys chop eachother really hard! Like, so hard it's basically real, which is of course the point of pro wrestling right???????

  77. That's why I don't understand guys that work stiff. The whole point is that its a worked sport where you make it SEEM like its real.

  78. What game was that? I am not big on wrestling games

  79. Thanks for delivering my daily dose of sadness.

  80. Yes, this was a rumor from one of the reputable sites from a few weeks ago. Also, if you recall, Bryan was involved with Taker last year when Hell No teamed with him after Wrestlemania. Taker was taken out by the Shield and hasn't been on TV since.

  81. I was more making fun of how arrogant Hogan is... but point taken.


  83. I know, but low hanging fruit is low.

  84. This has been true about the WON awards for years. I'm not sure why people get so upset about it. It's not like Dave, the WON, and his followers suddenly expressed this preference last year. They've been pretty open about it for decades.

  85. American vs. Japanese cultural differences play a part, I bet.

  86. It, like all of WCW's PSX games, was absolutely terrible and I remember feeling ripped off even though I played it for free via a friend who worked at the local video rental store.

  87. Yes, it's voter based. But Meltzer has a long-standing preference for Japanese wrestling, so it's natural that the people who follow him closely and vote in his awards would have similar preferences. Just look at the tiny sampling of this blog - I think by and large most of us have very similar tastes in wrestling as Scott.

  88. This reminds me of when I took my parents to Germany and they complained that some people didn't speak English.

  89. Pretty much. I thought he spouted off about Total Divas and thought he was a moron.

    To find out, instead, that he basically said he has no desire to wait for a shot and could kick Randy's ass in real life makes him sound like a moron AND a total mark for himself. Bad combo.

  90. Renee seems very poised and relaxed in front of the camera, and it does look like they're gradually increasing her role. That said, I have complete confidence that if they ever made her a regular play-by-play/color commentator, she would eventually become as bland and useless as Cole, JBL, and Lawler. Which has more to do with what they want the commentators to do than her abilities.

  91. This is why I don't subscribe. I'm perfectly happy keeping however much it is a month and waiting for Wrestlemania to find out.

  92. I wish promotions were actually decided on ass kicking abilities... I'd be running my company were that the case

  93. Surprise surprise... *eye roll*

    Fwiw I thought Bryan vs cena was Moty and honestly summerslam 13 might be the best live sporting event I've ever been to

  94. My question is, why the hell didn't they just do Met Life Stadium THIS year instead of last year? So the 30th would at least be in the NY area. Why did it have to be 29? Strange...

  95. Good. Hogan should be on the show, but not wrestling.

  96. That can't be real

  97. I remember Jericho saying he thought the crowd hated his first match there with Benoit because they were dead silent and only let out a uniform "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH" when he yelled "come on, motherfucker!"

    It was only after that Benoit explained that the silence is a show of respect.

    So yeah, aside from the ring and the ref, US wrestling and Japanese wrestling couldn't be more different.

  98. Maybe they tried and they couldn't make the dates work. WWE is not the only company that does events in big stadiums.

  99. He, Sin Cara, and Mysterio should have a Triple Threat glass Man match

  100. First poll for WWE Network's Countdown show. It is about best returns.

  101. You didn't have to downvote this, Renee :(
    Aw, I can't stay mad at you!

  102. DDP's a lot more fun to listen to than I expected.

  103. Oh, well that's a given.

    I thought they brought him in to A. Induct Warrior, which is actually about a good a person as anyone to do it. and B. Maybe have a host on some WWE Network show.

    Like, Maybe put Hogan and Rider up there to comment about classic wrestling matches. I'd watch that because, hilarious.

  104. He's pretty sensitive. He got all worked up because Del Rio was working him on twitter and said something that pissed him off.

  105. Why not? Sounds awesome!


  107. Probably wanted to have Mania in Metlife before the Super Bowl, instead of a few months right after.

  108. Pretty sure thats the right match

  109. Oh it is. I wonder what he's even basing it on. Like, where did Batista learn that "smarks" were being negative towards him? Was he not happy with his crowd response in the arena? I guess he found some negative tweets about himself? What a tool.

  110. This tweet from two weeks ago is even better. "Billy Gunn... Most underrated talent everrrrrrr!!!"

  111. Congratulations to TANAHASHI~! for this recognition! I have been following him since his young boy days and it's awesome see him grow up into the role he has now. His feud with Okada has been awesome!

  112. I'm a firm believer that WWE is very aware of how Twitter works and I can't imagine they let the superstars too far off the leash. Twitter will be used to push angles and if you're pushing an angle then it's a work. period.

    In fact, didn't they flat out say that they were using Ryback as a sort of lab rat for "worked tweets".

  113. Could you imagine an insane dueling YES! / NO! chant at WrestleMania?

  114. I remember the rumor a few years ago saying that Undertaker wanted to face Kane at WrestleMania with Kane taking the win to end the streak, and end the Undertaker for good.

    Kane had so much respect that he declined the match altogether.

    Yeah, it was all BS.

  115. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    When I was in college, I was introduced to the internet (it was 1995) via the school's computer lab. A friend and I had joined and were just astounded at the people on there raving about Japanese wrestling, so we had to check it out for ourselves. My friend new a tape trader, so he got a copy of some joshi and a show that had some of Misawa's best matches at that point. It was good stuff, admittedly, but I never converted fully to the Japanese style. Fast forward to 2014, and there are a lot fewer people who even talk about Japanese wrestling. Has the hardcore wrestling geek died off?

  116. Wait till he sees the basketball memes start up again.

  117. The sooner the Bromans push ends the better. I dislike Robbie E especially, as he was VERY rude to my friend at an indy show we went to last year.

  118. Not only was he the company's biggest heel, he basically mocked Paul Bearer's death to get heel heat, and still got cheered over Taker by many of the fans,

  119. I wish the network came out when Sheiky Baby was still on the medicine.

    Also, I'd pay $10 a month just for a Network show where they strap a lie detector to Hulk and pepper him with questions.

  120. This. And I know they'd ruin the clip cause they can't use Metallica, but they needed to have Sandman returning to ECW in 1999.

  121. What I learned about Japanese wrestling came from the Apter mags. When I quit seeing/finding those I just completely stopped following.

  122. "Did Andre the Giant weigh over 9000 pounds when you slammed him?"
    "Did you really believe the NASTY BOYS were what TNA needed to go to the next level?"
    "Have you ever stuck your penis in another man?"
    "How big is Batista's dick?" (kidding)

  123. A bowl of Columbia's finest nose candy MUST be in the green room. First night's guests: Honky, Sheiky, Hulk.

  124. There are still plenty of puro fans online. It's just that now everyone else has found the internet too so the percentage got diluted. Reddit probably has the single largest wrestling fan community on the internet (30k subscribers) and puro stuff gets on there quite often.

  125. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    there was a japanese wrestler in a local fed here some years back who was average at best, and yet everyone spooged over him b/c apparently simply being japanese = being amazing wrestler

  126. The silence thing is hard to wrap your head around, at least it was for me. I remember seeing a tape of the first NOAH show some 15 years ago and being completely dumbfounded by the silence of the crowd.

  127. Or maybe he read 70% of the posts in the Raw live thread and compared it against the rating going up and realized, quite rightly, that smarks have no value to the company.

  128. Read the live thread, bask in the hate for the guy that popped a rating.

  129. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    'The original plans for their debut was to win the Tag Team Titles.
    However, Dave Lagana nixed that idea, stating that TNA had built up the
    Bro Mans up to the point that they got over. Now, the plans for the
    Wolves are to feud with Bad Influence.'

    i'd actually agree that the bro mans have started to get over a little bit, sort of in a new age outlaws late '97 way. no, i'm not saying they'll turn into fan favorites, but they are able to straddle that line of being unglody annoying while still having some entertainment value. i'm also partial to zima since he's a local boy.

    but i'm definitely ok with a wolves/bad influence feud. here's hoping bad influence somehow feeds off of how deadly serious richards is. so f'ing smug, that one

  130. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    'he was VERY rude'

    livin' the gimmick, brother

  131. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    'Surprise surprise... *eye roll*'

    dont you know that simply being japanese gives a given wrestler superhuman abilities over and above every other wrestler on the planet?

  132. Kevin Nash & Batista vs. Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara

  133. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    'It's all voter based and anyone who subscribes can vote.'

    thanks, scott!

  134. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    'low hanging fruit is low.'

    like muh balls

  135. It's quite clear and obvious that Bryan and Cena didn't drop each other head first nearly enough.

    (Maybe if that awkward top rop upside down spot ended with Daniel's neck getting broken.... It would have gotten higher praise)

  136. Huh, wonder where he got all that "negative smark" stuff?

  137. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    you know, for someone who lucked into wrestling, it strikes me that batista really isn't in the position to be so denigrating to "non-THIS BUSINESS" people.

    i mean, i totally get the irony of me - someone not in THIS BUSINESS - talking about use of insider terminology, but for some reason it just seems like batista is latching on and really isn't there, so to speak

  138. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    i bet he looks surprised at one point, and maybe even looks to the audience for energy

  139. He's not there to kiss babies, hug fat girls or suck up to smarks. He's there to make money.

  140. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    'that was still a rumor.'


    i just wanted to type that

  141. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    i've noticed she really has no lips (or very thin ones), yet she's still really pretty

  142. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    it was renee dupress who downvoted you. you got his hopes up... among others things

  143. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    'Renee seems very poised and relaxed in front of the camera, and it does look like they're gradually increasing her role.'

    i helped her get that relaxed, after she quickly increased my role

    ...i'm lying :(

  144. I think its been more segmented. Puro fans probably only talk with puro fans and avoid WWE centric websites.

  145. Cool, I'll make sure to change my personal opinion on his entertainment value based on the rating.

  146. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    psst... couple of weeks ago would like to have a word with you

  147. Nash/Batista/Hogan vs Mysterio/Cara/??????

  148. You're missing the point, that's where he's getting the "negative smark" stuff because, people like you that have nothing left but to HATE HIS PANTS, have done nothing but say negative things since he got back a whopping three days ago.

  149. Probably had dozens of ***** matches under his belt

  150. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    quit downvoting me, soldier

  151. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    It may be one last leg drop in more ways than one. He shouldn't end end his WM career by fracturing his hip in half and getting dragged out on a cart

  152. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    hey, who here loves tna's long drawn out angles?

    b/c the mystery investor angle is slated to up till bound for glory of this year!

  153. What point am I missing? He's a 45 year old man making millions of dollars, and he finds the needs to obsess over the message board haters like a teenage girl? That's kinda silly.

    Also, I personally have never enjoyed Batista's face character, and Monday's show reinforced that for me. Others agree, others don't.

    What is your point? You enjoy Batista. Others don't, and also thought a bunch of things about him Monday were funny. Why is everything a huge deal for you?

  154. Huge deal for me? I'm just pointing out that he's not wrong, the smarks universally (based on here and 411) shit on him. And in the mean time what did he do? Popped the biggest rating they've seen in months.

    Obsess? He sent a message out to his haters (you) and they (you) got all worked up about it. That's called pro wrestling.

  155. Just as a pro wrestling convo for a second, what pro wrestling value is there to Batista trying to antagonize a section of wrestling fans? The dude's a face, ideally he'll want the entire crowd behind him instead of preemptively trying to "heel it up" to a portion of the audience.

    Obviously it's a single tweet and doesn't matter, and yeah it's directed at a part of the audience that he probably feels is against him anyway, but just seems like a weird tactic.

  156. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    This makes sense. I remember puro fans being HUGE snobs.

  157. WWE and Batista get full credit for building his return, and managing to pop one hell of a rating. Now can they maintain, or even build on it?

    If they can pull even just 90-95% of this week's 1st and 2nd hour numbers, then any arguments against Batista are worthless. But if Rumble disappoints, and the ratings drop back to (whatever <4.5 million viewers is), then WWE's done it again, turning a draw into a non-draw.

    It's in the site masthead: "Let it play out and see where it goes."

  158. BoD Daily Update: Chan returns to tell wrestling fans they are gay.

  159. If lots of people watch your show to hate it, or at the very least goof on MST3K style, then antagonizing that exact segment of the audience is incredibly valuable.

    Though I don't really think he specifically means anyone, I think he was feeling very good about his return and just sent a message out to the "haters", athletes do that stuff all the time. It's only because he used the word "smark" that anyone even noticed the tweet.

  160. Um...that never happened but as always, feel free to create whatever legend you need to make you happy!

  161. The whole "fat guys in black tights chopping each other thing" has been somewhat phased out. If you watch a typical Tanahahi/Okada match they work a pretty American style based around basic psychology and wearing down limbs. And they aren't really all that stiff.

  162. Seriously, witness this thread, half of it is complaining about his pants or betting on when he gets injured. The guy wasn't wrong, there's plenty of people around the net that have nothing but negative feelings toward him.

    And if they'd just be honest with themselves they'd realize it's only because they fully understand that Batista is taking a spot that they, only in their own heads mind you, have already earmarked for Bryan. None of the hate really has anything to do with Dave at all when you really think about it.

  163. Yeah totally, I'm just saying it plays into all of the bro-tastic metrosexual characteristics that some people dislike him for. Basically, that he's a jacked up version of the Miz as a babyface.
    But yeah, twitter trolling is all part of the show now.

    What are we disagreeing about again?

    Also, you're a doctor??? Holy shit, internet trolls REPRESENT.

  164. I don't get why people act like such babies about it. So if a wrestler is recognized as a better wrestler than everyone else by a panel of voters, people get mad cause they are from another country and wrestle for a company they don't follow? That sounds kind of closed minded to me. Maybe they would enjoy wrestling more if they would look at it as "Wow. This Tanahashi guy won like every award. He must be good. I should check him out."

  165. I couldn't even tell you what this argument is about at this point, which if I'm not mistaken means I win, we'll go with that.

  166. He's a man in his late 40's wearing skinny jeans. Skinny jeans that, may I add, expose his Twizzler legs that are supporting the upper body of Lou Ferrigno with douche tattoos. The man is ripe for comedy.


  168. Wolves vs. Bad Influence, I'm all for. TNA still needs another 3-4 tag teams though.

  169. I'm sure at some level it's about Daniel Bryan, right? It's gotta be.

    Alrighty, ask your next patient what they think of Bryan's push and lemme know. PS: Batista sux.

  170. I never understand why people do this. So he popped a rating. So what? People got excited and bought tons of Furbys too. Does that make Furbys any less annoying and awful?

  171. Lol, I'm in the ER I don't really have patients so much as lumps of meat.

    I think it's absolutely about Bryan, and Batista coming in taking the main event superstar spot that everyone on the internet has already given to Bryan in their own minds.

  172. The troll that made a point about the live thread here that no one can argue. Love this place!

  173. I can't speak for everyone else, but I can speak for myself here. I hate Batista because he sucks. And not in the heel way. In the douche chills way. He is like a Jersey Shore cast member that has been exposed to gamma rays, he has never been good in the ring unless carried by someone better than him, and he had his day and should have just stayed gone and retired gracefully. It has nothing to do with Bryan for me. Batista is just the drizzling shits.

  174. I have noticed that people get VERY defensive, VERY quickly here. You said absolutely nothing wrong.

  175. No of course not, but the point is that, while smarks give him nothing but negativity, the actual audience they're aiming for INCREASED with his presence on the show. That's an enormous win for him, our opinions be damned.

  176. You have no idea the level of good behavior I'm exhibiting at the moment, lol.

  177. I understand. Just be careful, They will go running to Principal Scott Keith soon if you don't stop being a meanie.

  178. I was always/still am either pro or neutral chin wins but reading other people reminiscing in great detail about the glory days of posting comments on another persons blog (when many of those people got so mad about you saying you had kids etc) made me a little queasy.

  179. I wonder if you're one of the people who verbally destroyed Orton and Big Show for having a low buyrate. Now you're saying that ratings don't matter because it doesn't apply to your argument.

  180. There's definitely some of that, though "Batista coming in taking the main event superstar spot that everyone on
    the internet has already given to Bryan in their own minds." is obviously a stronger and more insulting way of putting it. But that's your thing and I've come to love ya for it!

    I'd say that certain fans-- actually I'll just speak for me--- I definitely would PREFER to see Bryan get the Rumble win and Mania title match instead of Batista. Sure, I'd be more entertained by that. And therefore yeah, it'll make me dislike Batista more off the bat than if he just came in and didn't take that exact spot.

    But at the same time, I honestly just do not enjoy Batista's face act, aside from anything Bryan-related. Promos, match quality, the general character--- not a fan, never was. Watched Raw on Monday with some friends, and when Batista came out wearing that ridiculous outfit we cracked jokes on it, and then his promo and just general way about him reinforced what I already disliked about him.

    So what I'm saying is, yeah some of it is "He's not Bryan!", but also some people just don't like Batista, ya know?

    Also, someone gets wheeled into the ER with gunshot wounds bleeding all over his "The Beard is Here!" t-shirt. Do you operate on him, or tease him about the disappointing Summerslam buyrate first?

  181. You never liked those episode of Friends where they remembered old episodes of Friends?! Those were great!

  182. Ever watched a puro match on youtube? Almost every comment is just people with some anime name as their profile saying "This is REAL wrestling. Not that gay WWE shit." And then once in a while an actual Japanese person enthusiastically saying something like "good match! Tanahashi number 1!" It's kind of telling about the demographics that make up the puro fan base.

  183. It was either that one or this one. The event and the date are all screwy in the OP.

  184. The live thread was about 98% disappointment, as his opening promo was somewhere between mediocre and okay, and his interaction with Del Rio was almost laughable.

  185. I think potential Douche-tista tweets should definitely be the new BOD meme.

  186. I get what you're saying, and to be quite honest I'm not super-thrilled at his return either, I actually don't care either way and hope they saddle him with Orton so that at least two of the work-rate albatrosses are confined to one match at Mania.

    I just thought this thread was very funny because it basically boiled down to: "He thinks we're negative? Fuck that insecure douchebag who can't wrestle!" It's like...but....but....that's what the guy was

    I don't think it's 100% Bryan either, but I think there's definitely a component, the same way I felt about Rock and Punk. You could see the net starting to dislike Rocky, at least in part, because they knew what he was costing "their guy".

  187. Next week: Darren Young guests and the Warrior teaches him that queering doesn't make the world work.

  188. Darren Young, Pat Patterson, and Orlando Jones? That's two shows booked.

  189. Okay, disappointment and snarky humor.

  190. I still think that the single most irritating thing - worse than, #TRENDING, worse than APP APP APP APP APP APP - that the commentary team does is the forced, stifled laughing at the supposed "comedy" segments. Yeah, maybe most of them aren't even actually funny, but they are made even worse with all you can hear is Cole's "tee hee hee hee" and King's snorting and wheezing. And it's even worse when what's going on actually is funny and they ruin it.

  191. Oh damn, I'll have to check this out later then. I watched the full match above and its amazing. I wouldn't put it above cena vs Bryan, but that's definitely a top 5 match I've seen this year.

    To me the 5 best north american matches this year were all wwe
    5. Db vs Orton at night of champions
    4. Db vs Orton on raw
    3. Cm punk vs lesnar
    2. Cm punk vs cena on raw
    1. Cena vs Daniel Bryan

    The biggest problem for me comparing NJPW to wwe work rate is the length of these tanahashi matches is at least 12 minutes longer or more which makes it harder to guage the heat segments, the 180 crowd responses, and they build to and do the finishes different (possibly better) than wwe although Bryan vs cena could have been a NJPW finish.

    Did you happen to see the Daniel Bryan vs tanahashi match Scott posted a few days ago?

  192. I keep trying to get into Japanese wrestling but while I like the match, I also like getting into the storyline. Since I can't understand anybody, I never get a sense of what the storyline is and it kinda takes me out of it a bit.


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