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BoD Daily Update

Mae Young Passed Away

Roddy Piper Proposing WrestleMania Ideas?

Apparently, Piper has pitched an idea for him to team with CM Punk against Hulk Hogan & John Cena

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Batista Update

Batista's contract with the WWE was for two years

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Reasons For Kaitlyn's Departure From the WWE

Kaitlyn left the WWE allegedly due to frustration over waiting for angles that she was expecting to come to fruition.



  1. My condolence to Mae Young and her family.

  2. I don't doubt that piper would pitch that idea. Doesn't mean its a good idea though

  3. I posted these over in the other thread too.

    Interesting fact: Mae Young debuted 10 years before Ric Flair was born.

    Great photo of her:

    full text of bit in Bob Holly's book about Mae:

    Mae Young and the Fabulous Moolah are two of the sweetest ladies you’d ever meet. All the boys respected the hell out of them and everybody rolled out the red carpet whenever they were on the show. By 2000, they’d already got over 100 years of in-ring experience between them, so that tells you how old they were. But they would still get in the ring now and then when they were given the chance. On one show, Crash and I were booked to do a tag team match against them, so we sat down in catering together to go over the match. Out of respect for them, I took myself out of the equation and told them that we would do whatever they wanted to do. Mae planned out a spot where she would be in the ring with Crash and I’d sneak in behind her. She would turn around and I’d clothesline her. I said to her, “Mae, I’ve got all the respect in the world for you but if you’re asking me to clothesline you, you need to know that I lay it in there.” She said, “Sure I know that, I want you to clothesline me.” I said, “No, you don’t understand — when I clothesline somebody, I try to rip their head off. It’s TV, I don’t want it to look bad but I don’t want to hurt you.” This nearly 80-year-old woman just looked at me and said, “Bring it, motherfucker.” In Gorilla, just before the match, I gave her a hug and thanked her in advance for the match, then asked if she was sure about the clothesline. She said, “If you don’t bring it, when we get back, I’m going to kick your ass.” Hell, I didn’t want to get beaten up by an 80-year-old woman, so I was going to do what she said and lay that clothesline in there nice and snug. We started the match and I locked up with Moolah, grabbed her in a headlock, and took her over. I landed right on top of her. I was 235 pounds at this point. She was 77 years old and she was taking everything I could throw at her. Unbelievable. The time came for the spot with Mae. She had her back to me as I was getting ready. When she turned around, I charged — she didn’t have time to prepare for it and I threw that clothesline from left field like I was hitting Bradshaw. I ripped her head off so hard that the poor lady cut a flip. I felt so bad! I asked her if she was all right and she said, “Yep, I’m fine,” and carried on. When we got to the back after the match, I went over to thank her and asked, “Mae, are you okay?” She patted me on the chest and said, “That’s how you lay a clothesline in, right there,” and kept on walking. Why the hell can’t some of the boys be like that?! That match was great fun and good entertainment.

  4. That was real cool of her.

  5. This update has sad, good, great, and indifferent stories all over it.

  6. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 9:27 AM

    "Why the hell can’t some of the boys be like that?!"

    Because Mae only had to take that once (being 80 years old notwithstanding) and one of the "boys" getting hit with a clothesline like that 300 times a year is not conducive for long-term health.

  7. She's not quite dead yet...

    "Mae Young has not passed away. The source who reported her passing received incorrect information. Mae is gravely ill, but still alive."

  8. Just read that Mae is still alive, at least for the time being

    "Mike Mooneyham @ByMikeMooneyham

    Mae Young has not passed away. The source
    who reported her passing received incorrect information. Mae is gravely
    ill, but still alive."

  9. She's really going to give it her all.

  10. Solid news day. 2 years of Batista definitely means he's getting a decent title run

  11. It was said of Teddy Roosevelt that death had to come for him in his sleep because if he was awake, there would have been a fight.

    Mae is probably the same way.

  12. Yeah. Should be good.

  13. This is a morbid thought, but if this is true then I wonder if anyone who is with her and reading/showing her all of the internet response. It's nice to think of her knowing that so many fans are remembering her career while she's at the end of her life. Many celebrities pass away suddenly and might not get the chance to see the outpouring of emotion and love for them that usually happens afterwards. I have no idea if that would even matter to a celebrity, but I'm guessing it would.

  14. I gotta say I'd be intrigued by piper amd punk vs Hogan and cena. I'd MUCH rather see them be doing other shit at mania but it wouldn't be a terrible idea.

  15. I missed the bulk of Batista's career as I didn't watch WWE between 2005 and 2011. However, I thought he was awesome in late 2004 and early 2005, and I'm really looking forward to having him back. His Rumble win and face turn was the last legitimately great thing I remember about wrestling until Punk's 2011 promo.

  16. I keep hearing speculation about Hogan wrestling at WMXXX, but also keep hearing about how his body is so shot that there's no way he could take any bumps or even do the legdrop. Have there been any legit, confirmable reports about his health either way?

  17. Just give Punk and Cena fifteen out of 18 minutes and everything should be fine.

  18. Mae Young was such an awesome performer. To make a crude analogy at a sad time, she was the WWF Attitude Era equivalent of John O'Hurley as J Peterman on Seinfeld. Despite the material being, often times, suspect at best, the performer always brought the goods and was super-entertaining.

  19. Nope. That's kinda why the speculation is all over the place. The initial assumption was he'd just do a nostalgia spot but they're assumingly paying him alot of money so they may want to get more out of him.

    Interesting side not on him: meltzer reported that wwe really wants him in the fold to coincide with the network launch. They see him as like an "ambassador" I guess to help promote the network. Maybe that's what they value in hin at this point?

  20. Perhaps a new low for 411? Now they can't even properly confirm someone passing away?

  21. No Ringpost. She still alive.

  22. There's always value in Hogan and I'd love for him to be involved with WWE. No way should he ever be the centerpiece of the show as he was at times in TNA, but he's the most famous pro-wrestler ever, so WWE wanting him to do whatever he is able to do is a no-brainer.

  23. Mae Young is survived by her son, Hand.

  24. Also, most of the boys can make a clothesline look good without stiffing the shit out of someone.

  25. It's not like they broke the story.

  26. I'm pretty sure The Rock's supplanted him. most everyone knows who he is and that he was a pro wrestler. if you want to argue that Hogan's more famous as a pro wrestler, I suppose that works.

  27. Guess not. They sure do jump the gun to post anything without confirmation though. I guess other sites are guilty of it as well.

  28. Agreed. Check out some of his heel work late in his run of you can. His vest work imo. There are so many great programs he could work...Brock, Cena, Punk, Bryan, etc. It should be fun

  29. I'd rather it just be punk vs cena with the old dudes in their corners.

  30. Good video of Bubba Ray telling a Mae Young story.

  31. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    bayless, probably best to take down the mae young story

  32. She probably keeps threatening Death with showing her puppies.

    Ordinarily, I wouldn't make a tasteless joke like that, but given how dirty minded that old bird is, she'd probably find it hilarious.

  33. Mae: I've got nothing more than what's already been said by others.
    Piper: Hmmm... Even odds on which one would be the first to break a hip between Hogan and Piper.
    Batista: So he'll be around a while. That's at least one turn, if not two-three.
    Kaitlyn: Want your angles to be covered? Join Total Divas, or be AJ. Otherwise, best of luck.

  34. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    It was probably Mae Young that E-mailed him to tell him she wasn't dead yet.

  35. I don't know how much money the Divas make but they have more courage than the men when it comes to telling Vince to stick it. The guys piss and moan about the booking, pay, and whatever else, but the Divas actually will walk. Yeah, the Divas are pretty much interchangeable and dispensable but the thought is still there.

  36. "Apparently, Piper has pitched an idea for him to team with CM Punk against Hulk Hogan & John Cena"


  37. And probably laughing at all of us while sipping on a beer or something.

  38. Even in death Mae Young is working the audience

  39. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Batista would make a good corporate champ and face of the WWE better than Orton.

  40. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Piper looked in bad shape. If he wanted to wrestle he needs to start now.

    Although the Idea of Punk's "Kilt" themed trunks are amusing.

  41. Kaitlyn seemed smart enough.

    She's 27. She had about 3 years left before she started getting shuffled out the door.

    Why spend it waiting for storylines that would never come when you could be spending it doing something you enjoyed?

  42. Definitely. Orton still bores me. I know the guy is smooth as hell in the ring and he looks like a badass, but I just get nothing from him. Say what you will about HHH overshadowing everyone as the main heel in the Authority storyline, but if it's a choice between him or Orton getting the spotlight I'm picking HHH every time.

  43. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Add to that he's had success outside of wrestling as well.

  44. as stupid as it sounds. I guess it's because many of those women just see this as their job... not some childhood dream coming true.

  45. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    I imagine it to be like this:

  46. The Rock's got a career. He can't be at the WWE's disposal 24/7.

    Hogan's got bills to pay and what career to work around? Filming a commercial for a car dealership?

    That's the difference.

  47. I think most of them just see it as a temporary gig as oopposed to a long term career. They know their shelf life with the company is probably 5 years and they can make the same amount of money doing modeling or other semi famous hot girl shit.

  48. For the most part, you get the vibe that most divas view this as a stepping stone to bigger things (e.g. acting gigs, music careers, being a beard for George Clooney). I mean, does anyone really think JoJo and Eve/Eva/whatever really want to be in this business because they are enthralled with it, the same way Natalya or Beth Phoenix are? There are exceptions, like Christy Hemme sticking around way past the point where I figured she would have, but really, is it really surprising that Katelyn checked out when the spotlight (any spotlight really) wasn't on her?

  49. Seems like he's coming in as a face but yea, if he fucking Batista bored Orton and became the new corporate champ, that'd be pretty awesome

  50. He needs some ddp yoga stat.

  51. I know this might be too soon, but if there were any justice in the world, Jim Ross would be calling Mae's non-death. "MA GAWD! MA GAWD! MAE YOUNG JUST TOOK ONE LOOK AT DEATH AND SPIT HIM RIGHT IN THE EYE!"

    Give em hell, Mae.

  52. video of Mae and Moolah on Conan in 2005:

  53. I thought your stance was Cena/Taker or GTFO?

  54. After seeing Jake I think everyone needs some DDP Yoga

  55. AJ barely gets any screen time now either.

  56. As oppossed to a straight up Cena/Punk matchup? Yes it's been done many times before, but they have great chemistry and would put on a hell of a lot better match than if they had the Piper/Hogan dead-weight shackled to them.

  57. Here's hoping that she's not in any pain. I loved the Mae and Moolah act, and I sincerely wish her and her family everything they need during this tough time.

  58. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Can I get a class with Layla doing DDP Yoga?

  59. Q: "Can I get a class with Layla doing DDP Yoga?"

    A: "You are a Top 5 Commenter"

  60. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    *secret handshake
    "Layla baby. take those jeans off and get that strawberry jelly. Daddy wants to see you stretch.."

  61. In all fairness, anyone can PITCH an idea. Hell, here ya go:

    Vince, I think it would be a great idea if I teamed with CM Punk against Hulk Hogan and John Cena. I don't even mind doing the job.

  62. I always thought Big Show was the best Corporate Champ. What does Vince like more than his big men?

  63. By the way I can't make the iMpact thread tonight so you are going to have to watch the kids for me. Not too much candy and make sure they are in bed by 11pm.

  64. You take a look at her twitter, it's pretty clear she was more than passingly familiar with the business. I think she wanted to be a wrestler, but not enough to spend whatever shelf life she had left not actually wrestling and just waiting to.

  65. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 12:08 PM

  66. I'd MUCH rather see Punk / Cena 1 on 1. It's all rumors but it seems like they like the idea of Cena and Hogan working together in some capaciry. It much rather see Hogan and Cena tagging vs Piper and Punk then the rumored Wyatt or real Americans thing (not that I believe this was ever seriously talked about.

  67. ...except I was just pointing out that Hogan doesn't hold the title of "most famous pro wrestler ever," not arguing the Rock should have said spot.

    That's the difference.

  68. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    Maybe it will be a torch passing type thing.

  69. "Mae Young was taken to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. She was then taken to a better hospital where her condition was upgraded to "alive."

  70. not only is the idea weird and off-the-wall,
    1. both sides are currently face and
    2. both Hogan and Piper are in no shape to wrestle. If Roddy ever dropped the huge gut he has I'm sure somebody would be willing to give him a final curtain call

  71. Mae (reading this in a hospital room): They're on to us!

  72. Well, she is being punished right now for Tribute to Troops.

  73. Give us final heel Batista and you have money written all over it.

  74. Can they watch some Cops before hand?

  75. Two years of Batista. Wonderful.

  76. With him locked up for two years and able to get a good title run in, I don't for the life of me see why they would do anything other than Cena/Taker and Brock/Batista (for the belt) as the two big matches at WM. Toss in H/Bryan and it's basically already perfect.

  77. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    bonus points if she did it a la monty python

  78. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    i like you addressed past you

  79. Piper - Cocaine = Bad Ideas

  80. Although, I see on your script it says "Page Two" instead of "Page 2." That's a fireable offense. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  81. I assume it would have to be.

  82. Vince Mc-SLAM!

  83. If only there was some way to go back and watch all of the PPV and Raw matches he was in during that period on some sort of streaming service.

  84. Am I really the only one on here who doesn't want this match?

  85. Is it wrong of me to hope that after they do the tribute to Mae on Raw, they have Mark Henry pour out a 40oz in her honor?

  86. I googled 'Hulk Hogan surgery'. It still doesn't really tell you whether he can take bumps or not, or how much he's he's willing to risk. But we can find out that:

    He had multiple knee surgery operations between 1998 and 2005, with his left knee being replaced in 2005. He then had surgery on his right knee in 2013.

    His hip was apparently replaced in 2004. He had additional hip surgery in 2012.

    He's had his back operated on several times since 2009.

    In January 2013 Hogan sued the Laser Spine Institute for malpractice. So not only has he had surgery on his back multiple times - he had botched surgery on his back.

    So he's a 60 year old man who's had surgery on his back, his hip, and both knees. I don't think it really takes speculation to think that he really can't take many bumps.

  87. Don't worry, he'll be out with injury for 18 months during that time.

  88. In what? Bag shitting???

  89. Well he was in the military.

  90. Who's going to accuse him of rape?

  91. is it really surprising that Katelyn checked out when the spotlight (any spotlight really) wasn't on her?

    This is what I'm getting at. The divas don't want to sit and collect dust and the men will. JTG and the bunch will let their prime rot away on the bench while the divas are more apt to figure out a different way to make a living.

  92. This just reminds me of the old territory ways when guys would sit around and get booked to hell. Of course there were no guaranteed contracts then but most everything else still holds.

    The longer they sit around doing nothing the more their value decreases. I guess more so with women cause most of the value is in the looks.

  93. I'm all for the "Legend" types being included in the show, but there is no reason for these guys to be involved in any sort of match. Certainly not one (Punk vs. Cena) that could be a MOTYC without Hogan and Piper around. Can't we just acknowledge Hogan, Piper, Roberts, et al at the Hall of Fame thing and move on?

  94. He could bring their child, the hand, out and do a lil tribute

  95. Yeah he would indeed. If they still had two titles, I could see Batista & Orton as the two champs, feuding with underdogs Punk & Bryan. HHH is COO already, so he's "above" the title. He could claim Evolution now runs the business and such

  96. Hogan and Piper being involved as anything more than corner-men would be embarrassing, when we consider that Punk-Cena is pretty much a MOTYC every time. We would be throwing away a guaranteed ****+ just to give legit geriatrics a few token spots.

  97. That torch was out LONG ago, sir.

  98. Now that makes a lot of sense. Getting guys like Hogan, Austin, and especially the Rock to do some promotional spots for the Network is a great use of the Legends.

  99. At LEAST one more title reign for Abeyance as well, when Batista goes out injured again.

  100. And since wrestling is such a boys club fueled by testosterone, ego, insecurity and immaturity, I can only imagine the behind-the-scenes, on-the-road crap the females have to put up with. Walking away from the business probably isn't as sad for them as it is for a guy who lives for that locker-room atmosphere.

  101. What happened at Tribune to the Troops?

  102. I always thought Jack Swagger would be a great corporate-champ pick. Blond, tall, no tats, the Kurt-Angle-in-2000 All-American backstory, his name fits the part, he cleans up well, and (unlike Orton or Batista) he hasn't been built as a guy who can be dominant on his own, so it makes sense that he'd lean on the corporation to help him skate by.

  103. Supposedly, she threatened a D-list celebrity who was flirting with Punk.


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