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Murder in the days of early MMA Documentary

> Hey Scott,
> Long time blah blah. I've been filming MMA documentaries since 1999. Along the way I've encountered all kinds of stories. For the last year, I've been trying to tell the most bizarre one of all. We're almost done, we just need a little help getting there.
> BTW, if all you ever review is old WWE Network PPV's, I'd still read.
> Eddie Doty

Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. Good luck!


  1. I remember reading about this guy on a now defunct Seanbaby article. Just google "7 fighters who lied their way to legacy" and you'll find text versions of the article, it's freaking hilarious. Here's the murder part:

    "During sessions of group sex, Rafiel and another man’s wife fell for each other. All it took was her thumb up his ass while he poked Hepatitis B into a fat stranger to tell them it was love. Working backwards from a Knot’s Landing script, Rafiel and the woman hatched a plan to kill her husband Bryan and take his life insurance. But since treachery is hard, they changed the plan to just asking UFC fighter and former marine Gerald Strebendt if he’d kill Bryan for $10,000.

    Gerald said no. Well, shit. Plan B: Rafiel waited until Gerald had probably forgotten about that and went ahead and killed Bryan himself. Ironically, with jiu-jitsu. He covered up the crime by hiding the body in the back of Bryan’s truck in an Albertson’s parking lot and claiming self defense when what must be the world’s greatest detective found the body.

    The community was very nearly shocked! They knew Rafiel killed a lot of world champion martial artists during his jungle tournament days, but cold-blooded murder? I guess we can all take a lesson from it. If someone has lied about everything in their life and they’re leaving an orgy with your wife and your life insurance policy, don’t be too quick to trust them."

  2. I'm the guy who sent in the email to Scott, and if you read Sean's article, I'm the one who first told him about Rafiel.

  3. Nice AD reference there, Scott


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