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TNA draws 500 for House show featuring STING

Holy cow...I've been at ROH shows with more fans...Hell, I've never been to an ROH show with this few fans.


  1. Well, if that doesn't convince him to leave and go get a Wrestlemania payday, I don't know what will.

  2. I'm actually finding plenty of ROH shows that drew 500 or less. Norfolk in January 2012 drew 350. Philly that month drew 525.

  3. Yeah I'd have to say Earthquake first, then a heel Jake Roberts, or maybe even the Undertaker before he turned face. Strangely enough, I think the big fat, heel of the month formula probably should've been used for the Warrior too at least in the beginning of his reign.

    EDIT: I know Taker debuted in Fall of '90 (I think) so he would've maybe been Warrior feud in early '91 perhaps....but then again that robs us of the Warrior/Savage storyline, so I retract all of this lol.

  4. I'm surprised more people didn't remember Warrior destroying Brother Love. I wanted ANYONE to just destroy this creepy, annoying, red-faced idiot (Brother Love was a really good heel to 10 year olds!) and when Warrior did it, it's literally one of my favorite moments in wrestling ever.

  5. Worry not. Dolph should be up and jobbing in no time.

  6. And that makes perfect sense, but I keep sensing an undertone where he's trying to turn people against them. But who knows, maybe it's just my crazy imagination.

  7. I'm surprised it took this long, honestly.

  8. To be fair though, almost no wrestler seems to watch the show. I can't remember how many feuds could have ended if a guy watched a tape and saw that something was an accident or not what he thought it was.

  9. When Dolph gets back they should have have him do an angle in which he occasionally manages to pin his opponents' shoulders to the mat for a count of three.

  10. I think it's specifically that *TNA* has so overplayed the angle, and that there's rarely any real end to it. Tommy said it last week: TNA just goes from one heel champion/stable to another without ever really giving you a babyface champion to get behind in the interim. Between that and having her on TV *constantly* every single week they're beating it into the ground and badly oversaturating the product with Dixie.

  11. Jericho is one of my top 10 favorites of all time, but I'm kind of over his yearly appearances.

  12. Dude, I don't even know where to begin here. OK, so who are some of the guys you listed as great workers who will set TNA up for years to come? Angle (old broken down ex-WWE retread), Jeff and Bully Ray (see Kurt though not as broken down), a bunch of mid-30s guys like Sabin, Aries, Joe, Richards, Edwards, Storm and Roode—— good workers, but not exactly up and comers. And you're really including EC3 (a guy who WWE released from developmental), Manik, Zema Ion as big deals? Oh, and Kazarian and Daniels are in their 40s.
    Magnus MIGHT be something, but he's green as hell.
    Otherwise you have a roster of WWE cast-offs and guys who couldn't get WWE developmental contracts, and nobodies like Zema Ion and EC3. There's good workers on the roster, but not exactly the next wave of big stars. (And again, it's not a very young roster either.)

    "In about 5-6 years all the current WWE stars will all be in their 40's-50's besides Bryan/Punk." So discounting the aforementioned Punk and Daniel Bryan (aka the best worker in either promotion), how about... Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Cody Rhodes, The Usos, Del Rio, Wade Barret, Bray Wyatt, Sandow. There's a list of main roster WWE midcarders who are good-excellent workers under or about 30 who could walk into TNA tomorrow and have the promotion built around them.

    And if you want high flying undercarders, they got Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Sin Cara (dude, you're counting ZEMA ION), Kofi Kingston. Again, if those guys were in TNA you'd be hailing them as future bedrocks of the company.

    And that's not counting NXT, which is stocked with more young workrate guys.

    This isn't TNA as "the young workrate furure stars group" vs WWE as the "old guys who can't work and have no future." WWE's roster is deeper, younger, and has better workers and it's not even close. Again, there's not a TNA guy you named under 30 who has even close to the workrate or potential of Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins, or Cody.

  13. As long as he is putting over younger talent, I do not have a problem with him returning.

  14. I don't have a problem with it, per se...I just don't care if he does or doesn't.

  15. After reading that earlier thread about the top 10 wealthiest wrestlers... I officially do not feel bad for Mick.

  16. Just wanted to share this gif with everybody:

    It's part of a larger collection covering all of this week's Raw:

  17. Harper and Rowan were indeed moving like turtles. *rimshot*

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 17, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    no update on dbry?

  19. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 17, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    miz, duh

  20. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 17, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    he should try doing a situp!




  21. We're about due for a Spirit Squad nostalgia reunion, I'd say. Where are the rest of them these days?

  22. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 17, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    he was trying to the do a honky-roonie

  23. You're crazy. That's crazy talk. Stop talking crazy!

  24. Yep, he's really *push*ing it... (pun intended)

  25. Other than Dolph and Mike"y" Mondo, completely and utterly out of wrestling.

  26. Who the hell are the other two we haven't talked about, anyways?

  27. He would have to take a break from his freaks and his peaks. Unlikely.

  28. I've updated the above post, might want to refresh.

  29. Damnit, now I gotta go find that promo again.


  30. You're the man!

    Simply Stan Shooter? What the actual fuck?

  31. Clearly, Johnny is still in the box DX shipped them in.

  32. He's worth 15mill, I don't feel the least bit bad for him

  33. His last run was awful. If he is coming back, hopefully he has some good ideas.

  34. My "WTF" moment looking this up:

    Kenny was engaged to Mickie James. Mitch dated Torrie Wilson. Dolph was with Amy Schumer.

    Male Cheerleaders = 60% chance of pussy. Who knew?

  35. Yeah and he is my hookup so we don't want to endanger that

  36. Black out the pain, and watch ya' body grow!

  37. I'd like to give AJ MY "WWE exertion protocol" IF YAKNOEWUTIMEAN

  38. While not legendary, it was still good in my book. Awesome ovation at the Rumble, I enjoyed the psychology of his WM match (veteran totally dominating nervous rookie in the early parts of the match), and I liked him in CM Punk's return match in Chicago.

  39. Have you ever seen Mickie's snatch? Those beef curtains count double.

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 17, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    aj *styles*

    not that there's anything wrong with that...

  41. I didn't even know that Foley was still on an active deal. He's the primary example of a guy that I was a fan of at one time, but who has very much worn out his welcome with me.

  42. What you think is a rimshot is not a rimshot. It's called a sting.

  43. Hardcore Diaries (was that his third bio) left a bad taste in my mouth. It felt like a large portion of the book was just copied and pasted from his blog on the WWE website. And the one part of the book most people were most interested in reading -- his falling out with Vince McMahon -- he fell short on by creating this uninteresting fantasy about how the conversation went down. Along with that, some of the book was downright creepy -- like the entire chapter he devotes to rewinding and rewatching a cleavage shot from a movie. Plus, his idea to base an entire PPV around Terry Funk wasn't that great -- yet he seemed to carry so much bitterness about them choosing to go with the highly successful DX reunion instead.
    However, when it turned out that TNA wasn't the greener pasture he was hoping for and he came back to WWE, he seems to have mellowed somewhat and I'm back to giving him a shot. But I see what you mean.

  44. Also known as "The Name-Dropping diaries".
    or "the WWE Diva Friend-Zone diaries"

  45. Trollback? Seriously?

  46. CM Drunk and Cryback stuff was pure shit

  47. If I had any faith in TNA any more, I'd say something along the lines of "with WWE passing on these great independent wrestlers, TNA could really fill a void that they're (WWE) stupidly leaving"

    But, really, we've been down that road too many times.

  48. Flippy wrestler is flippy...

  49. I met him at a book signing and he was kind of a dick. And yes, that book soured me on him even more. I just don't care for him at all.

  50. Johnny Jeter was a pretty damn good wrestler, actually. Cornette said in his YouShoot that Jeter quit the business because the WWE "mind-fucked" him to the point that he lost all of his passion.

  51. Not to mention Bourne when he returns as well.

  52. Ricochet was amazing when I saw him recently, kinda sad WWE isn't interested in wrestlers who are very smooth and know the art of chain wrestling and reversals anymore.

  53. It's not like they book Christy as a particularly smart character. She might see what Shaw is doing but still be flattered that he's "sticking up for her." Some girls like those crazy-jealous guys.

  54. I think the decision to put Magnus over Sting the 1st time was the right call. At the time they needed to build Magnus up as a future main-event guy.

  55. Sounds like WCW, circa 1994-the end.

  56. No. Just no on the indy geeks. Of the people listed, The Briscoes are the only ones worth anything.

    Steen is, to borrow a line from Flair, is a stuntman. He doesn't wrestle; he bleeds. Foley could work a work, Steen can't. And he's so broken down by this point that I think it's partially to cover up how deteriorated he really is.

    The Young Bucks look like a choreographed gymnastics team. You can see them setting up spots without any flow or charm to what they do. At least indy guys like Scorpio Sky can make it look coherent.

    Strong I'm indifferent on because the guy is okay but bland as fuck. If the guy was going to be something, even a midcarder for a big company, it would have happened already.

    If they want to throw money at people, here: Chris Masters, Shelton Benjamin, Harry Smith, Kenny Omega, Scorpio Sky, Ricochet, Adam Cole, ACH, Tommaso Ciampa, Brian Cage.

    For women: Sexy Star, Christina Von Eerie, Cherry Bomb, Ivelisse Velez, MsChif.

  57. It's reversed to a large degree. WCW built a really good story around the main event in the NWO (though that's an anomaly), but the matches sucked because the workers were old and didn't give a shit. TNA gets decent effort out of people and can put on a good match, but overbook everything and Sting/Dixie just craps all over the story.

  58. It's an odd adaptation of the adage "if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything in the slightest degree"; except now it's "if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all, and by the way keep forking your money over to us and do not expect to possess a say in what you get for your payment". the other company that got that level of criticism would engage with its consumers, see what it had been doing wrong, and make sure that it had been meeting their wishes. Particularly at a time when it's wanting them to sign on to a CONTRACT to receive their content within the future..
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