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Peter Parker Comes Back

Man, I really hope they don't cancel Superior Spider-Man now, and let SpOck continue on in another Spider-body somehow.  The Jackal has gotta have a bunch of clones running around still if nothing else, right?  

Still, it's been a great and healthy run for Doc Ock, and now Jesse Baker can stop writing death threats to Dan Slott.  


  1. I will amend my statement. If they use Cena ending the streak as a way to make a huge heel turn that is going to carry the company in terms of a major storyline for at least the next year, then I will understand and not be terribly angry about it. But that's not what I think would happen. I think Cena would just beat Taker because he hustled and had loyalty and respect and then jog around the ring celebrating like he beat Brooklyn Brawler is a 1 minute squash and then shake hands with Undertaker and then cut a promo about how he loves his fans jack and Undertaker is the bestest and blah blah blah, which would be a tremendous waste.

    I agree with you about not having faith in them not screwing it up if someone else beat the streak...that's why I don't think they should end the streak at all. It should just be a legendary wrestling number that people think fondly of. Maybe in a few years someone who hasn't lost at WM yet can talk about their goal of beating it. They can have a WWE Network series about the legendary streak with a backstory on every win in it. They can have a 25-0 DVD/Blu Ray (or whatever number he gets up to). But if they feel like they HAVE to end the streak, then they should actually try to make ending the streak mean something by giving someone a push, having them beat Taker straight up (no cheating or bullshit involved unless it's an already made guy like Cena, then it's fine because they don't need the big clean win to look strong). And Face Cena ending the streak and staying as the same old character he's had forever is about the most pointless and meaningless thing they can do with the streak.

    That's not to say they shouldn't do Cena vs Taker, they should at some point. But Taker should win unless it's going to actually lead to the heel turn you mentioned, which I've given up hoping for.

  2. It comes down to nostalgia.

    90 percent of the blog is going to bitch he's getting buried which will be fun.

  3. I'm semi excited because it's an additional guy at the top, which I think they can really use. But I agree with you that I always found his babyface character uninteresting. I never disliked Batista, but I wasn't a fan until the very end of his run, with that awesome heel turn.

  4. Are you suggesting they were lying about how we were all idiots for expecting him back right before the movie comes out? Comic writers and publishers would never lie about the return of a major character who was killed off!

  5. Don't forget about the newest Heyman guy in all of this: Alex Wright

  6. You're cutting off the nose to spite the face; instead of building to the future and creating stars that people will pay to see now, you neuter them in favor of older stars that made you bank in the past. Except eventually, those stars will either wear out their welcome and stop drawing, or they'll be too old or too busy to bail the company out anymore. Then where will the WWE be?

  7. All good thing must come to a end,goodbye SpOck.

  8. Dan Slott is smacking whiny bitches down on Twitter. I don't see how the return of Parker is going to be more entertaining than his feed today.

  9. What whiny bitches are saying?

  10. HOW Peter will come back is the biggest question for me. I just can't see every discovering the truth, sticking Peter is body, sending Doc somewhere else and everything is back to normal. The fallout from Doc's Superior reign will be interesting to see ... Black Cat is going to want some retribution for that tooth.

    What will become of poor Anna Marie?

  11. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 12, 2014 at 10:50 AM


  12. WWE: You don't know what you want.

  13. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 12, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    No more midget sex?

  14. Doesn't matter to me, I haven't been reading it. Just leave superior foes of Spider-Man alone. It's the second best book of 2013.

  15. Yes Superior Foes just gets better and better. TOMBSTONE~!

  16. It was a different time back then, now WWE is always trying to play it safe.

  17. At least he is doing something productive, unlike Flair.

  18. Good one, and welcome to the BOD!

  19. What's your choice for best?

  20. Erik Watts' dropkick got more height.

  21. Without a doubt hawkeye. Even with the delays. The truth is that they're very similar books. Small in scope, heavy on characters, simple art.


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