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Austin Speaks on Punk

Stone Cold went on Arsenio Hall this week, maybe a couple days after the story broke and gave his take. Nothing unexpected although I think Austin mentioning Vince probably going to Chicago and speaking to him seems possible.

Funny interview if you can catch it all. Arsenio's house band did a really good job playing his theme, makes me wonder why the WWE didn't give him a live musical entrance one year. Might have been pretty cool, not as cool as the glass breaking prop in Wrestlemania 13 but still cool.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.


  1. Huh. I thought they did the DIsturbed version of Austin's theme live at a PPV somewhere, but after checking they did it at WWF New York. Man, I sure would like to eat there. I'll bet it's packed every night and still in business.

  2. Arsenio is one milquetoast guy.

    If everything keeps going as it is, I say Punk's involvement at WrestleMania is limited to an interference and the company throws a few thousand his way.

  3. I remember walking by there after 911 saying to myself that I can't believe THIS is still here but the twins are gone.


  5. I liked when Stephanie started getting slutty and got into meth.

  6. Gotta point the finger at Gia for that one.

  7. Wait, wait, wait, hold up...

    Arsenio has a show again?!?

  8. Wow... DOMINATION by Barao... still don't like the guy.

  9. Damn. Barao is a bad man. Aldo delivered another disappointing fight but Barao just blazed through Faber. Thought the stoppage was a smidge(TM Joe Rogan) early but you can't just lay there and cover up. You gotta move.

  10. Oh man, I think my first TV girl thing was for Gia.

  11. I thought it was pretty boring for the most part. Barao replaced Aldo as the exciting lighter-weight Brazilian dominator.

  12. That's pretty much it for Faber right? I can't imagine him getting another title shot. He lost convincingly to Aldo, twice to Barao, and once to Cruz. I think all three of those guys will keep their titles for a good long while. Where do you go if you're Faber?

  13. Fucker can win every fight except a title match. Him trying to backtrack from not being able to defend himself is a bit ridiculous. I like the guy, a lot, but he was clearly beat. Barao was letting up on those punches big time being like, "You sure you want me to keep hitting him?"

  14. Becky would've been my choice from that show.

    Jenny McCarthy on singled out was the first "watch a tv show cus i would like to do some things to her" moment.

  15. I've never heard any wrestler refer to pretty much ANYTHING as a gimmick like Steve Austin. I'm waiting for him to drop it on his wife one of these days.

  16. Well yeah, Becky is the clear choice now. But in 1993 I was 9, so "bad girl" Gia was where it was at.

  17. Super excited mark out moment ahead...

    5/25/14 Chikara is back!!!

    Back to your boring non-Chikarafan lives.

  18. It was a little early but I don't blame Herb. You can't just lay there and cover up. Barao could have kept hitting him until midnight if he wanted to. People should watch the Lesnar/Carwin fight for an example of what to do when you are trying to survive. Lesnar kept rolling and moving and showing signs of life. Faber just covered his head and held onto a leg.

    I think that was Faber's last title fight. Who knows, he'll probably go on a diet, beat everyone at 125 and then get choked out by Mighty Mouse.

  19. Topanga was that for me.

  20. I eventually graduated to Topanga... and kept that for a very long time. My dad would call her chunky, or beefy, and I'd get a little mad at him each time.

  21. Wow... that prelim fight was great.

  22. Ive always thought Bill Murray would be a perfect Lex Luthor...

  23. I wouldnt call it the best but the Terry Tate one was good... all time most hated ad is the stupid talking baby one that people laud likes its cutting edge when Look Who's Talking came out in the 80s....

  24. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 1, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    Wish they did his Alliance heel theme.


  25. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 1, 2014 at 11:39 PM

    Crazy night in unbeaten hoops: Wichita St had to rally from double digits, my Dukies pushed Syracuse to the limit in a GOTY candidate, and Arizona fell. Can't wait to edit that last one at work on Monday.

  26. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 1, 2014 at 11:39 PM


  27. This would be the closest Austin ever got to a live musical entrance (exit?)

  28. That threw me for a loop too.

  29. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 2, 2014 at 12:10 AM

    just read a report about the show. sweet jeebus, chikara wresters' names are stupid

  30. The conspiracy nuts were unintentionally right about 911 being engineered by the govt. What they failed to realize was that the feds, still all butt-hurt about the whole steroid trial thing, finally came up with a sure-fire plan for their revenge and hired a bunch of dipshits to take a couple of commercial airliners and buzz Vince's restaurant all Maverick and Goose style and shit (cause that'd sure get his goat!) but the feds, being true to form, hired some Middle Eastern firm to perform background checks on the cheap and...well, you know the rest. Gives Stephanie's comments on RAW afterward a whole new meaning, doesn't it. Yeah, I'm deep like that...

  31. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 2, 2014 at 12:14 AM

    $3 bucks and you have to pay for refills?! THAT'S A BIGGER RIPOFF THAN A BRYAN-LESS RUMBLE

    Sacrilege in an restaurant. $1.20-$2 for a soda with unlimited refills or Get The F Out.

  32. Wrestlemania is some months away. I'm guessing Punk will patch things up with the company in the meantime, and they'll spin this whole deal about Punk being pissed Kane cost him a chance at Mania.

    I mean, Punk's pretty much got Vince fucked with the upcoming Chicago show.

  33. Everyone got them. Fuck the Dudleys and Rey Misterio got them. So if there was a CD to be sold at the time, people were getting live intros.

    But yeah he never needed it. Very true.

  34. It's definitely old school. I've heard Hall use it like Steve does.

  35. All sodas purchased at WWF New York are on me!

  36. I was very fond of the Disturbed theme, myself.

  37. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 2, 2014 at 2:41 AM

    i remember once when benoit was the special guest "live from new york it's saturday night's main event" and the waiter came by and asked him if he wanted anything more and he said "no, i'm stuffed, i couldn't eat another bite," yet his plate was full as if it had just been brought to him

  38. I'd love to see Austin get a live music entrance, but Disturbed sucks. I could really get down with Rob Thomas performing his theme though.

  39. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 2, 2014 at 2:44 AM

    i think getting a soft drink in a restaurant is a waste of money, so i always order water. better for you and free

  40. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 2, 2014 at 2:46 AM

    'Yeah, I'm deep like that...'

    that's also a comment steph made, dig it

  41. Wait, are you talking about the band? Like Vince and Punk bought some nice seats to see Chicago, but now things are all awkward between them and they don't know who should give up his ticket. And just as they almost had it worked out, Vince accused Punk of being a Peter Cetera, and now they're not speaking again. Meanwhile, Triple H would really like to go, but he wants Vince to offer; he's tired of having to always ask.

  42. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 2, 2014 at 3:02 AM

    Works for me, Lex Luthor is a smug bastard, and Jesse might be the best at it. Hey, people bitched when the guy from A Knight's Tale was gonna play the fucking Joker, or going back to 1988-89, Mr. Mom was gonna be Batman.

    Moral of the story: Let's just let it play out and see where it goes.

  43. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 2, 2014 at 3:02 AM

    LOL I remember that ad.

  44. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 2, 2014 at 3:04 AM

    Maybe not of all time, but it's a fucking great movie. Wells me up every time.


  45. Just imagine the calls during their Wrestlemania 18 match.
    "I'm going to gimmick you to the ropes and make sure you gimmick when you bounce back or else I'm going to gimmick you right in the gimmick with my gimmick."
    "OK, got it, but just make sure you gimmick before you gimmick or I swear I will tell go straight to Vince and gimmick him to take away your gimmick."
    It's like the Smurf language.

  46. So punching a guy, who's clearly defending himself, in the gloves means he's out of the fight?

    Nah, that's bullshit.

  47. Has he fought Aldo in the UFC?

  48. AJ Lee was seen in Chicago with Punk and didn't work this weekend's house shows. I wonder if she's quitting WWE too now?

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 2, 2014 at 5:04 AM

    25 or 6 to 4 is a great song.

  50. Was she scheduled to work those shows?

    Maybe WWE sent her off to talk some sense into him.

  51. His ex-wife gave his gimmick its name. I wonder if she enjoyed his gimmick when it got huge? Everyone was talking about his gimmick, Vince couldn't get enough and put it on T-Shirts. I get the feeling Triple-H is a bit jealous that his gimmick never got as big a Austins, Steph probably has to lie that Macho Mans gimmick wasn't as massive as his.

  52. I just remember the awesomely ridiculous Smackdown game (think it was Here Comes the Pain)on the ps2 where you could get on the train and go to WWF New York. Just picturing the wrestler in his ring gear on the subway made me laugh.

  53. Yea they played it on the first episode of Sunday Night Heat from WWE New York

  54. So, is the point of Arsenio's new show to interview primarily 90's guys who are still doing something? I saw him interview Kevin Smith the other day,

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 2, 2014 at 5:51 AM


    This is the first footage I've seen from the Rumble. Fuck this clown college organization, and fuck Orton too. You've been a "sports entertainer" for like 15 years, learn how to deal with the fucking crowd you douchebag. And go home and get your fucking shinebox!

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 2, 2014 at 5:56 AM

    Kevin Smith is still doing something? Someone needs to tell him to stop.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 2, 2014 at 6:01 AM

    Fun fact: fountain soda is so cheap that if you get it in a disposable cup the cup itself costs more than what's inside it. Talk about profits...

  58. Agreed, besides the point of soda is to dehydrate (or rather to fail to hydrate you) so you so you buy more. A conspiracy!

  59. Is "talk" code for something?

  60. Hell, I just realized both Superbad and Pineapple Express are 7 and 6 years old respectively. Which means it was almost a decade ago I started High School, I think it's my first I'm getting old moment.

    Also, Michael Cera is the perfect example of an actor who's benefited from having good writing.

  61. Why the hate? I love Kevin smith.

  62. How they were able to go out of business for 8 months and create the best story in wrestling is crazy- amazing. Also, just reading their forum, now we get legacy characters, like a DC comic book. I'm pretty stoked for the stories that can come out of that.

    And a Delorean!

  63. The BoD Summit?

  64. Honestly, this was my least favorite of the Melissa appearances (2nd was the best, IMO). Good to see her and Aidy share a skit though, and Seth got a good sendoff.

  65. Gwildor was the midget with the beard.

  66. Yeah, Melissa's shtick started to feel grating towards the end, especially that awful museum sketch.

  67. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 2, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    Sounds awesome, right? We could have it surround a WWE show of some kind.

  68. Not in the UFC but he got decimated in their WEC fight(I think it was the only WEC PPV. It had Goldy and Rogan on commentary) I doubt we'll see that. But if Aldo wins the Lightweight strap Faber might move up to fill the void.

  69. I remember the WEC one. That was just sad, Aldo picked him apart.

    As for Faber's future, he's gotta either move up or down a weight class or hope Dillashaw gets a shot at Barao and wins.

  70. If Aldo vacates the Featherweight Championship to move up to Lightweight and fight Pettis, then I can see Faber getting ONE MORE TITLE FIGHT by moving up to Featherweight.


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