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Jesus push

> What do you think the Scott Steiner "Jesus push" would have looked like in 1994, if he had gotten it?
> - Joe

Probably a lot like Luger's, with Vince playing up the All-American champion wrestler stuff. Scott was pretty much destroyed by injuries shortly after the WWF stint though, so who knows what a full time main event schedule would have done to him.


  1. I always heard he was going to be a heel for Vince. They even played up a spring 94 tag match talking about Scott's mean streak.

  2. Scott doing an uncensored bus tour in 2014 on the WWE Network would be pretty much like printing money....

  3. Scott Steiner should of been a massive star.

  4. Scott kinda managed a full time schedule in WCW as a singles guy. Of course that was after he was a shell of his former self, but Scott could still go like his prime by 1996 at least, so he had at least another 2 years, which is long enough to establish him as a star and once his star fades, he could put over the next big thing over (which at the time was Austin).

  5. I love Scott, but at the same thing I don't think him being a star was ever meant to be due to injuries and lazyness, although saying that he did achieve a lot in his career, but he could have achieved a lot more.


    Garbageman Daniel Wyatt brings home the ratings!

    Proof that Vince McMahon is smarter than each and every one of you.

  7. Any alternate universe that doesn't give us the Big Poppa Pump character is a net loss in my book.

  8. He's Chris Webber basically

  9. I don't know that he was lazy, not before the Big Poppa Pump stuff, anyway. Wasn't there a lot of talk that he turned his back on singles pushes for tag teams because he wanted Rick to keep his job?

  10. The Love-Matic Grampa!January 7, 2014 at 6:43 PM

    Wouldn't his weak promo skills hold him back, though? I think people forget how bad Scott was on the stick pre-BBP, and even then his schtick was more "so bad it's good" than anything else. And I don't think "freaks and peaks" is gonna fly in Titanland circa 1994.

  11. Was there any discussion of having Scotty slam Yokozuna on the Intrepid, or did they know from jumpstreet they were giving that slot to Luger? Really, whoever they gave that spot to could have been made huge. Steiner, Crush, uh.... Anyone I'm missing?

    They just should have pulled the trigger at SummerSlam.

  12. THAT explains it, Webber thought he had 141 and 2/3 percent time outs left in the final four.

  13. This made me crack the fuck up, well done!

  14. Because he was clearly the focal point of the show, what with his many appearances, matches and interviews across the three-hour show.

  15. I don't get why people call it the Jesus push. If they'd really pushed him like Jesus starting in 1994, it only would have lasted until 1996.

  16. Jesus from the Boriquas? Or wasn't the guy with Carlito who "stabbed" Cena also called Jesus? Either way, those guys never had good pushes, don't know why Steiner getting the same thing would be good for him either ;-)

  17. Eventually he'd have to put over the Romans and Pontius Pilot. He'd never get to the main event.

  18. Everybody is gonna put over Roman.

  19. IMO, Steiner was never the same after he came back from the bicep (or tricep?) injury in 1991. I was frustrated at the time that they didn't set the WWF on fire when they were there, but in hindsight the WWF probably got as much out of the Steiners in their 93-94 run as they were going to get.

  20. I actually thought the Jesus push was something a priest does behind a little kid

  21. In a related note, I think part of why Luger's face push in the WWF failed is because they saddled him with the All-American gimmick. If he had just come in and slammed Yokozuna then went on as "The Total Package" (or something like it if WCW had that nickname trademarked) his push would've been much more effective.

  22. Yeah, it was definitely people hoping to see The Godfather.

  23. Something something "his floor is most people's ceiling" etc.

  24. I was going for the whole Jesus parallel, but I think I got too esoteric, since most people don't know Scott Steiner would have been 33 by 1996.

  25. I thought buddy rogers got the last Jesus push in Rio de Janeiro...because he won a fake tournament


  26. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 7, 2014 at 7:39 PM


  27. I came for Nikolai Volkoff, and stayed for Bad News Barrett!

  28. All they'd have to do is send him out there to talk about math, and watch the money roll in.

  29. Hard to say. The other time they tried crucifixion angles it didn't go well

  30. Legit lol....

    still chuckling

  31. Especially with Kurt Angle.

  32. If Steiner had been healthy, he could have been the Guy for sure. I think Rick would have done just fine for himself too, as the loveable mid-card babyface.

  33. An uncensored day in the life of Scott.

  34. Pat Paterson also won a fake tourney to become the first IC champ. I think it was the "Reach Around In Rio" show in 1979....

  35. I think Luger was better off as the Narcissist...

  36. I was hoping to see Val Venis talk politics....

  37. Actually it does make me laugh that the one week Bryan isn't the focal point of the show ratings shoot up. I know that the two don't have anything to do with each other but it def. is a funny coincidence considering all the discussions here.

  38. I thought it was at the "Anal Intrusion in Amsterdam" show.

  39. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 8:44 PM

    Now I'm considering changing my name.

  40. Yep. Keep Luger as he was, and give the Yoko Slam push to Crush. No idea why that didn't happen.

  41. Even as a 100% 14 year old mark, I thought Scott Steiner was gonna be huge in the WWF.

    1- During the main even of the 1993 Survivor Series, he was in the ring like 90% of the match before he got eliminated, and he did great.

    2- He then randomly got a KOTR qualifying match against IRS, just out of the blue. I thought for sure he was gonna win the entire thing... But he couldn't even qualify... WTF?? Strange.

  42. Or it was ass freezing in a good chunk of the US and people had nothing better to do, so they sat inside and watched TV.

    Time will tell if this is a statistical blip or a trend. Never make too much out of one week of ratings.

  43. Probably a better question about the Steiners -- why did they ever take the tag belts off them in the first place? And to give them to the QUEBECERS? And they never even sniffed at the belts again.

    I hardly remember them doing anything in the WWF after losing the tag titles.

  44. In the first place, they took the tag belts off them and gave them to Money Inc.

  45. Goddamn this blog and it's demands for accuracy.

  46. Yeah, wrapping a guy in Stars and Stripes screams mid-carder.

    Like, Hogan loved America but his trunks were yellow.

    Also Luger was a black hole of charisma at that point. Seriously, he was just a guy going through the motions to me.

  47. On a related note, this was during a two year period of time when eight of the 11 tag title changes occurred at house shows.

  48. Probably because Luger's salary was X, and Crush's salary was (1/3)X and they wanted to justify it? Although I guess this was in the time before guaranteed contracts.... then again Luger was in the WBF first, and I bet that WASN'T the kind of handshake deal the wrestler contracts were.... so yeah, I'm going to go with my first guess. That Luger was an investment Vince felt he needed to get back.

  49. -THREADJACK- Further proof that not only is Bryan the most over wrestler on the roster, but that he is FUCKING OVER

    Tonight at the Breslin Center in East Lansing, Michigan at a Michigan State basketball game

  50. That only proves that the chant is over. Says nothing about Bryan himself.

  51. What they should have done with Scott Steiner was have him JOIN THE QUEBECERS after losing the tag titles. Because if it's going to get Daniel Bryan over, it would have gotten Scott Steiner over.

    And that's how I get it back to Daniel Bryan.

    *takes bow*

  52. It actually goes to nine of 13 over a two and a half year period.

    And...I did not know that Jonathan Coachman once (unsuccessfully) defended half of the tag team titles in a match.


    Demolition has the longest combined length of tag title reigns in WWE history. Without consulting the interwebs, can you guess what team is #2?

  54. Since I know nobody will get this right...

    Mr. Fuji and Professor Tanaka (aka "Subzero" in The Running Man.

  55. "Johnny Polo, I want you to teach me to be a Canadian!"

    *cracks open a cooler of Labatts*

  56. He should have gotten the Jesus Christ Superstar push, complete with Alundra Blayze singing 'I Don't Know How To Love Him'. On second thought, just have Aiden English debut challenging Cena singing a variation of 'Hosanna'. On third thought, I certainly don't know any of these songs.

  57. Considering that he started as the Shield's powerhouse and Seth Rollins has probably peaked with main-eventing Smackdown against Cena...yeah, pretty much.

    I don't know how I feel about the Big E and Roman push. It's great to get new people, and they're minorities with gimmicks unrelated to their ethnicity who aren't bad wrestlers (we're talking over all package here). But I think they're both green and I don't expect either of them capable of carrying someone anytime soon.,

  58. Was Scott born in the spring too?

  59. Responding to your own posts is lame.

  60. My opinions about JBL are...mixed but Michael's biased aggressive questioning is so fucking annoying I mark whenever JBl calls him out on it.

    Cole, these wrestlers you pester are capable of murdering you, if Cole wasn't so unlikable I'd love for a heel to just boot him in the head next time he gets too uppity...but that'd get a massive face pop.

  61. Replacing an F with a ph is is lame unless its 1993.

    But I still like you because you appreciate ADR.

  62. The ethnicity part is a salient point that doesn't get enough mention. How rare is it for Vince to hire a Samoan and a black guy without turning them into "Hard heads! Island Heritage! Relative of Other Famous Samoans" and "Magical Dancing Negro!"

    I argue that getting a half-black/half-Samoan guy in the form of The Rock is what broke Vince's mind nigh on a decade ago. He could not compute, and no one's bothered rebooting him.

  63. July.

    Although if he was in the Millionaire's Club from birth, you could say he was born in a stable.

  64. The Quebeccers were awesome, but yep, the Steiners didn't stay champs for very long at all. Maybe 2 months tops? Strange.

  65. Ah yes, the Scott Steiner Jesus Push, one of the great mysteries of my Scott Keith fandom. There was a reference to it in one of the Rants that I never got, when was this? And what was the plan for Scott and why didn't it happen?

  66. Why not just abandon the Yoko Slam thing altogether...

  67. Im pretty sure that was the show where they first used the Punjabi Prison match gimmick...

  68. Judy Bagwell would be proud....

  69. Not even sure what that has to do with Bryan, Big Show got that chant over......

  70. I wouldve guessed the Wild Samoans.....

  71. The plan for Scott was to write a few books and operate the best wrestling blog on the net...

  72. Not sure which is more over, Big Show's "YES!" chant or his "HAND'S A FRY PAN!" chant.

  73. That is too close to call, might have to put that up on the WWE APP....

  74. That's a delightfully awful pun.

    Could the star of Bethlehem possibly be the Big Dipper he's always going on about?

  75. It's a SAG thing, there's already a Frederic running around so I had to diversify.

    And I know you have to beat Cult somehow, so I don't blame you for all the post whoring.

  76. Maybe Vince falls back to cheap gimmicks when they don't have what he really cares about, great bodies and tons of charisma. I mean, Lashley didn't shuck and jive, and I can't really think of a Samoan dude who's really been held down by the gimmick (mostly I think Samoan guys exceed their talent when it comes to years employed).

    Farooq didn't get brought in as Malcom X, he was a warrior...gladiator dude. Mark Henry was the World's Strongest Man, he didn't become Sexual Chocolate until the strong dude gimmick failed...

    Charismatic Bodybuilder>Racial Stereotype. It's just this type I think (okay, hope) Big E and Roman Reigns have the talent and clout to overcome any hiccups and avoid becoming Big Ebonics and R'omau R'eignoha.

  77. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 8, 2014 at 2:04 AM

    If Randy Savage had started seeing his "doctors" a little earlier...

  78. Think Austin would disagree.

  79. Well, Jesus would fit right in today's WWE, what with his 50/50 booking in his feud with Death.

  80. Yeah, I mean, Bryan didn't even come up with the chant...he even talks about taking it from a MMA guy.

  81. You really preferred Luger more as All American Lex Luger?!

  82. I always thought this would pertain to 1991 in WCW...

  83. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 8, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    I always thought the "drop foot" injury really hurt him.

  84. So Steiner would have stabbed Cena?


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