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Taker requests Bryan???

So word is Taker has requested Daniel Bryan as his opponent for the big dance in April. Is that not the biggest Fuck You that Vince and Trips can get???

Maybe Undertaker is the devil that made Bray Wyatt do it?


  1. LOL Taker too much of an old bitch to handle Brock. Just have him show
    up in a wheelchair and Brock can throw him down the steps.

  2. Don't cut yourself on that edge bro.

  3. I wonder what Jesse Baker thinks about this development. Will this end in Bryan pinning Taker, HHH, and HBK all at the same time and making them cry?

  4. Id rather see Taker take on Cena and Hogan in a handicap match...

  5. If this is true it will be interesting to see who the fans cheer for. People love The Undertaker but no one is more over than Bryan right now. Maybe the crowd splits 50/50?

  6. I'd see the crowd more vocally chanting for Daniel while not actively booing Taker. Maybe one of those affairs where it's all love.

  7. That would be an amazing match

  8. I dont think it would do anything for Bryan though....

  9. I'd pay for that.

  10. It would raise his stock tremendously.

    If they let Bryan win, it would make him the next John Cena.

  11. I am confused... If Taker is the "Devil" Bray is referring to...wouldn't Bryan just be doing his bidding, at this point? It makes far more sense to have Kane in the "Devil" role, where Bryan does Kane's dirty work in the hopes of eliminating the Dead Man.

  12. Undertaker/Bryan is infinitely more interesting a match than Undertaker/Lesnar, and since Bryan would be a much safer opponent for ol' Taker, I say go for it.

  13. What if a young Mark Calaway was someone who was relentlessly tormented for being way too tall for his age and way too gingery?

    Now... he's someone could carry around a "bad motherfucker" wallet, a godfather and a made man at the same time, and a guru of sorts who has BS'ed his way into good matches the last eight years the way a Bernard Hopkins BS's his way to victories at an advanced age. Taker can do no wrong at this point.

    If he wants to call some shots and change some rules this late in the game, good on him.

    As long as the most deserving guys in terms of "overness"--Cena, Punk, and Bryan--are involved in the top four matches of the card, I'm happy.

  14. but they won't.

  15. the crowd seemed almost 50/50 last year when Taker went against Punk - and Punks was not nearly as popular as Bryan was the last months.

  16. Oh God, cue people whining Bryan losing to Taker is a burial!

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 3, 2014 at 12:15 AM

    It wouldn't do any harm if he loses though. Nothing wrong with putting on a good match just for the sake of putting on a good match. Might as well just come out and say that too, rather than have some convoluted angle.

  18. Bryan absolutely should not win if he goes in as a heel with scheming Wyatt Family interference.

    But...who's to say that they would be fighting each other? Maybe they will form a tag team. Team Rest In No Peace!

  19. If by that you mean that the fans would shit all over him for ending The Streak, I agree.

  20. Not me. I said Bryan should be facing Taker back when he was teaming with Kane

  21. So do they let this play out as two guys that just wanna fight (like UT vs. HHH or HBK) or do they force a shitty angle into this to "spice things up" (like UT vs. CM Punk)?

  22. Mr. Satan (Pat P. Pro)January 3, 2014 at 12:36 AM

    "Is that not the biggest Fuck You that Vince and Trips can get???"


  23. Sorry downvoters, for three months Bryan was world champ and kicking Orton's ass all over the ring before being screwed out of the title; you're saltier than anything bag of crisps or bag of chips could ever be.

  24. Interesting. I can understand that 'Taker would get to pick his opponents, but I wonder if he gets to pick who breaks the streak. Say he does pick Bryan and he chooses to give him the rub, do you think it would get vetoed by the boss?

  25. Three words: Miz, AIDS, Bukkake

  26. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 3, 2014 at 12:51 AM

    yes, mark calaway, the undertaker

  27. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 3, 2014 at 12:52 AM

    great, now it's gonna be a buried alive match

  28. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 3, 2014 at 12:53 AM

    'LOL Taker too much of an old bitch to handle Brock.'

    hi jesse!

  29. Mr. Satan (Pat P. Pro)January 3, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    No I meant a fusion of epic proportions with Mark Hamill and Mark Harmon.

    I call this beast MARK HARMONILL.

  30. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 3, 2014 at 12:56 AM

    jedi summer school

  31. You mean CM 'I rip up promos in front of writers' Punk?

    But he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do.

  32. Didn't watch RAW; did Brock Lesnar apparently say he's next in line for a WWE Heavyweight Title shot? So if that was said, meaning Lesnar could possibly win the at EC, coupled with Dave Bautista winning the Rumble...

    Does that mean Bautista/Lesnar at XXX?

  33. WM scenario #456744

  34. Gawd. If Bryan fucking goes into any WM match as a heel they've really fucked up.

    My assumption was always Bryan goes over the Wyatts bbefore WM (elimination chamber) and then moves onto his WM program as a face

  35. Man, the build to UT/Punk still annoys me. Why they could just go with "takers streak vs the guy who just held the belt for 400+ days" is beyond me. Sure, you can throw in some of those Paul Bearer but don't exclusively build around it.

  36. Well, if shawn said no to another match...
    Another Shawn as specail guest referee?

  37. I can see a heel Bryan vs Undertaker match working. What's the best for the Wyatt's/Bryan to mess up the machine? To break the streak.
    The promo's would be pretty good all round.

  38. They need the streak intact to make the Cena match interesting...

  39. Absolutely Vince has final say on that. Just to many big picture ramifications...everything from Takers future WMs drawing magnitude to the long term direction of the guy he puts over

  40. So Wyatt targets Taker with Bryan. Taker wins, and then we get Bryan turning face again in defending Taker from a beat down from the Family after the match? Nice rub for Bryan even if the story wouldn't really make much sense.

  41. Why? Those two just having a match at the biggest show of the year isn't interesting? Not that Bryan is going to win, but Cena, Taker would sell itself.

  42. Because Cena is the only one anyone would believe could beat the streak.
    The sell of Undertaker at Wrestlemania is the streak. He should only lose it when he retires.
    In a perfect world, i would have a storyline where Cena loses this year against undertaker, and they have a year long storyline where Bryan builds himself up to a level where he beats Undertaker at 31.
    Not going to happen though.

  43. Nice to have a proper heel vs taker though. None of this 'respect' rubbish.

  44. So, rumor has it that Undertaker is fighting Bryan, Cena, Brock, HHH, Punk, Rock, Bray, Batista, Kane, Orton, Hogan, Piper, Nash, Hall, HBK, Bret, Lugar, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Bruno Sammartino and Gorgeous George at Wrestlemania. It seems like every new day brings a new opponent. I'm going to go on record now and say that Undertaker is fighting either someone on the roster or someone that is not on the roster. Take that Meltzer!

  45. If Taker asked for it, he'd get it.

    Remember, both him and Vince were ready to give the streak to Kane. They don't give a shit about it's "mythos."

    I think it's hilarious the way snarks will debate the streak to the ends of the earth while Taker gives only slightly more than no fucks.

  46. If Batista signed on for two years plus house shows, my money is on him walking out of WM30 as champion.

  47. "Is that not the biggest Fuck You that Vince and Trips can get???"

    I wrote this in the previous thread, but I think people are over-estimating the HHH hatred outside of this blog.

  48. Taker and Dusty makes sense because I don't think Dust ever got revenge for Taker eliminating him at Survivor Series '90, no? Continuity.

  49. I thought Abeyance was the champ.

  50. No, see, Vince and HHH hate Bryan.

    It's like how at work, right? Your boss hates that one person, the person who keeps getting promoted and winning Employee of the Month and all that? That person keeps getting all those rewards because your boss REALLY hates them and rewarding them is a better alternative to firing them.

    Same thing here.

    Vince and HHH hate Bryan. That's why, instead of a Zigglerific shunting, he's main evented multiple PPVs, opened and closed multiple Raws, never been beaten truly clean by the current WWE Champion in several matches and is currently the focal point of one of the top angles in the company as well as being name checked by his hated rival as being in the title picture.

    If you're a fucking crazy person, this all makes total sense.

  51. He actually got revenge 30 seconds later as he tricked Taker into getting counted out. So everything was tied up in a near little PACK-AGE! (Yes, I am the ultimate nerd!!)

  52. I think at this point everyone knows that nobody is beating taker at wrestlemania. They just want to be along for the ride

  53. Haha what a story mr Saran.

  54. And keep in mind, it didn't matter that Daniel Bryan kept having the final match at those PPVs. He didn't walk out as WWE champ, and that's all that matters!

    (While last year, it didn't matter if Punk left every PPV as WWE champ... He never wrestled last, and that's all that matters!)

  55. I'm with you to a point. The difference between now and WM 14 (when Kane waa rumored to end it) is that the streak is a huge selling point for WM. As you mentioned, as soon as the streak is over (im firmly in the it should end camp fwiw) his career and that selling point is gone.

    Just for arguement sake, say Vince amd Taker are both on the same page about it being his final match, whenever that time comes. Hypothetically Vince wants say, Reigns to end the streak, and Taker wants Bryan to end the streak. I think Vince gets his way since the guy that's ending it has to be wwe endorsed, not mark Calloway endorsed.

  56. I know it's hard to believe based on this blog, but WWE's booking plans do occasionally take things onto account other than how it will effect Bryan

  57. It's another HHH ploy to screw over Bryan.
    He will book Bryan to make Undertaker tap to the Yes Lock in the middle of the ring. Then, the crowds will hate him for breaking the streak, and Vince and HHH can then use that to push Bryan back down to the midcard.

  58. To me, that match is only interesting if Cena has the belt. If you NEED to watch Cena face Taker, you can always go back and watch their last PPV match from a decade ago.

  59. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  60. I could not disagree with this more. I wanna set a "drinking bird" to press "dislike" to infinity.

  61. A Piper eye poke ending TEH STREAK™!!!!111!!!!!!11 would be the best thing ever.

  62. Mr. Satan (Pat P. Pro)January 3, 2014 at 6:17 AM

    You're tearing me apart Ted

  63. Ok. Explain to me why you want to see this match so much.

  64. That's almost like someone in 1987 saying "I really don't wanna see Hogan/Andre, because they already wrestled around 1979 before Hogan was a main eventer". I'm just gonna stop right there.

  65. I forgive that buildup solely because of this tweet from Punk:

  66. Abeyance was corporate champion.

  67. Hogan vs. Andre WAS for the championship belt.

    But you didn't answer my question. Why do you want to see this match so much.

  68. If Taker's truly banged up, I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact that Bryan is probably the safest worker amongst the group of guys who would be a believable WM opponent...

  69. They can't make Bryan a heel. His chickenshit Memphis antics with his first title run on Smackdown only got him more over as a face.

  70. I don't think you have gone on record with who your preferred 'Mania opponent for 'Taker is...

  71. I can't wait for the day he takes on the entire roster.

  72. Batista was originally supposed to end it also but something happened, I don't recall what.


  74. They got mad that they were so low on the card?

  75. Please present evidence of Bryan being WWW Champion for 3 months.


  77. Cool, so Bryan bounces around this statue for 20 minutes and eats a tombstone.

    I really wish taker would just retire.

  78. That's what sells tickets, obviously.

  79. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    ...or this person was promoted because he is being set up to fail by the boss that hates him but the person succeeds to the point that people outside the company recognize his value and veteran employees commend him.

    DBry is successful despite his conditions...not because of them.

  80. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    Taker and Tamina Snuka FTW.

  81. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I would love to see the look on HHH's face if Taker would said, 'fuck the script' and let DBry pin him with the fingerpoke of Doom to break the streak.

  82. Wow, I wonder if MarSolo sent this in...=)

  83. LOL. I don't want to be too derogatory but as someone who works in the corporate world, this scenario rarely - if *ever* - occurs. If you hate someone, they get fired. They don't get promoted and set up to fail...they just get fired.

  84. Other than Sheamus or Cena, I dont want anybody on the active roster fighting Taker, it does nothing for em....

    ...ok, id be okay with Taker/Khali too....

  85. I would say it would be a different match because Cena is a more seasoned performer and Taker is kept fresh due to not wrestling the rest of the year....

    ....funny because there are some parallels to Hogan/Andre as Cena has kinda become Hogan and Taker has become the special attraction that Andre once was...

  86. Only thing I hate about these Taker matches is everybody knows the winner already, I know win/loss isnt everything but it is part of the suspense...

  87. I highly doubt Batista is signing that kind of deal when he's just about to appear in a potential major franchise movie in Summer 2014.

  88. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 3, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    That's the main thing I hate about them. Really, any match where there's no doubt of the outcome (outside of jobber squashes) means the promoter isn't doing his job.

  89. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 3, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    I have worked in a job for 10 years where my boss didn't want to fire employees he didn't like. He'd rather they quit so he wouldn't have to pay them benefits. He constantly played favorite to the point where upper management has reprimanded him over it.

    One of the things he would do would be to give to sales managers of equal ranking two totally different targets to hit with the higher target going to the one he didn't like. The one he did like got every concession in the world.when his targets weren't hit. The one with the higher target (We'll call him "Daniel") would stay, bust his ass and help clients and hit his targets. Clients would call my old boss and tell him how great Daniel was and how he got to work early and stay late.

    I left this job last year. Daniel won sales men of the year and left because during his evaluation my old boss had the nerve to look him in the face and say, "What have you done to justify getting a raise?" I heard that the other guy, (who I'll call "Randy") was fired a few months ago because he was lazy and fucked up quite a few major projects.

  90. Dude, I don't dispute things like what you describe happen all the time. However what you are describing is not actually a promotion, at least not how the corporate world views a legitimate promotion. This is just working another guy extra hard so that he'll leave. It's no different than moving someone in a position you know they'll dislike so that they'll quit.

    Let me amend my earlier statement - if you hate someone, you fire them or you put them in a role that essentially is daring them to quit. If they wanted Bryan gone, they'd either fire him or stop featuring the guy. :)

    Way, way more I could say about that job and the way Daniel should have handled that (yes, Daniel - it's not his fault entirely but there are definitely things he could've done) but this is a wrestling blog so I'll leave it alone...

  91. Or Taker as Bray's higher power....

  92. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 3, 2014 at 10:42 PM

    If I'm a worker and moved to a management position, that is a promotion. That being said that what they are doing. More to the point, it's that HHH has been accused of doing for years.

    "I gave him a shot, but he wasn't good enough/he couldn't handle it so he quit/etc."

  93. Preceeded of course by the famous "clap your hands behind his head" move.

  94. Without the Corporate Eyebrow or Elbow, unfortunately :(

  95. Not a bad theory... Hogan/Warrior-esque perhaps? I don't recall much (if any) booing during that.

  96. There's nothing in your original story that indicates Daniel was given a promotion, only that he was given much higher sales targets.

    "If I'm a worker and moved to a management position, that is a promotion".

    If it comes with an increase - hopefully significant - in pay (and potentially benefits), then yes, that is a promotion.

    If it came with no change in salary at all, then this is taking advantage of a sucker.

    I hope this isn't starting to touch on any nerves, man, I take it from your posts you weren't happy there.

  97. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 4, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Not at all. And to be honest I could have been happy there, but I saw the exodus if people that left there and it was for the same reason: The people that my former boss likes got away with murder, while the others were forced to work and meet unreasonable deadlines. And it wasn't subtle to it at all.

    That being said, the promotion was to sales. Thought that was clear..sorry if it wasn't.

  98. LOL, working in sales is never a promotion!! (ba dum bum)

    Thank you everybody!! ;)


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