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Lightning Round Mofo!!

Scott, hope all is well.  Time for a lightning round on some random stuff Mr. Keith.

1) IF you had to bet your house on what the top 3 matches for WM are going to be, what is your guess?  (Not what you want, what you'd expect.)

2) how do you see Batistas 2 year run going?  Will they use him to put over other guys during his last few months?   Will he get a lengthy run with the strap? 

3) what is the very first thing you are going to search for and watch on the wwe network?

4) is it possible the wwe network fails?  If so, why?

5) best movie you've seen in the past 5 years?

6) is Reigns the heir apparent to Cena?

Thanks. MH

1.  Brock-Undertaker, HHH-Punk, Batista-Orton

2.  He'll get a couple of months and then get injured again.

3. Bash 89.

4.  It costs a lot of money and they're pissing off a lot of cable companies with it.

5.  Argo.

6.  It certainly seems that way.


  1. No Cena in the top 3 matches? That defies all current WWE "logic"...

  2. Its nice not knowing about wrestlemania if for no other reason than it adds way more drama to the rumble.

  3. 1. Those three matches are probably included in the show, but I'm betting the DVD/Blu-Ray disc cover is of Cena/Hogan and Piper with whoever he backs in the match.

    2. I think they're going to protect Batista pretty well, but I doubt he'll be around for the whole time. He'll get the strap, feud with Cena, probably Triple H and then Punk and then go into hiding (God, that sounds familiar...)

    3. If they have ever Pay-Per-View ever, I'm finding stuff that I've missed over the years (WCW PPVs, shows that I missed while I was in college,stuff from the last few years).

    4. If it fails, it'll be because WWE gets cold feet with all the content and starts to limit it, like they did with the videos on their website (stopped airing WCWSN, old Raws and weekend shows, etc.), making the value demonstrably less when they try to raise the prices.

    5. I have Argo sitting on my movie shelf, waiting for a chance to watch it. I've been really bad about recent movies, but of the few ones of the last few years I've seen, I've loved Wreck-It Ralph and American Hustle. Need to start branching out with movies more.

    6. We'll see. The first few "torchbearers" after the main big guy almost always fail until the true Prime comes around (See Warrior, Ultimate; Luger, Lex; Diesel).

  4. I'll admit to be pretty ignorant when it comes to technology but how are costs going to be a problem when it comes to WWE network? From what I understand it's pretty much a streaming service long the lines of Netflix. And Netflix's primary expense is acquiring rights to content, which is obviously not an issue for WWE. Is there some underground mega-city of servers that WWE will have to build and/or maintain to keep the Network online?

  5. It's rare I ever rave about a movie but I LOVED Argo. Loved it in like a non healthy way

  6. I know all signs point to those 3 matches scott listed, and if I HAD to bet I'd say the same thing but it just seems like such an odd top 3.

  7. Have we talked about Roddy Piper's tweets talking about something happening on Monday?

    Seems to be spoiling his involvement over the next few months for something.

  8. Dude watch argo asap. I'm not a huge movie guy at all, maybe see 4-5 a year but it's one of the few movies I really really like

  9. I think I'm gonna throw it in tonight, barring any more unforeseen circumstances. I got so many great movies over Christmas - Argo, Seven Psychopaths, all three Toy Stories, the Incredibles, Wreck-It Ralph - plus TV DVDs, I may still be watching stuff when the new Network debuts.

  10. And another completely unrelated note: watching the SU-North Carolina game on ESPN, and a promo for another game came on with Jonathan Coachman. Has he been calling himself "The Coach" on ESPN all this time? I thought that was really weird.

  11. They're going to have to have beefed up their servers in order to make this work properly. They already have had some issues with PPVs on their website over the years, and that's likely just a few thousand (at best) watching it that way. The amount of people accessing the content now (especially on PPV Sundays) is going to be significantly greater. Maybe not Netflix-sized, but larger than they've been used to.

  12. Sounds more like a guy who's trying to drum up interest so he can get one last big payday to me.

    I hope Rowdy & Hulk are apart of Mania XXX but definitely not in the ring.

  13. Most of this is being handled by their partnership with MLB though. Frankly, this was one of the smartest things Vince and co. could have done.

    I'm really hoping they pull this off.

  14. Ah, right, I forgot about that.

  15. WWE Network is an actual network.

    Sigh, sure it is Vince. Sure it is. It's interesting that subscriptions are all 6 months even after the initial one, sure they'll only charge you the $9.99 a month but man every 6 month period = Panic Time from now on as they'll throw everything at the wall to get the maximum retention rate.

    Things are about to get VERY interesting every February and August from now on.

  16. TJ: AJ obliterating this Maxim poll for the next covergirl:

  17. I have no desire to watch any of those matches in the top 3.

    HHH/Punk - happened 3 years ago, it was a fine match but I don't need it again in my life. What I need is CM Punk winning the World title again!

    Brock/Lesnar -- saw in 2002, twice. It was a dog of a match that went to a non-finish the first time (cause Undertaker wasn't "feeling it") and the next month they did Hell in the Cell, which was a much better match. So why do I want to see this again?

    Batista/Orton -- Saw it a bunch on TV, was never that exciting. THIS is going to be the big ttile match for a WrestleMania 30 years in the making?

  18. That's where I am. We can debate all we want of Brock/Taker will be a 4 star violent brawl and if HHH will put punk over, but Im just not excited about any of those 3.

  19. Lesnar's best matches have been where his opponent has allowed him to just beat the shit out of him (Punk, Cena). Do you see 50-year-old Undertaker doing that?

  20. Argo's very good, but I think it's a been a bit overrated, honestly. Better than (or as good as) the movies it was nominated against (in a fairly weak field overall), but certainly not the best movie of the last five years. Wouldn't even make my top ten for the last five years.

  21. Taker seems to have a hard on for mma so I could see him letting Brock work a little stiff but no, I agree, I think it'll be more along the lines of HHH/Brock then Cena/Brock. Slow and plodding. If they do go to that direction they better let them go blood and some try other gimmick tto try and spice up the match and little

  22. Nina Dobrev,Kate Beckinsale,Summer Glau & AJ? This shit's Sophie's Choice!

  23. You know, for a magazine that ostensibly is all about showing chicks with ample cleavage covered up just enough so it doesn't qualify for Playboy (or another type of magazine), AJ seems like an odd choice.

    Seriously, a weird selection being offered.

  24. 1. Batista-Brock-Cena, Taker-Bryan, HHH-Punk, and Orton-Kane

    Match 1 and 4. This is assuming that Cena wins the strap at the Rumble which is far from certain. Orton blames the Authority but before he can fight HHH (ugh.) he has to go through Kane.

    Match 2 and 1. Bryan comes close to winning the Rumble, but after a brutal beatdown by the Wyatt family. AFTER they're eliminated and nobody else is in the ring, out comes Batista to eventually win it. That would set up Batista-Cena and Brock gets shoehorned in because I'd actually really like to see that match. If its true that Taker wants to fight Bryan than I really think that Taker is going to fight Bryan.

    Match 3. Because even though God gave us beer, I know now that he doesn't truly love us.

    2. One last run on top, looking strong until the movie comes out. AT WHICH POINT. The movie does amazing and Batista is amazing in it and they continue to keep him super strong until they can put over "the next big thing" Then have some fun matches and put over some other guys. OR He's terrible in the movie, nobody else is calling him for more roles and he extends his visit at WWE because you gotta pay the bills.

    3. I would go back and show my lady the buildup to the first TLC match actually, as she loves Mick Foley (on account of the daily show) and really likes watching people do flips and fall.

    4. Tin foil hat in me says that the cable companies are going to do everything in their power to make this fail. If it succeeds, than HBO will eventually do the same, and then ESPN, than MLB and NFL will get rid of the blackout rules for streaming and I have everything I could ever want for 50 bucks a month.

    5. Hamlet 2 - Comedy, Hunger Games 1&2 - Action/Scifi

    6. They're setting him up, although, (And I hate to admit this.) The dude has a lot of ways to go to get even close to how good Cena is in the ring.

  25. I don't get why they've got a hard-on to push Batista down our throats and into a title match at 'Mania. I seem to recall he spent most of his time injured than wrestling.

  26. There are literally tens of other ccombinations I'd rather see at the top 3 matches of WM.

    Cena/Taker or know where this is going
    Cena/Hogan (if he works)
    Cena/Bryan 2
    Cena/HHH yes

    And so on...

  27. And where's Cenas at in all this? That's why I'm not sure about this rumored top 3.

  28. Piper & Ambrose vs. Hogan & Cena!

  29. Yea. That's the biggest reason I can't completely buy this is where they're going with all of this. If he does some kind of mixed tag with Hulk I could see that tho.

  30. I actually do. It will be like his wm27 match where he took that giant beating from hhh, expect this match will be 100x better because you sub hhh's talent level for brocks

  31. Argos really good, not the best movie ever or anything, but its certainly worth watching immediately if its on your shelf and you haven't seen it.

  32. The question was what you expect, not what you want.

  33. Which is back to where he should be. The attraction matches. Hulk in his corner and Piper and the Shield in Reigns corner maybe?

  34. Yeah it's not on that kind of level at all but its too good to sit unwatched on a shelf, and it's way better than 7 psychopaths

  35. Yes Douglas. I wrote the email so know what the question was. I was just extrapolating it to another idea.

  36. Other matches Farva would like to see:
    John Cena vs Mean Mark
    Prototype Vs Mean Mark
    The American BadAss vs Ruthless Aggression
    The Big Red Booger vs The Poopiest of poopjoke tellers
    Ciclope and Cena vs Dan Spivey and Mark Calloway

    Get it? He really wants UT/Cena at Mania

  37. I'm all for a Hogan spot but it just weird they wouldn't have Cena at the top and would have him work a throw away match just to work with Hogan

  38. You can sign up month-to-month; it'll just be more costly

  39. The best movie I've seen in a while is wolf of wall street, and I would say the master is the 2nd best. At least in the last 3 years

  40. You forgot Cena vs Fake UT.

  41. Brock vs. Lesnar, huh? Paul Heyman will be overjoyed.

  42. I wasn't expecting Seven Psychopaths to be Oscar-level "most-amazing movie ever" level, but I like most of the cast and the plot seemed fun, and I haven't had a chance to see it yet. Also sitting on my DVD shelf for now.

  43. What's your favourite movie of 2013? I like cheesesteaks!

  44. Anybody know Jericho's deal? I was just thinking the other day, it wouldn't be the worst idea to have Jericho make a surprise return at the Rumble and begin building to a Bryan/Jericho match at WrestleMania. I'd rather see that than Bryan/Wyatt.

  45. I'm thinking once I get the network I'm just gonna start with the oldest stuff available and work my way forward.

  46. You could have him in the top 3 matches. Just move HHH-Punk down to fourth.

  47. Something interesting from that article about the network: "In addition to classic WWE pay-per-views, the WWE Universe can also get full, uncut and uncensored WCW and ECW pay-per-views to boot, putting the entirety of sports-entertainment’s diverse history at your fingertips. So if you’re a lifelong a WWE fan but “The Fingerpoke of Doom” and “The Night The Line Was Crossed” are as foreign to you as Nikolai Volkoff’s accent, consider this your Rosetta Stone."

    The Fingerpoke of Doom was on an episode of Nitro and The Night the Line Was Crossed happened well before ECW was on PPV. I wonder if this means that Nitro will be available from the beginning and that they're not only putting up all the ECW PPVs, but all the big ECW events in general.

  48. Just a random tangent here, but I do not like cheesesteaks. Seems gross to me but maybe you have to be from philly to appreciate greasy shit with cheese whiz on it

  49. You know who is a great writer? Zeus is the best Greek god!

  50. Cheese wiz on top of a cheesesteak gets you a ticket straight to hell. Like cheesesteak but it's gotta be regular cheese amd have peppers and onions. They're so fucking greasey tho

  51. Brock beating the hell out of himself would probably be better than him plodding through a match with The Undertaker.

  52. 7.9 is actually really good for an IMDB score. Generally, anything 7.5+ on IMDB tends to be a really good movie. Only Shawshank and the first two Godfathers are a 9.0 or above.

  53. I think they've mentioned Raws and Nitros being available, too, including the "Monday Night Wars" shows they put on the Classics On Demand channel. And ECW had a bunch of shows that were PPV-level but not on PPV that they put on tape for people. They could easily be treated as a separate PPV show on the Network.

    Still sloppy editing. I expect better from Joey Styles.

  54. Here's one. Why did Dougies and Jesse a bakers "special relationship" go wrong?

    "Their passion for comic books brought them together. However that same fiery passion eventually ripped them apart" #AsTheDougieTurns.

  55. I live about two hours from Philly (Lancaster, PA) and everything around here they call a "Philly Cheesesteak" is American cheese, onions and sauce. And It is better than the "Philly Cheesesteak" with the cheese whiz. My dad is from Philly and I asked him about it, he told me a true Philly cheesesteak is that way, and doesn't understand how the cheese whiz thing became more popular.

    Like seriously, NO ONE around here serves a cheese steak with cheese whiz.

  56. Isn't the cheesewhiz like the OG way to make the Philly cheese steak? There's a place by me called Gaglione Brothers that is famous around SD for being an authentic Philly style place, and I'll go get a normal sand which there occasionally and there big menu sign is for the real Philly style with cheesewhiz

  57. Oh, I loved 7 psychopaths.

  58. I think that's the ghetto way thats become popular recently. I always thought a straight up philly was the meat, peppers onions amd whatever else, and provolone or American cheese. I grew up around philly and there were always so places who did the cheeze whiz thing. I never saw really got that one tho.

  59. Was he not attentive enough to your needs Douglas? It's ok, you can tell us.

  60. OK well that is good to know. Cheesewhiz is pretty fucking gross so I'm glad that Philadelphia hasn't embraced. Although my self personally, I also really don't care for american cheese on top of a pile of greasy meat either but at least it isn't cheesewhiz

  61. I bet Brian Lee is free.

  62. Ugh. I don't get the fandom of cheese whiz at all. It's just a gross concept

  63. No, Philly HAS embraced it. It's Pat's v. Gino's, I think? And Pat's uses the cheesewhiz, Gino's does it they way I descrbied (American cheese and tomato sauce... which I blieve is the orginial way.) and a lot of people are mimicing Pat's in Philly because that's the way that gets national attention, like when there's a football game coming from Philly and the show people making/eating cheesesteaks in the bumpers after commercials.

  64. Steak, onions, wiz. Provalone if you want to get fancy.


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