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Nepotism/Saving Bryan

        2 questions:
1) If the Wrestlemania "main event" is Batista challenging Randy Orton, doesn't this open a whole can of nepotism worms in the locker room.  Obviously Triple H married the boss's daughter and inherited the company, but having Triple H's chosen two (dating back to 2003!) main event Wrestlemania XXX... I just see this getting a huge backlash both on the internet and in the locker room AND in the crowds.  Lesnar has been back two years, and Taker is Taker.  Batista literally walked in and gets the Rumble win, Mania main event?  Do you see the crowd turning on this ala Bryan/Sheamus at WM 28?

 2) Is there any chance of the following scenario happening?   Bryan pulls a Bret Hart (94) and gets "injured" in his match with Bray at the Rumble, maybe a postmatch beatdown and then limps down as a late entrant (24-27) and wins.  Batista can get eliminated by Punk and Triple H can recruit him as his avatar in that feud, possibly saving the Triple H match for Summerslam.  Heel Batista has more potential feuds than face Batista anyway. 

Batista is winning the Rumble and winning the title, guys.  Much like sex with Kobe Bryant, you can kick and scream all you want, but it's gonna happen.


  1. Yep.

    Only difference is I don't criticize the people that are making money wrestling on what they're doing wrong when it comes to making money wrestling.

  2. I'm glad YOU looked at it.

  3. I watched for Batista, then tuned out. Don't know how many other people fit in that demo tho.

  4. Batista vs Ryback at Mania....

  5. Hoping he at least gets a few hours with Tamina....

  6. I'll give Batista props for the skinny jeans but we all know it was MLK day that drew these ratings.....

  7. This thread brings back so many memories of scouring the dirt sites on Tuesdays during the Monday Night Wars for quarter-hour ratings breakdowns. Did the Pillman gun angle outdraw an NWO beatdown? Did the debut of Val Venis pop a rating? Pun sorta intended. Pretty sure this is the dawn of a new Monday Night Wars involving the same show. Instead of WCW vs. WWF, it's HHH's crew vs. Internet favorites. I like it.

  8. I'll agree with you but I don't think he's ready to take the title off heavyweight looks like a penis world champion Christopher Daniels.

  9. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM

    Amazing what advertising segments does. "Hey, Batista's back, I should watch Raw." Unfortunately the show used to be two hours so they bailed out after that. lol

  10. I have some bad news.

    People were actually tuning in for Bad a News Barrett.

  11. Batista missed most of 2003, first six months of 2006, out from mid-December 2008 to mid-April 2009, mid-June to mid-September 2009. So from the day he started in May 2002 to May 2010, he wrestled for roughly 6 and a quarter out of a possible 8 years. It's not Cena-level durability but it's not bad. Frankly, I think the time off in his prime actually helped keep Batista fresh and popular with the crowds.

  12. Jericho's returns were never hyped. The "Save_Us" code thing was figured out pretty quickly online but it's not like WWE was explicitly promoting Chris Jericho as returning on the RAW after Survivor Series. This "end of the world as you know it" return had half the crowd convinced it was Undertaker coming back given the creepy promos with the little kids.

  13. I know I did. As soon as that segment was over(and it wasent that great really) I stopped watching the show because it is Raw afterall and it blows

  14. To be fair, it's possible that most people assumed that any Batista/ADR interaction would happen at the "Rumble". Either that, or the first segment was so lackluster that people lost interest in him that quickly.

    Not saying that's what happened, just that those are possibilities.

  15. as usual, you are aware that posting this on a wrestling blog makes you part of the "IWC"?!

  16. screw the ratings. I'm not a shareholder, so what do I care? maybe three hours of Triple H would pop a huge rating. it still wouldn't be enough that *I* would watch.

  17. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    leave his dad out of this

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 23, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    ...what the fuck is so awesome about batista/del rio?

  19. Nothing. I was talking about the Bryan/Wyatt angle.


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