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BoD Daily Update

Hulk Hogan Update

According to Mike Johnson of, Hulk Hogan will return to WWE television on the February 24th edition of RAW, along with Jimmy Hart. Also returning on that show is the Undertaker.

Credit Mike Johnson,

RVD Update

RVD, who lives in the Los Angeles area, stopped by the show and met with HHH then left. Apaprently, RVD met to see if there were any plans for him to get involved in WrestleMania. Prior to the meeting, Dave Meltzer reported that he had not heard any scenarios involving RVD at the show.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Naomi Update

Naomi suffered a fractured orbital bone and will need surgery. She was slated to win the Women's Title from AJ Lee at WrestleMania but there is no timetable on her return and the expected length of recovery is a few months.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Highspots Releases Second Trailer for the "Old School" shoot with Rockin' Robin

In this trailer, Robin opens up about her being sexually abused by her own father, Grizzly Smith (also the father of Jake Roberts and Sam Houston). She also discusses how her sister was murdered. This trailer cements Grizzly Smith as one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever get involved in wrestling.


  1. Yeah, why would you need RVD for anything? It's not like the guy is over or anything. Or could be a fun mid-card attraction match. Or put over a rising star that needs a big W.

  2. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 11, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    way to go aksana. you single handedly derailed a storyline involving one of the more prominent divas (aj) they've had

  3. You're a very very bitter individual, aren't you? He was never advertised for this Raw. Relax.

    And besides, If Meltzer says he has not heard of any RVD WM plans, that pretty much assures that he WILL be part of it.

  4. Oh good, Hogan again.

  5. Would have been my personal 2 favorite/hottest divas at WM. :(

  6. Hogan ends the streak, book it!

    Biggest piece of shit in wrestling is a dubious distinction indeed.

    These are my thoughts.

  7. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 11, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    downvote me all you want, aksana, but the fact is you didnt need to drop the knee onto her frickin' eye like that

  8. What happened to RVD on his last run?

    Did he team up with Ricardo, get a title shot against Del Rio and then just disappear with no explanation?

  9. I think that they have enough part timers already.

  10. What ya gonna do brother, when someone that could be your grandfather runs wild on you?!?!

  11. That would be pretty good actually:

    Taker: This ring is my yard.
    Hogan: Get off my lawn!!

  12. The rematch from Tuesday in Texas

  13. Hulk Hogan update: still really old.

  14. Lots of Meltzer worshippers here, every time I make a negative about him, the downvote floodgates open up. lol

  15. Hogan has looked like a grandfather in 1991.

  16. Yes. They might have explained it as an 'injury', since the match against ADR was a 'hardcore' match and ADR won with an arm-breaker through a chair.

  17. Hoping that hogan returning is an indication that they'll release another DVD set.

  18. He is rumored to be the host of WrestleMania this year and I suspect they will make another DVD set. They have so many matches and angles they haven't even touched yet on his DVD's.

  19. Yes, it was such an exciting and well-planned story that was derailed. Diva champ loses to challenger in series of awful non-title matches and awful tag matches. Occasionally beats challenger in awful non-title and awful tag matches. Champ eventually defends in awful PPV match.

    It's such a gripping and intricate story. And so incredibly different from the AJ/Natalya and AJ/Brie Bella feuds.

  20. I think most people downvote regardless of what you say.

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 11, 2014 at 9:18 AM

    ok, how about this?

    naomi was gonna get a WM payday. aksana fucked that up

  22. LOL, they are downvoting you because you are about as tolerable as Caliber Winfield, Fat Shannon Hough, and the almighty Fuj.

  23. Couple things that bother me about today's update:

    Was "Naomi winning the Diva's championship at Mania" the culmination of a storyline I haven't been paying attention to? Did they build her up in any way to make people care about her winning, or is this a Total Divas thing?

    Hogan and Undertaker showing up at the Feb. 24 Raw means that the show is probably going to be a stacked one. Don't expect much time to be given to the talent that shows up every week...

  24. She can cry about it on Total Divas again.

    I'd be fine if all the Divas missed a WM payday. Their matches are awful.

  25. Because god knows, people don't take kindly to someone with a different opinion on here! It certainly scares people apparently!

  26. The Meltzer jokes are usually lame and have been heard a million times, maybe that is why they downvote?

  27. The dude has had how many DVD/VHS compilations since the CHV days? Plus match inclusions on other DVD sets? They may have actually come close to tapping the Hogan well dry...

  28. That's not it, you are a condescending prick and that is why hardly anyone can tolerate you.

  29. I own three of his sets and be in on a new one day one.

  30. I like Caliber and the Fuj quite a bit.

  31. Hogan: Eh.
    RVD: Meh.
    Naomi: Ouch. Fucking Ouch.
    Highspots: Surprise?

  32. They have his AWA and Florida footage plus even more WWF and WCW stuff they can use.

  33. Because it's a lame hack troll post. Why are you still here?

  34. "Was "Naomi winning the Diva's championship at Mania" the culmination of a
    storyline I haven't been paying attention to? Did they build her up in
    any way to make people care about her winning, or is this a Total Divas

    They built her up the same way they build up the challenger to any secondary title: they had her beat AJ in a handful of tag matches and non-title matches. If you saw the build-up for the AJ/Natalya and AJ/Brie Bella feud, you saw the exact same thing - except substitute Naomi for Brie and Cameron for Nikki.

    There was no indication that people cared about it anymore than they cared about Natalya or the Bellas.

  35. I like how you think you're scaring/blowing peoples minds by doing the exact same troll gimmick we've seen on here for years. Oh *yawn* another anti smark fake poster. Fuck off

  36. But do they have enough of those to put over the full-timers? Methinks no.

  37. It's astonishing that it was only 8 years ago that the WWE managed to do the Trish-Mickie angle, one of the best stories told this past decade, and now we have this. Boo.


  39. Now why couldn't TNA rip off THAT angle while they had Mickie around?

  40. I don't. Two of the biggest egomaniacs to ever post here

    But I don't mind you at all

  41. Using sweeping terms like "people" is a good way to lose any support you may have.

  42. It wouldn't have had the same effect, in my opinion, anyway. None of the Knockouts are anywhere near Trish in terms of attractiveness.

  43. Yeah, it's not you they hate... Wait, it IS you.

  44. That's very nice of you to say. I try very hard to not piss people off.

  45. I'm not bothering to go see who was around when Mickie debuted.


  47. It's infuriating on say, 411.

    "I hope Bryan will be in the WM main event"

    "FAHH YOU SAD IWC BASEMENT SADDO LOLZ !!!!!!!! Go back to your IWC!!!!!!"

    And why do these people do this? Because they don't understand what irony is.

  48. And they did that angle with only two-hour RAWs, at that. And no Total Divas to have to push.

  49. Brie and Natalya weren't feuding with AJ when AJ's boyfriend made a well-publicized exit from the company. Ergo, it seems like people are predicting AJ will drop the belt as punishment for Punk's actions. Naomi would've been the lucky one who just happened to be feuding with AJ at the time.

  50. I still have nightmares of Hogan trying to go up for the chokeslam in their 2002 title match.

  51. It occurs to me that RVD vs. Hogan would've been one of the most hilarious style clashes in wrestling history, so I wish we could've somehow seen that match back in the late 90's.

    Also, RVD looking for something to do at Mania makes me think WWE needs to bring back a Money In The Bank match for the big show. It makes sense...with just one world title now, they can't run two ladder matches at the annual MITB PPV, so this keeps one case in play for the first part of the year and then the second case alive in the second half of the year. Besides, a multi-man ladder match is a great way to both get guys onto the card and to give the show a hot opener (or second-from-the-top match).

  52. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.. But I think that they have enough part timers already.

  53. To be fair, though, I don't think there's anyone in WWE right now, either, that comes close to holding a candle to Trish.

  54. Anti-smark trolls are just as awful as anything else.

    Plus, people who only post to complain about the complaining are completely useless too

  55. Most of those part-timers are either facing each other or making the full-timers look like bitches, even in a loss.

  56. There isn't.

    I have that argument with the AJ Lee hardcore fans too many times and once guy on 411 who tried to tell me that Natalya was better than Trish and that Lita had to carry Trish in all of their matches.

  57. Yeah, that guy's a nutter.

  58. Hulkster AND Jimmy Hart? Yes! Let's get the Wrestling Boot Band back together to play live entrance themes!

  59. I guess they could have 2 MITB winners, meaning the champion would have to contend with 2 guys who could cash in at any time. For the most part they just seem to give the briefcase to one guy they have plans for and another guy because they have to book someone to win the second match.

  60. After Jericho put over Fandango at WM last year I wouldn't be coming back to put over anyone new.

  61. Hey, since AJ doesn't have a program now, and Lita was announced for the Hall of Fame last night, maybe this paves the way for an AJ-Lita match/angle at Mania.

    Or... AJ is just going to induct Lita. Because Matt Hardy and Edge are probably both bad ideas...

  62. Oh, yeah. And there's no need to add RVD to that list. He doesn't really bring much to the table anyhow. He'll get a pop but that translates into dick as far as worthwhile contributions.

  63. Never got the Jimmy Hart/Hogan pairing. Felt so lame. And did anybody see the video of RVD that posted online last night? Never realized how funny he is.

  64. I hope that Raw is where the bees make their debut.

  65. All the commenter-on-commenterter drama on this otherwise fantastic wrestling blog is really fucking stupid. And that's all I've got to say about that.

  66. I think it's time for people power to make a positive impact on the BoD.

  67. It would be best for business.

  68. Changes will be made if necessary.

  69. RVD: Hey H-dude, uh, am I, like, supposed to be at Wrestlemania this year?
    HHH: Well, no Rob. You left the company again. Remember?
    RVD: Oh, ha ha, yeah man, that's right, I totally forgot. My bad.
    HHH: ...
    RVD: Hey, you gonna eat those?
    HHH: Eat those what?
    RVD: Those Doritos.
    HHH: Rob, there are no Doritos in sight.
    RVD: Oh...buzzkill. Well brah, I'll catch you later, gonna head over to 7-11 and cool my ranch (giggles, cartwheels out of the room).
    HHH: (sighs)

  70. I read this, as I do with all written RVD dialogue, in the style of Dante from Grandma's Boy. I'm not even a fan of the guy as a wrestler, but I love his general persona.

  71. *fans inexplicably pop for RVD*

  72. BUT Natalya was feuding with AJ when she committed a well-publicized faux-pas because of the Michelle Beadle thing. If they're trying to get Punk back -- and at the very least, they seem to be avoiding adding fuel to the fire -- they wouldn't punish his girlfriend.

  73. You're doing a great job of ruining all that shoot interview karma.

  74. Naomi was supposed to get a Wrestlemania payday as well last year before time management fucked that up.

  75. He'll probably be at Axxesss though. Yeah?

  76. You care WAY TOO MUCH about down votes.

  77. Which is irrelevant to my point. The build up for Naomi was exactly the same as the buildup for Brie and Natalya, and there's no indication that the fans give a crap about this feud anymore than they cared about the Natalya and Bella feuds.

  78. Who is Ric Flair's favorite director?

    John Woooooooo!

  79. Right on, so glad Hulk is back in WWE land.

    Yeah, Jake's documentary was great, but so unbelievably sad, and his dad is a complete sack of shit. Trying to make excuses for his pedophilia by saying "it's all love".

  80. Was anything more lackluster than the most recent returns of RVD and Chris Jericho? I can barely remember how they returned, what they did, and how they left....and I've watched every week.

  81. He only signed a 3 month contract.

  82. I don't understand why anybody cares about downvotes. It always strikes me as odd when somebody responds to their own comment just to ask why he was downvoted.

  83. Vince Jordan especially comes in here with this "I don't care what anyone thinks about my different opinions" attitude, but then complains when people disagree with him.

  84. I'm callin' you out, Bayless! I say I'm a better reviewer, and I'm sayin' Team Caliber's Team - TCT, is a GREATER force than People Power! You and me: Lumberjack Flag match.

    *points to BoDMania sign*

  85. Hogan: Ugh, not a fan of old washed up Hogan, hope it turns out to not be too painfull.

    RVD: His last run was enjoyable wouldn't mind seeing another short run

    Naomi: Really too bad, also bad for us if Cameron now takes over the spot because Naomi is a much better wrestler even if she always wears scary lipstick.

    Rockin Robin: Umm no idea, could be good or horrible or just boring *shrugs*

  86. Someone still wants the Scott Hall shoot recapped I take it.

    Next week's choices do not include him but they have three pretty big names.

  87. I have won over the people with "People Power." They adore me

  88. From a wrestling perspective, the pairing does not make sense. However, from a musical perspective, I can not imagine them separately. They are the Lennon and McCartney of mid-90s pro wrestling music. I present you with their equivalent of "Across the Universe", "Hulkster in Heaven":

  89. The People adore you? The people are afraid of you, Bayless! They know if they look at you funny, they'll be doing dark matches while getting down-voted into the stone age.

    But Team Caliber's Team? It's like ecstasy! People can't get enough of it! It wasn't the fame, it wasn't the fortune that brought be back to the BoD, it was TCT! The person...I mean the people, they clamored for Caliber! They needed Caliber! No one was speaking out against Big Bang Theory, or making boner jokes, and they wanted...nay, NEEDED it! I give the people what they can't get themselves; updates about how buff I am, and how I think Shawn vs Taker at WM25 is over-rated. TCT is THEE force at the BoD!

  90. He also has a thermos.

  91. Raw returns - I'm way past the point of caring. Sounds like an A+ show on paper though I'm guessing it'll just be a bunch of guys with dueling microphones.

    RVD - again, don't care.

    Naomi - Does this mean she can't have sex? If so, that's awful.

    Rockin' Robin - I don't know the family history, and this is not something I would want to watch.

  92. Trust me, I'm the original Bayliac but the People Power gimmick is dying a slow horrible death.

  93. The gimmick has gone to far. I must

  94. Oh great, now Cameron's talentless ass will be pushed in her place

  95. Someone just wrote their ticket to BoD Mania so they can job to Nebb28's pet rock and Brian Gutan's great Aunt in a handicapped match

  96. She might paralyze someone in the process. She is dangerous in the ring

  97. To be honest, the Naomi injury may be a blessing in disguise. Call me crazy, but I think the better payoff would be Tamina winning the belt from AJ. The way she's been treated in their dynamic has me wanting to see her snap and just rip AJ apart.

  98. So our Final Four of Wrestling Shitbags is Grizzly Smith, Jose Gonzalez, Chris Benoit and Bob Sweetan

  99. It baffles me that the only one to get a job from the latest Tough Enough was her. AND SHE WAS THE FIRST ONE ELIMINATED BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT!!!

  100. Buck Zumhoffe is in the Final Four

  101. I'm not a super smark, what's the story on Jose & Bobby?

  102. I think all your "top poster gimmicks" are dying a slow horrible death.

  103. I'm going back to the No Gimmick guy.

  104. Imagining Ricardo Rodriguez in a bumblebee outfit, and it is fantastic.

  105. We're gonna stage a walkout unless you get this shit together! Unsafe posting conditions.

  106. Ah c'mon, Farva! You're a member of the TCT, you're suppose to up vote me no matter what! I'll expect you as a lumberjack when I take on Bayless at BoDMania.

    Of course it's a terrible joke. That's the joke.

  107. Are any of these guys involved in the Bruiser Brody thing? If not, they need to be there too. Well, that wouldn't be four then would it?

  108. How much is there left to be released?

  109. Hulk Hogan will return to WWE television on the February 24th edition of RAW, along with Jimmy Hart.

    As long as he leaves Brian Knobbs and Brother Bruti at home, we're good.

  110. You can't do this to me! I'm far too important! I workout and created the QOTD, that means I'm the man! Now with TCT, I'm unstoppable!

  111. I'm all for a psychotic lesbian angle with AJ and Lita

  112. You, Steve Ferrari, and anyone else are no match for myself and White Coat Security

  113. I hope Raw is where the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you make their debut.

  114. Gonzalez killed Brody, Sweetan molested kids

  115. Hey, Great Aunt Gutan is a legend. Be honored to tap out to her noogie

  116. That last run kind of killed off RVD as far as ever meaning anything. The MITB hype was great, but then they just leave him off of Summerslam altogether which... what the fuck was that? He never had a storyline, he never had any wins, he never had any motivation... he just immediately slid into a role as an older white Kofi Kingston, complete with tapping to ADR.

    So yeah, I don't think it matters if we ever see RVD again or not. He's just another guy, not really worth the effort.

  117. On the 24th, a masked man attacks Hogan and reveals himself to be Beefcake and they headline 30.

    Hey, if it was good enough for Starrcade, it is good enough for Mania.

  118. AJ inducting Lita would be a fantastic and logical choice....except I'm not sure how well they get along personally given that they've both dated the same guy.

  119. Forget just wrestling. Grizzly Smith is one of the biggest pieces of shit to get involved in existing.

  120. Yuck, forgot about that creep. Yeah I'll sub him in for Sweetan as it's possible he was railroaded.

  121. The murder was a one time thing.

  122. Meltzer made a great point about why in Austin's latest podcast. They didn't want him getting too hot because he was only on a 3 month contract.

  123. People downvote you because you're an insufferable, condescending douche doing the same old tired anti-smark gimmick that's best left on 411Mania.

  124. You think the team of Farva, Ferrari, Abeyance, and YankeesHoganTripleHFan is something to sneeze at?!

  125. and no one is going to get that reference.

  126. I'm blowing my nose as we speak

  127. Al Snow, Bob Holly, 2 Cold, Blue Meanie, and Gillberg would refuse to put you guys over.

  128. Poll Time

  129. Look at that! Caliber Winfield with 100% of the votes!

  130. And don't forget this C-Dub

  131. Yeah, but who HASN'T Punk dated at this point?

  132. If that's the case, they absolutely should have kept him really hot right off the return, (I was at the Brooklyn Raw the night after MITB-- dude was OVER) and jobbed him in a marquee match at Summerslam. RVD coming right off that big return and challenging ADR at Summerslam could have definitely drawn some buys, whereas by the time September rolled around he was already defined down as nothing special.

    Or he could have come in, said he was putting a team together to end The Shield at Summerslam and done a big crazy Shield vs Team RVD six-man.

    Basically, they could have at least kept him hot to sell Summerslam, instead of immediately defining him down to "just another guy" level.

    Anyway, at this point it's not worth bringing him back, as he just looked so incredibly weak in that last run.

  133. We've had our words before, Cult, but that's cold, man...that's cold.

  134. I'm sorry, you've mistaken me for someone who isn't deaf.

  135. C'mon, you really can't over look the fact you completely dislike me and admit that I have talent for making music? I write the music, I play the instruments, I write all my own lyrics. You have to at least admit it's not as bad as you would expect.

  136. I have a feeling they want somebody to beat AJ at WM for the title who's on Total Divas. That way they can show her crying and hugging her friends and all that.

  137. It's cute that you think they actually care about wrestling ability when it comes to picking Divas.

  138. The only thing I didn't expect was making it 2:27 into the video before I had to mercy kill it.

  139. C'mon, just admit it's not as bad as you thought it would be. Or check out "Beach Scene From The Karate Kid" at the other link I sent you. Just admit it's not as bad as you expected.

    Like Ace says in Casino "at least gimmie that much".

  140. I'm way above stables now. I got my sights on parallax for our non straight edge vs straight edge feud at mania.

  141. Thousands? Back in the day they put all those house shows on local cable networks. That's a huge amount of matches.

  142. Haha. The nenb28 pet rock think will never get old.

  143. Ooh, that should be a good one. Make sure you lay it into him for all of us who enjoy a bowl & a beer now and again.

  144. Dude, Westside? I've never had any animosity with you but that is starting to get me to reconsider.

  145. I am the BoD Newz man, sharing info from the sheets to the BoD, free of cost. I electrify the BoD with my shoot interview recaps and people sometimes read my WWF recaps. It will be a sad day when I leave the BoD. I am irreplaceable, baby!!!

  146. You will be jobbing to it come BoD mania.

  147. It's a lyric from a 2pac song, Hail Mary. I ocasionally throw in old school gangsta rap lyrics into my songs as a way of paying homage, and because it's funny, a nerd like me talking tough.

    In the same song I say "Fuck the police, and a 502", which is from an NWA song.


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