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Warrior's Mildly Crazy Letter to Vince


see this floating around today?

Among other things, makes me wonder what Savage (and Slaughter) got for WM7.

Vince was an incredibly reasonable guy in that response, which assumes that he didn't immediately stiff Warrior on all the money he promised.  


  1. I'd love to know if the letter is why Vince got rid of him after Summerslam. If so, dick move. But maybe Warrior still held up Vince right before in addition to the letter.

  2. This is just like the Time Traveling thing from last week.

  3. Far as I know Warrior never claimed to have been stiffed his Summerslam 91 pay. He just disputes that he tried to hold up the show beforehand.

  4. Clearly this explains why there were 2 Ultimate Warriors.

  5. I could not read that novel that Jim called a letter.

  6. Vince is the fing man. That was an awesome response.

  7. "I completely agree, here is everything you asked for" is basically what Vince wrote.

  8. Ever tried to read his comic book? The one where he rapes Santa? At the end he includes this insanely long and barely readable rant against the comics artist going so far as to almost threaten his life. Jim Hellwig does not give a fuck about anything.


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