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The network

> Now than the network ia a go, what kind of scheduling/unannounced shows sound good to everyone?

Scheduling? Pffff, just give me 24/7 access to old PPVs and TV and I'm happier than Joey with a big jar of jam.


  1. $9.99. LIVE PPV's included as well as all old PPV's, shows, etc. Honestly, the only thing they could add is the Punk's Diva Bang Bus show that someone suggested yesterday, WWE Price Is Right, Live cameras inside of the Divas locker room, Live video of the WWE writing rooms and free video games.

  2. Honestly, if you're a fan of wrestling in any fashion, I don't see how
    you CAN'T try this for at least the first 6 months.

    And as far concerns regarding the
    technology goes, they're partnering with MLBAM, who produces MLB.TV
    (baseball streaming), which is by far & away the best sports
    streaming system I've seen. The quality gets better & better every
    year with hardly any freeze-ups or anything like that.

    Bottom line...this is going to be VERY cool to try out, at least.

  3. Not being on cable is not a bug, it's a feature. Cable is dying and services like Netflix, Amazon streaming, etc are becoming more popular every year.
    We don't yet know how well the service will work in practice, but on paper WWE is doing everything right with their network/streaming service so far.

  4. So your issue is that it's not viewable on a TV?

    Better hook your PC up to your TV, then.

    This is the way EVERYTHING is going. Cable TV is still alive by sheer force of will of the cable companies who resist any sort of change on principle.

    In our lifetimes, whether it be your PC, Apple TV, Google TV, Xbox One, whatever, this is the model that will be the standard.

  5. I want a return of Are You Serious, longer than the 5 minute shows they did onYouTube.

  6. Oh yes, the much-discussed cord-cutting phenomenan that the media loves so much. Here's a quick fact:

    There are 104 million cable subscribers. They lost 113,000 subscribers in Q3 2013. That is 0.1% they lost. So only 100,000 more quarters before cable TV is gone!

  7. Fine, it's not a channel. Maybe we should just rename it, the $10 subscription to pure awesomeness with some original programming on the side.

  8. I thought the standard would be, "Make sure to download as many avis, wmvs, mp4s, and rar/zips as you can before the government and big business figure out a way to prevent this"

  9. What Scott said. I know it's fun and fashionable to bash WWE, often times deservedly so, on the blog, but this is a winner for most of us, I'd assume.

  10. To be fair, ESPN streams almost all their content on their WatchESPN app and on I'm not saying the TV network is going away, but their stuff has been available online for years.

  11. I agree that Cable TV is resistant to change, but as consumers it's also
    ridiculous to assume that these huge companies with shareholders to
    answer to can just flip a switch to an entirely new business model
    without truly knowing how it is going to affect the bottom line. The
    fact that us and all of our friends would be ready for it doesn't jive
    with the fact that a vast majority of people nationwide still watch
    programming the old fashioned way, live on TV.

  12. If this isn't even a channel,you don't need schedules.

  13. You realize it can't stay at $10, right? Like it's fiscally impossible for the numbers to work without the WWE losing a shitton of revenue.

    That's the point of my post - it's not going to work. You should enjoy the first six months.

  14. Does anything really work at first?

  15. Cable is dying? Shit, someone better tell ESPN.

  16. I wrote the post and have no doubt it'll be cool for me as a wrestling geek. The problem is there aren't enough wrestling geeks to make it work for them.

    If there were...then WWE Classics on Demand would've had gotten more than 100,000 subscribers. It's a NICHE product and that's the problem. It appeals to like 1% of its Raw audience.

    You think the parents of a 13-year old John Cena fan wants to spend $120 per year so little Jimmy can watch Anarchy Rulz 99 on his laptop? Cmon.

  17. He makes a good point on the content. The network would have been even better with RAW, Smackdown, NXT, Main event, Superstars, Total Divas and Saturday morning Slam on it. However, I believe the replays will be on the next day, which is great, especially for the overseas fans.

    I disagree though that traditional cable would have been the way to go. It's a much better decision to go the streaming route, because people are tired to pay $100 a month for 250 channels, 230 of which they never watch altogether.

  18. Dying doesn't mean dead. These are long-term trends that have been widely discussed all over the place.

  19. As more of these types of offerings crop up and as the younger generation become household decision makers, i think it will speed up the process. Banking on the same evolution rate as the past isn't the best assumption.

  20. One other mistake here is the assumption that the "diehards" are the ones buying the PPVs. As we see on many places like this, that isn't the case at all.

  21. Do you know where to dig up stats on this split into age demographics? As with many tech-related things, this will be driven by younger folks.

  22. Exactly...I am sure similar things were said about cable in the early 80s.

  23. Way to miss the point, but I guess being snarky makes up for it! Keep on ranting and not thinking!

  24. You are living life wrong

  25. A show called "How I buried your father." It's HHH telling Jerichos, Goldbergs, RVDs, Booker T's kids how he politically out maneuvered their dads.

  26. Bring back Tough Enough with Stone Cold, only don't edit him berating the contestants.

  27. No but Little Jimmy's parents who order nearly every PPV for Little Jimmy are sure going to want to spend $120 per year instead of whatever it is for all PPV's. Oh and Little Jimmy can go back and watch that Raw where Cena said "poopy" and doesn't clog the DVR with old Raws and Smackdowns? SIGN ME UP BIG DADDY JIMMY

  28. I think being disappointed with the announcement just reeks of contrarian bullshit. He also used the phrase "Buried the LEAD" in his blog post. Yeah, I'm not reading all of that.

  29. WWE COD didn't allow them to watch the PPVs live, and had a FAR smaller amount of content. And it's Standard Definition (or at least, in my area it is).

    And, yeah, $120 per year sounds like a large amount, but when you break it down to $10 per month, it's much easier to digest. Say a parent decides to do the "trial" as a gift to their child - it's a $60 commitment, basically like buying a new video-game. The kid will love it, the parents will see that, and decide that $10 per month is worth it.

  30. Sure, it's a souped-up version of 24/7, but it's been souped-up about a thousand times over.

  31. Easy, you're wife says no because you have a son due in April and she thinks you won't have time to watch it. Pssh, women.

  32. The only part of the live channel that I'd be interested in is the PPV's. It's all about the old stuff.
    Of course, I can't get the channel for another year or more so meh.

  33. Yes, but you're also getting all of the Pay-Per-Views. Think about it - the PPVs add up to $720 a year for a parent. With WWE network you're saving yourself $600.

  34. Would a parent really buy every PPV? If so, those are some cool ass parents.

  35. Good point. But even if they cave in and buy two pay-per-views, that's adding up to the exact same price that all of the PPVs on WWE network will cost you in an entire year.

  36. $10 is nothing. I spend that on lunch some days.

  37. Glad to hear Little Jimmy is still alive, since R-Truth never mentions him anymore, assumed he was dead.

  38. Sure, she will be open to listening once I say parallax has my back on this.

  39. You sound like me! Must be a Top 5 thing

  40. This idea is so ingenious it's ubergenius

  41. WWE should hire you as their accountant.

  42. Every ECW, WCW, and WWF/E PPV ever shown, unedited, including new WWE PPVs live for $9.99 a month is not enough. I demand front row tickets to every WWE event, and a time machine to view ECW PPVs live, as well for my 10 bucks! Also, not including Heroes of Wrestling is blasphemy!

  43. I have zero hope in any of the Reality Shows and original programming outside of the documentary potential, which I think is huge. I do hope they set it up so that if I want to binge watch matches featuring Iron Mike Sharpe (or anyone else, for that matter) I can do that easily. Searching his name or setting up some sort of queue with just matches from a specific person.

  44. My only concern is wrestler compensation. Those PPV paychecks (which many mid-carders depend on) will not decrease dramatically. Meanwhile, someone like Kofi Kingston could wrestle on Raws, Smackdowns, Main Events, Superstars, and NXT within a two week period, still wrestle a match on PPV, be asked to participate in panel discussions for WWE Network shows (extra trips and time), be asked to wrestle on a wrestling show exclusive to the network... and actually get paid less?

    I'm not saying it will happen, but it is a possibility. I have to believe that revenue from the network will first and foremost be used to cover expenses of the network and not compensate the wrestlers.

    Think of it...WWE has been built on the blood, sweat, and pain of "the boys." This is not possible without them, and they may be the most mistreated out of all involved parties. If WWE does not compensate properly, I could see a legitimate run at creating a union or making some affiliation with an established union. I know, I know--Vince would rather die than let that happen. Still, content and efforts are increasing for these overworked talents, but WWE is still operating under a contract system designed about 16 years ago (to compete with the defunct WCW) to reward them.

  45. It will be like homephones vs cell phones. It was this way for awhile with homephones as well. Then people started shutting off their home phones in mass. The same will happen with cord cutters in a few years as well.

  46. So, you're worried about a future event that may or may not happen? It won't stay at $10 forever, like the fact that my cable bill, utilities, rent and other expenses go up pretty often, while my salary doesn't keep up.

    The starting point is great, though, and has ensured I'll be on board for that 6-month commitment.

  47. This has 0 chance of happening but id LOVE to see an untouched, unedited, Vince McMahon produced and directed reality show. It would involve dating, eating weird things, shit, and weight lifting in some capacity.

  48. And to add a little bit--I am completely in love with this proposed format and vision of the WWE Network. I will subscribe. I will be happy. Just worried about those guys in the locker room.

  49. Not only that, but it did not have anywhere near the clearance on cable companies that would have made it viable. I can't remember ever having it available to me.

  50. I'm with you on this. The only way it goes up after six months is if they can't crack half a million subscribers would be my guess. Otherwise, I think the price remains the same for the first year and goes up about $2 next year.

  51. The Average B show PPV does about 15% as good a buyrate as Wrestlemania. Therefore, most people aren't getting those PPVS. If someone pays $120 a year, they may give WWE a bigger amount of annually than would before. That would mean compensation probably wouldn't go down. Also, the WWE network will not be through cable, so WWE will not have to give Comcast- Time Warner- Cox etc a cut of the revenues.

  52. I think people are shoveling dirt on cable's grave waaaay too soon. Cable is still going to be going strong for quite a while. People prefer to watch TV on their TV, not on a computer, phone, or tablet. Only a small fraction of people hook their TV's up to the Internet to watch programs. Y

    es, the future seems to be going towards streaming and on-demand. But there's still a crapload of money to be made in cable TV, and I can see his point that ignoring that is foolish.

    However, I just don't see how even if WWE put all their TV shows on the network (which would risk damage to RAW, their main cash cow) - I just don't see how there would be enough programming to fill up a TV cable network. And they would have a lot of difficulty getting onto cable provider's lists.

  53. I hope it does mean more overall profit because it will mean more money for everyone, but I can just as easily see all of this money going into maintaining the network and all of it's costs/expenses. There's a chance that the WWE Network will end up in the red as well for the first year. So, even MORE money generated by these wrestlers will flow and filter over to network expenses.

    I sincerely hope otherwise because this can be one of the best things to ever happen to pro wrestling.

  54. Contact Daniel Bryan for that time machine. He'll hook you up.

  55. I believe William Regal said he just recorded a long interview with some production guys for a documentary about him and his character for the WWE Network. Spotlighting guys perhaps not popular enough for a 3 disc DVD set is another awesome choice.

  56. I wonder if they wouldn't consider hiring Sean Oliver to be their sort of equivalent to a late night host and try to crack into the shoot interview market. He's got the gab, he's very presentable, he's liked by the wrestlers and isn't just some nerd with money or can't be bothered Rob Feinstein.

    Have him interview a HOFer - maybe do a series where he interviews every living one - from the Stamford studios. Can be fairly honest, raunchy without going into his old 'Ho Bag', 'Dick Bag', etc.

    Obviously JR would have been perfect for this role but... y'know...

    Really the possibilities are almost endless

  57. "Let's see....young boys grow out of wrestling by the time their balls drop. Older fans can either torrent our shows or just go to and download for free. The public does not view wrestling as anything other than a homoerotic leftover from the carnival days. Smarks hate our product because we never push people that don't make us any money but have great work rate. What should we do?

    "Let's make a channel! And it will be cheap!"

    "I don't know about that...shouldn't we try...

    "There will be a Legend's House!"

    "Will Jimmy Hart be shirtless?"


    "Call our share holders. We're going to make millions!"

  58. I wanted it as a regular channel. I'm not able to sit and watch a 3 hr ppv at the computer. I suppose I have to get with the times. Either way, 10/month for 12 PPV is an awesome deal.

  59. But there's so many ways to getting around the "sitting by the computer" deal. Gaming systems' apps, tablets, hdmi cords from computer to regular screens, etc. We'll find a way.

  60. ::NWO top 5 bro embrace"

  61. I will use a laptop for the blog and an iPad for the show.

  62. On behalf of all Iron Mike Sharpe fans, "RAARAARARARARAARRRRR!"

  63. Probably all at the same time.

  64. Vast library of decades of matches plus original shows can't be enough programming for a network how?

  65. First kid? You'll have time to watch it. Ever since I had my son a year ago, I never go out like I used to so I watch waaaay more TV and Netflix.

  66. Yes, a great idea, particularly for someone like Regal who has so much story to tell.

    Im in the UK so delighted this is coming to us. My only concern is that the PPVs are available on demand the next day because bar WM, I wont be watching any live.

  67. He is ready for the talk

  68. I was listening to a Keller podcast last year with the writer who used to play Big Dick Johnson. He said that Vince tossed around the idea of doing a ppv pregame show where they show the wrestling working with agents, glimpses inside creative meetings, and essentially blow up the 4th wall. It's an interesting idea if nothing else for the network.

  69. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 1:23 PM

    'We'll find a way.'

    i found this phrasing amusing

    'we'll get through this...together'

  70. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    both of you guys' hand wandered!

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    'So, you're worried about a future event that may or may not happen?'

    don't forget that we *do* love to discuss meltz and "current wwe plans" here :P

  72. "If the goal of the WWE Network was to appease hardcore
    wrestling fans, then the announcement Wednesday was a success. Or was it?"

    well... pretty much ALL of the posters here are "hardcore wrestling fans". so why should we care?


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