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WWE Creative vs. WWE Universe

Is it just me or is the most interesting feud right now taking place between Creative & the fans over Daniel Bryan?

The WWE has basically gone out of its way since the moment Bryan beat Cena to bury the guy. Orton, Triple H, The Authority, a B+ player, Big Show stealing his catchphrase, screwjobs and now joining the Wyatt family. Yet fans keep chanting for Bryan and he remains the most over guy in the company.

So what's the payoff? I'd book Undertaker vs. Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania.

Interesting you should ask, because I was just reading this:

It's really becoming a battle of attrition between Creative and the fans, with the fanbase actively rejecting everything non-Bryan in the main events.  I think what he really needs is someone like Undertaker to step up and champion him once and for all.  If Taker came forward and told Vince that he wanted Bryan to end the streak, Vince would know it's time to stop fucking around.  Not that ending the streak would be a good idea, but it would certainly send a message.  

My favorite comparison for bad storylines is always Steve Austin.  Do you think Steve Austin would put up with someone booking him to join the Wyatt Family as a garbageman?  He'd rip the script up and tell the writers to go fuck themselves.  Granted Bryan isn't in the position to do that, but there are people around who ARE in that position, and someone needs to say it.  


  1. Posts like this over and over make me feel more anti-Bryan than anything, honestly. And I used to like the guy.

  2. You dislike a character on a wrestling show because other people like him? I'll give you that Bryan fans are going a tad overboard, but how would that possibly affect your enjoyment of his matches/personality?

  3. Why would ending the streak be a bad idea? Unless the wwe has been lying to me, when there is a streak match there have been just as many 18-1 signs as there are 19-0 signs. And Bryan is over with the crowd; and is young enough and healthy enough that he will be around for the next 10 years. Why not have him be the guy to end the streak?

  4. I honestly wish Bryan would just go away... not because I think he is or isn't being misused... I'd just like us to be able to talk about something else.

  5. Same here... SO TIRED of this same topic recycled over and over

  6. Sure there's a guy like that around. He has the initials J.C. and is booked like another guy with the same initials.

  7. In the end, both Lance Storm and Kevin Kelly were right...he was never going to be a big star, b/c his name is fucking Dolph fucking Ziggler. You can't take him seriously with a name like that, so they don't, so he takes rediculous bumps in meaningless matches to stay in view, so he gets concussed too much, and so he'll eventually be let go.

  8. That and finding a future ex-wife to give it to.

  9. Newsflash: Big Show never stole a catchphrase. You don't seem him using it still do you?

  10. I'm in the same boat at this point. As a fan, I'd much rather Bryan be off the show for 6 months than see him in a midcard heel garbageman gimmick. Not wishing injury on teh guy, but I'd prefer he go take a super long honeymoon and come back after Brock/Batista/Taker are gone. It'd make their segments easier to watch without the Bryan stuff hovering over the rest of the show.

  11. I don't think it's really as divided as you think. I think most people (myself included) would prefer to see Bryan in a better spot and would like to see him main-eventing. The division just seems to be more between people who think it's the worst thing in the history wrestling vs. people who have more of a wait and see approach.

  12. Shouldn't you be posting at NPP?

  13. I'm of the mindset that Vince never wanted to push Austin initially. He would have ridden the Kliq train till it ran his company into the ground.

  14. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 7, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Shut up. All of you. Well....not all of you. Some of you.

  15. Vince doesn't get it. If Vince doesn't get it, it doesn't happen. Period.

  16. You said that not meltzer

  17. Listen, you fucking idiots - burying someone is removing them off TV completely, giving them zero airtime/limited ways of making money and basically making them nameless. You think Dolph Ziggler looks at Daniel Bryan and thinks "poor guy, getting buried like that". At the same time you think JTG wouldn't trade places with Dolph Ziggler in a heartbeat? Stop being such dramatic pussies (I know I'm being dramatic too, just making a point)

  18. His dickhead bully character coujd give some life to the mid card

  19. "Do you think Steve Austin would put up with someone booking him to join the Wyatt Family as a garbageman? He'd rip the script up and tell the writers to go fuck themselves."

    Bryan is nowhere near the draw or popularity level of Austin. Horrid example.

  20. Man has a point. I mean, as much as every wrestler dreams of headlining Mania, ask Bryan himself and he'll tell you he's living the dream, at or near the top of the card and having great matches left and right. Foley headlined Mania once in an overlogged match and underperformed at it to boot...doesn't negate all the rest of his career and the successes that he holds highly.

  21. Austin would act like a 4 year old and take his ball and go home. Then come back 8 months later to fight Eric Bischoff.

  22. I have no problem with Ambrose smiling during the Jake run-in; being able to tell how much Ambrose was enjoying himself made me enjoy watching it more. I'd actually like to see more of that kind of thing during Old School Raw: instead of bringing out old-timers in a (probably futile) attempt to pop the crowd, let the current wrestlers do something with the guys they grew up watching or influenced them. If the wrestlers are honestly excited about what they're doing and who they're doing it with, it'll come through in their performance. Their excitement is what'll make the show better, not the mere presence of the New Age Outlaws.

  23. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 7, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I like this guy.

  24. The whole "Bryan is being buried" thing hinges on the notion that the WWE doesn't want the fans to pay so much attention to Bryan and they are attempting to discourage the fans from doing so by constantly drawing attention to him.

  25. Yeah, when you draw more money than God, you have that leverage.

  26. Oh man, he called me a fucking idiot! I'm gonna go cry now!

  27. Yep. I doubt he would have done that in 1997 when he was fighting HBK to a double DQ at the KOTR, or jobbing to Owen at Canadian Stampede, then getting demoted to an IC title match against him at Summerslam.

  28. I'm puzzled at how Baltimore became such a bad crowd. It used to be a hot wrestling market.

  29. Selling stocks isn't shady in and of itself. She's not selling her ownership, either.

    It's really less "is it that simple" and more "is there any reason backed up by any evidence why you think it isn't?"

    Building a house ain't cheap.

  30. I'm betting Daniel Bryan has NO PROBLEM with his lot in the WWE right now. He's a featured performer, main evented a bunch of Raws and Pay Per Views this year and has had the spotlight pretty steadily for months now.

    He's had more people chanting his name in the last month than in his entire career before he joined up with the WWE combined.

    The guy is going to be WWE Champ eventually. I doubt he's worried about it. I'm happy to go along for the ride.

  31. Not good enough for most people here, apparently.

  32. Nope. That much has been made clear in the last few months. And I'm sure Bryan appreciates the support from his fans.But at the end of the day, that nerdy-looking dude goes to bed fucking a Bella.

  33. Put me in the camp, if such a camp exists, of those who'd rather Bryan wasn't even on the show anymore at this point. Heel garbageman Daniel Wyatt is negative entertainment as far as I'm concerned. Failing that, hopefully he is just relegated to quick throwaway segments that I can get a chuckle out of, and just focus on the eventual Brock/Batista feud. (I really hope Punk doesn't get caught up in this for a Punk/Bryan Mania match. I'd way rather Bryan be in some opening match 8-man tag that Punk has nothing to do with.) That outlook will make following WWE and this blog way more enjoyable.

    You win this one, Vince!

  34. Granted Bryan isn't in the position to do that

    Honestly, back in the day, even guys who were in no position to do that did it anyway. How many times did Shawn wrangle his way out of dropping the IC title between 1992-1994? Dude went out of his way to be a pain inside the asshole long before he had the cache to get away with it, but he still stood up to Vince, showed he had the balls to tell him when his plans were bullshit, etc. And the crazy thing is, this was at a time where his ideas largely weren't bullshit, at least where Shawn was concerned. The Vader feud really should have seen HBK dropping the title, building to the Rocky-like comeback win.

    I mean, guys generally don't stand up for themselves because WWE breeds a culture of fear and complacency among its talent, particularly once they see a really talented guy like Dolph Ziggler talk out of turn and end up spending a year on his back in-between concussions.

    I also suppose it's an issue of having no other legitimate options to go if you're fired from WWE. Honky Tonk Man could hold Vince up for money and a push by threatening to bail with the IC title. THE FUCKING HONKY TONK MAN, calling shots! Even if "the prestigious intercontinental title" meant as much now as it did then, you'd never see a midcarder today who'd dare to threaten Vince like that. But HTM was RIGHT to do it! He learned creative had no plans for him post-title, and had no intentions of making plans for him, so he said, "Well, if you're not going to take care of me, I have to take care of myself."

    And that's the difference between then and now. Guys don't take care of themselves anymore. They just piss away their primes getting misused because they don't stand up to Vince/Creative/Whomever. And why should they stand up for themselves? WWE has made it clear that although they preach the "You need to grab the brass ring yourself" ideology, they actively stamp down anyone who dares to get over without their expressed, written, notarized consent.

    So yeah, old man rant. But whatever. I like my lawn the way it is, and this newfangled WWE with its social media and corporate buzzword ideology needs to stay the hell off of it.

  35. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 7, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    Fuck being in wrestling shape, I'm glad to see that Jake is alive and apparently happy.

  36. I'm of the mindset that the only reason to build a streak is to have someone end the streak. This goes all the way back to Bad News Brown, Tatanka, etc.

    How many Manias does UT have left, anyway? I mean, I've long been on the "Cena/UT at WMXXX or GTFO" bandwagon. But if we're not getting that, Bryan ending the streak as Undertaker rides into the sunset wouldn't be to bad. Some kind of Undertaker v Bryan for his soul kind of deal.

  37. I don't think I laughed half as hard as I did when Orton started his promo last night by noting that he hates how WWE is about catering to what the fans want, when I struggle to think of a moment where WWE gave the fans what they wanted. And even when I can think of those moments, I can't think of a time where they didn't have a begrudging attitude about it, like a wife badgered into giving her man a handjob because he won't shut the fuck up and let her sleep if she doesn't.

  38. I 100% believe she's doing it for the cash actually.

  39. So, you'd rather they legitimately bury Daniel Bryan by removing from TV and take him out of the spotlight, because you're not enjoying the current story they're telling with him?

    Do you also toss the baby out when done with the bathwater?

  40. But would you seriously watch the product more? Bryan is one of the few things that has kept me tuned into Raw over the past year or so.

  41. Basically. And if she needs money now this is a fine way to get it

  42. I think you're misinterpreting fans caring about how professionally successful "Bryan Danielson the person" is vs caring about whether the character on this TV wrestling show is entertaining. Yeah, Bryan Danielson is probably making good money and very proffessionaly fulfilled and banging a hot chick. And on some level his fans are happy about that. But on the other hand, they're very unhappy about the character and TV show, the thing meant to entertain them.

    I'm sure Michael C. Hall made a nice living off the last season of Dexter, and great for him, but that doesn't mean that viewers of that show need to automatically enjoy it for those reasons.

  43. If Austin were around today, I don't think he'd do what he was told.

    He'd get his script, realize his name has been changed to Smith Enwesson, tell'em "That's fucking stupid," and spend the rest of his days jobbing on Superstars at Todd Schwartleheim.

  44. I think She's dumping the common shares because that's the easiest and they have the least value but what is she really doing with the money? Could be for a house. I dont see anything shady with this though.

  45. And the complaining happening about the Bryan angle right now is like bitching about a full season of a TV show after the first commercial break of the second episode.

    You like the main character, try and make it through to the credits here.

  46. You're not an asshole or anything.

  47. This is what a textual temper tantrum looks like.

  48. They didn't book it the way he wanted, so now he's angry.

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    TJ: I'm off work today thanks to the weather. Anyone want to get shitfaced?

  50. Worst crowd ever! I guess the cold took a lot out of them or something

  51. "is like bitching about a full season of a TV show after the first commercial break of the second episode."

    Except that we are WELL BEYOND that "first commercial break" at this point by using your analogy. The Kick, Wham Pedigree was back in f'n August, bro.

  52. Ziggler concussions starting to pile up

  53. As a recovering addict myself seeing Jake on Raw last night brought a tear to my eye

  54. I have no ill will towards Daniel Bryan as a person, but as a viewer this angle/character/direction are such a huge negative that I'd rather it not even be there anymore. I definitely don't want to see anything worthwhile, like Punk's Wrestlemania angle, be dragged into it. So yeah, I hope it kinda just sits low on the card with the R-Truths and Usos of the world in no more than one segment a week.

    Heel Garbageman Bryan is just a constant reminder of something that could have been awesome and Vince's "FUCK YOU FANS" mentality that yeah, I would rather not even see it.

  55. The worse part of all these weird and questionable decisions regarding Daniel Bryan is that the guy is SUPER OVER. This isn't a Fandango-ing thing where it faded within a few weeks. Bryan has been over since like May 2013. That 8 second defeat to Sheamus at WM got Bryan OVER.

    Even if we tire of Daniel Bryan after 2 years, so fucking what?! Strike while the iron is hot, exploit the hell out of the weird looking short guy that everybody loves. MAKE THAT MONEY! WWE goes lame with the boring YES YES YES shirts, they sell like hotcakes. They book him with Kane, gives him the more boring NO NO NO shirts, they sell like hotcakes. They sell fear the beard shirts! What are they waiting for?!

    Cena was fucking hurt and out of action for a few months, that was the time to do it! Even after WWE said no to the fans, they were STILL hot for Bryan.

    This Wyatt thing might finally kill that heat. But I guess WWE doesn't really want to make money after all.

  56. For me, it's not so much about seeing Bryan pushed as it is about knowing that if I get behind a guy, and the rest of the crowd does too, that we might actually see him get some kind of a real shot, and not just a begrudging push designed to fail. I don't expect WWE to give me what I want all the time, or even half the time, but I hate the idea that we, as fans, ultimately don't have any effect on the product beyond choosing between three identical match stipulations on the App.

  57. I disagree on this. It's not as if the burying will be any different when he comes back "fresh" in 6 months or whatever.

  58. Right now, we're at the "Walter White is underneath the floor tile, and laughing hysterically like a maniac". Will he overcome the odds? Or is he being buried and seen as a loser now?

  59. No, we're not. I'm specifically addressing the Bryan-Wyatt rage, based on an angle that just started last week.

  60. Lost his push because he got hurt and couldn't work. Tells you all you need to know about the wwe-and its wellness policy

  61. Except those weren't demotions, Austin was constantly being put in the ring with veterans.

  62. Why the need to come on here and be insulting?

  63. It would be really interesting if ziggler sued the wwe for causing him brain damage. I bet he could get a lot of guys to jump in on a class action

  64. The bigger thing, for me anyway, is that we were told a story from August to now about Daniel Bryan kicking and clawing and scratching his way through everyone being against him (except John Cena, btw) to gain the WWE Title and keep it; and now we're told all that emotional investment will not have a payoff. That's the problem.

  65. I think we all could have assumed it wouldn't have a payoff when it started, and we all did assume it wouldn't have a payoff, but they sucked us in with potential and hope.

    I think there's still a chance of that payoff coming, but we have a detour. I'm willing to see what happens through the Rumble before I make any real judgments.

  66. Legally he might have a case, but I doubt many people would sign up. Nobody wants to get blackballed by Vince. Even if they're not actively employed by the WWE, there's benefits to being allowed to work out a 'Legends deal', being allowed to use your gimmick on indy shows, even just having your old matches be available on the web site. You'd have to get people who are financially secure enough that they don't need anything from the WWE in the future if things don't go their way.

  67. Did you really just compare Daniel Bryan dressing up like a janitor and joining a mid-card stable to Crawl Space*?!

  68. I feel like you're just being obtuse for the sake of finding any way to spin this angle into something positive. You're omitting pretty pivotal details in all of your arguments.

  69. Comparisons to HBK are very apt, and not just because he triend Bryan...because if Bryan played the game backstage as well as Shawn did back in the 90's, Bryan WOULD be headlining Mania now. You have to match Vince & be as big an asshole as he is.

  70. Well then go tell Jobber to go fuck himself.

  71. He is facing huge adversity and is at his breaking point, and rock bottom. So yes.

  72. Everyone keeps comparing Daniel Bryan to Steve Austin. So I'm pointing out that Austin's 1st year after KOTR 1996 was very bumpy also, just like Daniel's is now.

  73. We should all start buying shares and become the Blog Otter Lobby for the WWE.

  74. But Crawl Space was actually entertaining and one of the best moments in television history. not.

  75. The last member of the Spirit Squad still in wrestling, IIRC.

  76. Definitely think there's something to that. Vince seems like the kind of guys who respects a little bit of being told to go fuck himself, and probably least respects whiny passive aggressiveness. (Hence the Ziggler and Ryder burials.)

    Punk's push hasn't been perfect obviously, but he had balls with Vince and in the end it paid off.

  77. I'm legit interested to see where it goes. Sorry if that is wrong.

  78. I missed the Roberts part - did he do any actual wrestling, or just throw his snake on a dude?

  79. Why couldn't it be that simple? The Connecticut suburbs of New York is some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Over one million dollars to build a house isn't that far-fetched.

  80. It's odd to me bc i assume she'd have millions in liquid cash

  81. I don't know. She's well off, but she's not Scrooge McDuck. I doubt she keeps a giant vault of money around the house. Most rich people do the same thing that middle-class people do - they keep the money they need for regular expenses + some extra spending money in cash, and put anything extra into savings, stock, bonds, etc. When you need to buy something big that is outside of that normal budget, then you have to convert some of that savings into cash.

  82. Wasn't it Russo?

  83. This was before Russo was the editor. I am about 95% certain it was Keith Elliot Greenberg,


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