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Owen & The Network

Hey Scott, Longtime fan yada yada yada.... So with the network about to start and it being said that all footage will be unedited/uncensored, how are the they going to include Owen  into the equation. There is no mention of him or footage used at all ( which I assume is due to Martha fighting them in some way). So can they include him in footage for the network w/o lining her pockets??
Yes, common wisdom at this point says that no one is getting paid royalties for back catalog stuff due to the wordings of the original contracts, which is why it shouldn't affect Jesse's commentary or Benoit's matches or any of that stuff.  I think probably music is going to be the only thing affected if I had to guess.  


  1. Considering that they had no problems using him with Classics on Demand stuff, I wouldn't be concerned.

  2. At long last, Scott will be able to rant on Over The Edge 99!

  3. Figured if the question was about Owen it was going to be about Over the Edge and would that PPV be available.

  4. I'd like to pretend that show never happened. Not because it continued, but because of.... yeah. I couldn't tell you what happened on that PPV, other than Owen's accident.

  5. I'd still be amazed if that show was available.

  6. The music thing throws me off. I was watching the updated Royal Rumble 2001 and was surprised when Austin didn't get the Disturbed theme and the Undertaker didn't have Rollin

  7. I don't really get the emailer's question about Owen. Include him? He's already included. They don't highlight him per Martha's wishes with an alumni profile or articles about him, but his matches and segments are all over and WWE's official youtube channel just like any other wrestler.

    I do however highly doubt that Over The Edge '99 will be available to stream....and it shouldn't be. It's on youtube. Go watch it there if ya want.

  8. Out of good taste, that has to be removed from history. It's never been commercially released on it's own, nor have any matches surfaced to any DVD sets. If it IS available... then I'll believe the "anything and everything" limitless library. I still won't watch it, but knowing I could...

  9. The music rights issue could be a real bummer. ECW shows lose a lot from
    having all the cool intro's dubbed over with generic stuff... not to
    mention New Jack's entire matches.

  10. Why on Earth would you want to watch a New Jack match?

  11. I once tried to watch the Austin/Taker main-event on youtube just out of curiosity (it was a title-change) but couldn't even bring myself to watch the whole thing cause of the vibe it was giving me: watching them wrestle where a man died an hour earlier. Watching Shane do his crooked ref gimmick as if it's just another night. Just....not watchable for me.

  12. Morbid curiosity?

  13. I'm going to look up a New Jack match right now.

  14. That's the only match I could even name from the show. I know Jarrett worked, don't know who with. Speaking of which, who in their right mind let's THE UNDERTAKER go over in that situation? Call a fucking audible. Do it the next week or something.

  15. He hit people with weapons, and didn't go to jail. Usually.


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