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TNA ends relationship with OVW


Apparently TNA has ended their relationship with Ohio Valley Wrestling, and OVW has removed TNA's logo from their website.

So instead of developing their own stars they're going to... what? Scout the indies for any new talent and rely on word of mouth and tryouts?

I get that they're trying to cut down costs but isn't developmental one place where you'd want to spend money when you want to bring in new talent (as Dixie keeps telling us she wants to do)?

Long term talent development is by far the least of their concerns at the moment. 


  1. How is TNA still alive???

    SpikeTV should just buy TNA for $20 and run it on their own as a TV show.

  2. I don't think this is a cost cutting move at all. I think Dixie and TNA are realizing that there is MUCHHHH better talent on the Indy scene than OVW which produced absolute crap for TNA so far. Smart move for TNA. Grab your talent from ROH, PWG, Japan and elsewhere.

  3. This is because OVW was about to start out drawing them in attendance.

  4. Concern #1 for TNA should be producing a ppv that gets more than 20 buys.


  6. No top talent from any of those companies is gonna risk getting the stench on them.
    Monopoly wasn't fun as a kid. And it still sucks now.

  7. The best thing that came from OVW was Jesse Godderz, who honestly isn't bad at all, especially considering his experience.

  8. This is probably a good thing for ovw


  10. The elite Indy talents won't go to TNA because that company will immediately have them branded as damaged goods/2nd rate losers and make it too hard to get to the wwe. Maybe they should do a thing with NJPW or cmll

  11. Drop all story-lines and do a World X Cup series on the next 4 Impact Episodes. I want a reunited Team Canada!

  12. I think you mean fine.

  13. TNA: "It's not you its me... seriously it's me I can't afford you any more."

  14. WWE's going to have their annual "Spring Cleaning" soon. We know how much Dixie loves Vince's sloppy seconds.

  15. Wolves are, in a sense, WWE rejects.

    At least TNA is consistent in where they go for talent.

  16. How long is Spike's deal with TNA?

  17. Their first choice was a developmental territory.

  18. Typo in the company memo. Big John can't do everything.

  19. Big John can't do anything*


  20. Ooooh. We should start the list of who we think is getting DAS BOOT.

    Based purely on guys who never seem to work TV:

    Evan Bourne
    Big Zeke

  21. Especially considering it doesn't seem like they stand to make more money in TNA as opposed to the upper indy circuit.


  23. I would hope everyone has the common sense to not bother. Nobody ever wins when another company tries something with TNA.

  24. And then Big Zeke wins the TNA title in three months, as the big climax to the revolutionary "Jokers and Nines" angle.

  25. That means they would have to go back to weekly PPVs since that's the last time they even approached that number.
    It's funny in hindsight that they wasted all of that money on Hogan, Bischoff and their cronies and relatives only to discover that David Young and Sonny Siaki were bigger PPV draws for them than those guys and costed a hell of a lot less to boot.

  26. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    I have no problem with Bourne or JTG in TNA. But TNA's problem boil down to the same issue.
    They need better promotion
    They need another hour on TV
    They need to MAXIMIZE TV time.

  27. Toby Keith will do that pretty soon.

  28. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    The PPV model does not work for TNA. They need to go to a "Clash of Champions" type show four times a year instead.

  29. TNA broke up with OVW back in November 2013 (

    I don't think TNA lacking a developmental system isn't too big of a deal. Prior to 1995, neither WCW nor WWF had any official developmental school/promotion to speak of. Part of TNA's problem has been trying to act like WWE despite not having the budget to do it properly. Instead TNA needs to cherry pick from the indies and elsewhere, early ECW style, to use what little budget they have to the best of its abilities.

    There are a number of wrestling schools turning out talent these days -- Lance Storm's, Booker T's, the Dudleys -- and add in picking up talent from ROH (like the Wolves), NXT castoffs (EV3) and the core roster they have now I think they're pretty set.

  30. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 22, 2014 at 1:23 PM

    i thought wwe didn't care about tna

    and yet, "paul" is inquiring about their hiring practices...

  31. They could also use stories that don't end terribly, if end at all. And maybe no more invading heel stables for...let's say 100 years.

  32. So in the last couple of months, TNA has...

    Trimmed the roster.
    Took Impact off the road and taped like a month of shows.
    Didn't re-sign Hogan, who they felt was worth anything price a couple of years prior.
    Drew like 300 fans to recent house shows.
    Tried to get the Impact Zone back and couldn't,
    Didn't re-sign AJ Styles, who's been the backbone of the company.
    Drew a lower rating for a free television "pay per view" than they did a regular Impact the week before.
    Now they've cut ties with OVW.

    Did I forget anything?

    It doesn't sound like things are going particularly well at the moment.

  33. You guys CLEARLY don't get it. They signed MVP who was a midcard player for the wwe 5 years ago. He's going to save the day. Duh

  34. Oooh, MVP. Now if they really want to move the needle they need the UFC's light heavyweight champions from seven years ago...wait..what's that? They did that already? Aw crap.

  35. NJPW resurrected their sagging business. To associate with TNA would be charity for charity's sake and I don't know if TNA's few remaining fans would care or notice the influx of talent anyway. Lucha isn't in much better shape than TNA.

  36. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 2:42 PM

    ..and no more owner/GM angles.

  37. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 2:42 PM

    What do you mean "was about to"?

  38. MVP vs Magnus: winner gets to be called the right to be called Power Ranger.
    Book it.

  39. Pretty much. When NJPW works with them, one side always pisses the other off eventually. And nobody cares about l

  40. Actually, they haven't done their annual post-WrestleMania Spring Cleaning for several years now. They basically stopped doing it once Linda ran for office and talked about all the employment opportunities she was giving (and these mass lay offs would not be a good sign). That's why guys like Curt Hawkins, JTG, Ezekiel Jackson, Yoshi Tatsu, Camacho, Hunico (before becoming Sin Cara again), and half of the Divas still have a job. I can barely remember the last time somebody was legitimately fired -- it's almost always the person asking for their release now.

  41. And with those two decrees, TNA is forced to turn to Hardy Boys bovels for plot. Nancy Drew if they want multi-layered, six-month angles.

  42. The problem is that lucha is actually dead in Mexico. When WWE got on the major networks there they did the same thing they did to the territories up here 25 ago. The only thing I could possibly think of that would make NJPW consider associating with TNA is building some inroads for their few remaining talents to come in when TNA inevitably folds or restructures.

    If Spike is really interested in the WWE TV rights (and I think they would have fought harder to keep the UFC if Spike's parent company cared about Spike) - then TNA is completely hosed.

  43. If TNA wants a prayer at succeeding I'd suggest they try Bellator's tournament model. They'd only have to use eight workers per episode so less stars to fly in and pay. You rotate guys so they don't burn out - they can work indies on the side too. People don't get sick of your guys. You build them up with the build that is pure and sporting. I also think they should return to a six sided ring and permanently fence it in making it look a little like the Strikeforce cage. Pseudo MMA is so far from what the WWE is doing that it might have a prayer. It's at least fairly low risk with how far things have sunk. And they need to ditch the tit joke of a name, if it wasn't poison in 2002 it sure is now.

  44. *spoilers for the five people who watch still*

    I just saw that Sting lost a title match on tomrrow's Impact and thus will have to retire from TNA - Did I not just see at one of their PPVs less than half a year ago Sting lose a heavily hyped main event where if he lost he would NEVER get a TNA title shot again -- a fairly believable stipulation at his age? And since he lost this one his contract is terminated...okay, so you killed all the credibility of stipulations involving Sting - why are we supposed to believe this one? Also - why does he get a title shot after losing to some guy named Ethan Carter the week before?

    And Kurt Angle is defending a Hall of Fame induction like a wrestling title? The fuck is that shit? Please do not tell me this is some brilliant, nuanced storyline they developed well ... how do you defend a Hall of Fame induction in a wrestling match?!? Augh! What about people in wrestling Hall of Fames that didn't even wrestle.

  45. There are no stars in Mexico at all right now.

  46. Much like the state of TNA, I will run this joke to the ground.

  47. Jesus, that's sort of depressing. Oh well.

  48. 1: Sting + stips HAD credibility in the first place? Fooled me. It's an easy, lazy way to write him off of TV/out of TNA entirely.

    2: Angle "technically" was not inducted last year, as he declined the offer. What he's "defending" is the RIGHT to be inducted at a future date, thus making the stip even more batshit insane than you thought it was.

    TNA: Our Creative Should Be Committed.
    WWE: Our Creative Should Be Fired/Shot At Dawn. (Opinion subject to change, unlike TNA.)

  49. I'm really surprised the WWE legal team didn't get right on that. I think it damaged their Hall of Fame business when they did that nonsense with Hogan (Wasn't Flair involved too). Maybe they're just saving the lawsuit as a bargaining chip for the tape library when this whole thing goes pear shaped for good.

  50. The scary thing: Those would be better angles than anything TNA is running now.

  51. I mean...technically I should quibble with Jericho being back in 2007 and Batista being back in 2014 when they lost matches ensuring they were fired from Raw and gone forever but after enough time passes I think it's fair to say "it's wrestling" - but to have stipulations treated THAT meaningless....

    And #2 in your post made my head hurt so much. Isn't wrestling supposed to be for simpletons? At least isn't that the stereotype - why the hell would you make a wrestling storyline so complicated - is there something wrong with Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle don't like each other so they fight?

  52. This is TNA, of course two guys fighting because they don't like each other is too... simple... for them to go with.

    Come on, at least it's not Sabin vs Aries for the X-Div title AND Velvet Sky (who'll be in a cage at ringside).

  53. Just ugh....if you thought the WWE's portrayal of women was childish and regressive - ladies and gentlemen, caged chattle! Does the winner inspect her gums like a slave auction?

  54. I'm sure Aries would inspect other parts if he wins...

  55. Might I add that Kurt is absolutely nuts for doing these long TV matches to empty, heatless arenas and 1.0 ratings. This is your health and you are in your 40s with a bunch of children - dude. Gracefully accept your new job as straight to video action movie dude and make the occasional appearance as a special treat which might actually have some value.

  56. They explained it. Magnus made a bargain with Sting. Said he remembered the stipulation, but was willing to make an exception (remember, Magnus is the corporate suck-up now).

    I had no issue with it, really. It was a pretty good promo segment.

  57. Is he the CM Punk of the Knockouts locker room?

  58. I bet he'd like to be...

  59. Not disputing TNA being in bad shape, but OVW contributed nothing to them during its time as a developmental. Virtually every guy TNA sent down there failed to improve. Sam Shaw might turn out well, I dunno, but Crimson, Silva, Bradley and every other OVW export failed to impress.

  60. Why wouldn't Magnus just wrestle against somebody who had earned a shot? He is the new world champion - has he fought everybody and now needs to prove himself against Sting so he can say he beat a Hall of Famer? I don't expect wrestling storylines not to have plotholes but that's just silly.

  61. Angle's #1 with a bullet in any "active wrestler" Dead Pool. Short of every company on Earth telling Kurt "Not interested", he'll wrestle until he keels over. Or has an epiphany.

    2 to 1 on him keeling over wrestling in front of <50 fans in an unheated warehouse.

  62. Oh, and going in the cage was HER idea, so Sabin could not use her as interference.

  63. I need an excedrin. Seriously. The burns!!

  64. Ten times as many people saw him get hit in the head with a dumbell by The Rock in a five second movie scene than saw all these matches he is breaking his back for. He probably got paid better for it too. I met Kurt - he has a really scary aura - which isn't to say he's necessarily a bad guy but he's very icy and unapproachable at first and something about him gives me the willies. I would sadly not be surprised to hear him be the next Benoit. (Sort of a macabre fitting end to their one upsmanship storyline in pro wrestling).

    I hope he gets some help. The last Wrestlemania for him was 8 years ago, the crowds are gone - did he see The Wrestler?

  65. People have a very skewed opinion of OVW based on the talent they sent up to WWE in 2002 - a bumper crop for the most part and this is from when OVW was a very different organization ran by a very different group of people with way better financial backing.

  66. Oh, you and your "facts"...

  67. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 22, 2014 at 4:58 PM

    I know I would.

  68. For those interested in more Daniel Bryan news and information, here's an new 18min radio station interview with him:
    His turn on the Wyatts is mentioned so it's fairly new, and the upload I thought there was some interesting stuff in there about his approach to his career and how he's navigating the wacky world of WWE backstage politics.

  69. The WWE, for better or worse, is essentially killing the indy scene with the Performance Center.

    They've already basically said that they're looking for talent who they can build an nurture from the ground up (i.e. wrestlers who have very little professional experience, but have trained and/or attended a school). They don't want to use their expensive facility to teach people to do flat back bumps or sell punches if they don't have to, but beyond that, they want to teach people to structure their matches before they learn a different way (a.k.a. "wrong") to do it somewhere else.

    If you're looking to make a career out of wrestling (and you don't just wanna be a superstar on Saturday nights and then go back to your 9-5 job) and you hear this, why would you even consider working for an Indy fed when you could just head down to Orlando next time they do open tryouts? You're handicapping yourself by working the Indy circuit.

  70. The really saddening part is that he has money; a net worth of about 20 million if the link Scott posted a while ago was accurate.

  71. And Jim Cornette knew what he was doing as well because I watched OVW during those years and it was pretty good. Cornette's ideas may not work for a national promotion anymore, but I think he's still in his element booking a local federation like OVW.

  72. My name is Roland monica from Houston,taxes.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2013 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called DR omoba. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address:

  73. Because Sting insulted him, called him a paper champ and said he never earned anything in the sport. He pushed his buttons, made it an issue of manhood. Magnus wants to prove himself, but moreso wants to humiliate Sting.

  74. Different trainers, and also different recruiters picking the talent to be groomed.


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