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Discussion for the BOD.

Hey Scott,

Long-time fan of your blog and rants.

Since the days of streaming content, it seems like the growing trend is "cutting the cord". However, do you really save that much money doing this? I've thought about it and have looked into it. At the end of the day, I just don't think it's really worth it to be honest. I've read one comment from someone regarding this issue that was kinda spot's like trying to save money by eating grass and insects instead of buying food at the grocery store.
In my case, my cable bill is about $100 a month. From doing research, that seems like that's the around general cost for most people. That includes a decent high-speed internet connection and basic cable (TBS, USA, ESPN, MTV, etc.)

Let's say you cancel your basic cable tv portion and just keep the high-speed internet. That alone is like $50 a month for a good enough speed needed to stream all your content. Then, let's say you still want to see UFC and WWE content. Then of course, you still want TV shows and movies. Hulu Plus is superior for TV and Netflix for movies.

 All together your streaming packages come out to $36 a month.

Now Hulu doesn't have every TV show available and doesn't have live sports. I, for one, love watching NFL games on Sunday. And yes, recently I've tried several indoor digital antennas for local channels, and have had pretty terrible results with them. Am I missing something? Is there an app or something for Roku to watch live sports on NBC, CBS, FOX, etc.?

Is it really worth it to save $14 a month in that case? Saving $14 a month isn't going to make you rich.

I don't know, to me I don't paying the small monthly difference for cable/on demand service. It's peanuts.

Is the cutting the cord revolution more about not wanting to give your money to cable and satellite companies anymore rather than the money you save by doing it?

It's about paying that $100 a month and not being able to watch what you want when you want for that money.  Yeah, I'm paying $8 for Netflix and $8 for Hulu Plus now, but now I watch those shows entirely on my own schedule, without intrusive commercials.  1 minutes of ads per break on Hulu is reasonable, 4-5 minutes on Canadian TV is ridiculous.  For the money I was paying I shouldn't have to subscribe to garbage channels that are owned by the cable companies, but that's exactly what was happening.  Shaw is particularly bad for rebranding channels into something that have nothing to do with the original license and filling it up with recycled content from other their channels.  There's literally 3 or 4 channels playing old sitcoms up here, plus another half-dozen about vague "travel" or "home and garden" themes, which allows them to endlessly recycle shows from Food Network and HGTV or god forbid create cheaply-made Canadian reality TV.  I can only take so many deck-building competitions or shows about wacky restaurants before I bail on the entire cable system.   I watch the regular primetime shows on Hulu Plus the day after, my kid watches her Disney shows on Netflix, I can YouTube tons of interesting content, and soon I'll have the WWE Network to fill up whatever other downtime I need to fill.  

Also, live sports, don't care.  




  2. You sure Ambrose unify the belts to then drop them to Roman Reigns wouldn't be better?

  3. Big E is getting the bigger push, keep the titles with him.

  4. I save over $100 on my cable bill. My wife works from home so her company pays for our internet. Massive savings as opposed to what we had become. Why pay for a dvr when I can watch any show I want on demand?

  5. Hockey on the radio rules so so much

  6. Conversation is important... my ex wasn't dumb but she wasn't interested in a back and forth conversation either she had to dominate the conversation or she wasn't interested... the new girl and I have always had a lot talk about so it is refreshing (although unfair to keep comparing her but w/e)

  7. He had it at the start of the game even.

  8. I love it. It is by far the best radio sport. We didn't have cable when I was a kid, so every time the Pens played, I listened to them on the radio.

  9. Boy I hope my game is this boring with sf dominating like Denver is

  10. Who stopped the mascot from banging the drum? Was it the Men in Black? G-Man?

  11. That took less than two and a half minutes.

  12. That's exactly what happened with us. My wife works nights and had to watch everything on demand or on the DVR anyhow. I work all day and then I'm home with the kids, so the TV was background noise most days.

  13. Agree with the emailer. Anyone who is into live sports (especially football) loses out on alot by cutting the cord. Plus most cable companies offer bundle discounts with internet/TV,so by cutting TV the internet monthly price usually jumps up. Just not worth it for me. Plus the Fios skip and reverse buttons are amazing and I can't imagine living without it (works amazing for NFL games and Raw).

  14. And that's how you play defense in the 4th Quarter, baby!

    I don't know if I'd open myself up to getting burned deep, but I hate when defenses completely change schemes and take their foot off the gas.

  15. By the way, I wonder if the Network will also have DVD Documentaries on it as well. There are some fantastic wrestling Docs out there. A nice feature also, you could be watching The Rocks documentary and let's say they are talking about a certain match. You can then press a button and be instantly taken to that match. After the match is over it takes you back to the documentary.

  16. When you actually think about it, it really is crazy. I watched MAYBE 6 cable channels.

  17. I enjoy Sportscenter in the morning with coffee, NFL Sundays, College football on Saturdays, NBA after the NFL season is over, etc. Until some sort of on demand / live sports service is rendered cable is a must for me. I have a decent bundle package with my internet and I have been generally unimpressed with Netflix / Hulu. Do you know Hulu hacked up the Cena / Punk Raw match from last year? Netflix has every movie but the ones I want to watch plus a huge deficit in new releases. The only thing that pisses me off about cable is MTV not playing music videos and not having wrestling at 6:05 on Saturdays.

  18. With increased choice comes increased complexity. There are no longer any one-size-fits-all answers. You can either do the research and figure out what works for you, or you can let yourself be spoonfed the most simple option and accept that it probably isn't optimal (which is not necessarily a bad thing)

  19. It's been pointed out though you can maybe get a friends cable log in or use a variety of websites that stream some decent quality games.

  20. If you know someone with cable that doesn't use watch ESPN, and you're willing to buy a really good antenna, you won't miss any of what you just described as far as sports.

  21. Have paper work and lesson plans to get ready today so ended up streaming the Broncos game in my office as background noise. The Sky Sports coverage is miles ahead of the US drivel. Fraction of the commercials and an in studio crew actually analyzing the game.

  22. I'm watching with indoor antenna and have no issues today.

  23. ESPN is a must, the BCS Championship was on ESPN this year, any hardcore sports guy needs it.

  24. My last cable bill was $133. This include cable, DVR, internet, HD. AND on top of that I'm paying the $8/month for Netflix anyway. And most of what I was watching was reruns of shows or Raw. And yes sports, but hardly Monday Night football on ESPN and never the Thursday Night NFL game.

    So anyway, my bill is $141 to begin with.

    I'm getting DSL at the highest speed for $50/month.

    So I cancel and get an HD antenna for $70 (which actually only cost me $20 since I returned some things my brother got me for Christmas), but even if you amortize thaat value for a year we cand round up to $6/month. This gives me CBS/NBC/FOX, in HD for free. I added $8/month of Hulu, and I bought on demand as part of Prime (which I haven't watched yet cause there's not much there), bringing me at $80/year or about $7/month. I'm Huluing Raw and LOVING it because I don't have to sit through 3 hours of it.

    So instead of $141/month, I'm getting just as programming options for 50 + 6 + 8 + 7 + 7, or $78/month. So a little less than half off what I was paying before. I don't miss ESPN, I might miss some of the stuff on USA like SUITS, but eventually it will makes it way to one of the streaming services and I'll be okay. sure, I'm going to be paying $10/month for WWE, but I would have done that with cable anyway... and I'm pretty sure my cable company was throttling my usage to begin with.

    One last thing -- there's nothing that says I'm going to keep Hulu in the summer, or do I really need Netflix for the next few months? And I kinda wonder what's going to happen when I cancel one of those, what they would do to get me back.

    Also, once you cut that cord, you realize life is better without cable anyway. Like seriously, you don't need it.

  25. Of course. I watched it on the Watch ESPN app on my Roku using my mom's Comcast login. All the ESPN channels, none of the ESPN payment.

  26. Roger Goodell is halfway to the Super Bowl he wants; will the 49ers get over?

    Of course they will. Nothing good happens in football.

  27. You would think... but honestly what else can I add that you can't learn at

  28. Do you know how many times I was like, "Oh good, 3 hours of family guy" or "hey, a parks and rec marathon" or "What do you mean Arrested Development is only on for the next hour" before I realized almost everything I wanted to watch most of the time was on Netflix anyway?

  29. Huge stop. Completion there ends the game

  30. And I know no one is going to agree with this, but with proper writing (yeah, I know), they're sitting on another potential Stone Cold level star in Bryan right now.

  31. Yeah but I love watching sports on DVR (can watch full NFL and NBA games in 1.5 hours). And I don't want to go begging to a friend to use his cable login so I can connect an HDMI cable from my computer to my TV. Plus the aforementioned Fios skip button. Just not worth it for me to save ~$40 a month at most.

  32. Fat chance of that. If that game isn't close I'd be shocked.

  33. New England is just a bullshit pass interference call or two from winning.

  34. LOL you are the second person to say that already... but seriously what can I add that isn't covered at

  35. In another thread, someone mentioned it was going to be a lot of 90s-00s ECW/WCW/WWF stuff, not a lot of 80s and smaller promotion stuff. But I don't think anything official until we actually GET the network.

  36. I watch sports so I'll keep my cable. Its nice to flip around or randomly toss on a news network. I have a Netflix streaming (and DVD subscription but just to rip DVDs on to a hard drives) subscription and I'll be getting the wwe network 4 lyfe so not like I watch tons of TV but I can DVR 4 things at once so its not like I ever have to see a commercial.

  37. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    I'm a former cord cutter. My ISP is Verizon, and I can only get 3 Mbps where I'm located. I have another person in the house who has a PS3 and PS4, and is constantly on the internet. All I had was a netflix subscription and a monthly service called USTVNow (I had to use an IP address scrambler or whatever you call it, because it was only available to US citizens abroad). Eventually, the buffering became very intolerable, and Verizon could not offer any speed upgrade. With baseball season starting in April 2013, I decided to seek out other options, because my MLB.TV was buffering constantly. So I hooked up with DirecTV, mainly because I wanted to watch every single Red Sox game. I have decided that when our two years is up, it's back to the cord-cutting and upgrading the internet to cable and 15 Mbps. If you want live sports with cord-cutting, get an antenna, watch CBS, NBC and Fox for your football, screw basketball.

    Only two of the major sports have an online streaming package: baseball and hockey. The NFL and NBA probably will not be too far behind, but the ad revenue is too hard to resist right now.

  38. I'm on Netflix, watching the Eddie/Tajiri vs WGTT ladder match, it's pretty damn good. I don't remember it and it's a fun little ladder match.

  39. Ha! I know exactly what you mean. I used to be a chronic channel surfer. Now, instead of watching out of order reruns of SVU, or one million reality shows, I can just go "gee, I think I'm going to watch SVU from the beginning in order, or choose an American Dad episode I haven't seen 65 times."

  40. God you're a who're. And you sure promote your website a lot as well.

  41. I disagree with this, "if you watch any amount of live sports you can't cut the cord" argument. You can get live sports over the air via the major networks. I'm watching the AFC championship via antenna, I'll be watching the NFC and NFL championships via antenna. Many of the big events are over-the-air on one of the big 4 networks. ESPN and the NFL network get games, but they don't get GREAT games. ABC is going to show the NBA finals and they still show the marquee games on Sundays. If you want to watch sprots 24/7, yes you need cable. If you are a casual sports fan, if you get the big four networks with an antenna you will be okay.

  42. Why alter your defense when it had worked so well for 3 quarters.

  43. #edit #fuckautocorrectiwanttocurse

  44. I spent all day saturday watching the first season of Community via Hulu cause I only started recently watching it. Also I'm like four episodes behind Almost Human, but I'm getting caught up.

  45. LOL... I got a ton of traffic from Scott's post... and this is basically the same thing... and I have never charged for sex in my life!

  46. NBA League Pass broadband has been around a few years.

  47. The altitude is affecting their brains. Like Obama.

  48. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    Not a basketball fan, so I guess I didn't notice.

  49. Hasn't it been a shitty service though?

  50. I just finished Orange and House of Cards, now I'm alternating between Scrubs, 30 Rock, and Weeds.

  51. Cross your fingers that in 2 years, the success of the WWE Network will have inspired either more flexibility in the cable/satalite worlds, or a bevy of a la carte services from the major networks and sports leagues.

    Seriously, $6/month for a unlocked EPSN app would probably get paid by a lot of people... I don't know about ME, but a lot of people...

  52. Christian vs RVD Ladder match, don't remember this one either.

  53. They've only score 3 points thus far. Let's change our defense!

  54. I have ocassional hang-ups, and I have to reposition my antenna, but my antenna is severly over-performing it's range so I don't mind.

  55. And coming up next, the 2 point conversion. After that, the onside kick.

  56. So...#96 should hang his head in shame. Tom Brady just broke through you're tackle and went into the endzone. Shameful.

  57. The Denver sigh of relief just fended off another polar vortex.

  58. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    All I really need is the MLB Network on the dish. Since I've discovered that, I haven't laid eyes on ESPN except for Sunday Night Baseball. I'm not a hardcore sports guy, hence the reason why I'm never in the football threads.

  59. This has to do with how sports are watched in the UK. In a soccer game they go straight through with no breaks, so when they broadcast a NFL game in the UK fans would not tolerate the commercial breaks, so where there are commercial breaks in the US, there is analysis from UK hosts. Crazy, no?

  60. He did wrestle for the biggest company. Just not for the current biggest company.

  61. He should be forced to wear "Tom Brady was too quick for me" or "Tom Brady faked me the fuck out" shirts for the rest of 2014


    All the British "NFL" commentary I need.

  63. They didn't recover but Gostkowski has kicked some pretty good onside kicks.

  64. Orange is fucking fantastic.

    And I need to rewatch Weeds.

  65. Wrestlemania IV is your template for a great show?

  66. The good news: Both failed.

  67. Too late to win, but there's still time for a backdoor cover! Get a stop here, Denver lets them score a TD! Let's go garbage time!

  68. Not money, but I'm sure goods were exchanged for services rendered. My last girl used to take me for Arbys. I was alllowed to super-size when she was extremely grateful.

  69. It really is. Season 2 should be coming soon. I know Season 2 of H.O.C. comes on the 14th. I don't imagine Orange is far behind.

  70. Alright well so much for that

  71. Nope. I don't want to see the Pats with the ball again. Sorry.

  72. I read over the terms the other night and it sure sounds like a shitty service.

  73. I used to fuck a girl who would be like "I'm not in the mood to fuck tonight, but I'll blow you on the way to Dunkin' Donuts."

  74. The Denver defense conceded so much this quarter. The Patriots earned only about half their yards. The Broncos' defensive philosophy change and trying the "bend, don't break" approach makes it a completely different game. You put too much pressure on yourselves and on your own offense.


  76. This is IMO the best "big game" Manning has in his entire career. 400 yards passing and half of his incompletions hit his receiver in the chest or the hands. He delivered today.

  77. We have our runner-up to "Rob Ryan look of anguish."

  78. I didn't click because my phone hates YouTube today, but I really hope its that "Bad British NFL Commentary" video where they call AJ McCarron "Cube Junior".

  79. I am not sure the OP's math works out accurately here. He is saying that his cable was only costing him $50 a month. He is assuming you have 4 streaming apps (Netflix, Hulu, UFC, WWE) but none of that is very likely. Most people will have Netflix and Hulu... and get everything else from HD Antenna. Furthermore $50 for your cable service is not very common so he is really fudging the numbers. I am not saying it is a perfect solution for everyone... but there is a lot of advantage for most people.


    So funny.

  81. In two weeks: ALLLL the Manningface.

  82. Tomorrow's Headline: Manning gives up 16 (or 23 if the Pats get a garbage time score), Barely Hangs On

  83. The emailer is getting $36 from $10/each for UFC and WWE, and $8/each for Hulu and Netfliix. Of course, you can't get what's on the UFC and WWE channels with cable. If you want those services, you are paying for them whether you are a cord-cutter or not.

  84. But....but...Tom Brady....and playoffs...

  85. Another valid point... his argument isn't well crafted

  86. I had it last season, and it was indeed terrible, one of my biggest wastes of money. MLB.TV is vastly superior in every way.

  87. "A man from prison has come onto the field."

    Sorry dude, Tim Donaghy was not calling that specific game. Or sport, even.

  88. This is why I teach Geometry. Or, taught geometry.

  89. And good night, folks. Although Eli looks not-so-happy there.

  90. *drum beat*


    "Dead team walking..."

  91. One-half of the Superbowl equation is complete.

  92. Precisely. That's a good point. Plus, I was paying $8 for Classics anyhow.

  93. Godamn, Peyton Manning may have won here, but he's got the wierdest forehead in all of sports.

    You could show HD movies on that thing.

  94. Threadjack: Wasn't able to watch football so I watched Thor 2 instead. Holy fuck it was great, why didn't anyone tell me?

  95. Fitting ending. Pats couldn't get any kind of stop today to save their lives. Game was completely backwards of how I thought it was going to be.

    No matter who wins in the late game, Broncos will probably be favored but are going to be in trouble against that kind of defense.

  96. Impossibly high standards set by "Avengers."

  97. It's even weirder now that he has that semi-permanent helmet marker on his forehead now. Even before the game started he had that mark on him.


  99. Thor 2 is definitely sniffing at Avengers along with Captain America, Iron Man, and Iron Man 3.

  100. You know when Dallas and San Francisco would play for the NFC title and everyone would say it was pretty much for the Superbowl?

    Same thing coming up.

  101. Exactly. And I'm guessing that most people have cable plus Netflix.

  102. No. I'm just saying a thing that happened once.

  103. Yeah I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  104. Too cold up there Erin... come on down into the warmth. Price: Whatever you're wearing. And maybe sex. Okay, probably sex.

  105. Erin Andrews is at this game so look for Pam Oliver to have dagger eyes at some point.

  106. Seriously. As a hardcore NBA fan the only time I watch ESPN is when they're broadcasting a live game. Fuck Sportscenter, PTI, and all the other idiotic blowhard talk shows. Say what you will about the self-congratulatory circle jerk that we all know a bunch of those WWE studio shows will be, but at least they're not ESPN.

  107. It's included if you buy the cable package version, as well.

  108. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    Honestly, I really don't want to weed through 20 minutes of football/basketball/college talk before they give baseball the token offseason 3 minutes. And yes.....ESPN is nothing but a bunch of blowhards, I agree.

  109. Love Peyton and the Broncos are dangerous, but I'd give either SF or Seattle the edge. More complete teams.

  110. I've still got my fingers crossed for every Prime Time Wrestling ever. Until they changed the format. Then I no longer care.

    The episode where Gorilla and Bobby visit a movie set made me laugh so hard when I was a kid, I got yelled at because I should have been sleeping.

  111. Yeah, if you watch a lot of TV, get cable. But for those who don't watch much, having a broadband connection + a subscription to one or two of the streaming services is plenty. It really depends on what you watch and how much it will cost for you to cover all those bases. Choice -- that's the point.

  112. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    And the reason why WWE had MLB help them with their own network.

  113. When I'm abroad I use international league pass and it's PHENOMENAL. Every game from the last two years archived, home and road broadcasts available, condensed 20 minute versions of every game, comprehensive stats with the ability to pull up a specific play on demand, classic games/programs archived, AND a livestream of NBA TV with a full week of archives that you can pull up at any point. It's VERY similar to what WWE is doing in the US, actually, and makes me wonder if they had a common tech consultant or something.

  114. Eventually great offenses stall and neither team has been tested by a championship-level defense.

  115. Another T-Shirt idea: Brady was Bo and I was Bosworth.

  116. A 10-11 match show over four hours with a minimum of skits.

    WWE Belt: Brock/Punk
    Vince Feud: HHH/Bryan
    Tag titles: Rhodes/Real Americans
    Sheild 3 Way to solidify Reigns Rocket push
    Wyatts v. Big Show/Sin Cara/Mysterio
    US/IC belt: Big E v. Heel Turned Mark Henry
    Kofi/R-Truth v. Miz/Damien Sandow
    Ziggler v. Del Rio

    Pre-show battle royal for WWE Title match on Raw the next night featuring whoever, won by Ryback.

    + the Hall of Fame legends spot, and some Mcmasterbastion over the 30th anniversay of WrestleMania, should fill the show and have a minimum of dead spots.

  117. I should mention I was talking about Denver. I was stuck in "before the Pats/Broncs game" mode.

  118. To touch on the point Scott made about re-branding channels. That strange trend has bothered me a lot. I am a huge history buff and love watching documentaries about the ancient world and WWII. Now, the "History" Channel is a showcase for Vegas pawn shops and a show about an ensemble of real life Boomhauers hunting alligators. Luckily there are plenty of docs on the youtube machine for nerds like me, so there is another special interest that cable just does not meet. The more I think about it, cable is just not worth it.

  119. You just can't expect 500 yards against Seattle or SF. Their defense will have to play out of their minds. They've played well these past two games but Seattle and SF are different stories.

    My nerves are gone now. Peyton got past Brady and got to the Super Bowl. Win or lose, I'm a happy Manning fan. Teams win Super Bowls and Seattle and San Fran are the two best teams in the NFL.

  120. At this stage, are there even any noteworthy Sting matches out there that haven't already been put out on dvd?

  121. International version is probably fine, I'm talking about the domestic version being "gimped", in multiple ways. Let me see if I can find the article...

  122. Baseball, again, is the exception that makes it tough, especially if you live in-market.

  123. That's a big reason that I got rid of it. Every channel was becoming exactly the same, with the same fake ass reality shows, and the same syndicated reruns.

  124. A-FUCKING-MEN!! Good lord, Tony Kornheiser is really one of the most worthless human beings in the sports world today, and just the fact the token black guy and token woman are the only ones on Around the Horn that possess intelligence higher than "simian" should tell you something right there. Besides 30 for 30 and a few other miscellaneous things, ESPN does nothing that adds to the content of anything, be it commentary on the live games or commentary on breaking stories.

  125. Cord cutting isn't for sports fans. Sports fans are why people are cord cutting since the licensing costs: especially for the NFL but specifically for MLB, NBA, NHL etc.... are most of why cable costs so damn much. The cable companies will eventually go to an a la carte style like Europe when people start cord cutting so people who don't care about sports will maintain it without the premiums and people who do care about sports can pay for it. I always skip cable when I live by myself.

  126. Netflix has something like 30 million subscribers. They can't all be cord-cutters.

    That 30 million number makes me feel really good about the WWE Network's chances. Think it's possible that 10% of those folks will become WWE Network subscribers as well?


    Here it is.

  128. History "Made Every Day" - As Gorilla Monsoon would say "Give me a break!"

  129. Luckily I live out of market for both of my baseball teams, but I'm in market for hockey and can't watch it. That's my only sports issue.

  130. Had this discussion but the kicker seems to be if you watch alot of live sports. I seriously considered cutting cable last year but once I added up the cost of the sports packages I wanted amazon prime, etc. It wasn't that much cheaper. If i didn't want those sports packages I abs would have fun the chord already

  131. I don't want to be Captain Obvious, but we do know that is a spoof?

    I don't watch it, but IIRC, Sky takes the US commentary.

  132. If you were paying for a WWE PPV that was $55 on top of all that for just the ONE MONTH on your cable bill. I assume a lot of people are making their final PPV purchase next Sunday.

  133. Original History Channel >>> ... >>> "Modern" History Channel. The same can be said about multiple other channels in a similar "design".

  134. Fuck everything about TMZSPN.

  135. Yeah, the fact that Alabama and Notre Dame were playing to go to the Super Bowl kinda gave that one away.

    There's an NBA version involving the Spurs, I might have to search for it.

  136. I think Court TV to TruTV may be the most drastic change. 2004: Cold Case Files. 2014: Jennifer Lopez presents South Beach Tow.

  137. "The biggest game of his young career."

    I would argue Kaepernick played in a bigger game last season, Terry.

  138. Brady actually sounds like he was about to cry just now in his interview.

  139. Strangely, if you dump the towing shows, that channel actually improved from its original format.

  140. It goes beyond that for me as an NBA fan. ESPN's coverage is inferior to TNT/NBA TV in literally every way.;the announcers aren't as good, the studio show is terrible, and they rarely give more than cursory coverage for anything but the elite teams. The ONLY way ESPN is better than TNT is the shorter commercial breaks.

  141. Past failures don't count unless you're Peyton Manning.

  142. "Kaepernick duthn't like to throw inta a tight winda!"

    JJ turned into Big Dust for a second.

  143. It's the perfect "guilty pleasure" with the Stupid People Doing Stupid Things shows... mainly World's Dumbest and Wipeout.

    Before, it was "Court Case #193757302", followed by "Court Case #193757323".

  144. Yeah, that sucks that the international version is so much better. YOu'd figure multi-national conglomerates would be on top of shit like that. Guess not.

  145. Disney won't mess with their biggest cash cow in ESPN for a very long time. They bundle it with their other cable networks (ABC Family and Toon Disney for example) and force cable companies to buy the whole package. They are essentially getting around $10-15 bucks a month in license fees from 90% of households.

  146. This guy is NOT funny.

  147. I can't deny I do like those shows of stupid people. The reality shows suck though, except the aforementioned South Beach Tow which is so bad it's hilarious.

  148. Charissa Thompson is gorgeous.


    Highlights: The Tottenham Spurs, and the halftime Fig eating range.

  150. Who do you guys think the Broncos are hoping to win this game?

  151. A team not in the game.

  152. They would also accept "a meteor".

  153. Someone add "It's loud" to the Joe Buck drinking game.

  154. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:32 PM

    The Broncos just ground the pats to dust. lets see dickface bill simmons explain this one.

  155. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    you will be passed out midway though the first quarter

  156. At this point, how much ESPN do you really watch? LIke seriously, I don't know if $6/month is worth it to me for the programming they carry.

  157. He's had to write that "Pats Lose" column every year for the last ten.

  158. "Don't forget about Dre". That's it, I'm switching to SAP feed for this game.

  159. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    I know reading it is so much fun :)

  160. TheMainGuyTheBestGuyJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    I don't know what antennas this guy tried, but if I'm watching something live on a network I actually prefer watching with the antenna as opposed to through the cable box. The picture is better.

  161. You know what? A lot of what they have is on ESPN Radio (free or maybe a $5 purchase for your phone) or in podcast form later (and that IS free via iTunes), so if you really do have a hard-on for PTI, you can get it that way.

  162. I'm guessing we are going to get that annoying Beats ad like 50 times tonight now.

  163. Cool! Beast Mode is singing the anthem!

  164. It's a pretty simple column this year. Pats just didn't have the talent this year. Although I always appreciate reading his take about how Brady is secretly slipping and nobody notices it. Plenty of ammo this game with the missed deep balls. It's funny that the Boston homer has been telling the world about it for a few years but mainstream media isn't touching that one.

  165. He already did:

    "Because it turns out that the Colts were worse than you thought, and the Chargers were better than you thought. Because you took a patchwork defense against the greatest regular-season offense of all time. Because you thought history didn’t matter. Because the weather was a bigger factor than you thought. Because you didn’t think it mattered that the Pats have no receiver depth in the high altitude after Amendola and Edelman, or that Denver’s rush defense looked pretty terrific against San Diego last week, or that any decent running attack has been able to rip through the post-Wilfork Pats. Because just getting to this game was an incredible achievement by New England. Because it’s been Denver’s year from start to finish."

    Not perfect, but he nailed enough key points.

  166. Speaking of beast mode, did anyone see how big Serena Williams looked at the Astralian Open? She could literally throw me around

  167. Also, on APPLE TV there is an Watch ESPN app which you CAN unlock the live channel through with your cable company, but all of the website videos are on there and they CAN bet watched for free. I turned it on, all the videos looped through (I imagine what were video of NFL games were replaced with still images, but all the rest was just fine) and it was almost like watching sport center.

    So I mean, there's that.

  168. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    yeah I just read that too

  169. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    That was....just awful.

  170. same with Pam Oliver's look LOL wtf is this

  171. I thought Roseanne would never get another shot at the anthem but this was a big improvement over last time.

  172. At least she didn't botch words, or completely stop halfway through. I've heard better, and heard worse.

  173. Pam and Erin are both trying extra hard in the second-biggest battle of this football game.

  174. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    Does it make me a male sexist pig that I think the williams sisters are ugly beasts?....if so I am ok with that

  175. I just read "Those Guys Have All The Fun" and was shocked at how much money ESPN charges no, and how they got there.

  176. Venus hit every branch on the ugly tree but Serena's OK. When you see her actually dressed up and wearing nice clothes and not sweating she's not half bad.

  177. Well dudes, its been real. I have a football game to go play #questforsix

  178. Seriously Serena is billed at 135-155 lbs. She has to be near 200 or so. Her delts, traps, lower body, and abdominal region SCREAM HGH.

  179. I don't know about that... I mean, why buy the Rumble when you can watch the replay in two months for free, as part of your network purchase? I'm almost definitely going to skip it.

  180. Yeah its just as good, or better, as the quality isn't being jacked by everyone else in the neighborhood with cable.

  181. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    Keep in mind I am the person that bought up the "Is Lena Dunham the most hated person in the country?" question on the raw blog last week.

  182. A Lot of good discussion in these comments. It definitely comes down to personal preference. I can't imagine how many good to great tv shows and movies I would have missed out on over the years if I hadn't had cable. Just random channel flipping has led to discovering some of my favorites. Like when in 1991, after not watching for 3 years, I channel surfed WWF superstars of Wrestling and saw Randy Savage proposing to Miss Elizabeth and that hooked me enough to keep watching that week and that brought me back the next week. 23 years later, here I am getting ready to subscribe to the WWE network.

  183. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJanuary 19, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    I preferred new about you?

  184. The Rumble is a tradition for a lot of people and was one of the few strong buyrates they have left. Batista, Brock, etc... I assume it'll be fairly strong but you are right - the cost to watch live is too high when you think about that aspect.

  185. On WWE DVD? How about him vs. Jeff Hardy at Victory Road? Infamous.

  186. I honestly have no clue who she is, so I have no answer there.

    (One Google search later): Nope, don't give a shit about her.

  187. Outside of actual sports, 30 for 30,is their only programming worth a shit. And they end up on Netflix.

  188. Wiki having her at 5'9" 155 is a hilarious joke. She's closer to 190 and absolutely is not 5'9". She hasn't been 155 since she first won tournaments.

    I don't know about HGH/performance enhancers though. She had a big frame as a younger player and filled out about how you would expect. If anything she improved her career later on by losing weight. She was a brick house from 05-07 and it cost her big time.

  189. This is definitely HGH gut:

  190. I had that fear, but through the power of "Because you watched" on Netflix and Hulu, I have found some awesome shit.



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