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match of the day

This is Norrin__Radd that posts on the blog 6-7 times a year. Long time reader, blah blah blah, I bought one of your books 10 years ago.
The 2004 15 man royal rumble match from the Smackdown after the rumble ppv. Starts at 13:13. This is the only complete version on youtube.

Won't be there for much longer once the network starts.


  1. That was AWESOME. Glad someone posted it because I have not been able to find it. One of the better Rumble matches ever, in my opinion.

  2. Very very cool. I still remember watching this match live

  3. You know, if WWE doesn't want to acknowledge Benoit as the 2004 Royal Rumble winner, why not just acknowledge Eddie Guerrero as one?

  4. I really liked this match. I wish WWE did the brand split Rumbles back in the day and there could've been two 15-man Rumbles on the Rumble PPV, each winner getting a title shot at their respective brands title.


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