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Surprise Rumble Entrants - WWE Top 10

No arguments on any of these.


  1. As far as legit surprises go (no joke entrants or really old-timers), I'd put Mr. Perfects 2002 return in the top 3. He didn't get an amazing up and Ross/Lawler didn't go over the top when he came out, but he won that crowd over. I knew he wasn't going to win and I was still bummed out when he got eliminated.

  2. No Haku? He was the WCW Hardcore Champion at the time.

  3. Perfect wasn't a surprise entrant because they announced that he was returning weeks before the Rumble that year.

  4. I completely forgot how loud people were for Jericho. That was nuts.

  5. I don't know who the first one was out of the bunch, but when the first announcers music played and they left the booth was pretty awesome.

  6. It was a surprise when you aren't watching the product regularly I guess. Never knew that.

    Think how surprised I'll be when Batista comes back!

  7. No Piper in 2008?

  8. Edge is my favorite surprise ever. Me and my buddies were drunk as hell and when Edges music hit I think we all just about lost our voices screaming. Total mark out moment.

  9. I think that first to do that was Lawler in 1997. It led to a pretty funny spot too.

  10. Foley was the best. Total mark-out moment with Orton scared shitless.

  11. I just bought tickets for the Rumble in three weeks. This element of the show is what I'm looking forward to the most.

  12. Yep, I think it was Perfect, Val Venis, Goldust and the Godfather, all as "hyped-surprise" entrants.

  13. Lucky you. You get to witness year 3 of the Kofi tradition. (fingers crossed)

  14. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 4, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    Needs Dick Murdoch in 1995.

  15. They should toss Virgil a bone and let him work the rumble match as a surprise entrance. Wouldn't be any worse than when Michael Cole was a entrance and Virgil needs the cash/heat.

  16. He used to be Meng.
    Then showed up at the Rumble.
    Could not have cared less.

  17. God bless Pat Patterson for his creation here. I may disagree with who gets the "Rumble push" at times (Bradshaw and the Miz were marathon men in Rumbles well before their peak and it seemed completely out of place), it's hard to dislike any of the matches...unless were talking about Vinny Ru's abomination in 1999.

    We get to look forward to three things like the most marked out markiest mark:

    1. Surprise entrants. This list was good, but it wasn't PERFECT. Sorry but Hennig's surprise in 2002's match was unbelievably awesome. It was only amplified as he managed to make it to the final 3 or 4, too.

    2. The one man wrecking crew. Yeah, plenty of us dig Diesel in 1994 and Kane in 2001, but they didn't quite embrace the moment the way Austin (1997) and Punk (2010) did. It was pretty cool watching Austin practically morph into a main eventer before our eyes with his BMF approach to things, funny mannerisms, being the sole guy in the ring in two separate moments about 10 entries apart, and cheating his way to win. Punk's SES dominance was also badass and is still a bit fresher in our memories.

    3. Tricked out near eliminations. Ever since HBK in 1995, we've had plenty of crazy "almost outs" in these matches. But the last few years with Morrison's spiderman, Kofi's handstand and walk, and Kofi & Bryan's polar opposite grab onto someone outside the ring, it's approaching mythical territory--just what great shit will they think of next?

  18. The gum swat was the best part of that Rumble.

  19. Hennig wasn't a surprise in 2002. He was advertised well ahead of time (along with The Godfather, Goldust and Rikishi, I think) and actually stuck around for a while afterwards.

  20. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 4, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    Bulldog got screwed in 1995. I mean, if the bell rings, my music plays, and I'm announced as the winner, then I'm going to have to assume the match is over.

  21. They wont even have to call him. Just send an agent outside the arena where he has his stand set up and yell out "You're in Mike!"

  22. A re-debut still falls into the surprise category for me, and his lasting into the final four also was a surprise. And, yes, like most on this board, I'm a Hennig/Perfect mark, so I know he stuck around for several months after this.

  23. Backlund in 2000 also.

  24. LOL. That's true. Maybe this is what made him "bizarre" two years after.

  25. That was still a sad picture of him at his autograph stand.

  26. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 4, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    Oh, he was bizarre long before that. Cocaine is a hell of a drug...

  27. Striker just lost it when Booker T came out.
    Man, if there were 2 PPVs I wouldn't mind going to at least once, it would be WM, and the RR.

  28. Jericho's last year was absolutely incredible. What a pop!

  29. If by heat, you mean actual heating because he can't pay his electric bill.... (Ok, ok, so I'm a very bad person...) :)

  30. Hennig wasn't a surprise. He was announced as competing on Smackdown

  31. But it wasn't a surprise. You knew he was coming out. I was actually marking out at every buzzer waiting for Perfect

  32. 1: FULL AGREE. 2002 probably had the best set of surprises with Goldie, Honky, and Perfect.

    2: Diesel in 94 did embrace it, in his own way.

    3: What else can you do? Land on the announce table, and make a standing long jump back to the apron? Someone on the floor whose only job is to "save" a person everytime they're in danger (cheap).

  33. Jerry Lawler: (HIGH pitched) "WHAT?"


  34. Apparently I mixed up my Rumbles, so ignore #1.

  35. Yet another Botchamania highlight:



  36. So who do we think will be surprise entrants this year? I could see Jericho and RVD returning and maybe Seamus will be healthy by then. Jake Roberts was talking about hoping to do a Rumble appearance, that would be a mark out moment for me.

  37. I was kinda hoping he'd say it for every entry, but he said it a couple times on one or two of them.

  38. Hey, it's "That Guy". Nice to meet you.

  39. Christian? Is he healthy?

  40. Striker's variations on "anything can happen" were also getting a bit annoying.

  41. Honky in 2001 rules. Love King marking out and JR going: You'd think they were cousins.

    Kane shaking his head after El Kabonging him is great

  42. Morrison jumping to the guard rail then walking on it before jumping to the steps is my favorite of those spots.

  43. After getting tossed he goes back out and ups the price with a sign "2014 Royal Rumble Entrant"

  44. I'd like to think Striker got demoted for I'M MARKING OUT BRO.

  45. A spot I want to see is a bunch of guys laid out on the floor then someone else gets tossed but lands on one of them, then walks over the strewn bodies to climb back in

  46. Didn't this happen with Rey Mysterio somewhat?

  47. But *advertising* his appearance beforehand makes it not a surprise.

  48. '09 Royal Rumble. He gets tossed but steps on Miz and Morrison to save himself.

  49. Figures. Least favorite wrestler does a spot I have always wanted to see. Must have blocked it from my memory.

  50. LIttle did we know that it was going to get worse...

  51. This, this, oh a thousand times this.

  52. Perfect's wasn't a surprised tho. They had video packages hyping his return, along with Goldust and some other dude.

  53. Honky Tonk Man at the 2001 Royal Rumble needs some love

  54. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 4, 2014 at 3:06 PM

    Sheamus will be this year's surprise. Last I heard, he was scheduled back from injury around Rumble time, and so far no one has bothered to mention his name on TV. And he better come back as ass-kicking Sheamus and not smiling, happy Sheamus.

  55. Roberts. Hands down. If he isn't in it? Fuck WWE.

  56. I hate to say this but Hogan would blow the roof off the place.
    I'd love to see Roberts come back for one last rumble.
    Finally Dusty Rhodes throwing bionic elbows around with his sons would be awesome.

  57. Sid! I don't care if no one else wants to see it.

  58. This genuinely got me hyped up for the Rumble


  60. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 4, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    I actually laughed at "too many limes".

  61. I still hate matt stiker

  62. Pat didn't created it at all, he just stole it. San Francisco roy shire wrestling put this gimmick on a lot back in the day and Patterson was in the area all the time..the match always drew. Pat gets credit for pushing Vince to use it though.

  63. Doug gilbert in 96! Haha

  64. Wow, until you posted this I had no idea "That Guy" meant "person who explains to someone else how the English language operates". Thanks for the info. ;)

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 4, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    Takro Omari (I think, from AJPW) was in the 96 Rumble too, for whatever fucking reason. Remember the AAA guys in 97?

  66. I absolutely love that one: first Snuka comes out at #18, then Piper at #19. What follows is one of my favorite series of nostalgia wrestling moments:
    I invite you to follow along:
    [24:33] Even Undertaker sells a Snuka headbutt. Respect for being victim #1 of the Streak?
    [25:17] The massive MSG pop when they realize it's Piper's music and his arch-rival is in the ring.
    [25:55] Snuka's face when Piper points at him.
    [26:02] The entire ring stops to watch two legends beat each other up.
    [26:18] It's not clear on this video, but the smile on CM Punk's face is fantastic as he watches them. After all, he credits the coconut incident as what hooked him on wrestling.
    [27:00] The big boos Kane gets for tossing both out.

    Those are the type of nostalgia pops I can live with.

  67. I'd like to see steamboat as surprise entrant. Do a sequence with Bryan and cm punk and say goodnight.

  68. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 4, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    Quit downvoting me, Smiling Happy Sheamus.

  69. I don't think they are putting him back in the ring after the Nexus angle

  70. Scott Hall in 2014. That is all.

  71. Fucking Hogan would be an AWESOME surprise entrant also.


  72. Hogan might break a hip getting eliminated.

  73. Forgot about that.

  74. How could Diesel be the number four "surprise" entrant, when, seconds after he comes out, they immediately cut to a fan holding a "BIG DADDY COOL" poster?

  75. The spot I want to see is thae last two guys eliminately each other, and #30 walking to the ring to claim victory.

  76. Fans have their pens and markers ready, bro

  77. What happened with Steamboat and the Nexus angle?

  78. Yes, this too. Only for Kane to re-enact that one scene from Jason Takes Manhattan with the rocker chick's death. 2001 = first Rumble with big surprises, no?

  79. He disappeared from Smackdown right after, so I am guessing it didn't help any. I remember in that same Rumble, he blurted out "DIESEL HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" about three minutes after it happened, as if he just noticed.

  80. He took a beating from them as part of their push, and ended up with some health issues for a while after.

  81. Shannon Moore saved Matt Hardy a few times, I think in 2003.

  82. Diesel wrote the book. He went from a nobody to a somebody in one 10 minute span. Austin at least had some visibility before his run.

  83. I saw Jake in DDP's Yoga infomercial and he looks 1000x better then he looked in Beyond the Mat. He could show up. Of course, the crowd won't know who he is so he'll get no reaction.

  84. I love in the 2009 Rumble when everyone, including Taker, makes sure to bump for Hacksaw

  85. Honky Tonk Man in 2001, and Mr. Perfect in 2002 are still two of my all time favorites.

  86. Eh, I found it endearing.

  87. If WWE wants a legit surprise entry for this year while also putting the final nail in TNA's coffin, they should throw a boatload of money at Jeff Hardy right about now.

  88. Note that the Orton/Foley confrontation is clipped to hell, or it looks like it. I wonder why?

  89. I think because He Who WWE Shall Not Name was in the clip.

  90. Exactly. So cool watching everyone line up to bump for Superfly. A nice show of respect.

  91. I love when Foley's music hits and Orton's head jerks right up. He knows he's fucked

  92. Big pet peeve: someone makes a "surprise" return and Michael Cole rattles off their height and weight. The most annoying one was Brock Lesnar returning in 2012. It's supposed to be this big game-changing shocker of a comeback after 8 years away from the company, but Cole thinks it makes sense to give the guy's height and weight. Fucking retarded.

  93. Warrior clearing out the 3MB types would be tremendous.

  94. Especially if he comes out as Razor Ramon.

  95. Just no polka dots, please.

  96. Roberts in 96, Backlund in 2000 and Perfect in 2002 were also great. Roberts this year has to happen. The kids can just learn who he is.

  97. Or Angle. Tell me the place wouldn't go nuts if his music hits and we get the "YOU SUCK" chants going again.

  98. Because he won the Rumble.

  99. I want that to happen, just so the little kids can have a confused look on their faces.

  100. Can he even walk to the ring at this point?

  101. I don't know if Pittsburgh would do the You Suck chants put the pop would be massive.

  102. Wasn't the Big Show return from 2001? I remember picking him in my pool for that one and he wasn't an announced entrant.

  103. Wasn't that an idea for Jericho in 2012 but it got predicted?

  104. Booker T coming out was the second loudest pop Ive heard in person. First being Foley'stitle win. People just lost their minds when Booker came out. The Foley moment though was thermo nuclear level the second Austin's music hit.

    You have to get to a rumble. Boston garden has been lucky enough to host two and its a blast live especially the countdowns and such. Gotta go some year. Ive been to Mania as well and thats a spectacle but man the rumble is so fun.

  105. "Hey, it's an old, sort-of-fat, chain-smoking asshole!"

  106. LOL...not quite. It was "predicted" as in "that's what people were hoping for" but Seamus was always on the books for it. The joke was that every rumble someone on this blog talks about the last two guys eliminating each other and #30 being the winner.

  107. Dusty Rhodes in the rumble?! What next, the Undertaker rolling out Sapphire's coffin.....

  108. Meng/Haku could probably take on this entire blog at once and win....

  109. Drew Carey is a fucking WWE Hall of Famer and doesnt get a mention?! This is complete bullshit....

  110. Hate to be an asshole, but Roberts wasn't a "surprise" either. He was announced ahead of time.

  111. Yes. Big Show *WAS* a surprise entrant. He had been in OVW to lose some weight.... And more weight found him.

  112. I think in 1996 they legit didn't have 30 names on the roster. We also got The Headhunters that year.

  113. He bit off the nose
    Of a mark in a bar fight!
    Does he get on-line?

  114. Haku superior, Big Show inferior.

  115. No it's because Vince and Steph are still bitter at Stevie Richards for trying to create his own angle on Sunday Night Heat.

  116. For your sake, I hope not....

  117. I hope Vader is in the rumble, he'd looked great against Heath Slater

  118. Carey forgot to shake hands with Vince on the way to the back and is now being buried.

  119. I'm way more concerned with the fact that in nearly all "surprise" RR entrances there's an audience member holding a sign for that person. I'll live with an announcer knowing, but a random smark is unacceptable..

  120. If Taker is really in bad shape, I could totally live with a WM Buried Alive match vs WWE HOFer Drew Carey...

  121. After seeing Jake Roberts in person last month, I say no. It was an eight man elimination match and all he did was stand on the apron clapping for the majority of the match. The end came with him and his partner, Chris Laplante, against villainous manager Jay Moore. Roberts finally came in, blew the short arm clothesline and messed up the DDT as well. The only memorable part was Jake pulling Jay's pants down and looking inside his underwear. Jake looked horrible in the ring and I don't want to see that on a major stage.

  122. I liked Matt, he seemed like a real fan who enjoyed his job unlike the useless robots doing commentary now.


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