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Shameless Bachelor-related plug

Hey Scott, longtime emailer/fan/reader. I was the guy who forwarded you the link of Warrior's "queering don't make the world speech" at my college back in 2006. Anyway, screw it, I'll admit it: I'm a big fan of the TV show "The Bachelor" and started a recap series/blog about it. Can I get a bit of a plug? Trying to get an audience. Thanks. It's at

All the best,


  1. Am I the only one to accidentally read the title as a Sheamus plug?

  2. I thought the iron match match was really good too, although a 30 minute iron man match is weird to me. I don't care for Sigmon really (and it's mostly the "L" gimmick thing), but both guys really brought it in this match. I'm not sure what the deal is with Bobo either. I've been watching for a couple of months and have never seen him (it?) before either. Col. Parker, not the most dynamic in ring speaker. He seemed to be speaking "from the heart," but the crowd was getting pretty restless and I'm not sure they were that into what he was saying. The 8 man match should be interesting though. The show continues to impress with solid in ring action.

  3. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:28 AM

    I still say the "CM Punk Diva Bang Bus" is a good idea.

  4. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 6:29 AM

    Vince: "She could still do it."

  5. Good question. I'm kinda assuming it's rotating just as a way to entice the viewer to keep subscribing. If there's huge content provided I'd still need cool with them rotating stuff in and out but obviously the whole library would be preferred

  6. "At the end of the day,
    this is the Hulk Hogan Show, not Nitro."

    This basically sums up WCW from January 1998 to July 2000.

  7. Canadians are barely people. Don't you know, eh?

  8. I kid Canada. Montreal might be one of my favorite cities

  9. Still trying to get the stench of another failure off of him, I'd think.

    Or possibly in treatment for mysterious VDs. Shouldn't mix your talent with your boss, Easy E.

  10. Rent-a-Center does PCs, right? Hell, that's a PRIME demo for the WWE in general.

  11. I asked this in the thread last night but trying to gather some ideas. My head was bursting with all the potential it seems like we'll have access to their entire library. Assuming that's true, what's the first fucking thing you search for amd watch?

    Think I'm going with the earliest ecw shit I can find. I have seen a ton of 9 3-9 ish ecw

  12. Its no different than the hit the movie companies have taken because of NetFlix.

  13. The difference with that being is that WWE does not need to split any of that Revenue with Cable Systems and PPV Companies. Plus they own the rights to it all so its 100% profit.

  14. Its a 50/50 split from what I know. Where WWE gets 50% and then the PPV Company and the Cable Provider have their own deal to divvy up their 50.

  15. The other thing is when this goes International, the revenue from just the international markets will recoup any costs.

  16. Turner Damn It!

  17. And I'd bet most of them won't be around much longer...

  18. As I said in another post... not for long, I bet.

  19. I'll probably go to the Royal Rumble section and pick a random one.

  20. It really whips the llama's ass.

  21. I hope "Every WWE, WCW, ECW PPV" isn't an "at launch" feature to attract customer and it remains permanent.

  22. You're thinking of ROH

  23. I thin eventually everything will be available as they digitally restore everything and get it up there.

  24. No one needs to see that. IF you have any desire to watch that PPV there is something wrong with you.

  25. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 9, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    I knew I could count on you, juvy! Thanks for checking it out. But, man....I can't get around that angle. Bobo has a space on their website all his own. TCW can bring it in the ring, and every now and then a solid promo, but this is one of the things that reminds me they're an indy fed. In the end, the bear probably doesn't mean anything, and if that's the case, maybe they should cut that type of stuff out in the future.

  26. An the best part is they can get usage numbers to see what people watch and then maybe take from that things they can do in their current product to bring people back to watching.

  27. I don't know. There are millions of wrestling fans out there. I'd say tens - if not hundreds - of thousands would pay $10 a month JUST for the library.

  28. I'm guessing no, but it's less for the heartbreak it would cause fans (I know it would for me) and more to do with avoiding another lawsuit from Martha Hart. They got in shit with here over that Stampede DVD a few years ago.

  29. Some of the old WCW/NWA. Some vintage midnight express/Ricky Steamboat would be great!

  30. Either '95 ECW or Raw is War in 1997-98

  31. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 9, 2014 at 7:48 AM

    Fuck The Bachelor, and fuck you!
    Sorry....I always wanted to type those words together. It's not aimed at anyone.

  32. Bayley isn't over because her character was given time to develop, she's over for the same reason AJ's over: she's a manic pixie dream girl.

  33. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Maybe Summerslam 1990 as that was the first PPV I ordered. Or maybe some mid 90's ECW.

  34. This is what I was thinking

  35. I'm a newer wrestling fan, I got into wrestling in 99 when I was a freshman in high school. Backlash 2000 for me, please and thank you.

  36. Now that I've had some time to think about it, the first thing I'll probably watch is a bunch of Saturday Night's Main Event. That was my favourite stuff growing up.

  37. Unedited and uncensored would be a big false advertisement then.

  38. Both good calls. The 93-96 ecw stuff is gonna be a great watch. It kinda gets lost in time now a day

  39. You take away the self promotion and the DX McMahon skit, it was a near perfect press conference.

  40. Then UFC and boxing will be the only things to save the PPV business.

  41. You made a good point.

  42. I'm with on the massive tape collection. I've got over 5000 VHS tapes in the basement. Keep meaning to figure out a way to convert them to DVD, but money is always an issue when it comes to the hardware needed. I've got every WWF Superstars episode from about 87 to 97, plus WCW on TSN and a shitload of other stuff.

  43. Did you cringe when Shawn kept asking Stephanie to hike up her dress too?

  44. If you like wrestling, this is generally a good show. I look forward to watching it every week now. The whole angle with Parker is one that bugs me a little. I like the idea (if you haven't watched it, World Class did this angle back in the 80s with Skandor Akbar and did it really well), but it's basically sprung from nothing. Just one day Parker said they wanted control and he was putting up control in this 8 man match. I'm not even sure what he gets if his team wins.

  45. They sell I think simple converters on Amazon for around $50. Just plug one end into the VCR and maybe the other end into a computer or laptop.

  46. You would say that Jef.

  47. Let's be honest, the CRTC would probably screw it all up if it comes to Canada. Our government is so ass backwards about technology it's insane. I've read that Canada pays the highest prices for internet, and most places are not unlimited either, thus making Netflix damn close to impossible to use.

  48. Stupid question, but wouldn't WWE make more money with PPVs on the network then they do on PPV? Doesn't the cable/dish companies take a big portion. On the network would WWE get 100%. I don't know the financial aspects of all this, so that's why I'm asking.

  49. I'd assume it would be rotated out, much like Netflix does. Can't see them leaving decades of shows up forever.

  50. Anything with Benoit, to see how it will be presented.

  51. Yeah, of course each one got messed up in some way.

  52. Sadly 50$ is a lot of money for me right now. Plus it wouldn't have a clue which ones are any good, or work with Ubuntu (don't use Windows). If you can direct to a good, cheap one that would help. I can start saving for it (Income Tax season is coming). BTW I'm in Canada, so needs to available from Amazon Canada, please. Thanks :-)

  53. Like everyone else, gotta say no on this one. Welcome to the BOD by the way.

  54. I'll check it out.

  55. Just made me embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.

  56. So glad we'll be able to follow Stevie Richards' career again!

  57. 1,500 hours of content at launch, rest to be phased in over time.

  58. Tell that to UFC, which just did 1.1 million buys for Silva-Weidman 2.

  59. And with an On Demand archive available in Kazaa!

  60. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    Yep. I want to hear original Jesse Ventura commentary

  61. I've turned the corner on Tyler Breeze and now think he's awesome. The Zoolander-ish mannerisms he had while talking to the British guy with the ears were excellent.

    Kane with glasses and a fuzzy scalp is super weird and I like it.

    Tornado tag matches are tons of fun and they should be utilized more often as tag team feud ending matches. Hahaha... tag team feuds...

  62. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 9, 2014 at 9:11 AM

    Am I wrong?

  63. All of my this. And those WCW/New Japan and WWF/SWS shows from the 1990s, including the North Korea show from 1995.

  64. "The bigger issue for me is that this massive influx of everything I ever wanted in a streaming WWE video library for a reasonable price means that I'll have little incentive to actually continue watching the shitty current product"

    Since this whole shitty Authority angle started, I haven't watched RAW, and have instead binged on old school stuff (Mid-Atlantic, Smoky Mountain) on YouTube. It keeps my love of wrestling alive without having to suffer through HHH & Stephanie every fucking week.

  65. That's true. They make good faces, esp with young girls. It's easier for girls to identify with Bayley than with Airbrushed Model #58594

    EDIT: #huglife

  66. Check out what this guy has.

  67. It's amazing the difference you get when you take women who always wanted to be wrestlers versus women who were models and kind of fell into wrestling. Sometimes you get lucky and find a Trish, but most times you end up with what the main roster has now, which is a horde of interchangeable divas. Look at the dozens of girls dressing up in AJ gear...I don't see a lot of girls wanting to dress as Bellas.

  68. If it's like UFC's Fight Pass, I may give it a shot (though I don't like the commitment thing, as the free PPVs do nothing for me since I Don't watch the current product.

    On Fight Pass, you have all the 2013 shows, as well as MANY old school shows as well. Then they have old TUF seasons and then fight collections like best Knockouts, Submissions, FOTN, and collections from fighters. It's a great package and is free through February, then $10/month after that with no commitment.

    I'm definitely intrigued by WWE's, though.

  69. That's why I'm on the fence. I have no interest in watching the current PPVs, so it's tough.

  70. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    the epic hackenschmidt/snyder 2-day broadways

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    ...but bret doesn't hate you. he's think you're a jam up guy

  72. then how exactly does that hurt them? if the service is not available there, they will still sell ppvs like they used to.

  73. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    dear lord please dont let the kids near it

    "the public wants more more cena vs. orton, so thats what we'll give them! they're also checking out hhh quite a bit, so now he'll be ever present not only as the authority but also as an announcer!"

    someone else make a dbry joke

  74. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    one reason to keep your old vhs: the goofy ads for other tapes they have, like all the old crockett ads for danger zone, starrcade, etc.

    and who doesnt want to be reminded by todd pettingill how you can receive your FREE wwf gift at the video store?

  75. In fact, he thinks you're on his top 1000 people list.

  76. I had a buddy who had a black box during the attitude era and watched WWF PPVs there. During the "ruthless aggression" era, I had a different who had no concept of how to save money purchased every PPV. I watched PPVs there. After he moved, I watched no more PPVs live, until about 2008, when I learned of "other ways." In essence I have never purchased a PPV myself. And I will buy subscribing to the WWE network day one. I agree Well Played WWE.

  77. Miss Kitty to see if that's censored.

  78. I look to when Nattie and Beth were teaming up to pummel the models and you'd hear women and girls cheering them while they did it - the women and girls who watch are wrestling fans first and foremost.

  79. I was always partial to the line "And if your video store doesn't have it, ASK FOR IT!"

  80. I'm with you. It's wrestling, not a sport. There should be zero analysis. It's so stupid.

  81. If someone isn't watching the new product for free on TV, why would they go from that to buying merchandise and going to live events because of this?

  82. Has there ever been anything met with more universal hate than that one?

  83. I probably should clarify.

    It's dead for Wrestling.

  84. It's a price thing. More people would gladly pay 10 bucks for random B-PPV than 60.

    I imagine WWE would get a bigger piece of the pie since it's going to be ON THEIR network.

  85. That's a problem when WWE can only kill it in the PPV biz one month a year.

  86. This was my email.. Thanks to everyone who clicked through

  87. The Rock/HHH iron man match. I've never seen it, everybody raves about it, but they refuse to make it available to watch. I know it's on YouTube but the video quality is butt.

  88. Some of us still like physical media. I have shelves upon shelves of DVDs and I'll still drop the occasional hundred bucks at an FYE or something and there'll always be DVDs on my wish list.

  89. Honest question: Will the Network be featuring the "original" PPVs and TV, or the WWE-edited versions (i.e. music, logos, etc.)? I assume the latter, but not sure. Nostalgia only works if it's, you know, the real show.

  90. "A Weekend You'll Never Forget!"

  91. And goddamn Rick Derringer when Demolition comes out!

  92. Another question: For years now, people on this Blog have been saying how this Network will never get off the ground and that it would never see release? What was the reasoning/history behind that train of thought? I didn't pay a hell of a lot of attention to the discussion at the time.

  93. WWE can use the WWF logo again and say WWF as well, so that part I assume will be as it originally was. The music, that I'm not so sure about. The stuff that was edited out due to rights issues would still have to be changed, I imagine.

  94. What are you basing the PPV revenue on though? WWE doesn't get 100% of that. I'm not sure what the actual number they get is. Also you have to factor in that there will still be people buying PPVs, just a far lesser number.

  95. What he said. Also, there is still a 24 hour a day channel aspect to it, just streaming instead of on the television. It's not JUST an on demand service like Netflix and Hulu are.

  96. Game changer might be a strong word, but I think a lot of people are forgetting the fact that it isn't JUST an on demand service. Netflix is on demand only. This is a combination of an on demand service and a 24 hour channel. Presumably there will be scheduled programming like any television channel (NXT, Wednesday's at 8! for example), with the programming becoming available on demand after. As Waylon pointed out, it's really more like a combination of having HBO and HBO Go, as opposed to Netflix, an on demand only thing that only produces a small amount of its own content.

  97. So we can expect lots of "2014 Scott Sez"?

    Maybe you should start watching some old RAWs to compare with the current product?

  98. I will take the one-week trial, and watch 1992 WCW in its entirety.

  99. What about the WII (not Wiiu)? That's my main question.

  100. I believe that this is the beginning of something very big. If the WWE pulls this off it could mean monumental change for the TV Industry. What if it works and the NFL decides to do it too, or the NBA or,CBS? I think everybody who wants fairness in content pricing should be pulling for the WWE weather they like it or not.

  101. Because they planned to make a real television network out of it. They announced it in fall of 2011 and they had all of this promotion saying it was going to launch the day after WM 28. No cable company brought the network, so the plan went into hiatus. That's where we got our train of thought, plus we thought it would fail anyway.

  102. Because the free shows have always been used to promote PPVs, and if you're getting the PPVs for free with your purchase of a subscription service to watch all the old stuff, maybe you'll be more likely to see a show when they're in town. I likely will be.

  103. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 12, 2014 at 1:55 AM

    Shit. Got my hopes up for a moment. Carry on.


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