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BoD Daily Update Broadcasting "Groundbreaking" Moment Tonight at 9:30pm EST
According to Mike Johnson of, this has been 100% confirmed as the announcement of the WWE Network

Jake Roberts Getting Selected for the WWE Hall of Fame This Year?

The feeling after RAW was that Jake is considered a lock for the Hall of Fame this year. There was no word on whether or not he would be in the Royal Rumble match.

Credit Bryan Alvarez,

Kaitlyn Gone From the WWE

She has left to focus on other projects

WWE Officials Upset with Ryback

They are upset with Ryback due to the fact that his stiff clothesline gave Dolph Ziggler a concussion. There have been numerous complaints about Ryback for being reckless in the ring. The early word on Dolph's concussion is that it is not a mild one.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    booooooooooooo, kaitlyn is gone from wwe :(

  2. Seems like she didnt want to be there anymore.

  3. They'd kinda forgotten about her. I had, too.

  4. About 3 years? The self life for Divas are getting smaller and smaller. At least she got a title run out of it.

  5. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    did the main post get edited to include kaitlyn's departure? i swear it wasnt there when i made my post below

  6. Farewell to arguably the worst babyface diva EVER.

  7. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    ashley massaro' s been gone for a while now

  8. I really hope the network is an app and offers what has been rumored.

    Good for Jake

    Kaitlyn isn't fap material and was a shitty diva so no loss there.

    I guess they are mad at Ryback for fucking up the big plans they had for Dolph?

  9. Its tough to think of someone who was worse than Ashley. Even Eva Marie is more competent than her.

  10. Ryback is a liability to then at this point if he is hurting people. Punk apparently complained about working with him and after his program with Ryback has been visibly hobbled.

  11. I would love for the WWE network to be available on Roku.

  12. Yes. As soon as I posted this, I saw it on Then, I saw your comment here.

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:27 AM


  14. A BoD Update special contributor

  15. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    "i'm your_favorite_loser, and you're not"

    "bayless, you ignorant slut"

  16. Hopefully Jake can stay clean between now and the HOF. I've seen on the DDP youtube channel where he had a couple minor relapses.

    Could Razor make a rumble appearance or is his heart to far gone? I assume he is still on a pacemaker?

  17. Why is the WWE mad at Ryback? It's the fans who keep chanting Goldberg. Ryback's just responding to the demands of the paying customers.

  18. Cause he injures someone every other month

  19. I'm gonna miss Kaitlyn's titties

  20. I'm going to miss that ass.

  21. I dont think Hall will ever perform again. At least not for the WWE

  22. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    ima miss that personality and strong, independent mind

  23. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    at the very least she's easier on the eyes

  24. I think this is the right answer

  25. How are they gonna blow off that aj/katilyn angle now?

  26. That.....that was the joke.

  27. The feeling after RAW was that Jake and Damien would win best kiss at the 2014 Slammy's.

  28. There's no such thing as a "mild" concussion.

  29. AJ needed to make her tap for a 25th time?

  30. This X1000 especially if the non Wrestlemania PPV's are available with the subscription as rumored.

  31. Network: THIS is the textbook case of "wait and see where it goes".
    Jake: Very cool. And quite fitting, considering he does have some Mid-South roots. Too bad most of the rest (Watts, JYD, Dibiase, Duggan) are already in the Hall.
    Kaitlyn: I disagree with Parallax on her fapability, not on her wrestling/Diva talents.
    Ryback: Didn't he also mess up Punk a bit last year?

  32. Anytime AJ makes someone do the ass tap I am on board.

    Though if you were watching the last couple of weeks you would assume Aksana was the divas champion.

  33. Eh, poor handling from creative and deteriorating ring-skills says otherwise. Hennig was clearly not the worker he was of his prime, but that shitty match with Austin pushed him into permanent job/Heat duty until his release.

  34. Eh, that would take away some of the "wrestling fun" from the match. Some of those moments are the most memorable.

  35. He wasn't doing anything before the Austin match. He was a drunk and a drug addict. He was bombed at an appearance at WWF New York at the No Way Out PPV

  36. I don't was the first Undertaker I knew growing up.

  37. Thanks for the match, now I can see if this match had only 3 guys in the ring at some point like I pictured from reading the Rumble page on Wikipedia.

  38. It's been four years? It's been two weeks, and we're getting it again in another two weeks!

  39. I actually wouldn't mind that match, as it condenses everything down to one match, instead of taking up multiple spots on the card.

    Not that I'd be against any of them having individual matches, if they were against other people, but if they're just going to feud with each other, may as well condense it down. PLUS, there's a great story-line there of them all having "come up" together, being in OVW at the same time and debuting in WWE the same year (2002).

  40. I got to call the last 5 minutes of this match with Kevin Kelly at the WMX8 Axxess weekend in Toronto. We had five or six matches to choose from, and I picked this one because Mr. Perfect is my all-time favorite. I still have the VHS tape tucked away on my "old media" shelf in the basement with all my other tapes, CDs, and books. I plan on showing the shelf to my daughter when my daughter gets older and explain to her that "this is how daddy used to consume media." I'll probably never play this tape for her, though...embarrassingly bad.

  41. Bikertaker was awesome and an organic way to evolve the character.

    It was "zombie Taker who doesn't talk in any of his feuds" that was terrible from 2004 on. It was like the writers had no idea what Undertaker was.

  42. I'm all for Batista returning, but I (and, I'm sure, many others) have absolutely NO interest in seeing him feud with Orton. We've seen it a million times already, and it was never anything special.

    Batista/Cena is okay, since they've always had great chemistry together, but we've already seen that, too - hell, they've even headlined a "WM" together.

    Batista/Brock is the obvious money match for him. I'm expecting a "Rumble Stare-Down" moment to set it up. And, yes, even if Brock faces Show at the PPV, I fully expect Brock to enter the Rumble, as well.

    My biggest fear with Batista's return is that it'll lead to a WM feud/match with Orton, with Trips in the middle; Trips obviously doesn't fully believe in Orton as his hand-picked champion, so he may try to coerce Batista into being his Corporate Champion. Seriously, I have a BAD feeling that this is leading to six months of "Who Does Triple H Like More?" as the main angle of the company.

  43. Ah, the Godfather return, anyone else remember his random heel turn later on in the year blaming the ladies for his lack of success?

  44. I didn't like it/him as a face, but I thought Heel Bikertaker was fantastic. He was awesome as the big asshole that just bullied and beat-up everyone smaller than him.

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    i remember back then the (tongue in cheek) buzz (not on professional wrestling) was that maven was going to be declared the true winner b/c A) he never went over the top rope and B) the "M" in Rumble was prominently highlighted in the ads/logo

  46. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 8, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    i missed maven dropkicking taker b/c i was paying attention to something else in the ring :(

    we (the audience) gave mr. perfect a standing ovation when he heads to the back. that's the random applause you hear a few moments after he gets eliminated

    some guy in front of me was yelling "bring back dino bravo!" and when i told him that he was dead, the guy was like "oops"

  47. This is actually my favorite "Rumble" ever.

    I know a lot of people will disagree, but I thought it had some of everything: great returns (Perfect being the biggest and best one), a great comedy spot in Hurricane's attempted double-chokeslam, a great "holy shit" moment in Maven eliminating Taker, a great "stare-down" moment in Austin and Trips being the two most likely to win, the time was well-managed in that there was always SOMETHING going on (almost no "lazy leaning"), Trips at his most over coming back from a terrible injury to win... just an absolutely fantastic match.

    Great PPV as a whole, too, with Rock/Jericho and Vince/Flair also on the card.

  48. Wasn't everyone that got "WWF New York" duty? You're somewhere serving alcohol for hours to give fans the impression you like hanging out there, of course you would get wasted at some point.

  49. Perfect clearly had a problem. Look how sluggish and awful he was in TNA.

  50. Mr. Perfect's comeback started so well and ended so terribly...

  51. Vince/Flair was the year after... but agreed on all other accounts. People look down on it because of a predictable winner, but that's not always a problem.

  52. Yep, I think it was just for shock value, and to show that
    -Anything can happen in the Royal Rumble, and
    -Tough Enough is worth watching.

  53. No, it was on this show.

  54. I think he was joking.

  55. ... And what would that be? (I am aware that some here are incredibly defensive, but I am not sure what you mean.)

  56. Kind of, but with the way WWE is now a days, it wouldn't surprise me if they render it meaningless for a few months.


  58. I feel that WWE does create new stars all the time, it just seems to be ignored. Not everyone is a permanent main eventer, but they still get built. (Del Rio/Sheamus/Henry around 2011, Punk and Bryan around 2012, and now Reigns and Big E seem to be the next ones.). I'm just saying that WWE is gonna be just fine, despite the cries of apocalypse that I have been hearing for the past 10 years.

  59. That sounds fun. you should youtube it. :)

  60. HA! Never heard of that last one. It reminds me of when there were rumors that Marc Mero would be heavily featured at 1997's In Your House "Badd Blood". Some rumors are hilarious.

  61. Outside of who won, good match.

  62. Were you any good? I feel like I could call a decent match if it was taped and I reviewed it a couple times beforehand.

  63. I wonder if one of the features was a recording of Vince McMahon screaming in his headset.

  64. If Bikertaker was your first Taker... you missed out on some great Undertaker... but you also got to miss out on some unbelievably shit Undertaker.

  65. It sounds totally corny, but it was SO much fun! I only went to Axxess to do specifically that, and waited in line over two hours for my five minutes "in the booth". Kelly was totally awesome, making conversation with me while they loaded everything up (which must've been exhausting for him, given how many people they were churning through there), and when I saw they had a match with Hennig in it, I was pleasantly shocked. Say what you will about WWE, but they know how to create a positive fan experience when they want to. Highest recommendation, to quote Scott.

  66. I picked up a temp job and only stayed at it for two weeks selling Sirius Satellite radio over the phone, and the amount of time the manager spent in your ear when you were on call was insane. I could not actually perform the basic tasks. Talking to someone while someone was talking to me was just unbearable.

    I can't imagine talking to millions while Vince is screaming in your ear.


  67. I minored in Broadcasting (started as a major) in college and I had a weekly show for a while on the college radio station, so I wasn't TOTALLY uncomfortable. I thought it was pretty good, though I definitely did too much screaming. I specifically remember my call after HHH won and was in the ring celebrating... "Try as they might, on this night, it is all about the Game!!!"

  68. Thankfully not, but this was 12 years ago. Perhaps they've made the necessary enhancements to make it more of a real-life experience since then...

  69. No argument with that one. I like to pretend his last match wasn't a negative star shit match on a Pole with David Flair where he clearly gave zero fucks and/or was in no condition to work.

  70. I'm starting to wonder if they'd bring back Shelton Benjamin on a whim...

    Then I remembered he never really made them any money.


    1 hr 37 min in

  72. At this point the title match at Mania almost HAS to be Batista challenging Brock, right? I mean, there's no way they'd have Brock make such a big deal about winning the title unless he was actually going to win it. Otherwise, totally pointless. Plus Brock as champion seems like the only thing left that could actually drum up legit interest in Brock again, since this whole "random match with someone then disappear for 6 months" cycle is played out.

    And like the emailer said, Batista can't come back and lose his first match so that means he kinda has to win the Rumble and then squash ADR at EC as a tune-up, right?

    So Cena over Randy at Rumble, and Lesnar either beats Cena or wins a massive Chamber match in February to win the title, and then drops it to Batista at Mania right?

    Then I guess it's...
    Lesnar (c) vs Batista
    HHH vs Punk
    Reigns vs Ambrose vs Rollins
    Taker vs... Daniel Wyatt?
    Cena vs Bray Wyatt
    Orton vs... HAHAHAHAHA who the fuck is Orton wrestling? Jericho? RVD? Show?

    Or, well, there's also a chance things get switched to
    Undertaker vs Cena
    Bray vs Bryan

    Again though, if Orton drops the title before Mania, who the fuck would his Mania opponent be? Orton really only makes sense on teh card as the heel champion who gets squashed. Without the title, he's pretty much ADR/Sandow level.

  73. I mean the overall feud. You knew what I meant. :)

  74. Just an observation: You write a lot of super long posts. 90% of the time I see the "See more" line, it's one of your posts.

  75. Just a nitpick that bugs me for whatever reason

  76. I remember a battle Royale on TV right after the HBK "one foot" rumble. Lawler was out, but kept one foot up... Then Bret came in and started taunting him, Lawler hopped around the ring on one foot... Bret finally stomped his foot to eliminate him. Very fun moment.

  77. And based on where we are today, here's how I'd book Mania. (Realistically, as I know Bryan isn't winning the fucking Rumble...)

    - Lesnar (c) vs CM Punk (Rumble winner)
    - Undertaker vs John Cena
    - Batista/Hogan vs HHH/Orton
    - Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt
    - Tag Team Title Ladder Match: Rhodes Bros (c) vs Real American vs Usos vs ADR & Sandow
    - US Title Triple Threat: Ambrose (c) vs Rollins vs Reigns
    - IC Title: Langston (c) vs Big Show
    - Divas Title: AJ vs... I dunno. Kim Kardashian in an E!-themed celebrity match?

    Cena heel turn, end the Streak, Cena beats Punk in Chicago for the title sometime soon after Mania, and you build towards Cena vs Batista at Summerslam and eventually Roman winning next year's Rumble and beating Cena for the title at Mania 31. Boom.

  78. Just saying that sometimes, "Less is more". I often just skip your posts because they take forever to read.

  79. Thanks for the heads up.

  80. The surest way to get the WWE title is to leave for 4 years and then come back.

  81. Orton really brings down the interest level of that match. They can do a million blowjob promo videos on him, and he still seems out of place next to the other guys. Cena/Brock/Batista sounds like way more of a seller to me, ya know?

  82. Unless you're Chris Jericho, unfortunately.
    Speaking of which, I always thought Jericho getting a quick run with the WHC for a month or two and then dropping it to a monster heel would have been money. People really would have rallied around Face Y2J getting one last title (especially since he was never world champ as a face), and then Jericho could do a stretcher job the next month and put some heel over huge in dropping the belt. Would have been so much better of a use of the WHC than having ADR sleepwalk with it for 8 months.

    Now that it's just one unified title though, I don't think Y2J would ever even be considered.

  83. Kofi Kingston is basically the new Shelton Benjamin, token black guy that does crazy omg spots.

  84. Once HHH dies, maybe.

  85. The size of the WWE fanbase has certainly changed since 2002.

  86. exactly my point, they have never fought for the same title on the same brand. The fab 4, it would sell itself.

  87. As an aside how awesome was Christian's entrance and music during this period.

  88. Right, but I was mentioning him moreso for the OVW connection.

  89. They were less than 1 year removed from the Attitude Era, aka the hottest, "once in a lifetime" period in wrestling history. Of course the numbers are lower now, it was bound to cool off no matter what.

  90. Jericho did get several runs with the WHC in his first comeback (2008-10).

  91. I always loved the Taker theme after the licenced music but before they added words to it. It had a SHREDDING guitar.

  92. Forget about the Attitude Era, numbers are down even from 4-5 years ago. I'm not saying that ratings would ever get back to Attitude-Era levels, but I'd at least like to see them do something other than the status quo and make an effort here.

  93. Pretty tremendous, and it killed me that he went right from the E&C breakup to... that. Perfectly insane theme for a delusional heel.

  94. I understand as well, I was saying how interchangeable they are.

  95. But not as a face.

  96. Yipes. Haven't seen the PPV since the original broadcast. You can hear the disgust in J.R.'s tone as that segment died.

  97. I like the idea of one big Cena/Batista/Lesnar/Orton four-way elimination match at Wrestlemania. It pushes the 'OVW 4' angle and it also has the nice effect of condensing four big names into one match to save time.

    My Mania card....

    * Cena vs. Batista vs. Lesnar vs. Orton, for the WWE title
    * Undertaker vs. Bryan
    * Punk vs. HHH
    * Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Rollins, for the US title
    * Big E vs. Del Rio, for the intercontinental title
    * Sheamus/Hogan vs. Real Americans
    * Wyatt Family vs. Cody, Goldust and Dusty
    * Big Show vs. Kane, loser retires

  98. Those guys are more than Maven was at that moment. Even Woods who has only been around for like a couple of months.

  99. Maybe it can compete with the "WHO IS THE TOP GUY IN THE SHIELD" issue that Michael Cole keeps screaming about...

  100. Anyone got Jerry Lynn's appearance in 2001?

  101. Still better than Curtis Axel.

  102. Spoiler alert
    it was announced at the Smackdown tapings that it is happening at the Rumble.

  103. Yeah, I know. We try not to throw those spoilers out there, though.

  104. Spoiler

    it was announced at the Smackdown tapings

  105. Maybe because they don't know how good of a worker Batista will be and they want to give him a good worker to wrestle so he doesn't look like a complete slug and kill whatever interest he might have in a Mania match.

  106. They also had two World Titles at the time, and Triple H held the other title during the 2008 reigns. Balancing act?

  107. He's doing house shows. They should know. I don't mind Del Rio, the timing of it is just off to me

  108. So, was Taker a heel at this point?

  109. If Punk or Bryan isn't getting the World title, then fuck this show.

  110. Never mind I found it:

  111. LOL- I remember that cinderblock spot! The entire thing just erupted into powder the second it hit the post. Fakest looking weapon EVER.

  112. It's easy not to build interesting stories when they only care about a small number of those people. The writing is pure shit nowadays and they just don't give a damn anymore. They have their core audience who will watch every week and buy every show no matter how bad it is, so why change it?

  113. Wouldn't surprise me to see them change the belt 3-4 times before Mania. I'm still calling Cena/Orton at Mania, title or no title, it will be.


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