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Hogan and Cena posing together to end the show.  Better get ready for it now.   


  1. This seems like a dumb idea but maybe the live crowd will eat it up

  2. If they're going to put Hogan and Piper on top of Wrestlemania XXX.... no wonder they're willing to give it away as part of the network.

  3. I wouldn't terribly hate this. It really doesn't look like they are doing Cena vs Taker (my theory is they are waiting for Taker to be ready to 100% retire, then they'll have Cena beat him either his first shot at the streak or the second) and it doesn't look like Punk is doing anything that great at Mania other than wrestling HHH (they can always move Bryan into wrestling Hunter at Mania).

    As for Piper and Hogan, I don't expect anything great from them but it'll be a nice little nostalgia thing. It'll be the last callback to the first Mania. Then you have Cena and Punk do the heavy lifting in the match and I can't see anybody having a problem with those two wrestling each other again. And while I HIGHLY doubt it, this could go on last and that'll give Punk the last milestone he wants in main eventing/going on last at Mania.

    So I'm fine with this if it goes down, I just hope neither Hogan or Piper hurt themselves in a return match. Although a wrestling match probably saved Pipers life, thank god for the fans voting on that Cyber Sunday!

  4. Cool. Last year we had Rock give his stamp of approval for Cena. This year it'll be Hogan. Guess next year it'll be Austin. One of these days the rub will finally be enough to get the smarks cheer for John.

    This actually sounds terrible. I really hope this doesn't happen.

  5. If they do Hogan/Cena v. Piper/Punk, are they expecting Punk to turn heel or something? AGAIN?

    They are just determined to give us the worst WrestleMania XXX card possible.

  6. Still more interesting than another Rock/Cena main event...

  7. Its even more of a callback to Mania I by it being a tag match in the main event. I might be mistaken but I believe that is the only Mania to be main evented by a tag match.....

  8. Nothing is even written in stone yet....

    If we get .....

    Brock vs Batista
    Hogan/Cena vs Piper/Punk
    HHH vs Bryan
    Taker vs Judy Bagwell..... will be an awesome unbelievable Mania....

  9. Can't we just have this match.. you know without Hogan/Piper... Cena/Punk always rocks!

  10. "Hogan and Cena posing together to end the show. Better get ready for it now."
    Heel Turn!!!

    I'd buy it!

  11. It's the only time one goes on last but IX and XX had tag matches billed as co-main events.

  12. I love nostalgia, but we're getting so far removed from the era these two are from, will it still mean as much as it did in 2003, when people kind of gave a shit? I love Hogan, I love Piper, but I'm pushing 30 and have fond memories of watching their matches on some crazy device called a VCR. Kids today don't know 'em, the teens who are getting smart don't know 'em well other than "legends", and fans more advanced in age are fewer and fewer. I seriously doubt there's much consideration to this.

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 11, 2014 at 10:49 PM

    for a dollar?

  14. Not complicated enough.

  15. I had to do a double-take on that last match. Maybe In honor of WM XX, the only "main event" match on the show we're allowed to remember, we'll get Taker vs. Kane III.
    Edit: Nevermind, I guess Rock n. Sock vs. Evolution could be considered a Main Event match, too.

  16. Great reference to an awesome movie. I highly doubt, from what ive heard and seen, that the new Robocop will be 1/10th as great as the original.

  17. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 11, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    not a fan of reboots, but i have to say that the trailers ive seen for the reboot make it look like it might actually be worth checking out

  18. Kinnaman was quite good on the Killing, Im guessing he will do fine and I have a feeling this new Robocop will be a hit...

  19. Hogan and Big E (with a mohawk) vs Piper and Randy Orton would be a much better match in terms of wacky nostalgia value. They could even put Tamina Snuka (the adoptive sister of former WWE tag team champion Deuce) in the face's corner, and Paul Roma could do a run-in on behalf of Paul Orndorff for the heels.

  20. Then they'll start bringing in outside talent from UFC, the NFL, movies and politics. Anderson Silva, Pope Francis, Sandra Bullock, Robert Downey Jr., Michael J. Fox, Georges St. Pierre and Jennifer Lawrence will all come out and lift Cena over their heads while the ring gradually fills with garbage.

  21. As long as it's not Steve Francis. Dude hasn't aged well.

  22. Has any WM had this much speculation behind it? Or such a nonexistent, borderline illusory direction?

    It's to the point where I just don't care anymore, especially now that I'm getting the Network and won't be paying $65 for it.

  23. I think you have a point with Piper, but Hogan transcends eras. He's Hulk Hogan. He's not a draw anymore, but he's still a huge name, recognizable figure, and someone that everyone is at least aware of. I don't think any person really needs to be made aware of Hulk Hogan and what he's meant to THIS BUSINESS.

  24. This would be awesome, I look forward to it more than any of the same old, same old we will get with the other matches...

  25. "Look Mommy, isnt that the guy who used to be in TNA....."

  26. Id take a Hogan/Piper Iron Man match over a Kid Rock or Diddy concert....

  27. Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper vs Daniel Bryan and Kane?

  28. "We're going home right now to wash your mouth out with soap, sonny boy!"

  29. I've read one of the changes to the story is Robocop knows he's Murphy, like he's fully aware of who he is and his past life right from the get go. The only thing s he can be overridden to do bad things. I dunno, that's just not Robocop to me. The journey of Robocop remembering and figuring out he used to be Murphy (that scene where he walks through his old house is great) is the best part to the story.

  30. You're right. It's rated PG-13. It won't be nearly as awesome.

  31. It is a shame Hogan can't work a match anymore because I'd actually be interested in him vs Taker at 30.

  32. You would waste Paul Roma like that? No way! Roma vs Taker for the streak is where the money is.

  33. I subscribe to Piper's twitter and he's always lobbying for different things and talking smack--so, even if he's hinting at knowing more, I don't read this as gospel. He's always worried about not getting his just due and rightfully so. Hogan is the transcendent star, but without the Piper feud and without Piper beautifully escalating the feud with Lauper, does Hogan reach the same heights? In my opinion, no.

    So, if we pit this era's Piper, CM Punk, against this era's Hogan, Cena, in a tag match that brings us full circle to the very first Wrestlemania main event, there's a certain poetry to it.

    I'm not exactly gung ho about it because it doesn't really jibe well with the story and character arcs we have going, but I'm not necessarily against. I'd also really like one more Piper match where he wasn't coming off an injury or just super out of shape. If an untrained wrestler, Vince McMahon, can pull off 2 to 3 star matches on a regular basis in his 50s and 60s with smoke and mirrors, I would think Hogan and Piper can, too.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:10 AM

    The NBA player? I saw a photo of him on Deadspin, and yeah, he looked rough.

  35. I stand by my "Oh, Hell NO." I can enjoy Piper on the mic, but more matches. As for Hogan, I've already said I have no desire to see him in a ring ever again. Frankly, I don't want him on my TV aside from older matches where he was still at least in no danger of literally falling apart.

  36. I might throw up if fucking CENA ends the streak. I don't think the streak should end at all, but good lord, they couldn't find a dumber and more worthless person to end the streak (not calling Cena worthless, saying if you're going to attempt to give the rub to anyone, picking the most bulletproof guy on the roster is the dumbest thing you can do).

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:14 AM

    I didn't have any desire to see them in the ring in 1997. 2014? Fuck outta here...

  38. Goddamnit.. it's been 17 years.. sheesh I feel old jsut thinking about how old they are..

  39. What do you mean about saving his life?

  40. See, I think it's poetic. I think it's cute. But cute and poetic are probably terms that shouldn't be associated with a Wrestlemania main event. They could overbook it with sportz entertainment moments to cover for the old guys, have the young guys put in a 4 star match on the side, and make everyone happy in the end. But it can also be absolute shite. I'm conflicted (and also biased... Piper's extended a kindness or two my way and I'm always hoping for one more big "moment" and/or payday for him).

  41. So they ditched the "Who am I?" plot line, and got rid of most of the crudeness, violence and biting political edge the first movie had? Why the fuck would I want to watch that shit?? It's like remaking The Wizard of Oz and getting rid of the Wizard's secret, the character's quests and the songs..

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:19 AM

    It has been 17 years! I work with a girl that wasn't even fucking born when that match happened. That match is old enough to drive. Yeah, I feel old to, I was 15 when that match happened.

  43. While Vince was untrained, he didn't have NEARLY the mileage on his bodies these two do.

  44. "Piper's extended a kindness or two my way and I'm always hoping for one more big "moment" and/or payday for him)"


  45. True. It's kind of a long shot that they can hold up their end of the match (which would probably be an insignificant amount), but it'd be a nice moment if it worked out. They'd probably have to do some heavy choreographing beforehand and sprinkle plenty of sportz entertainment for their parts.

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:25 AM

    I give Vince (and Shane, especially Shane) a lot credit, they don't just put guys over, they let guys damn near commit televised homicide on them. Most wrestlers wouldn't take half the insane bumps thay those 2 have.

  47. I take everything Piper says with a grain of salt. Although since Piper is the one publicly lobbying for a match at WrestleMania, I'm willing to bet WWE book Hogan in a match and exclude Piper altogether.

  48. Nothing special, just some bits of encouraging correspondence/advice (when he finally started figuring out the internet) and a nice personalized message when he signed his book for me.

  49. Vince has done some horror movie level blade jobs, and Shane has taken stuntman like bumps. I always said the key to successful management is to make the people see you are willing to do what they do. Vince and Shane are very good at this... you could argue that Steph and Linda re also.

  50. Damn Steve Francis, you scary.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    I was just thinking the same thing. I can imagine some of the conversations with the boys and Vince/Shane about crazy bumps, and I bet the question "Would you do it?" never came up.

    Don't see what you mean about Steph and Linda, though.

  52. Linda is an old woman who took a tombstone on the entrance way and went through a story where her husband kept her in a catatonic state.

    Steph has been beaten up by men multiple times and has been humiliated by tons of different people.

  53. Roma definitely has the respect of the lockerroom to go over Taker. not like that bum Ric Flair.

  54. Team Hell No vs. Team Where The Hell Are We

  55. It'd really be hard for me to come up with a less charming politician or performer than Linda, but yeah, gotta give it to her for those moments.

  56. Oh please. By then, Daniel Bryan's gimmick will be dressing up in drag and being called Sister Abigail.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 12:49 AM

    I totally forgot about the Linda tombstone. Credit to Taker too: I'm well known as not being a fan of his, but if we to make a list of safest workers he might be #1 (Pete Rose will tell you that Kane should be pretty high on that list too). Only match I can think of where his opponent got injured is the match with HBK at RR98, and that was just a random accident, or maybe because Shawn was higher than the Burj Khlifa at the time. And yeah, you're right about Steph too.

    Sickest McMahon bump? I say Angle suplexing Shane through a window at KOTR. No fucking way would I ever agree to that, that glass cuts you in the wrong spot and you can bleed out within a few minutes.

  58. To complete the image, I want one of Punk's arms to atrophy.

  59. Not to mention the fucking thing didn't break the first time so Angle did it again... BRUTAL match

  60. For one, Steph took the Stinkface from Rikishi, which she certainly didn't have to do.

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:08 AM

    First thing I would say to him if I ever met him: "I saw that KOTR match and I'm surprised that you can even get around, seeing as how you have balls the size of fucking watermelons and shit."

  62. Yup, Randy Savage...

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:10 AM

    Yeah, I forgot about that too. Didn't Vince take one as well? I've never been a fan of any McMahon angle really though, so I forget about most of their stuff.

  64. The WWE is just getting too loaded with nostalgia. I remember when WrestleMania was about crowning new guys as champion and you actually saw story arcs reach a climax at the event. Now, it's like all the old geezers comeback for a pay day. I want to be optimistic, but for the love of God. Hogan vs. Piper or some combination in between? You have got to be kidding me.

    I can't even imagine if I was a kid and WrestleMania XIII had Pedro Morales vs. Stan Stasiak at the top of the card or something. I know those guys aren't on Hogan's level, but still, it's no wonder the crowds do not react to these guys like we think they should.

    It used to be that the old timers had their time at WrestleMania weekend: the Hall of Fame ceremony. It wasn't at the actual show.

    I guess what I'm getting at is the same thing people on the board have talked about for a long time: NEW STARS. Some people argue the WWE is creating new stars, but all they are really making are new midcarders that don't mean anything because they refuse to put anyone on Cena and Orton's level. Then again, it's not like they get punished for not doing so since there isn't a legitimate #2 company to go to for the guys not getting pushed.

  65. "This is Tony Schiavone, for the Brain, for the Living Legend ... John Cena, you can stick it."

  66. I don't think Hogan or Piper even wrestle, let alone get near the top of the card.

  67. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:21 AM

    plus steoh slapped linda hard in a backstage bit once. apparently it was supposed to be shane but he refused to do it

  68. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:22 AM

    kane gave her the tombstone on the entrance stage, and there was about a foot of air b/w her head and the ground. when they showed replays, they had to show it from odd angles to cover up how far away she was

  69. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:24 AM

    dont remember the details, but i believe the pane was supposed to give way immediately on the 1st attempt, but for whatever reason, it didnt. so in essence, it legit no-sold the 1st attempt

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:24 AM

    Fair enough, I would never hit my mother, but if I had a sister and she hit my mom I'd probably just get out of the way, at least until it started to get out of hand.

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    dude, i just said that

    about 20 minutes after you

    and before i even read further to see if someone had brought it up


    geez, some people...

  72. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    paul roma *is* a waste

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:29 AM

    I remember watching it live, and when I saw the first suplex I thought "holy shit, that looked bad". When he hit the third one (I swear it took Angle 3 tries to break the glass) I said "HOLY SHIT, he's fucking DEAD!"

  74. Kane's not a stupid guy*

    *as regards wrestling. Politically, a goddamned four year-old. But he gets wrestling.

  75. In 2006 (I believe) at Cyber Sunday Flair was facing the Spirit Squad (poor Dolph) and there were three choices for his partner (I think Dusty was one) and Roddy Piper got the vote to be Flairs partner. So during the match Piper takes a bump and it really hurts him. I believe his back was hurting, after the match it continued to really hurt Piper.

    So Piper thinking he had an injury of sorts goes to the doctor to have it checked out. I don't know all the medical stuff but whatever he bumped hurt something (kidneys maybe) that had to do with non Hodgkins Lymphoma. He immediatley started treatment.

    Piper and his doctors contend had he not taken that bump, had that pain and went to the doctors by the time symptoms did present themselves it probably would have been too late.

    So that wrestling match the WWE fans voted for him to be in might have saved his life.

  76. Let's just have Hulk and Roddy supporting wrestlers who are in a feud and doing promos on each other; a quick Hogan kibosh on Piper interference is all we need.

  77. Piper really needs to let it go already. The begging McMahon to have a match with him a couple of years ago was already pretty bad but this would be even worse...

  78. I don't HATE the idea like others, and yourself, seem to. Honestly with today's WWE booking I don't have faith in them to not screw up somebody else's push if they beat Takers streak. Now (and this is long term lets play it out and see where it goes) the WWE waits a year or two then does Cena/Taker at Mania. If they want to drag it out have Taker beat Cena and then do a rematch the next year (I wouldn't personally do this but I get the feeling WWE likes rematches).

    Whatever match, have Cena turn heel and be a cheating fuck to beat Taker. He beats the streak and then afterwards destroys Taker with a weapon (I wouldn't use a chair or sledgehammer, the chain seems too weak. Some weapon that could become heel acenas go to weapon) and just continues a vicious beatdown well after the match.

    The next RAW, Cena says he doesn't care, he did what he had to do. And that's how he is going to deal with things now, doing what needs to be done. And he doesn't care if he gets booed or cheered by the crowd, it's all about him now, he has enough money to be able to walk away so now it's just about him having fun.

    Make an announcement about how Taker is now being forced to retire after injuries suffered after the match with Cena.

    I dunno, that sounds like it could work with some solid follow up.

  79. There were Austin vs. Hogan rumours for months leading into WrestleMania 21. The difference between that and this is that they definitely would have done that if Austin would have played ball, but in this situation the company might find it embarrassing to have Piper and Hogan high on the card.

  80. It would be hard for Hogan to top his last no-selling of Taker at Judgment Day. He'd have to lay on the mat to get up lower for the chokeslam.

  81. As if portraying a woman in a catatonic state was that much of an acting stretch for Linda...

  82. HHH: As opposed to both?

  83. I don't mind putting Hoghan and Piper in a tag match as it'd be a nice nostalgic nod to WM1, and so long WWE plays it for fun (like the WM17 gimmick battle royale). My only complaint is that they shouldn't be put in a position to draw main event money, but I'd be fine if they did something like Piper/Cesaro/Swagger v Hogan/Cody/Goldust.

  84. I think any WM that ends with a with a decade (WMX, WMXX, WMXXX) leads to a lot of speculation and second guessing on WWE's part. With WMX they didn't know if they wanted Yoko v Bret or Luger v Yoko to headline and with WMXX, Shawn was injected in the main event scene at the last minute,

  85. If you want nostalgia for the first WM, watch it on YouTube. Don't waste two actual wrestlers on those fossils.

  86. I'm sure Piper would be game for that, but do you really think Hogan would lower himself to a MID-CARD feud? I think not.

  87. I started watching wrestling during both of these guys' heydays (just a little after WM 3). Back then, names would be mentioned that I had NO clue about like Bruno Sammartino, Superstar Billy Graham, and even Gorilla Monsoon or Jesse Ventura who I only knew as commentators.

    So when those guys would appear or be referenced, I would have no clue how to react.

    In a lot of ways, Hogan and Piper are those guys today for today's modern, much younger audience. Hogan, they might be more familiar with because it's Hogan, but Piper hasn't really done anything significant in decades. They always talk about how Piper's Pit is controversial and all that but it always winds up being ho-hum. And I say that AS a fan of Piper.

    So look at it like this: imagine if 30 years ago, our WrestleMania was going to be Hogan/Sammartino vs. Piper/Graham or Ventura. Yeah, it might sound great to older audiences who want to see them in the ring again, but the new audience? They wouldn't give two sweet fucks for a match like that.

  88. "I've seen that man on a video on Daddy's computer"

    "He's a wrestler."

    "Oh, so that's why him and the woman were rolling around like that?"

  89. Usually by now there's at least a sign of a direction for a match or two. I can't remember ever getting to January and nobody having a clue what's planned. They're either being spectacularly secretive or they've no clue. I could buy either option at this point. I do think they were banking on Bryan/HBK and that's fallen through and left them scampering somewhat, however.


  91. Do you remember his last run with the company?

  92. Last Monday's Raw should be a wake-up call for the WWE. The paying fans don't care about yesterdays stars. It's no different than the fans getting behind Bret in '94 when Vince wanted Luger as the guy or the fans getting behind Austin in '96 when Vince wanted to go with Shawn. The fans have chosen their guy again so it's on Vince to listen.

  93. I'm pretty sure Angle said in a shoot that he thought he'd killed or crippled Shane when the glass didn't break, asked him if he was OK and Shane told him that he had to do whatever he had to do to make sure he went through the glass. That's insane.

  94. I can understand you have a soft spot for Piper; that's fine. If they want to do a Piper's Pit at WM and give him a large bag of money for it, that works for me. I do not, under any circumstances, need to see the man bump or pretend to wrestle anyone else. That's just me.

    Incidentally, Reigns dropping "If you touch me again, I'm gonna break your ass" (or whatever the exact quote was) marks the first time I got a real "superstar" vibe from him. Goddammit, I believed him when he said it.

  95. That was the year of the horrid WCW run, yes? Fuck, that was a nightmare.

  96. and btw, am I the only one that thinks the idea of years of "dropping the leg" is what caused a problem to Hogan's back and hips? Fuck, man. If you couldn't do that move without putting undue stress on your body, I'm pretty sure you were doing it wrong.

  97. Remember back in 1997 when WCW let them main event and they were too old and broken down to do it?

    Yeah, that was 17 years ago. Their shitty cage match is almost old enough to vote.

  98. And the WWF called it "Age in the Cage". Astounding

  99. Like his brief run in the tag division with Edge? Sure. I also recall that he complained about being in that spot the whole time.

  100. Last Mondays raw that saw an increase in the ratings?

  101. He complained the whole time? To who? Did he call you at home?

  102. This. Wrestlemania was fantastic when it was the celebration for guys like HBK, Austin, Batista or Cena to hit the big time, get their first titles and be acknowledged as the top person in the business.

    Now it's fucking WWE classics and reruns.

  103. How could you not respect Roma? He's got such a fantastic body.

  104. god, that Angle/Shane match was fantastic. And absolutely brutal - the glass pane/suplex spots were something out of ECW at its garbagey best. Then again Shane's done plenty of other insane shit - remember the bumps he's taken in the interest of getting fucking Steve Blackman over?

  105. four year old makes him more mature than most Ayn Rand readers.

  106. This match reestablishes Roma. Next year he goes after the streak, by which I mean he wrestles Lesnar, who will win the streak by beating Undertaker this year. Roma will defeat Lesnar and will go on to defend the streak for several years until he puts over Roman Reigns in the culmination of a long losing streak angle for the former Shield tough guy.

  107. Just something I read in the usual dirt sheets. I also seem to recall Edge saying it in an interview somewhere.

  108. Hogan, Piper, Batista, Brock, Taker, Cena, Punk, they offered HBK, Goldberg rumors, etc...Nobody can accuse the wwe of not trying

  109. Sure I can. I can accuse them of not trying to create more superstars instead of relying on superstars of times past.

  110. I never saw or heard that. I just remember him putting people over all the time.

  111. Did WCW ever get her off the forklift?

  112. And you'd be wrong. The problem is how yet book the other 11 months, not the fact they bring in these guys. Seriously, if Dolph or Kofi or whomever got 15 minutes to shine at mania, would anyone give a shit? No. With how they book the rest of the year,, bringing these guys in is the best way to sell WM.

    Come april6, 2014 are more people gonna care about hogan, Batista, taker, or Bryan, dolph, or whomever else?

  113. But that's my POINT (and where I'm no, not wrong). Dolph and Kofi could easily have been new top notch superstars, but WWE's entire 50/50 booking process dampers any chance of that. Bryan's gotten over IN SPITE of this this process, not because of it.

  114. Right, but that's what he was saying. WWE needs to make some guys throughout the year, so that come Mania time we care enough about them to want to see the newer guys in big matches.
    The idea that the big matches this year will probably revolve around Taker/Brock/HHH/Batista/Goldberg/Hogan and Piper is a joke to me.

  115. Their biggest event ever was headlined by a part-timer.

  116. I don't disagree. To me tho that's a different discussion then "fuck Hogan taking a spot from the regulars at mania" narrative that goes around.

  117. I get it, its Wrestlemania 30...but still, can't we just throw in a legends battle royal and be done with it? Hogan won't participate because it isn't showy enough, but who gives a shit?

  118. Great point Douglas. You agreeing with me automatically makes my argument lose credibility tho.

  119. Dolph and Kofi could never have been huge stars. They just don't have it. Mid-card 4 life.

  120. That's such an omnipotent philosophy they have that I've just accepted it's the way it is for now. Based on what I've watched the past year I'd much rather see these guys than the other guys they've booked in a marginalized mid card role.

  121. I agree with this. I didn't agree with it at some point, but I do now. Dolph sells well, but his offense is shitty. And Kofi? I never really thought Kofi had it, but others did...he was always destined to be the resident highspot guy.

  122. You're assuming that guys like Kofi and Dolph are stars that are booked poorly. What if they are just average guys who don't draw?

  123. Give me NEW stars, not these old guys that can't move.

  124. I'd love to see some Hogan/Piper involvement - provided said involvement has nothing to do with them participating in a match at Wrestlemania. If they want to be the seconds to help hype a midcard feud, that's peachy. I just don't want to see Hogan or Piper in a match in 2014. I didn't want to see it in 1997 either.

  125. So they shouldn't have brought in rock to pop the biggest buyrate ever and single handedly save WM 27? Should they not book Taker anymore? It's easy to say "I don't want to see hogan" but it's a 2 way street

  126. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 12, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    As much as this match would suck, I'd LOVE to see Piper get a personal trainer, get in shape and document it.

  127. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 12, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Some would say is time in TNA WAS a mid-card run.

  128. I wasn't talking about wm 27.

  129. 28 I assumed. He saved 27 but 28 is what I assumed you're referring to

  130. Just like, say, Zack Ryder, we'll certainly never know now, will we? WWE doesn't know how to work in favour of what the crowd likes. Not anymore.

  131. That would be the perfect use of both guys.

  132. You should have stuck with wm 28. It works better in this arguement. "Part timers" have a different stigma today then I'm sure they did back then. Nobody was ever clamoring for The Dragon to be getting his main event WM moment. Rock is a better example

  133. Punk/Piper/Rousey vs. Cena/Hogan/McMann

  134. Piper - Hogan was actually interesting at first in WCW. I remember Piper coming out at Halloween Havoc being a legit holy shit moment. The issue was instead of just having the dream match at Starrcade they had a shit ending and then continued the feud for months climaxing with the horrible cage match. Piper also got paided a kings ransom and wasn't on TV that much. Pipers best WCW match was against Flair at Great American Bash 97' and this is with Flair bumping like a maniac for his old buddy. I can't imagine Piper wrestling with that huge beer gut and how many replaced hips do they have between the 2 of them. I'm cool with a tag match though.

  135. Hogan, maybe, I dunno, but yeah, Piper definitely has no place trying to be a main level draw, even as a nostalgia act. Had Hogan been around in WWE, at all, for the last 5-6 years, I might be less critical of his involvement, but his TNA run has hurt him more than helped. For a while, WWE Even took him out of their opening montage of superstars. Shows how important he is in favor of a David Otunga or Bob Orton Jr.

  136. Glad I'm only paying $10 for this show instead of $70.

  137. Kane was the one to tombstoned Linda, not Undertaker.

  138. Actually, I was referring to 3.

  139. I know. That's why I said "the dragon". This literal dougie gimmick isnt good BTW. Still not as good as the Rock for an example. Rock wrestled what, 5 matches in a 2 year stretch. Andre wrestled that just in 87.

  140. He was complaining about the jobs a lot, especially to Brock. I saw an interview on TV where he said something to the effect that he should have beat Brock to put him over later, citing the WM match with rock as evidence of how over he was.

  141. Difference between 1-2 guys returning and more than half the card.

  142. Seriously, come april 6, 2014. Brock, Taker, HHH, Hogan, Batista, Piper are all considered part timers. Would you rather see them wrestle or Dolph, Kofi, Bray, etc?

    We can debate all we want in how guys should be booked the other 364 days of the year but at WM the part timers are most definitely bigger draws amd stars then most of the regular roster

  143. I'd rather see Undertaker and maybe Lesnar on the Mania card. It gets bad when we get Hogan, Piper, HHH, Batista, RVD, Jericho, Goldberg, HBK, etc. Yes those guys have a place in history, but new guys can't build their own if the oldies won't let go of their "spots".

  144. If Hogan and Piper are in a mid card tag match i dont view that as taking others spots. Hogans argueably the biggest star ever in wrestling, there should be a small place for him. It's not like him amd piper are gonna go out there and take 30 minutes and close the show.

  145. You're being silly.

  146. I don't really get the Batista excitement. He had a cool character on the way out the door, which he in all likelihood won't be using, but he was a tremendously uninteresting babyface that spent as much time hurt as healthy.

  147. So did Main Event and Impact. Your point?


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