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The PG Era Rant: Raw, 1/13/14 (OR: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Mark the Heck Out)

When last we left our heroes, the Internet exploded. With legends taking over, the word was about Jake the Snake's recovery, Ric Flair's downturn, and groups growing via unpopular ways. Now the Road to the Royal Rumble picks up in earnest; who is going to take the bull by the horns and become the favorite among the 30?

Our live look-in is all about the WWE Network and details you'll need to know. Plus, both Randy Orton and John Cena will have matches tonight.

The PG Era Rant for Raw, January 13, 2014.

Live from Providence, RI.

Your hosts are the Three Blind Mice.

We open with a look at the Wyatt Family's recruitment of Daniel Bryan. Bray Wyatt brags about it in a canned bit. Daniel Bryan is home.

Opening match: The Usos v. Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan. No “we're here” entrance. Crowd is still chanting YES, but not nearly as loud as usual. They switch to a “Daniel Bryan” chant. Bryan and Jey start, and Jey pounds on him and gets a right hook in the corner. Bryan floors Jey and works him over in the corner, tagging in Bray. Bray stomps away on Jey and taunts Jimmy, but Jey starts a slugfest only to lose. Bray with headbutts, and in comes Bryan. Bryan chokes Jey against the ropes and fish-hooks Jey's nose before kicking his kidneys. Crowd cheers for Bryan. Bryan with the Taker apron legdrop as JBL claims the crowd is applauding Bryan's choice. Bray back in, and Bryan with a guillotine on the bottom rope leading to a Bray quakedrop. Bray throws Jey into the corner and avalanches him, then laughs at Jimmy and tags in Bryan. Bryan nails Jey with the YES kicks, but without the YES. Roundhouse finale hits as well, and he goes back to the fish-hook. Crowd tries to chant for Bryan again as Bryan kicks the back and goes TO THE CHINLOCK. Jey fights out of it, but Bryan catches a kick only to get Dragon Whipped. Hot tag Jimmy, and Bryan is run over with clotheslines and a Samoan Drop. Rikishi Hip Check follows, getting two before Bray saves. Jimmy tosses Bray and Bryan in turn, and the Usos follow with stereo pescados. Pescadi? Everybody's back in now, and the Usos climb adjacent corners only for Harper and Rowan to run in and cause the DQ at 5:38. Not much heat to this one, oddly enough. *3/4 Harper and Rowan isolate Jey and mug him in the corner, but Jey avoids the T&A double-team and kicks down Bryan, allowing the Usos to escape. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Bryan looks at the others like “Dude, why you leave me to take the punishment, man?” The crowd is just WAITING for this to fall apart. Bray whispers some encouragement to Bryan, who again pledges his loyalty and asks to hug it out. Bray gives him Sister Abigail's Kiss anyway. “I do this for all of us! This will lead to change!” It's looking more and more like they're going with the Shawn/JBL “one of these days he's going to snap and go back to normal” stories, but the difference is that JBL and Shawn were reasonably over and better storytellers than Bray and Bryan. Plus, let's face it: was Shawn against JBL really that good a story?

Up next: John Cena in action.

Royal Rumble ad, featuring the return of Batista. There's your clubhouse favorite, folks.

The WWE Network will offer every Pay Per View event ever in WWF, WWE, WCW, ECW... you have my money!

Damien Sandow v. John Cena. We look at Sandow's downhill run, starting with failing at his cash-in. After the bit with Bryan had the crowd deflated, it's Cena to pump them back up... and he does a good job of it. Is Cena wearing Calvin Klein underwear? Why do I notice that? Sandow with a headlock to start as the crowd is their usual. Cena pushes off and, after some iterations, gets an armdrag on the whip. He works the arm, into a headlock, and this time Sandow tries to mimic Cena's armdrag only to get caught for a one-count. Sandow knocks over Cena and stomps away in the corner, adding a boot choke. Sandow with a headbutt and slam to Cena as we go to break. We come back with Sandow working the arm – and it's the right arm, because that's the one that actually got hurt. He misses a kneedrop, however, and Cena begins the comeback. Five-Knuckle Shuffle connects, and the AA is set up, but Sandow with the Edge-O-Matic for two. Terminus try, but Cena fights out of it into the STF try, but Sandow blocks that. Sandow kicks the leg out of Cena's leg, and Edgecation – called the Royal Arch or something – is hooked, but Cena fights out. Half-nelson into a Rude Awakening by Cena gets two. Cena goes up, but Sandow catches him and meets him up there. They fight over what comes next, with Cena shoving Sandow down, then catching him with a Tornado DDT for two. Cena's incredulous, but tries the AA again, but Sandow with a sunset flip for two. Sandow with a facejam for two. Full nelson slam try by Sandow, but Cena gets a hiptoss and STF only for Sandow to make the ropes. Sandow with the Crossface out of nowhere on Cena, but he doesn't really have the arm locked well and Cena picks him up on his back. He breaks straight into the AA for the pin at 10:26. These two have GREAT chemistry together, which bodes well for Sandow's future, but this reminds me of Vampiro in WCW 2000 under Sullivan: he would get the rub of being near main eventers, but can't beat them, so is he really getting over? **3/4 Cena hugs his dad at ringside.

Up tonight: CM Punk and the New Age Outlaws face the Shield in a SmackDown rematch. Plus, a look at the WWE Network announcement.

Tweets from legitimate news reporters celebrate how awesome the WWE Network is. This leads to a look at the press conference where it was all announced. The more we hear about this, the more awesome it is. And I can get it on my PS3? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Meanwhile, back in the Main Office, Kane is looking over something on paper with Brad Maddox. Maddox approves of how the show started and brings up the Wyatts. Kane tells Maddox to enforce the rules. Maddox: “Oh, you want ME to enforce?” Maddox asks for the Usos/BrayBryan match to be redone in a cage. Kane likes it, but he thinks he can top it: no escaping through the door, and Kane has the key. Hmmm... you know, if they were going to abort the Bryan-in-the-Wyatts story tonight, this WOULD be the hottest way to do it.

Big Show v. Jack Swagger. As a reminder, Brock Lesnar will throw Big Show around like a ragdoll at the Rumble. Colter's sign: “You're a BIG part of the problem.” We look back at Show and Brock facing off. Heck of a bump by Brock, too. Show throws Swagger around to start, and Swagger tries a double-leg takedown but gets beaten up in the corner. Huge throw across the ring, and Show with a Hammer Throw but Swagger gets the knees up on a charge. All momentum is cut off as Show bowls over Swagger a bunch and begins his comeback, ending with a shoulder tackle. Chokeslam time, and Swagger goes for the ride and is pinned at 1:19. Squash. Cesaro enters to attack Show, but thinks better of it and races off through the crowd. But Show sees Colter and has an idea. He stalks Colter, who does the “Oh crap, there's someone behind me, isn't there?” look. He tries to beg off, but Show grabs him and... lets go to shove Cesaro away. So much for the sneak attack. Back to Colter, and Show winds up, but Colter cries for mercy and begs to be let go. It looks like Show will listen... then he winks and knocks him out anyway before doing the We The People pose. Be a star, folks!

Did we mention the SmackDown rematch? It's coming up next.

Batista. Coming back. Next week. Wants title.

New Age Outlaws & CM Punk v. Shield. They hit all the notes in the intro. Did anyone tell them DX is just Shawn and HHH again and they're not allowed in the front door? JBL: “Billy forgot his lines again, didn't he?” Road Dogg introduces Punk. Does the WWE even know Dean Ambrose still has the US Title? He's never getting his deposit back at this rate. Ambrose starts against Gunn. Gunn with a headlock, which he works on, but Ambrose throws him off only to get knocked down. Ambrose with wild shots in the corner, but a blind charge misses and Gunn punches at him. Ambrose controls with a headlock and brings in Rollins. Rollins kicks away at Gunn, but Gunn with a kneelift only to run into a boot. Rollins gets caught in a tilt-a-whirl slam for two. Dogg in, and he works the arm only to get knocked down. Ambrose back in, and he and Rollins work over Dogg before Ambrose rakes at the face in the corner. Punk gets Ambrose away, but it doesn't last as Ambrose tries to keep it up only to get punched down by Dogg, who gets the Shake Rattle and Roll kneedrop for one. Dogg with the chinlock as the crowd says he still got it. Ambrose fights out of it as much as possible, but Dogg holds the arm and Punk tags in. Ambrose races off and gets a standstill, but he charges only to get punched down. Punk sends Ambrose pillar to post and adds Bionic Elbows in the corner. Blind charge eats boot and Ambrose gets control, only to be ALMOST GTS'd. Rollins in, and same for him. So fine, the Shield bring in Reigns to a pop. Whatever they're doing with the Shield, it's working. Reigns and Punk have a staredown, then throw forearms. Punk seems to get the advantage, but it doesn't last as Reigns punches him down off the ropes. He stays on top of Punk, avoiding GTS but getting low bridged out. Punk adds a tope suicida for fun. Outlaws cut off the Shield as we go to break. We return with Punk bowling over Rollins, adding a back elbow and swinging neckbreaker for two. FLASH FUNK IS TRENDING ON TWITTER. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. Rollins knocks Punk down and brings Reigns in, who gets a dropkick from the floor to the apron. It gets two. Ambrose and Reigns double-team Punk, and Ambrose punches him down. He stomps the hand and headbutts Punk, adding a straight kick for two. He goes to the chinlock, as Punk is holding his eye – maybe Reigns's kick was a little too strong? Punk tries to suplex out of it, but gets caught with a running knee to the gut for two. Rollins in now, and he punches Punk in the face. Rollins with a Stinger Splash on Punk for two. Ambrose back in, and he stomps away on Punk. Short clothesline gets two. Ambrose taunts Punk and stomps away at his gut. Rollins points out the eye injury, and Ambrose goes right to it. Punk tries to crawl through Ambrose to the tag, but Ambrose catches him and headbutts him. Ambrose dumps Punk to the outside and follows, but Punk reverses a throw into the steps. Punk back in, and Reigns throws Ambrose in so he can tag Rollins. Rollins is caught coming off the top, but Reigns tags in and drags him away. He does the crotch-chop to the Outlaws, but that allows Punk a roundhouse kick. Hot tag... to no one, as the Outlaws bail on the match. Punk realizes this, and he is not amused. The Shield are grinning at Punk's predicament, but Punk goes to town on all three. Reigns with a spear to cut it off, and that's all she wrote at 15:38. ***1/4 As for why they did it? Punk doesn't like HHH and the Authority, and the Outlaws are HHH's friends so of COURSE they taught Punk a lesson. See? This writes itself. Now, let's see if they do that. Shield get ready to leave, but Reigns wants to do more damage and they return. Triplebomb to Punk follows.

We tune in to the Wyatt Family as Bray speaks to Bryan. He says the Usos do not want to be locked in a cage with them. The Wyatts have been locked in society's cage and now they're out to do what they want. Tonight, they'll find redemption and absolution in the cage. Run.

Cameron and Naomi v. AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka. A theory: the more developed a character is, the more likely they have a last name. Wait a second, is Emma in the crowd? Cameron and Tamina start, and Tamina shoves Cameron down. Cameron tries a rollup, but that fails. Tamina misses a legdrop, and Cameron gets one. Cameron with headscissors on Tamina, but she gets smashed on the top rope by Tamina. JACKET OF DOOM follows, and Tamina gets two. She drops a knee and goes to a waistlock. Tamina switches to a slam, and now AJ wants in. Swinging neckbreaker to Cameron and she skips around, and because she gets to show character, she gets cheered. It gets one. Bodyscissors to Cameron, switching to a sleeper. Cameron fights out, but AJ stops the tag (barely) and elbows down Naomi for fun. Shining Wizard ends it at 2:51. Naomi did nothing. 1/4* Tamina pounds Cameron some more, but Naomi's had enough and throws out AJ and destroys Tamina. Butt-butt to AJ and the heels bail. There's your Royal Rumble match. (By the way, yes, that was Emma.)

Randy Orton is angry and demands to see Triple H.

Later tonight, we restart the opening match in a steel cage. In addition, we'll find out who the headliner will be for the Class of 2014 in the Hall of Fame.

Okay, a look at the Divas' roster: the WWE somehow thinks just BEING a Total Diva is enough to be a face. None of the Total Divas have shown any character on the main program outside of “they're on that show”. Compare to AJ, who has been very much protected, given an in-depth character, and allowed to say everyone is beneath her and prove it by consistently winning. Is it any wonder she's over and the others aren't? Someone needs to beat AJ soon, or the whole division is DOA.

Kane is on his PDA when Orton demands to see HHH and Stephanie. Orton is really really angry about the rematch with Cena, about Lesnar showing up, about Batista's return... dude, is he the Face of the Company or not? Kane says he knows all this, but he's only in charge of tonight. And tonight, Orton will face Kofi Kingston and get to beat him up. (Stupid, stupid, stupid. You're all thinking it.)

Legitimate news outlets are praising the WWE Network idea. Let's let Vince have this one: he's earned it.

Your first Hall of Fame inductee is... THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR! Slam dunk. I'm so ready for his speech. Crowd totally approves.

Renee Young is with Paul Heyman. Young reviews footage of Show and Brock fighting each other again. Young asks how Heyman feels about the Royal Rumble match. Heyman: “Wow, beauty really is skin deep around here.” Heyman wonders if knocking out Zeb Colter was trying to impress Lesnar. Eat / Sleep / Conquer / Repeat is Lesnar's credo. Heyman talks about acromegaly causing stupidity, because Show's a bonehead for picking a fight with Lesnar. It's one thing to attack Swagger, fine, or knock out Colter, whoop de doo. Heyman is unimpressed. Lesnar is the clear #1 Contender, and he'll prove it at the Rumble.

Randy Orton v. Kofi Kingston. Cole says that Orton is whining about the pressure, which JBL finds ridiculous. Kofi will be in the Rumble match, as will Miz, Big E Langston, the Rhodeses, R-Truth, Xavier Woods, Alberto Del Rio... and others. Orton pounds away on Kingston and dumps him, following to the outside and uppercutting him down. Orton throws Kofi into the barricade and back in. It gets two. Orton chokes Kofi in the second turnbuckle, then stomps Kofi's leg. Blind charge hits the boots, and Kofi begins a comeback. Orton with a whip to the corner, and a clothesline gets two. The announcers argue about Orton and who he whines about rather than call the match. Orton stomps away on Kofi, hanging him up on the top rope. Kofi falls outside, and Orton works the crowd as Kofi is trying to recover. Orton follows Kofi outside, but Kofi throws him into the RAW table over and over. Back in, but Orton suckers Kofi into the turnbuckle. Orton throws Kofi to the top rope and headbutts him, following him up with a superplex. Orton: “KICK OUT OF THAT!” And at two, he does. Orton is quite put off by this. Orton goes to the Garvin Stomp to Kofi, then a kneedrop for two. JBL brings up a good point: Why is Brock Lesnar allowed to just CALL himself #1 Contender? Cole counters: not like anyone disagrees. Kofi slowly fights back, sending Orton out of the ring with a clothesline and followng with a fake-out. Baseball slide misses, but Kofi sends Orton into the stairs. He leaps off the apron with a lariat to Orton and tries to fire the crowd up as we go to break. The problem, of course, is the crowd doesn't give Kofi a chance (unlike with Cody and Goldust earlier), so they're not really rallying behind him. We return with Orton grabbing Kofi by the dreads and suplexing him onto the barricade. He sends Kofi into the table (“HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?”) and throws him back in. He follows and gets two. He's been grinding his forearm into Kofi's face on the pinfall attempts. Orton to the chinlock, but Kofi fights out and back suplexes Orton. Kofi boxes away on Orton, but a thumb to the eye stops it, only for Kofi to recover. Orton prevents Trouble in Paradise and throws Kofi to the outside. Orton's lip may be busted, and if so, Orton will be ANGRY. Kofi goes into the steps to pay for it. Two sets of steps, actually. Back in, Orton laughs at Kofi (who isn't moving) before stomping his head in. Orton's facials are amazing. It gets two. The stomp, not the facials. Orton back to the chinlock, smiling as he has it on. Orton yells at the crowd to shut up, which fires them up a bit. Kofi fights out, but Orton pounds on the back. Blind charge hits elbow, and Kofi with double chops to fire back, but a dropkick misses. Orton looks at his chest as if to say, “Did he really deign to chop me?” Orton stomps at the head again as he is not happy. Orton picks Kofi up by the hair and uppercuts him. Orton smiles at Kofi and drags him to his feet again, but Kofi with a backslide for two. An angry Orton uppercuts Kofi for two. Orton to an armbar and chinlock, smiling away. Kofi fights out, but Orton pulls him down by the hair. Kneedrop misses, though, and Kofi with a dropkick as the crowd's starting to get into it. Flying clothesline by Kofi and Boom Drop follow, but the latter misses. Orton growls in frustration before hitting the Draping DDT, but Kofi reverses to the SOS for the pin (!!!) at 16:43. We need more massive upsets like this. Now the question is: does it mean Kofi's getting pushed? Orton doesn't need the win or loss – and his anger and post-match tantrum proves it – but Kofi could easily be revitalized by this win. *** I'll totally admit this rating may be more than you give and the story is an acquired taste, but Orton's arrogance getting the best of him and Kofi's hope spots made me enjoy it. Orton is so mad he beats up John Cena Sr., which brings Junior out to chase Orton off and check on his father. Awesome, awesome segment, but we've already seen Orton beat up Cena's dad to get heat on their match. They've literally done everything before. Doesn't mean it doesn't work.

John Cena Sr. is being helped out of the arena on a stretcher, with Cena following. We look back at Kofi's big upset win and Orton taking it out on everything and everyone. Even JBL thinks Orton went too far. They load him into the ambulance, and Cena will follow his dad to the hospital. JBL washes his hands of Orton. That's a great touch.

The Rhodes Brothers v. Ryback and Curtis Axel. Great touch on the WWE App: Goldust promises to eliminate Cody to get even for years past. Goldust with a hiptoss on Axel to start, but Axel slugs away to take control. Goldust with a kick and kneeling uppercut. Ryback tags in, and he runs over Goldust as the announcers point out Ryback's Twitter meltdown. Test of strength is offered, but Goldust refuses. Cody in, and he kicks Ryback and gets a moonsault press for one. Cody works the arm, and Goldust punches Ryback in the gut. Ryback with a headlock on Goldust, but Axel tags in and gets a Northern lariat. Axel works Goldust over in the corner, then nails a dropkick for two. Axel brings Ryback in after some shots, and the duo crushes Goldust in the corner. Ryback gets two before HITTING THE CHINLOCK. Goldust fights out but runs into a military press slam. This match will not get the crowd back into it. Ryback gets two. Ryback kicks away and brings Axel in. Goldust with a back elbow off a corner whip, but Ryback prevents the hot tag. Blind charge eats boot, and Goldust with a running bulldog. Hot tag Cody, and Axel is run over repeatedly. Brisco Rollup gets two. Sliding punch by Cody, and the Holly low kick follows. Springboard dropkick by Cody, and he goes back up, nailing Ryback with the Disaster Kick. Goldust clears Ryback away, but Axel cradles Cody for two. Cody reverses the neckbreaker into Cross Rhodes for the pin at 6:04. Yawn. 3/4*

Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio will meet next.

Batista is going to win^H^H^Henter the Royal Rumble. He'll be here next week.

Rey Mysterio v. Alberto Del Rio. Did one of the cameras just go dead? Someone's getting fired. Either that or the Wyatts hacked the wrong feed. Superstar-style inset promo says Rey Mysterio will enter the Rumble. Both of these men are former Rumble winners. Lillian Garcia introduces Del Rio in Spanish just because. There's a La Parka cosplayer at ringside. Del Rio pounds on Rey in the corner, adding a slam for one. Del Rio throws Rey into the ropes, but gets caught with headscissors. Del Rio bails from a quick 619 try, so Rey with a senton off the apron instead. Back in, Rey goes to the top and Drops the Dime. Del Rio catches Rey with a back kick, but Rey flips through to blast Del Rio in the head for two. Rey tries his bulldog, but Del Rio throws it aside and gets the armbreaker. He punches away on Rey and plays to the crowd. Del Rio works the arm with a Fujiwara armbar. Rey fights out, but runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Del Rio for two. Del Rio wraps the arm around the ropes to weaken it, then begs Rey to stand up and fight him. Hammer Throw by Del Rio, but a charge is ducked and Del Rio flies all the way out of the ring. Del Rio rolls back in, but a blind charge misses and Rey tries a headscissors, eventually succeeding. 619 follows as the crowd finally wakes up. Del Rio cuts off the big splash and Rey is hung up, as Del Rio superkicks him in the face. He calls for the armbreaker and gets it, getting the tapout at 4:57. Is it just me, or has Del Rio started phoning it in? He was really good a year ago against Big Show, but now? Forget it. *1/4 Post-match, Del Rio says it was a message to Batista. He promises to do the same thing next week if Batista shows up, and he will personally throw Batista out. Now, they'll stop talking about Batista and start talking about him. Crowd wasn't into any of this.

Tonight, the steel cage re-start.

Now, wrestlers are talking about the WWE Network as we get highlights of the press conference.

Backstage, Kane is on the phone when CM Punk asks for the Authority. But they're not here. How convenient, says Punk, who says that the Shield are hired assassins and the Outlaws are his former pals. He believes he's being targeted. HHH doesn't have to hide, but Kane says HHH has no idea what Punk is talking about. Kane lets Punk know he's being entered into the Royal Rumble. Punk is ready and has no problem with being in it, but he DOES have a problem with Kane.

The Usos cut a bilingual promo about tonight, saying the Wyatts need to be ready to step aside.

Meanwhile, on SmackDown, the Outlaws will face the Rhodes Brothers in a non-title match.

We look back at Kofi's huge upset and Orton reacting by beating up Cena's dad. John Sr has no heart issues, but he may have suffered a broken orbital bone.

Main event, cage match: The Usos v. Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan. Bryan's not in the “We're here” opening right now, which is interesting. This match can be won by pinfall, submission, or escape... but it better be over the top, because the door is locked and Kane is guarding the door with the only key. With all the pieces in place, SOMETHING has to happen here. I just don't know what. It's tornado tag rules, and it's a massive brawl to start. Bryan gets knocked over and Bray is double-teamed. Bryan trips someone in the corner as Bray blocks a turnbuckle shot. The Family seems to have an edge, as one Uso eats cage on a backdrop. Bryan grinds one opponent's face as Bray chokes down the other with his boot. Bryan dropkicks the back of one Uso – not even the announcers know which is which right now – as the Family is dominant. Bray catapults his Uso into the cage. Bryan lets his Uso get away as he reaches the top of the cage, but Bryan follows and they fight on the top. Bray follows them up, catching up with the Uso and trying to drag him in by the hair, succeeding and bringing him back in. The other Uso knocks Bray down, but Bryan's still up top and is being chased. Bryan gets Russian legswept off the ropes and all four men are down as we go to break. We return with Bray choking one Uso on the ropes as the other is being uppercutted by Bryan. Bray eats boot on a blind charge. Bray and his Uso are climbing the ropes, but Bray is knocked away and one Uso follows him down with a corkscrew moonsault for two. Oh, right, pinfall and submission are in play. Bryan catches the other Uso trying to escape. Uso is in the Tree of Woe, and Bryan destroys him to YES chants. Bryan tries to leave, but he's caught by the other Uso. Both Usos catch Bryan and give him a double back superplex. No one's in any condition to cover, though, as the crowd says it is Awesome. An Uso gets two, eventually. Bray punches both men and throws one into the cage. He catches a superkick by the other and punches him down, getting Sister Abigail's Kiss... only not, because the other Uso superkicks him. Everyone's down again. Huge Uso chant starting as the twins try to leave together. Harper and Rowan try to stop them, which allows Bryan and Bray to catch them from behind. Everyone's on the cage now, and Bryan gets headbutted down, causing Bray to crotch himself. Both Usos are now ready, and one splats onto Rowan. Harper attacks him, allowing the other to drop at 10:50. ***1/4 Harper and Rowan brawl with the Usos on the outside. But this leaves Bryan and Bray, alone, in the cage, and Kane has the only key. Bray is laughing at his own defeat. Crowd chants for Bryan, who has just what he says he wanted. Bryan stares daggers at Bray, who tries to whisper to Bryan. Bryan nods at what he hears, and Bray asks for prostration. Bryan delivers it, much to the crowd's chagrin, and Bray adds Sister Abigail... but Bryan refuses! And now, it's clear everyone has what they want. Bray likes Bryan's feisty behavior. Bryan stares into the crowd, who wants it to happen. Bray tries to explain, but the crowd is LOUD for Bryan. There's no Kane, no Family, no one but Bray and Bryan. Bray begs Bryan to bring it. Moment of truth is coming... and Bray stands up, certain he has control over Bryan. Bray attacks Bryan... who steps aside and HERE WE GO! Bryan UNLOADS on Bray! Repeated corner-to-corner dropkicks as the crowd LOSES IT. YES KICKS follow, including the exclamation point! And the last thing left to do is a formality: Bryan sheds his Wyatt armor and goes back to being himself. It was all a ruse! He stomps away on Bray as Harper and Rowan DESPERATELY try to get in. Bryan throws Bray into Harper, then Rowan, to knock them to the floor. The whole crowd is SCREAMING yes as Bryan leads them on, and it's the Power Kneesmash! Bryan then goes to the top of the cage and leads the entire arena, and half of Rhode Island, in YES chants. Valkyrie rides again as the crowd is going ballistic! YES! YES! YES!


...they got me.

I promised I'd say that. And now I will. THEY GOT ME. Hook, line, and sinker, I was WORKED. Congratulations, WWE. You had me.

I keep thinking I'm smarter than this. We all did. The Internet was furious because it looked like Bryan was being taken out of the picture. But tonight, he outsmarted ALL the Wyatts and got what he wanted... and so did we.

I'm not even going to suggest this may have been an aborted story, but even if it was? So what. They fooled me. They sucked us in, they got us talking, and they worked us all. What do you want me to say here?

I got worked. Congratulations, Vince. As the chants would say, You Still Got It.


MATCH TIME: 74:26 over nine matches
BEST MATCH: Wyatts/Usos II
WORST MATCH: the Divas
NIGHT MVP: I'm giving it to both Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan... with some to Vince and Stephanie in Creative.

FINAL SCORE: 7. The first two hours were pedestrian, but NO ONE will be talking about ANY of that. The main event cage match stole the show. And now, Daniel Bryan is back on the short list for Royal Rumble winner. It was a very rare moment that even the most jaded of us was worked, and marked out at the result. Thanks, guys. I'm ready.

Now, does anyone know how to pre-order the WWE Network?

EDIT: Actually, 7 might not be high enough.  In light of three ***+ matches, the big win by Kofi, the angle advancement with Orton/Cena, and a brilliant swerve by Vince, this gets bumped up to 8.5.


  1. Bryan sure was buried. He opened the show and closed the show. Poor guy.

  2. Looking forward to everyone that has been shitting on this for weeks admitting that they had no idea what they were talking about.

  3. Great moment but let's not give the WWE too much credit. This was NOT the plan. The Michigan State YES chant on ESPN forced WWE's hand...they had to hit fast forward on the angle. There was waaaaay too much mainstream attention for them to waste Bryan away with this garbage.

    So as more than a few people have said on Twitter: Thank you, Michigan State football team.

    Now let's see if they can keep their head out of their ass for more than 1 week at a time and give the people what they want. Which is all Bryan, all the time. I'm thinking with a certain product launch in 6 weeks...they will be very good to the fans til then.

  4. Heh, knew it all along. Didn't fool me, no siree...

    Alright, so the sun even shines on a dog's ass on occasion.

  5. You have no idea what you're talking about. They changed plans on the fly this week to wrap up the shitty angle.

  6. Daniel Bryan has reached Austin '99 levels of overness where no matter what crap they book, he's going to be the most over guy on the card by a mile.

    Now it would help if they stopped booking crap...

  7. So? Let's not ask why it's awesome. Let's give them credit for making it awesome, plus let's admit it: THEY LISTENED. You look a gift horse in the mouth, you stop enjoying it. I never want to reach that point.

  8. Lol. This was the way it was always going to end. Be it today, at the rumble or at wrestlemania, this was always the end.

  9. Oh you have the inside info that proves this wasn't the plan all along?

  10. Says the guy who says the finish to RR 05 was planned

  11. ??? I enjoyed the heck out of it. It's about damn time they just let the crowd love Bryan.

    But let's just not start slurping the WWE for having some magical angle when they were basically just apologizing for being so shitty the past month or so. Every time we get all excited, they F's okay to be a little hesitant.

  12. Right after SummerSlam, I wrote a long ass post predicting the main event at 30 would be Bryan/Lesnar for the title. I haven't even been close on the details but it isn't a long shot that it could happen.

  13. The longer it ran, the more damage it was going to do to Bryan.

    Yes, the plan was always to have Bryan turn on Wyatt but they needed to end it now because it was only going to hurt Bryan's heat each week because it was so shitty.

    Is everyone here now 21? Do you guys not know how wrestling works?

  14. Listen/read Meltzer this week. The YES chants at the basketball game went mainstream. And it fucking killed Vinnie Mac that they couldn't do a damn thing about it.

  15. The WWE didn't turn tail in 2012 after the MIAMI HEAT, with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh watching, got hijacked by "YES!" chants after Wrestlemania- Michigan State football didn't make a dent in this.

    Great stuff- as I said- The most bittersweet thing for a fan is being so beaten down by the WWE, and being so broken, that you've had it- you needed to fight back, this was IT- and not going because they pissed you off THAT MUCH- so you don't go, and THAT'S the night the light at the end of the tunnel comes to us. Tonight's show is the REASON we're so addicted to WWE- that, no matter how bleak things get, we just CAN'T walk away. It's why every fan who says "I've had it. I give up. It's over", can hear every fan say "See you next week!"...and you know THEY'RE right.

  16. It was the plan, just not so soon. You don't do an angle that big on a random Raw unless you need to change direction ASAP.

    Again, I LOVED IT. I'm just saying - this was not the endgame when Bryan joined the Wyatt's.

  17. Your misery is so deep.

  18. That isn't proof.

  19. and the Vince saying "lets have bryan join the wyatts" for the hell of it. The crowds shit on it, the yes chant is over, Daniel Bryan is over, it was stupid to run a heel angle.

  20. The Miami Heat weren't hijacked by YES chants during the most-watched college basketball game of the year, in primetime, on ESPN.

    And that hijacking didn't go viral. Ask a WWE employee if you know one...they were PISSED in TItan Tower.

  21. Your title says it all.

  22. Wait, people actually thought Daniel Bryan was going to stay heel? Lmfao. That's awesome. WWE can be stupid, but that's TNA level stupid.

  23. Ok, Mr. Cultstatus, sorry I don't have your fucking approval. Moron.

    They cut the angle short. Period, end of story. Even if I didn't's pretty fucking obvious.

  24. The fact that this was so easy to see coming didn't make it less amazing.

  25. We knew it couldn't stick, but now that it's been reversed this fast... well, for me, anyway, the big deal is that Bryan/Orton is now back on the table. But also, just because we KNEW that Daniel Bryan was going to destroy the Wyatts doesn't mean we can't love every second of it.

  26. Oh, I thought you were saying that you thought he was staying heel.

  27. That's not what you said.

  28. I can see how you'd think that. But what I was thinking is that Bryan's heel turn was to clear the room for Batista to be the winner. They were building to Bryan/Bray, probably at Mania, but it was a step down from what Bryan was capable of.

  29. OMG Bignasty has inside sources!

  30. What did your WWE employee say?

  31. My apologizes. Yeah, I agree. The segment was really good. They kind of hot-shotted it, although I'm happy they ended it because it just wasn't clicking.

  32. Holy damn, it's almost like people have different opinions and shit!

  33. Yes. Absolutely. Without question.

  34. I stand corrected, and happily so. Fucking YESSSSS.

  35. Still passing on the house show in St. Louis this Friday, personally.

  36. Random writer for 411.

  37. This. I hate the idea that people should somehow be ashamed for not giving WWE the benefit of the doubt, as if their "wait and see" track record has been so exemplary.

  38. Just realized...I started watching wrestling in 1986, at the age of 8. I've see Hogan, I've seen Austin, I've seen Rock...but I have *never* seen crowds chanting every time someone hits their opponent like they do with Bryan. I mean, think about it...when Austin would hit the Stunner on McMahon, it was a loud as fuck pop, no doubt. I've seen it live enough times to know that. But, chanting 'yes' every time he kicks someone? The chant hitting the mainstream? That's just insane.

  39. Without the big end for Bryan, tonight's highlight for me would have been Emma bringing heat.

  40. Kane chokeslamming HHH to a thunderous pop is going to be so awesome.

  41. *looks around for other major wrestling promotions* *gives up*

  42. Oh, snap, that reminds me: what are the chances that Kane (kayfabe-wise) set this up SPECIFICALLY to help Bryan while looking like an authority? Remember, HE suggested that the door be locked, not Maddox.

  43. Let's not go apoplectic here, folks. I keep hearing people compare Bryan to Austin, but let's cool our jets. I love Bryan as much as the next guy—I chose my avatar well for a reason—but to compare Austin from 1998 or 1999 to Bryan today is rather inappropriate for the sake of reality. Bryan is riding a hot streak, but he's never moved the needle or drawn like Austin did in his prime. If you want to say that Bryan's control of the crowd is Austin-esque, there are others who have turned that same trick w/o reaching Austin's level of drawing power. Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels during his first run, even Bret Hart could pop the crowd like that on occasion.

    Is Daniel over as fuck? Yes; he should be given a proper run on top this time to see what he can do. But let's not start courting our Nigerian prince before he comes to personally deliver the money.

  44. Hey TV networks - look at these huge developments!
    Okay enough looking at Aksana, these wrestling angles are pretty awesome too!

  45. That's what some of us are clambering about.

  46. People comparing him to Austin are 17 and under

  47. Thing is, (and keep in mind I was extremely pissed at the supposed turn), it wasn't going to kill his heat. Nothing can, and this may have been a test of that. Anytime Bryan has been screwed over (on camera and otherwise), it's made him more popular. Fired after the Nexus beatdown? That was the first time we got 'Daniel Bryan' chants. Jobbed to Sheamus in 18 seconds? People started cheering for him moreso. Try to give the 'Yes' chants (and the push) to Big Show instead? Bryan chants get even louder, and Big Show ends up losing face heat to the point where his push is completely aborted. Now this?

    Bryan's the MAN, and he's completely untouchable no matter if he is pushed or not.

  48. This. Also, chanting YES! is fun and easy.

  49. "The Michigan State YES chant on ESPN forced WWE's hand"


    The angle had nowhere else to go, so whether it was design or they pulled the plug early it was a good call. If they did pull the plug early, I'm glad they did so. But the Michigan State crowd probably had almost no impact on that decision.

  50. This was all an elaborate plan by Vince to give that 1989 Brainbusters match some love.

  51. Not to take away any credit from Bryan or anyone else, but none of those guys had specific chants of the same nature as "YES". Well, Austin had "What" later on (even if he himself disliked the chants) and IIRC back in 2002 the crowds DID used to chant it along with every punch.

  52. Bray: But Daniel, you said the machine wouldn't let you win?
    Bryan: I did, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to tweak it.
    :Kane's pyro goes off:

  53. Was just about to mention the What chants. It is the perfect comparison to the YES! chants. The Yes chants aren't as annoying though.

  54. Or more to the point:

    Bray: You said the machine wouldn't let you win!
    Bryan: Well, I just found a Machine that would.

  55. The machine wouldn't let me win, so I got one of my own. It is big and red.

  56. Then allow me to introduce you to the concept known as money

  57. That is true. I think that part of it may be the fact that it may be mostly Bryan being awesome, but also part of it may be that so much around him on the shows quite frankly suck ass.

  58. They like to test him a lot.

  59. I thought so at first, but the fact that Bryan was still facing Wyatt at house shows (even in the garbage man garb) kind of gave away the plot.

  60. Can't help but think how much better tonight's angle would have been if Bryan had joined the Authority and it was HHH in that cage tonight.

  61. You know HHH doesn't like to show himself being vulnerable.

  62. And the crowd chanting at one game doesn't really count as 'too much mainstream attention'. If it started to break out at sporting events across the nation - then yes you'd have a point.

  63. @midnight, making fun of the WWE network. They just made a good Lawler joke.

  64. Austin didn't move the needle until 1998 and even then it wasn't full-on until 1999. It a solid year and a half of consistent booking, from his King of the Ring win through his WWF Title win at Wrestlemania XIV, to get people involved and interested again. For a solid year, most of 1997, Austin was all over the show and it still lost big to Nitro; then it was trading wins in 1998 until the end of the year. 1999 was the year that turned Austin from top guy into Hogan territory.

    I'm not saying Bryan can do that, but I'm saying it will take longer than a few weeks, or even months, for that to even come close to happening.

  65. Is he still going to be Libertarian Kane afterwards? What the hell does he wrestle in?

  66. I. Fucking. Called. It. Basically word for word.

    From six days ago on this very board: "Yeah, I'm hoping against hope that they're either going here, or Bryan's manipulating his way into a Tag Team Cage or Cell match with Bray on his side so he can turn on Bray and beat the Hell out of him without Rowan or Harper being able to interfere."

    Ok, bragging over. Until Scott posts his rant so I can bring it up one more time before returning to quasi-lurk duty.

  67. You're a smart guy. I mean, you and the thousands of other people on the Internet who also were saying the exact same thing. Brav-fucking-o.

  68. Plus, back then when someone was pushed, they were *pushed*. There was no such thing as 50/50 booking. If Austin had been booked the same way as Bryan had been, would he have stayed as over? In a way, though, he never really recovered from his 2001 heel turn, but by 2002 his career was about done anyway.

  69. Eh, I just read this one blog. Most people here seemed pretty sure that if he was turning back, it would be in the Rumble or just before Mania. And I'm allowed to be al title proud of myself for predicting the cage setup, I think. Or not. Downvote away, if it makes you feel better.

  70. He goes back to being normal Kane. Normal as in demon who can summon fire and had sex with a corpse.

  71. Goosebumps watching the end of the show. John cena wishes he could get a response like that.

  72. I just knew it when Daniel wasn't with the Wyatts at the NXT tapings this past week, since the episode won't air for about 4 weeks, and figured if he was still going to be part of them by then he would of been there.

  73. I admire you, Andy, for simply admitting that you got worked. Some people here sadly cannot do that, and have somehow convinced themselves that WWE's long term plans was for Daniel to be a mid card janitor for the next 3 years. Good job on being above that. :)

  74. I was really laughing at the Lawler and Order TV parody joke.

  75. Sadly, that will never happen. They have currently convinced themselves that WWE's long term plan was to bury Daniel, then changed their minds at the last second. Because they are so brilliant, and WWE is so dumb.

  76. The rocky chant was pretty special.

  77. Agreed, I guess the part that irritated me a little bit was this constant belief that he was being depushed or buried because he was "too over". Yeah I know the WWE has done illogical stuff in the past, but all the kayfabe signs pointed against that. In fact, yesterday, I was watching the latest HHH interview with Michael Cole that he does every week, and when he mentioned the major players for 2014, he specifically mentioned DB in that group. Why would a guy they're planning on depushing or burying be mentioned in a group for the top players for the championship in 2014? It just didn't make any sense.

  78. Yep, he's also the guy who is hell bent on hating everything about the WWE network. Some people just aren't comfortable unless they're miserable I guess.

  79. TJ, I caved in and bought one of Scotts new E-books.

  80. Very true. Austin was on another level, but for tonight he had that crowd going fucking ballistic

  81. Says the guy who said Undertaker was going to face (AND JOB) to Miz last year at Wrestlemania!

  82. Yeah, it's almost *better* if it was an aborted story, because that at least means they were listening to the crowd enough to realize they needed to change their plans.

  83. I'm glad kofi got a nice win but man....those were some ugly tights he was rocking.

  84. Yep, if Meltzer says it, IT MUST BE TRUE. Also, did you know that there is heat on the Shield, and they're gonna be buried?? Like really, any minute now...

  85. HHH pedigreeing Kane to an indifferent reaction is going to be something that occurs in the future. FTFY

  86. lol, resorting to personal insults now because someone (rightfully) disagrees with you.

  87. He already took a knee from Bryan.

  88. I don't think it was a heel angle at all. Daniel didn't say one bad thing to the crowd. The furthest he went was to look conflicted. It was a brilliant setup. Sort of like Austin didn't turn heel when he wore a suit 8 days after WM 14 for 5 minutes. He was setting Vince up.

  89. Plus they more likely that not just dumped the angle. The rumors were they didn't have know where this was going and I've still seen nothing to suggest otherwise. But I guess because you critique bad angles and booking you're not allowed to enjoy something cool

  90. Oh no, not this again.

  91. And it was still fucking stupid to have him join the Wyatt's. The fact this got aborted after two weeks does and the crowd went nuts does nothing to discredit mike Johnso reporting this was all booked haphazardly with no long term plan

  92. They're going to rewrite reality, with Kane marrying Stephanie.

  93. Him joining the Wyatts was the entire fucking point. Without that, you don't get this.

  94. If this was the plan the whole time they would have blown it off in one show. They didn't no where they were going and backed into gold

  95. Yeah, like in the 2002 Royal Rumble. There was a fucking tidal wave of WHAT chants and they were doing it alongside the mudhole stomps.

  96. Hi might actually have lost more big matches than he won from KOTR 1996 to WM 14. It's actually pretty close.

  97. Or maybe the plan was to take a guy who's massively over like DB and use him to help get some heel heat for the Wyatts, who they obviously like and have plans for. DB is bulletproof, we'll see if the Wyatt get some more sustained heat.

  98. What are you talking about. Blown off what in one show? What show?

  99. His PPV record was 10-5 I think

  100. But he didn't get stretchered out afterwards, nor did he spend 6 months in the hospital due to it. So he no-sold it. (Sorry, I'm on a sarcastic roll. )

  101. He joins at 8, turns at 11. Two weeks is abortion territory

  102. Good job. I wouldn't have guessed the cage part. *thumbs up*

  103. Or maybe he just didn't want to hang out with smelly dudes for more than 2 weeks?

    The plan was to get Bray alone in the cage, what kayfab reason did they have for drawing it out?

  104. Two of those losses were title matches.

  105. TJ = Threadjack. It's our shorthand for saying you're going off-topic.

  106. old school SWERVE! "It's a trap"!!! Haven't watched Raw yet but I cannot wait to hear this crowd, they've been desperate for this.....
    I still predict Bryan gets the belt back thru interference by HBK's Sweet Chin Music, turns heel, gets a "makeover" by getting his beard & hair cut live on Raw to become the Authority's new A+ face of WWE & HHH's "guy"......
    Somehow we get there by Mania, Cena chasing the heel champion Bryan

  107. You can just read the Rumble reviews for free

  108. Hindsight is 20/20.

    The whole point was Bryan could never get Bray alone.

  109. Do you want a medal, or would you prefer cookies?

  110. You shouldn't book wrestling

  111. Yep. Also, wouldn't tonight have ended with Daniel taking Bray's finisher again, then get kicked out of the family for not being good enough, followed by trading wins with JTG? I mean, if they *REALLY* wanted him to lose his heat...

  112. Actually, keeping the beard is the corporate move. Shaving the beard in an act of defiance so they can't make money off it anymore is what he should do.

  113. Cookies shaped like medals, please.

  114. Andy, nice review as usual.

    The "I told you so" gang... It's almost like they're enjoying the argument more than the show--something they accused other people of just two weeks ago. Instead of "Let's drink and be merry" because we're all supposed Bryan fans, we get people who are saying "I told you so" to people when...

    -The vast majority of naysayers were disappointed they didn't capitalize on Bryan enough and have hit the reset button on him about 2-3 times in the last 5 months. If you polled the people here, I'd say about 95% weren't thinking this was a long term heel turn...and many of these same people were pissed he was being stalled. This put-words-in-your-mouth and then argue against those words thing is beneath us.

    -Some of the "I told you so" gang was proclaiming this to be an intriguing and even complex angle that we should see play out. Was this the greatest two week angle ever then? DVD worthy? Was it when Bryan was beating up the Usos and accidentally lost this week that made the angle great? Was it last week's boring segment with them? How was this not hotshotting? The only thing we learned from this angle is that Bryan is bulletproof and people were either immensely relieved he was out of relatively dumbass angle or just willing to welcome him back with open arms and were swerved.

    -The bottom line is that Bryan is a face again and Punk is headed towards a huge Authority encounter at Wrestlemania. The road to it should be pretty fun.

  115. Don't get cocky, kid.

  116. Kofi's my favorite wrestler, so I marked out for that one. But yep, those tights.... just.... WRONG...

  117. I know, I was making a joke originally made in Duece Bigelow. And what's this "our"? I've been a part of this community for years, I'm part of the "our".

  118. I co sign this post. Pretty money

  119. If it would have lasted 4-5 weeks, then Daniel's heat would have been phased out too much. If it just lasts 2 weeks, then it's apparently pointless. Plus people here had clearly totally given up on him 5 minutes after RAW ended 2 weeks ago. So 2 weeks sounds just about right!

  120. To be fair, how would Bryan know he'd get Bray in the cage? Maddox was the one who suggested it. In kayfabe, he lucked out.

  121. No one books wrestling anymore

  122. Disagree, only because my whole point was that I didn't think the angle was terribad right off the bat, there were legitimate kayfabe reasons for doing it, and he wasn't being depushed or buried.

  123. My guess is, gain their trust, then capitalize the first chance you get. He might indeed have lucked out early on.

  124. "You" people don't deserve to comment in our live threads. *hits Pedigree* *pins you 2 years later*

  125. You should feel bad for watching awful movies, that's what.

  126. So now obviously Punk has to join the SHIELD so we all have something to bitch about. The WWE is doing too many good things, it's making me restless.

  127. "When there's too much good I get worried because that means there's going to be something really fucking bad just around the corner."

    Is that your last sentence is getting at?

  128. Kane manipulated him into it.

  129. Possibly, but I remember him "beefing up" his record with wins over guys like Marc Mero, Yokozuna and HHH (Still in his MSG Burial phase). Then several jobs to Bret, another one to Taker, and a no contest against HBK. He actually lost more often than Bryan has in the past year, oddly enough.

  130. Yeah, I'm as guilty as anyone for doubting the direction this angle was headed. Granted, I never said Bryan was being buried, just that he wasn't being used in the best way. Again, I really don't get why a reluctance to give the WWE the benefit of the doubt is a mark against a person, particularly given how often WWE has burned its audience in recent years. (Summer of Punk? Nexus? Summer/Autumn of Bryan?)

    Also, I just hate the idea that people think the doubters wanted to be right. Obviously, I can't speak for everyone, but I have no trouble admitting that I'm wrong. Hell, I'll happily do it. And I'll happily buy Brian Bayless an assortment of festive cheeses in recompense for ever doubting him, if Bryan does indeed end up winning the Rumble. I just have my doubts, and I don't think history makes me wrong for having them. But I will say that you'll never find anyone as thrilled to be completely fucking wrong. That closing segment was great, and it shut me right up.

  131. Yeah, it was. Taking away my dislike of modern Rock, I must agree.

  132. This is assuming Kane is a secret double agent mole in charge of hairless spying and maskless espionage. I'm still not entirely convinced that's where this is going.

  133. Really? I think it is pretty obvious. I'll be shocked if it isn't revealed that they have been working together all along.

  134. Lost in all of the hullabaloo is that The Wyatt Family has been figuratively castrated. Bray Wyatt isn't a brilliant manipulator; he's an inept fool that surrounds himself with other inept fools.

  135. D-Bry was 5-8 in 2013.

  136. No, I was parodying the fact wrestling fans can be a bitchy sort and like to have something to bitch about.

    But now that you mention it, if the RR and EC PPVs are good we can expect the WWE Network to crash on startup and then in the middle of Mania.

  137. Fair statement, my annoyance came because people were completely crapping on the angle right out of the gate. I watch wrestling because I want it to be good and enjoyable, it's really one of the few shows I regularly watch on tv anymore. I know the WWE does a horrible job at angle nowadays, but this angle seemed different and interesting, so I thought I would at least give it a few weeks before I write it off. Plus DB is an outstanding performer who can seemingly take anything and make it entertaining.

  138. Yep, since they made such a big deal that Kane was the one locking the cage. He even got his own entrance.

  139. This is what heels do, it is their job.

  140. Nah. I think they'll protect him in the future. They've been high on him for a while and he has delivered for the most part. Wyatt's put out some good promos and Harper is an absolute beast.

  141. Wow, WWE just can't win, eh? No matter what they do, someone gets buried.

  142. This is why I'm doubtful. WWE rarely sets up anything that crystal clear for their audience, and if they do, they have a tendency to change things up because "it's too obvious."

  143. Hopefully, this will be a catalyst for the Wyatt's to a)actually have a real purpose and b)go apeshit and start destroying people.

  144. You should probably realize there is more than one person on this blog. This isn't Scott behind 75 different names.

  145. Probably over-thinking it. I think it's exactly what it seems to be.

  146. Rowan and Harper did look incredibly stupid during that segment. They just stood their the entire time, then tried the door, and finally started to climb about five minutes after everyone else realized what was happening.

  147. He doesn't have to be a brilliant manipulator. Bobby Heenan was an idiot. All he has to do is get his heat back.

  148. Fuck, he knows! *Puts bag over Petuka's head, throws him into back of van*

  149. I think we were talking about this in the live thread, but Batista turning on Evolution was about as obvious an angle as you can get, but it was still awesome because everybody played their part perfectly. Hopefully they keep that in mind, even obvious angles can be really good.

  150. that's an excuse to be a bastard?

  151. Oh, but I wanted a peanut.

  152. Cue bitching about how WWE handled the Hardy/Edge feud with Christian.

  153. Exactly. Plus, for any of them upset about the "I told you so" guys being snarky... They were sure snarky themselves with all the "Remember when Austin caved and joined the Corporation? Neither do I!" type comments. Like they were mocking and looking down at anyone who had an optimistic point of view.

    Now that it's turned around, they're crying about others being snarky. I basically treat people the way they treat me. (Therefore, the snark is not personally directed at you at all)

  154. Let's not go there yet. This is, literally, Bray's first setback. Let's see what he has to say about it next week.

  155. I tried to be consistent in saying that if this were to be a real heel turn that it was a mistake, and it was entirely unnecessary. I'm very happy with how the ruse played out (especially the Kane detail), so necessary or not it was a fun diversion.

  156. Do tell us about money milktruck.

  157. What people fail to remember in 1997 was that the WWF was making headway creatively for their new direction, yet WCW was in the midst of its biggest angle EVER, and was drawing upwards of a 5.0 with the slow burn to Starrcade. It's not like Austin (who wasn't even positioned to be the main draw in 1997) was going against flies.

  158. Umm... I wasn't even talking to you. I was repying to Zanatude. No idea why you felt targeted.

  159. Nice call on the tag team cage match. You're the only one I've seen predict it that specifically. Kudos.

  160. None taken, totally understand where you're coming from. I even get why people would be skeptical. And it was ok to be skeptical, I just thought declaring DB dead and buried right off the bat was a bit much.

  161. Yep, it's safe to say they're the brawn, not the brains of the operation.

  162. Give credit where credit is due, I had a feeling it was a temporary heel turn but didn't know where/when the Wyatts would get theirs. Kudos.

  163. However, if I'm not mistaking.... Very close to 0 clean losses, right? The only "clean" loss I can think is the 1 on 3 handicap match against the Wyatts. Every other one, he basically got screwed over. He's been very well protected,

  164. The pessimistic side of my brain thinks it's going to be hysterical when Bryan comes out next week on Raw and cuts a promo about how he made a terrible mistake and rejoins the Wyatts.

  165. Now THAT "WOULD" make my head explode lol.

  166. Optimistic side of my brain: This is why we can't have nice things.

  167. Maybe he could pull a Big Bossman with the Corporate Ministry:

    "...... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!"

  168. The two losses to the Shield were clean. Elimination Chamber was clean.

  169. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 13, 2014 at 11:25 PM

    I can't believe that was the original ending to the story. I give them credit for cancelling it, like they did Eddie's first heel turn after he got over, but it's a shame too because the story itself was actually good and probably deserved better than a two week blowoff. It was just too bad for business to do it

  170. See I"m a little conflicted about this, kayfabe wise, it's definitely plausible for the story to end this quickly because of the Kane involvement/factor, but I too thought this was a good storyline and they could've potentially let it simmer a little longer. But ultimately the end result (DB still being over, Wyatts possibly getting a rub by being involved with one of the top faces in the company) is exactly what should happen so I'm not gonna get worked up about it.

  171. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJanuary 13, 2014 at 11:47 PM

    If Kane was supposed to get back into the angle and that wasn't just a Deus Ex Machina, whoever wrote this angle should be in charge of creative

  172. I will say, I did agree with Caldwell's take at the Torch -- felt like they squeezed maybe three weeks' worth of story into tonight's ep. Didn't make the end any less enjoyable, but there it is.

    Funny thing, though, this afternoon I found myself thinking, "This is like that Burn Notice angle where Mike joins a cult-ish paramilitary ... thing that they didn't quite explain." Could've used a few more episodes of that story, too, before the blowoff.

  173. Yep, you kept your word that you would admit it.

    Good report this week.

  174. (that JBL and Shawn were reasonably over and better storytellers than Bray and Bryan)

    You are the worst, sometimes!

  175. (I keep thinking I'm smarter than this. We all did. The Internet was furious because it looked like Bryan was being taken out of the picture. But tonight, he outsmarted ALL the Wyatts and got what he wanted... and so did we.)

    Where's the CM Punk corpsing gif when you need it?

  176. I actually wish I would have started watching a little earlier so I could have gotten the entire Bryan/Wyatt's thing. I caught the last hour of Raw and it was pretty boring. I thought the cage match was even just run of the mill until the end. It was pretty amazing. I heard negative things about Bryan joining the Wyatt's here but it seems like the crowd bought into it tonight. That ending felt really "Attitude Era" in how wild the crowd was and how it payed off.

  177. Bryan knew how to play them pretty well -- he literally orchestrates the big YES! chant around the 3:00 mark here.

  178. The bottom line is that you guys overreacted, and now you're being smug because it had a pay-off. And instead of going 'oh, we should have faith' you're attacking people who SAID 'let it play out.'

    Grow up.

  179. Why WOULDN'T Kane be in charge of maskless espionage?

  180. can Undertaker drive their wedding limo?


  181. I have a question. Did Bryan willfully join the Wyatt's or was it a case of him being forced into it? Like losing a match that stipulated he'd have to join the Wyatt's?

  182. He gave himself up to Wyatt at the beginning, saying, "You were always right."

  183. That could have been epic man. It's the Great White Buffalo of WrestleMania 25 matches.

  184. Triple H is too smart to be manipulated into a compromising spot like that.


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