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Daniel Bryan Michigan State

If there is any question the WWE is lost on the next massive superstar, check out the video that was on ESPN from halftime at a huge college basketball game between two of the best teams in the country. If you got this from other people sorry.

I got it from lots of other people, but yours was first.  

It won't matter.  It'll just make Vince dig in even harder.


  1. This means Bryan will eat a Pedigree next RAW or something or other. The company really doesn't understand what mainstream is despite craving to be a part of it. Look at how they flushed all the mainstream buzz about the Summer of Punk down the toilet.

  2. East Lansing is full of college marks that have never spent a day in the real world, and that don't know what's best for business.

  3. But remember, Daniel Bryan isn't over. Keep remembering that.

  4. Oh FUCK. Not even tuning in next Monday. They are going to jam that clip down our throats with hot sauce. See you in 2 weeks.

  5. What in the fuck is wrong with this company. Normally they drool over any sort of mention from legit sports league or entertainment channels, but when it's Daniel Bryan they bury him because he's too short?

  6. What would be great is if some celebrity turned down WrestleMania, that his or her refusal was a well-known, and then went on Conan or Fallon or Kimmel or the like, and it came up. And then that celebrity (remember Vince loves celebs) says they turned it down and said, "Look how they treat Daniel Bryan. I would have loved to work with him because he's pretty much the only interesting wrestler, and they treat him like garbage on TV, so I'm like, screw it."

    It's a really, really far-fetched idea, but the idea of WWE being dissed in the mainstream by the very people Vince sucks up to would be schadenfreude at its best.

  7. "What's a college basketball?"

  8. Is there any entertainment company with a worse read on what's happening with trends in popular culture, and I'm not even just talking about what's happening with Daniel Bryan. Every little main stream thing they try to latch on to is just so uncool and lame in the execution.

    I mean for god sakes, even the fucking breast cancer charity they team up with turns out to be the one that wanted to block money from going to planned parenthood. They just have no clue to the point its comical.

    Didn't Stephanie grow up as a rich, good looking, famous kid in new York city? I get how Vince would have his head in the fucking clouds but shouldn't Stephanie have some clue about the world around her?

  9. Im sure a celeb would like to come off like a mark.....

    ...they treat him so badly that he gets lots of TV time on their flagship program and also is a main part of their Diva's program on E....

    ....this would be like someone not wanting to work with Christopher Nolan because of how Bane was treated in the last Batman movie...

  10. The world around her is not what is best for business...

  11. Oh that would be pretty delicious. I wonder who the most famous "smark" wrestling fan is? I know guys like mickey Rourke hang out the wrestlers but I wonder if theres some actor who reads the observer and checks out roh etc?

  12. I did say it was far-fetched :-)

    Also, in any other era, would the most cheered-wrestler be relegated to what Bryan is today? Airtime isn't the issue; it's this idea that he's somehow beneath the pantheon.

  13. Sure is a lot of people cheering for the Big Show

  14. It's gotta be former WCW Champion David Arquette.

  15. That was a good one.

  16. I said it months ago...Summerslam 2013 should've started the chase, and after an extremely slow burn, Bryan should have been the winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble. He should have been launched to the stratosphere.

    Instead, he's already planning his honeymoon the week after Wrestlemania XXX. That's life in the funny pages.

  17. I would love that, by the way, loved your Roman Reigns Spider-Man meme from last week, great use of his face.

  18. How is he beneath anything? HBK was in a similar angle(yes, it sucked) and nobody bitched and moaned he was being buried.... me placing Bryan with the Wyatt's isnt a punishment or demotion, its a vote of confidence from Vince himself...

    ...WWE needs some more main event heels and Vince is trusting that Bryan can get this angle over as popular as he is. The fans will want to see Bryan break free and at the same time it will elevate Wyatt to main event status....

  19. How ironic that this happened a week after WWE makes his Wyatt turn?

  20. Pretty much my initial thought. Like Vince gives a fuck about the minor leagues of the NBA. Hell, it's not even the minor leagues of the XBA, why should he give a flying fuck?

  21. Let's not worry too much.

  22. How smart was it of Vince to put Big Show in an angle with Brock right before Michigan State would use Show's YES, YES, YES chant?

  23. it's the best running gag I have going, aside from the one where I sometimes pretend to be a journalist.

  24. I just wish that HHH or Vince would just come out to RAW and make a you'll cheer who we want you to cheer speech and get it over with, instead of just trolling us.

  25. Michaels with JBL isn't nearly the same.

  26. Yes, HBK was big long term main eventer so it didn't really affect us that much. This is much, much, different.

  27. It'd be better if they wrote a show where they could express that idea (to a chorus of Boos), only to have Bryan fuck shit up and kick somebody in the mouth.

  28. The place would explode and he would be fired immediately. If the crowd keeps chanting in the coming weeks, Vince would probably Regal it and turn the lights off on the show.

  29. Affect us?! Im just not getting this i guess....

    ...I mean having Bryan in a title match at the Rumble would mean very little, if he wins he would be a transitional champ at best....

    ...the fact that he is probably the most interesting angle going on isn't by accident, Vince is using his most important guy to help others get over....

    ....meanwhile Cena and Orton are fighting over a prop in a stale feud that has been pretty much an after thought...

  30. Its of the same ilk, guy has to be with someone he doesnt want to be with....

    ...I guess we can go more with Bryan doing a Dennis Knight remake here...

    ....he became Mideon against his will. Not sure with WWE being PG we will get a Naked Bryan payoff like we did with Mideon though....

  31. The Big Show/Yes joke gets me every time.

  32. I mean that HBK was pretty much set, we knew that he was going to be in a WM match of some kind, when it comes to the older guard, they are protected.
    However, unless you've been with the company before 2005, or even CM Punk, you don't know if their going to be protected anymore. HBK was a HHH guy, Bryan for all we know isn't, as said above, while we know that a long main eventer is secure in most of the feuds they are in, with today's maineventers that the people want, when you see them in a similar feud plus being perceived as a certain way, how do you know for sure what's going to happen?

  33. I do, the chant makes me happy and sad at the same time.

  34. Now, now. This is all kayfabe. Here's what you do:

    1. Bryan gets in the Rumble, and turns the Wyatts against each other, eventually winning the thing.
    2. Bryan defeats Orton and Cena to win the WWE Unified Championship in a triple threat at Wrestlemania.
    3. The next night, have Vince come out and completely freak out on the audience. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU, BUT I DO. I DON'T THINK YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE THIS NEWS."
    4. Have some crazy random ending to Raw the night after Wrestlemania. For example, have Wade Barrett destroy Bryan to end the April 7th Raw and announce his intentions to be the first English-born WWE Champion. Shit, reform the Nexus if you want (Ryback, Axel, Gabriel, Otunga, Young, and newcomer O'Neil) and end the show with the Wyatts standing on the stage, smiling.

    Okay, I'm just throwing stuff at the wall for number four, but 1-3 is a good start.

  35. I like it, of course before the beat down, Wade needs to say, "I'm afraid I have some bad news".

  36. My thing is this, for Bryan to get fired for doing what he did in the Nexus angle and be brought right back in, he must have some people in high places that enjoy his work...

    ...I can see folks complaining if he was getting a Ryder like burial but this guy is being used in the correct way right now....

    ....Bryan being champ or in a championship match right now isnt going to bring in any more buys or ratings, so instead use him while he is hot to build more credible heels....

    ...the folks complaining are actually coming off like they dont trust Bryan to make this angle work and get over...

    ...He got squashed at Mania, folks bitched, he got more over. He got placed in a comedy angle with Kane, folks complained at first, he got more over. Give Bryan time, he loves the challenge....

  37. Eh, I think the angle needs more Khali to work...

  38. I understand that, but we all know what can happen when Vince gets mad.

  39. Smell the buyrates...

  40. I thought that smell was the Punjabi Princess...

  41. T Princess has a cousin?

  42. For all we know those rumors of Vince getting mad is them working everybody....

    ...if Bryan was in the doghouse, he would be doing tag matches with Ryback...

  43. I was speaking of Natalya but im guessing T Princess has at least one cousin...

  44. Vince: You 2 will be called, Bryback!

  45. I don't even know what to say any more about DB's burial... I mean out of all the cases that have happened over the years involving HHH and Vince in one way or another this is easily the saddest. I pray it's some kind of elaborate swerve where he goes on wins the Rumble and headlines Mania, but with every passing day it seems less and less likely, meanwhile Batista will just casually walk back in at the top of the card (because he's HHH friend and he's 6,5), there really is no justice in the world sometimes.

  46. Crap, already forgot about the Natalya, Khali, Hornswoggle pairing.

  47. At least Bryan will always get to bury his face in a Bella....

  48. Crap is the key word there and shouldve been the name of their stable...

  49. Does art imitate life?

  50. Since they were champs it should be

  51. The CM Punk burial 2.5 years ago was bad too.

  52. If people keep cheering for him, they might have to dress him up in a Gimp outfit and have Bray Wyatt kick him in the nuts after every match.

  53. Heat fans chanted Yes the night after DBry's WM loss to Sheamus... So it goes beyond the NCAA.

  54. It wasnt a burial, somebody told Nash to stick him. Pat Patterson used to do that all the time back in the day...

  55. Totally works, kind of a new J.O.B. Squad...

  56. Maybe it's a test to see just how over he is, and also to see how adaptable he is. Plus, if Taker really does want to work with him, this will give DBry a bit more edge.

  57. 'Easily the saddest.'

    Yep. Worse than Ryder. Definitely.

  58. Bret Hart lost the title at Wrestlemania 9, didn't get another shot until Wrestlemania 10. Spent most that year in mid-card matches.

  59. I'm sure WWE will never mention this. Daniel Bryan is being buried because the crowd in Seattle at the Slammy's went against WWE's wishes by cheering for him so hard.

  60. You know, I bet Bryan's the type of guy that gets off on trolling the fans just as much as Vince does.

  61. I think he's just the type who goes along with whatever WWE wants, because he's happy to have a job.

  62. Uh, Vince had a MUCH harder upbringing than Stephanie ever did.

  63. He's not their anointed one. The fans dared to choose him over people like Sheamus and Big Show, and it infuriates Vince.

  64. They did it two years ago...and not once since.

  65. You probably haven't read the Smackdown spoilers. But you will understand why this can't be compared to HBK and JBL's angle after seeing what happens. DB is pretty much acting like a total heel, with no redemption in sight.

  66. Vince has a history of being petty and taking out his grievances with talent on-screen. To be so trusting of WWE and their ideas, makes me think you have only recently have become a fan.

    So I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

  67. Most people say Steph is pretty much a carbon copy of Vince in most ways. Only female.

  68. Bryan does not need the title to be a Main Eventer. He is as over as anyone can be these days. But he definitely needs to beat The Authority. There can only be one satisfying payoff and that is HHH tapping out to the YES Lock. It needs to happen at WrestleMania. There is no bigger stage. Forget about that Bryan Vs. HBK nonsense that was being teased.

    This is what I propose:

    a) Give us Cena Vs. Taker. We deserve to have some level of suspense (even if we know that the streak should not be broken). This is the biggest match they have and it needs to be the Main Event.

    b) 4-Way with Brock (Champion), Orton, Batista (Rumble winner) and CM Punk. Have one of the heels walk out with the title.

    c) Daniel Bryan Vs. HHH. See above.

    Everything else on the card books itself.

  69. "This thing is getting mainstream attention? We'd better put ourselves over it, that way we'll be better than the thing the mainstream people loved, then WE'LL get the mainstream attention!"

  70. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 8, 2014 at 2:10 AM

    I know we can't post .gifs directly here anymore, so...

  71. WWE's twitter did tweet a video of this. Which I suppose would exhibit some level of awareness of how over the YES chant is.

  72. So, not to rain on the panic parade, but didn't the last two decades of HBKs and Bret Harts and Y2Js and Eddies and Edges teach us that Vince eventually gets the message after a few years? Even CM Punk was somebody "we" wanted at the top of the card for years before he got there. Bryan's going to be fine, and Ziggler's got an outside shot in a year or three.

  73. Time travel is real. He went back to get advice from Bobby Heenan on how to handle this situation.

  74. Enough is enough. They need to have Bryan kick the beard off IRS Jr.s face on RAw, rip off the garbageman gear and start a massive Yes chant. Pay HBK whatever to wrestle him, or Taker, or Kurt Angle, or something else big. Dude is over as fuck.

  75. When a few people made Fandango-ing videos on YouTube, Vince busted in his pants hyping it up and damn near turned Fandango babyface because of it. Vince loves when anything WWE goes mainstream, so the "YES!" chant making it on SportsCenter is typically the kind of thing of which he'd want to take advantage. It's not like it was a dorky wrestling crowd who doesn't know what's good for them doing the chant. These were Rose Bowl-winning legit football players, thousands of college kids and ESPN giving Daniel Bryan some love.

  76. Now I see why they scrapped the New Year's Eve Eve RAW plans for Big Show. When Brock is walking up the aisle and Big Show's music hits, you don't want anyone going, "Oh my God, it's Baby New Year!" Now I don't know why they have Big Show mimicking Bully Ray's character from TNA right now, but whatever.

  77. Has anyone ever done the "You're a 21-time champ; all that tells me is that you lost the championship 20 times" thing to Flair or any of the other guys who have double-digit title reigns?

  78. Exactly. I think it's stupid whenever an authority figure "punishes" a wrestler by *gasp* making him wrestle, especially when it's just a normal match.

  79. HBK was in a midcard wm match with Jericho when he came back.

  80. They were doing it throughout the game too. I dig it

  81. I know Vince doesn't like any of his guys getting too over to the point where they no longer have to rely on WWE to make a living, but I also know Vince absolutely loves any type of mainstream/non-wrestling attention. This must be quite the conflict for him.

  82. Whether it was unscripted child-like happiness or if it just tickles to have a snake on your face (I wouldn't know), Ambrose smiling during that spot actually makes sense character-wise. He's supposed to be a demented weirdo. Ambrose (the character) is the kind of guy who might get a sick thrill out of having a venomous snake on his face. Or you could argue that he'd just been hit with "Go To Sleep," so in kayfabe world he's asleep and just having a good dream.

  83. To be fair, HHH taking over the company is a pretty easy storyline to predict. As soon as HHH went from full-time wrestler to part-time, you had to know that was happening. Same with Vince making the McMahon family the main event.

  84. Am I personally sick of Daniel Bryan talk...YES! YES! YES!

  85. I don't get why the same fans who constantly say WWE is crap and the shows suck expect every live crowd to act like the show is great. If you don't think the show is good, why would the crowd react like it's good? Good shows bring out a good crowd, not the other way around.

  86. I can't speak for the Ryback one, since I haven't seen it yet, but the 1st concussion happened because of a stiff big boot from Swagger, not because of his selling.

  87. "And I'm more talking about his utter inability to be a likable babyface."
    Are you talking about Dolph or the Miz?

  88. I'm sure it's very easy to get sick of hot stove topics when you're on this site 24/7.

  89. Im sure Vince is backstage going -
    Is Big Show over? YES! YES! YES! YES! (while doing the pointing motion)

  90. They'll mention it on Raw, show a clip if they can get the rights, and then continue with the angle exactly as they planned before.

  91. Or when there have been Daniel Bryan threads posted essentially everyday for months. "Hot stove" topic? If fans chanting YES at a early season college basketball game is a "hot stove" topic to you and needed 2 threads to be discussed, you live in an isolated little world.

  92. Fandango was the next massive superstar then too, right?

    I like Daniel Bryan plenty, but it has to be hard for him to walk with so many people dangling from his nuts.

    I suppose that if I want to keep liking him, I need to stay off the BoD. Otherwise, I'll get so sick of hearing about him that I'll just want him to go away.

  93. And that might very well happen. Just probably not until at least the Rumble.

  94. There is a fairly amusing post on Reddit about this:

  95. They were, except for Bash '91...

  96. Yeah, WCW ran Nitros at the UC, though I think by 2000 they were back to the Rosemont (All-State). I prefer the All-State myself, as it's a shorter drive from Wisconsin, and the UC's in a horrible neighborhood. Unfortunately the UFC only goes to the UC.

  97. I'm talking about Dolph, because the Miz has no potential. He's utilized his thoroughly mediocre abilities into a decent-ish career.

    Dolph will always be a "what if" guy, cause at the end of the day...he's isn't that good.

  98. Way to over analyze something as simplistic as a wrestling angle. I hope the majority of that was sarcasm.

  99. It wasn't even a wrestling angle; it was a wrestling smile.

  100. Easier for the WWE as well I bet, since it's so close to O'Hare. Allstate is a better location if you live in the suburbs, UC is better if you live in the city.

  101. I agree Jake looked great, but he also looked great last month when I got his autograph. However the next night he did a match and did two moves and was blown up, and whiffed the DDT badly. After the match he spent about five minutes playing in the other guys underwear! It was kind of sad to see.

  102. Now if only DDP could save Tammy Sytch......or is the impossible dream?!?

  103. I enjoyed the show most of the show this week, but the big problem with a show like this, is it shows how boring the current guys are. The legends were all unique and entertaining while the current "superstars" are uninspired and lame. Piper was the best on the mic the whole night, and loved seeing Too Cool and Rikishi again.

  104. Even worse. You're not smart and there's no such thing as a "wrestling elitist." Give it up.

  105. That was a big jump. I could understand if you said I wasn't smart because I'd proved incapable of analyzing something, but you said yourself I overanalyzed the angle. That usually takes some form of intelligence.


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