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Gimmick Raws?

I'm not sure of your thoughts on gimmick raws like old school raw, raw country, raw roulette and stuff of that nature.  Do you think it would be to TNAish to do one gimmick raw a month?  They could use all the old ppv names the own and run a lineup like

Jan- Old School Raw

Feb- Superbrawl

Mar- Raw Roulette

Apr- Spring Stampede

May- Slamboree

June- King of the Ring

July- Great American Bash

Aug- Bash At The Beach

Sep- Fall Brawl

Oct- Halloween Havoc

Nov- Cyber Raw

Dec- Starrcade

i know this would drive people nuts by basically spitting on old wcw, but if they are going the route of trying to pop cheap ratings wouldnt this help?  and why wouldnt the try a KOTR gimmick raw.  8 men one night crown a king end of the show make it mean something.  They've got to kill 3 hours somehow

That's like the motto of the modern era.  "We've got to kill 3 hours somehow!"

King of the Ring is a great idea, and Old School RAW is always decent despite them trotting out the same tired legends every time.  Where's the Steiner Brothers, or Lex Luger, or Buff Bagwell, or the Rock N Roll Express, or any of the other million people from the Attitude / Rock N Wrestling eras who might need a payday and pop the fans as something different?  I love Ted Dibiase and Jim Duggan and Sgt Slaughter, but ENOUGH already with them.  


  1. Why hasn't Triple H come through with an All Promo Raw yet?

  2. Mr. Satan (Pat P. Pro)January 4, 2014 at 1:52 AM

    I thought he was head of talent relations.

  3. In theory Halloween Havoc would be fun but all it'd end up being to distinguish itself as a Halloween episode is the Divas dressing up in devil horns or fairy wings, the comedy acts like Santino & Khali doing some wacky trick or treat skits, and jack-o-lanterns lining the entrance ramp. Oh look, Michael Cole dressed as a vampire announcing Ziggler/Kingston is funnier than regular Michael Cole.

  4. Mr. Satan (Pat P. Pro)January 4, 2014 at 2:14 AM

    Vampire Michael Cole wouldn't exactly be after peoples' necks, though.

  5. I'd be up for ANYTHING that gave the show a different look to the same damn one it's had for about five years now

  6. This is a tremendous idea.

  7. I'm not sure enough of these WCW-themed events really have enough of a unique gimmick besides 'just matches.' What makes a SuperBrawl or a Starrcade stand out, for instance?

    That said, I'm all for a monthly unique themed RAW show just to make things different, as you noted. If nothing else, it helps establish a #1 contender for some of the lesser PPVs....if you run a Battlebowl/Beat The Clock/KOTR type of RAW, that winner can face the champ at that month's PPV, for instance.

  8. Chris Masters vs Jack Swagger is pretty much the last legit "Dream Match" I can think of....

  9. didn't they do that with Evolution every week?

  10. Lethal Lottery/Battlebowl would be an excellent way to fill up a Raw. I just don't have any confidence in WWE's ability to pull it off.

  11. Vampire Michael Cole... as if we need a version that sucks even more than usual!

  12. He can't be worse than Eric Bischoff's Count Fagula.

  13. Isn't that every RAW now? In-ring action isn't an actual "match" anymore... it's just a new promo style. Like interpretive dance.

    (Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise) "I'm gonna beat this guy, woohoo!"
    (Opponent kicks out at 2) "Nope, try again later."

  14. Threadjack.. Pretty good show tonight...

  15. The King of the Ring is a great way to kill 3 hours. I really wish Vince would acquire the testicular fortitude it takes to do an outdoor Raw for the Bash. I could do without the rest.

    oh yeah, I'm tired of the same old legends also. We need more Big Poppa Pump in our lives.

  16. I really like this idea, especially the KOTR part, but giving a Raw the name of an old WCW idea doesn't make it anything different or "gimmicky. " Like for the December Starrcade Raw, what's the hook besides showing old Starrcade footage. Really like the idea but not sure how you execute most of them.

  17. This is important: do we, as any part of this idea, get the Spring Break Nitro floating ring in the pool back?

    Because the floating ring kicked ass.

  18. He's got the balls to do it. I think he feels like an outdoor show has to be a football stadium, though. That to do an outdoor show at, like, a minor league baseball stadium or a waterfront amphitheater or just, like, to just set up a ring and some rigging on the beach somewhere is too lowbrow or some shit.

  19. ^^ This, and the ONLY opportunity to see Austin and Stone Cold in the ring together, for only a few minutes of course

  20. Cole needs to be in the big leagues fucking ASAP. My favorite dickhead heel in the biz by far.

  21. Yup. Visually, a random Raw from 2008 and one from last month are indistinguishable. That's not good.

    Depending on who's main eventing, the cards might be indistinguishable too, but that's a whole different problem.

  22. I don't think he does. For Wrestlemania, yeah, but for a summer show, I don't think he does anymore. As time goes by, he's shown less desire to go outside of the box.

  23. This right here. We get on Bischoff for a lot of the stuff he did, but unlike Vince, he will try something different. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. One thing you could never call WCW was stale.

  24. Halloween Havoc is a great brand. Would be perfect for a Halloween theme Raw and a great excuse to have a big time TV title match.

  25. Never understand why they don't use that name for the Octoboer PPV, or at least a Halloween themed name for the October PPV.

  26. I might nitpick a few ideas, but the general concept is fantastic. Anything to freshen up Raw is welcomed.

  27. To be fair, Masters did eventually turn himself into a good worker during his run on Superstars.

  28. Cole: "Oh my god, King! Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler are being forced to team up. They hate each other! Hahahaha this is hilarious."

  29. Yeah that also probably has something to do with it. I remember when he first got to TNA he was every bit as good as he was in ROH. Then I didn't watch for a few years and when I finally did, he didn't resemble the Samoa Joe I knew and loved and wanted to eat cheeseburgers with.

  30. Would that match be for the title or just a dream match with Bret vs. Yokozuna still for the belt?

  31. I demand the return of Thursday, RAW, Thursday!

  32. have orton turn in the belt saying he lost his smile??

  33. How about RAW WAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Cole: "King, this Game of Wars is a completely unique concept Triple H came up with! Hahahaha isn't it hilarious!?"

  35. Would also be a great way to debut someone, like an Alexander Rusev. Have him win the tournament in his debut. Low-stakes title that doesn't mean a whole lot, but wins over a bunch of established guys to show he's a beast.

  36. I'll agree on the need for more legends. If we could get Scott Steiner dressed as pre-Poppa Pump Scotty, I'm there. And we need the return of Sid. You can never have too much Sid.

  37. VADER!, Friar Ferguson (or Bastion Booger), Yerple....

  38. One caveat is that it has to have real finishes. None of this double-count out so a guy gets a bye to the finals crap that they do every tournament.

  39. Daniel Bryan vs Brock lesnar is a definite dream match of mine

  40. Vic would take them down I think.

  41. I would love to see how WWE would do a Road Wild.

  42. "Triple H has just entered himself in the Battlebowl King! He's single handedly eliminating all the competition. Vintage Triple H!"

  43. DX vs. Outsiders, 2002. If Nash had not been hurt and Scott Hall shit-canned already, I think they could have built to a big Nash/Hall vs. HHH/HBK SummerSlam match for Shawn's comeback. After the new version of the nWo fizzles, Nash & Hall challenge HHH's leadership. The Outsiders can beat Rock/Austin and Taker/Kane en route to establish dominance. Hunter turns to the perfect guy for the job against his Kliq buddies. HBK comes back and you do all the early-days DX/nWo antics, skits, promos in the run-up. Either team can win, but have HHH turn on Shawn the next night on RAW to set up HHH-HBK at the aptly-named "Unforgiven" show.

  44. He apparently recently took over from Stephanie as head of creative as well. I'm not sure how much of a difference it will make unless it also indicates that Vince wants to go in a different direction.

  45. The downvotes are a much appreciated...

  46. True but Masters and dream match dont really go hand in hand...

  47. Except for the NWO and its many "reboots" past Sting/Hogan.

  48. That's what I was thinking.

  49. Waylon Mercy confronts Bray Wyatt, IRS makes the save.

  50. Could you imagine Cena getting booed by a bunch of drunk bikers?

  51. None of the reboots were around that long. The nWo elite fell apart in two months, if that long. The Bret Hart version fell apart as quickly as it came together. In between all the nWo stuff there were a lot of other things that were thrown at the wall.

  52. Brawl 4 All: Brock Lesnar vs. the whole roster

  53. Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal
    Lethal Lottery
    World War III Battle Royale
    Spring Break Nitro-style outdoor ring

  54. Even as a non Cena guy, I really want them to do Cena Undertaker. Think the fans reactions would add so much to it. And they have been kept apart so long it feels dream match special.

  55. My thoughts exactly. What makes the February Raw a "Superbrawl?" What makes the September Raw a "Fall Brawl?" Are we just dressing up the rings differently? And they're still going to be building to the monthly ppvs, so I'm not sure it makes a whole lot of sense to me.

  56. I think once they build that football stadium in LA, they'll experiment running Summerslam there.

  57. Did WCW ever pull it off? I think I watched the third one once, maybe, and it was nothing memoable. I saw a clipped home video version of the first one (damn WCW for clipping their ppvs to two hours on home video) and the Slamboree version in 96 was a fucking nightmare to sit through. You don't want every team to be mismatched enemies or friends, just enough so it's still "believeable" that things are random.

  58. Raw 1000 was pretty goddamn close.

  59. Which means it's never going to happen. The NFL doesn't want a team in LA; however, they could try the 49ers new stadium.

  60. I'm pretty sure Friar Ferguson/Booger passed away a few years ago.


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