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Shawn Michaels Vs. Ted DiBiase in Memphis


Thought this would be a good Match Of The Day- Shawn Michaels Vs. Ted DiBiase in Memphis from 1985:  


Not Daniel Bryan related, but it'll do. 


  1. If they steal the rose bit from the NXT crowd he'd be over in 3 seconds.

  2. Sounds like you're totally focusing on only the positives of Austin in 1997, and comparing them to only the negatives of Daniel Bryan in 2013. It shouldn't work both ways. Anyway, Enough Daniel Bryan discussion for me today. I'm sure there will be another thread or 3 tomorrow. :)

  3. Every time I watch Shawn's near elimination at the end I think that he's not going to make it back into the ring. It's amazing that he didn't accidentally put both feet on the ground. It's my favorite non-elimination spot in Rumble history.

  4. Is breakydafunk aka breaknecktiger of tm/twd fame?

    Our community misses you bro

  5. Wrestling misses little gimmicks like DiBiase's glove on his right hand. I wonder if something like that would still get over today. Reagle's Power of the Punch seemed to do ok I guess.

  6. Lawler really was a whipping boy in that 1996 Rumble. He had slop thrown on him, had Jake toss a snake on him, and then had something else happen to him before getting tossed. Vader destroying people for a while was pretty fun in that match. He practically murdered Doug Gilbert.

  7. WWF didn't do triple threat matches back then. That concept didn't come into the company until 1997.

  8. I love the 1991 Rumble card. The Miami crowd is hot for everything (except the Mountie-Koko B. Ware match). Virgil arguably gets the biggest pop of the show when he decks DiBiase with he Million Dollar belt. It's one of the most underappreciated pops in wrestling history because it never makes those "greatest pops" videos on YouTube.

    Having Piper on commentary is another awesome part of that show. I loved Piper commentary because he got so into everything like a fan.

  9. Supposedly he was a bit too outspoken about certain things (publicly badmouthing total divas, giving people attitude backstage, etc.) and it rubbed the higher-ups the wrong way. If true, then I'm sure this didn't help his cause.

  10. I'm too busy frying hot dogs.

  11. How did they cause it? The company can show that he had to pass tests to get back into the ring. However, if there is evidence that they punished him for said concussion (which there might be sizable proof with him losing the title to ADR so soon after winning it) then I think there's a case there.

  12. That and the boring show.

  13. I don't see what people see on this guy. He's so incredibly corny. He's even goofier than Fandango. I can't see him getting over at all.

  14. I guess it doesn't count as a singles loss, but Triple H was essentially squashed by Undertaker two months earlier at Survivor Series (when Taker single-handedly ran through HHH, Lawler and Yankem, causing Mabel to run away).

  15. I found it funny that CM Punk of all people was being the voice of reason for the PG era. Props to him though for trying to keep Jake out of trouble.

  16. Dude they caused it by having him do a job (as an independent contractor none the less) that put his brain at risk. No different than the NFL settlement. If ziggker or anyone else sued them over that it would be very fascinating

  17. Too Cool did look pretty good. I didn't recognize Scott Taylor at first, but he looked like he was having the time of his life out there and that made the match more fun.

  18. Say one thing about modern WWE broadcasts, they do a much better job of having setpieces in Rumbles and catching things on camera. 1996 was terrible in this many major eliminations happened off-camera or storyline points that were ignored. For instance, HBK enters the ring to great fanfare with his nemesis Owen already competing. Today, the two would've had a faceoff; in 1996, HBK just punches a few guys randomly and then goes after Owen almost as an afterthought.

    Also, Owen's elimination. Owen knocks HBK out with the enziguiri again, is going to easily toss him out, and then Diesel intervenes at the last moment and tosses Owen. ALL of this major sequence isn't caught cleanly on camera and it's totally ignored by Vince and Perfect, even to the point where Vince isn't even sure if Owen is still in the match.

  19. It goes back to what someone said in the live thread that you could bring back guys from the late 1990s/early 2000s like DDP and they would immediately be a top 5 face/heel on the roster because they know how to work a crowd.

  20. Can't wait to see what screwy ending we get for Sandow-Khali III next week!

  21. Awesome I made it onto the blog thanks Scott!

    The Rumble is such a good way to debut someone and is really low risk (see Bo Dallas last year. OK it ultimately never went anyway but it didn't harm him in the long run.)

    And English doing his full intro and encore (especially if someone who would play along like say CM Punk was in the ring) would be one of the talking points of the Rumble. Guaranteed.

  22. Yeah, I meant to say singles loss. You are correct about the Undertaker pinning him, with a chokeslam from the apron IIRC.

  23. The one and only my friend

  24. I was really hoping for an IRS/Bray Wyatt segment, since Irwin's a government employee working for "the machine."

  25. Was there. The crowd was really amped up before the gates opened. Then the D-Bry factor kicked in and the place deflated. The yes chant has effectively been taken away.

  26. So does anyone else think Dolph Ziggler's concussion, as bad as I feel for him, might be a good thing for him in the long-run as at least it keeps him off TV which means no jobbing for a while and a bit of time off might freshen him up? Or then again more likely Creative will take it as another reason not to have any confidence in him and continue to job him out until he is future-endeavoured! Sigh the current state of WWE booking seems to have effected my mind in that any optimistic thought I have towards WWE turns pessimistic straight away!

  27. Detlef Ziggleman?

  28. Oh Jesus Henry Christ I am now going to be so disappointed if Cesaro doesn't Giant Swing someone out.

  29. Diesel truly saved that match, it might not have ever ended otherwise.

  30. Long time, since the wrestleline days. And yeah still a fan my 15 month old daughter doesn't leave me with much free time these days though

  31. I think that's harsh for the sake of being harsh there, Jobber. Every WWE event at Barclay's has been a sell-out, and both the Brooklyn TV events (TLC '12 and the Raw after MITB '13) have had insanely hot crowds. WWE events are definitely making money there.

  32. Has Stephanie secretly joined Money Inc.? TUNE IN TO NITRO TO FIND OUT!

  33. In WCW, Villano IV wrestled Chris Jericho, who has wrestled Daniel Bryan in WWE.

  34. That has nothing to do with the Wellness Policy. That's just wrestling. That's just show business.

    If you have a popular act (or an act that's getting there) and that act gets sidelined, the show has to go on. You can't just put things on hold and leave a guy's spot open indefinitely. Ask Orndorff, Nash or any number of guys who suffered permanent damage because they knew this.

    Would Ziggler's push have continued after his full recovery and return? Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know because he decided to be a moron and bad mouth Vince's beloved mainstream media property.

  35. Huh. I'm going to probably have to dig up guys from the 60s...

  36. So apparently javon belchers mom is suing the cheifs for causing her sons brain damage. I cannot wait till the wwe and there job squad legal team get hit with a few of these suits. Its too bad mick is rich already. I'm telling you, get ziggler and few other guys to document the brain damage they have and they could clean up big time and fuck that company up

  37. You need to add something about how Bryan is more over than Vilano IV, so Jericho should have put Bryan over.

  38. After seeing Jake looking so good, I formally declare DDP some sort of magic space wizard genius!

  39. It's not just about hiding it. What they have done to make them safe. I don't see guys not taking back bumps or wearing helmets. Even something as subtle as multiple head to the turn buckle shots could add up quick. Then add the fact that you can certainly argue they should do more to educate about the affects to the talent and get the families of wrestlers from the 70's-90's who died when the wwe blatantly ignored this stuff.., yeah you'd have a major suit

  40. The Orton connection is going to make a lot of older guys easy to get back to Bryan.

  41. Current stars probably wouldn't have as much legal standing considering that WWE's medical team is pretty proactive in diagnosing and treating injuries now. It's a similar situation to how current NFL players are now aware of the risks involved vs. players from the past who didn't know what was happening to them.

  42. yes your right with that horrible owen hhh and goldust (think it was him) match that patterson officiated.

  43. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 7, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    ' All shall kneel before the Viking Space Lord'


  44. Yeah, I loved the whole "Match for #s 1 & 30" thing, and was disappointed it never showed up again. It put a lot more psychology into it, and made guys fight for that last spot (that generally always went to some big slug in this time period).

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 7, 2014 at 2:25 PM

    'fake celebrity tweets'

    no, those are actual tweets by celebrities that wwe thinks will somehow entice fans to watch. maria mendudo was in there, as was snoopy dogg

  46. Belcher played in the NFL last year. If your boss is profiting from you doing a job that is causing brain damage who cares if they have a doctor sitting you down after its occurred? There is a very strong argument to be made that the wwe isn't doing everything it can to lessen the chance of a concussion or wont push people that won't do stuff that could cause one.

    The pressure on the wwe to settle that suit would be immense and all the shit wwe would have to turn over in the discovery process that would become public record would be epic

  47. Yeah, it must have been close. Which is kind of funny- they always pushed Mo as the "lesser" Men on a Mission member, like they did with a lot of tag teams in a more subtle manner, but it was SUPER-obvious that everybody thought Mo was a useless Jobber, all the time.

  48. Watching the highlights (I missed the broadcast) it is f*****g remarkable how quickly Jake, even given the expected immediate pop for returning, has the audience eating out the palm of his hand simply by using facial expressions and body language. He also looks fantastic (particularly his use of The Commodore from Boardwalk Empire's hair and mustache coloring). I really hope he can keep his sh*t together enough to help out with NXT and the kids.

  49. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 7, 2014 at 3:01 PM

    hey, at least someone in the stephanie/hhh partnership sells

  50. Hey Blog of Doom - long time lurker.

    This post. This post wins for best comment of 2014, and we're only 8 days into it! Kudos sir.

  51. If a sock puppet and a sock cobra can get over then anything can and will get over

  52. Oh yeah, forgot about the cobra. Good call. Something simple like a heel "loading" his boot can make someone seem that more devious.


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