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BoD Daily Update Smackdown Preview

Steve Austin's Message to the WWE Locker Room

From Wade Keller:

“(An) interesting atmosphere backstage,” Austin said. “High degree of professionalism, but afraid to speak up and piss someone off. Hopefully these cats will start taking chances - or taking chances within reason... Now, it’s true that the Powers that Be do not believe in certain people. It’s up to the talent to make management believe in them. There is a pretty thin roster of talent in that locker room. There’s a lot of guys and gals. But, when talking about the cream of the crop, you’re talking about the best... The doors are wide open.”

Credit Wade Keller,

Antonio Cesaro Update

Between increased crowd reactions and John Cena taking a liking to him, there is specualtion that Cesaro will be line for a babyface push following WrestleMania

Credit Wade Keller,

NXT Update

The "NXT Arrival" show, which airs on 2/27 on the WWE Network during the free preview week, will be presented as if it was a PPV. Internally, it is said that HHH is treating the show as a very big deal and has sent out invites to both Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels to appear on a "legends panel" during the show.

Credit Wade Keller,


  1. Lesson for anyone in NXT, be attached to Cena at the hip.

  2. Love Cesaro. This is the most optimistic I've been about the company's future since probably the Class of 2002. You've got Cesaro, The Shield and Bray Wyatt, all guys who are awesome (except Rollins who is merely 'good') and that they're apparently high on. Plus even though they're not sticking the rocket up D-Bry's ass like everyone wants, they *do* like him so he'll be a player in the years to come.

  3. The Love-Matic Grampa!February 14, 2014 at 7:38 AM

    Well, the last two guys that Cena "liked" were Daniel Bryan...and Zach Ryder.

    So we'll see how this one works out.

  4. He also is a fan of Big E

  5. They have a lot of young talent. Hopefully, they don't mismanage them like they did a decade ago.

  6. Mismanage? It certainly wasn't smooth sailing the whole time but ultimately they made Cena, Lesnar, Batista, and Orton into huge stars and Shelton did as well as could be expected.

  7. Cena is a smart guy. Cesaro couldn't in a million years work as a top-level babyface.

  8. Agreed. OVW class of 2002 is the most successful rookie crop ever really.

  9. You think they have had a good track record at developing stars recently?

  10. I thought when you said "a decade ago" you meant the 2002 guys.

  11. I disagree with your contention that Rollins is merely good. Whether or not they are using him properly is a different discussion.

    Once the Shield collapses we're going to be able to see how much they can get out of them if they're willing. He could easily take on a Jeff Hardy role if they played him correctly.

  12. Zigglers "core fanbase" seems to be a lot bigger than say the one of Tyson Kidd or Zack Ryder.

    I guess that's why the WWE might job him out but still feature him on their flagship program (he is too popular to complete bury him, at least at the moment).

  13. The 2002 class will never be topped.

  14. Anything the company doesn't intend for a wrestler to do isn't going to be seen by the fans. We're well past the days of Doug Gilbert calling Jerry Lawler a child rapist on live TV and the company isn't going to put a shoot promo they didn't want a guy to cut on the website. Don't be an idiot.

    This was most likely to lay the foundation for Miz and Dolph's rumored "angry young men" tag team.

  15. Just guessing, but speaking out would probably not be good for your career path. The environment that Austin came up in and ultimately thrived in is much different. Those guys had leverage 15-20 years ago, and unless you've saved wisely, you're probably in no position to go take indy bookings.

  16. Agree. Lots of those wrestlers do not understand that the WWE environment is corporate now, not like the Wild West like it used to me.

  17. I think if you have serious talent (like Punk), you can be a loud dick (like Punk). It seems like Vince really respects guys like that. But if they don't think you have the goods (like Ryder), then any complaining will only hurt you.

  18. Maybe. I saw him in NXT as a babyface and wasn't feeling it. Don't like his voice...actually I think that's pretty much it. I REALLY hate his voice, doesn't sound intimidating at all. I think teeny bopper babyface is the only way he can excel.

  19. Yeah, that's probably true, too, though it's debatable how many guys would be able to throw their weight around with much success.

  20. Caesar losing streak gimmick, FTW!

  21. I agree, except I think you're underrating Rollins.

  22. I think Bryan is at that point, and he's probably the only one. Everyone in the company seems to put over how talented he is, and they definitely see money in him.

  23. In all seriousness, he did survive the losing streak "test" that they often do, and now things are looking up. I think he'll have a very good 2014.

    The one thing they NEED to do is to have a show in southern Texas or California, have an outside fight right near the border, where Cesaro does a GIANT SWING~ and tosses a guy like Sin Cara the other side of the border.

  24. I think most people don't even remember that he went through a losing streak, which supports the theory that they're not career killers. Fans don't remember shit like that, it's really easy to build a guy back up if you commit to it.

    Don't get me wrong, if you think they're effective in getting someone over you're a moron, but it's not going to stain a guy for life.

  25. *THIS*.

    Sheamus also went through a losing streak, now tons of people are complaining that he's overpushed.

    Cody Rhodes basically lost every match he was in in early 2013 (In Singles, and with Sandow), but nobody remembers that either now, and he's doing very well for himself.

    Hell, CM Punk lost 4 major feuds in a row (Against Taker, Rey, Big Show and Orton), then one pipe bomb promo and a win over Cena, and he was a top guy again.

    Losses don't matter *THAT* much.

  26. I'd always heard Ryder's major problem was that he didn't go to Vince rather than that he was too loud in the locker room.

  27. The win/loss stuff is really not a big deal anymore. Everyone just about trades wins and losses nowadays that the fans are accustom to it.
    Back in the day of Superstars/Challenge, a TV loss meant a LOT more than it does now.

  28. If they let Cesaro GO like he has in the past on NXT, the dude is going to be straight up BOSS. With his freakish power and charisma, he could be something special—more so than people might be willing to believe at this point.

    Bold Prediction of the Day: Roman Reigns vs. Cesaro will MAIN EVENT a future WrestleMania.

  29. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 14, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    Anyone else see Caesar do the 100 count swing on youtube? It's really more for 100 seconds than 100 full rotations, but it's still impressive as hell.

    Man, does everyone remember when we were optimistic about Zack Ryder, and thinking he'd for sure get revenge on Kane? That has to be the harshest "fuck you" from a company for no blatant reason.

  30. Yeah, this has pretty much been the status quo since 98, which is why I don't understand why people continue to insist that fans really care that much. It's never going to change, and the old model just isn't feasible in today's environment (5 hours of Raw/SD plus 13 ppvs).

  31. Agreed. Rollins is easily the best worker of The Shield.

  32. That last bit has to make Scott (or anyone who likes NXT) cringe.

  33. Cesaro is ziggler level damaged goods. He's not going anywhere and if you think he is you haven't paid any attention.

  34. Haha I was SO sure they were gonna do something with Ryder, that he was gonna get his revenge on Kane or Eve. Personally I didn't care cause I think Ryder sucks, but yeah, there were a few of us eating crow on this blog.

  35. How did he survive it? He's still basically in it while playing a shitty goofball gimmick.

  36. Ah, I think the ship has pretty much sailed on Dolph. The crowds don't look at him as that "If we rally around him, WWE will push him to the top!" case anymore. Instead it seems like the crowds have pretty much given up on him and realize he's just a perma-midcarder like Kofi. His fans have moved on to Bray/Roman/Ambrose/Cesaro and other cool midcarders who actually have a chance of being something.

    And once you're at THAT level--- a guy that WWE was never keen on, who has also lost his crowd support--- well the party's pretty much over.

    Also, that app thing was the absolute worst promo ever. I honestly could see management laughing their asses off and feeling that he confirmed that they were right all along not to push him.

  37. Only smarks think like that. "Damaged goods" isn't a thing. They could get Santino over as a killer if they wanted to in 6 months tops.

  38. How would Austin have any clue about how 2014 wwe politics work? He hasn't set foot in that lockerroom in over 5 years.

  39. He can turn face and get over with the giant swing. Not damaged at all

  40. You seem to be in a bit of a bad mood today...

  41. No way dude, that's crazy talk. Fans are popping huge for his big spots, he's been protected in a tag team for the better part of teh last year, they can easily push him as a killer and the fans would buy it.

    Just Cesaro's size and ability to pull off the crowd-popping power stuff puts him light years ahead of Dolph.

  42. Plus he's been a made man since 97/98. He hasn't had to fight for anything since then. And when they stopped treating him like The Man he walked out.

  43. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 14, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    Same here. I thought there was no way he wouldn't win the feud. I mean, the guy built his own fanbase and was super over, winning the US title in the first match where it meant something in over a decade. Then all of a sudden he's in a wheel chair, watching his girlfriend make out with John Cena who has to be his big-buddy and protect him from Kane. Freaking ridiculous.

  44. He was at Raw this past Monday.

  45. Going from champ to jobbing in 2 minutes in a several month span is a whole other thing

  46. THREADJACK: So Jeff Hardy is apparently returning to TNA as...Willow?

    Seriously...the fuck?

  47. Yeah maybe if he got some kind of real push, but this isn't 2001. Cashing a paycheck and being on TV, to me, isn't a big push. He's going nowhere

  48. How's he been protected? Jobbing in a comedy tag team?

  49. He's also the only one without any *it* factor in my opinion. So he's the most likely to get lost in the shuffle.

  50. Private bathroom at work is out of order, I have to use the one in the hallway that everyone shares

  51. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 14, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    I'll watch their programming if Val Kilmer comes along with him

  52. True. But he went from jobber, to champ, to jobber. That's a similar trajectory to cesaro honestly.

  53. Holy shit no wonder... its like living in the fucking dark ages... they might as well dig you a hole and give you some leaves.

  54. In 15 years when they are both part timers?? *rimshot*

  55. I disagree. They're doing it right at the moment. He has a move that the crowd can chant along with. He's in a tag team with a catchphrase that people yell. He's strong as hell. I think the Real Americans could have the tag belts and do ok.

    I genuinely liked their tag match last week.

  56. They don't even have a TV in there

  57. I don't see how.

    Ziggler has received a pair of WHC-level pushes that stagnated (not blaming him, because fault doesn't really matter). So he has the stench of tried and failed. Cesaro doesn't have that.

    Plus, probably 95 percent of all performers that become Raw/Smackdown regulars fall short of sticking in the main event anyway, so your "anyone who has a differing opinion doesn't know anything" statement rings extra hollow.

  58. So they expect you to just... go to the bathroom... and return to work? They don't understand the point of a white collar office job it would seem.

  59. Crowds care way less about what happens in tag teams than singles. It's not like he's spent the last year losing singles feuds and matches--- those kinds of losses can define you down. Being in a tag team is one of those things that fans forget about really easy. I mean, The Rockers were a jobber team for like 3 years, and then when HBK went singles the fans were fine with it.

    Being in a tag team definitely protects a singles guy before they're ready to push him.

    And dude, he's WAY more over than he was a year ago. Fans pop for his signature spots (swing, the uppercuts), he was getting "Yay" on the yay/boo spots with Sheamus last week. Hell, fans booed when Bryan got out of his giant swing.

    Not syaing WWE will handle it correctly, but the fans would absolutely buy a Cesaro push.

    Fans see Cesaro on the up side, whereas everyone has finally accepted that Ziggler is on the downhill. Two totally different spots in their careers.

  60. If this leads to the return of "Jeff Hardy's Inner Monologue.", I'm buying.

    Not the former BoDer, but the actual gimmick.

  61. "Putting anyone with Miz is just going to make them look like a huge loser by association."

    I disagree and say that this is an overstatement based on the disintegration of Miz's singles career. Any tag team that Miz has been a part of has been successful and entertaining. M&M, ShowMiz, and Awesome Truth. Awesome Truth, in particular, could've been much more but were basically a plot device to get to Rock-Cena. You could even argue that they were a precursor to the Shield.

    Miz/Ziggler has the potential to be Awesome Truth II

  62. I don't disagree with this at all. Both of their more recent matches had me watching the clock wondering how much longer they were going to lay there.

  63. Fuck if I know. All I can say is that the rumor going around is that Miz and Dolph are supposed to become a team of disgruntled dudes. Dolph's featurettes on the site lately where he bitches about being better than everyone and people holding him down and telling him not to be so good anymore and all that worked shoot garbage are a good setup for it.

    Maybe you're right.

    I just know it's not a dude randomly breaking kayfabe and hitting on the company followed by the company deciding to toss it up on the website.

  64. HBK-Bam Bam would have been pretty good. Did they mix it up often?

  65. I'm thinking more M&M with Dolph Ziggler in the John Morrison role and the Miz playing, er, The Miz

  66. If this leads to another face turn, and another legend "teaching Miz his old finisher" so Miz can butcher it... I may have to kill you.

  67. Hogan was never a bad worker, so him having good matches wasn't a big surprise. Yes, he found a formula that saved his body wear and tear, but he could go if he wanted to... until the New World Order stuff. That's when he got incredibly lazy and I don't recall him having a good match again until his WWE revival, and even that's mostly nostalgia talking.
    Back on topic... Diesel vs. Taker. WM XII. Considering Diesel's track record of not having good matches with non Harts or Kliqers, and Taker still being a Zombie, it was about 500 times better than it had any right to be.

  68. I don't think they ever had a match. They were always on the same side of the fence when Bam Bam was there.

  69. You must have been a big fan of Billy Kidman. Where he took a move that looks like it should kill him, only for him to pop up 4 seconds later like he's at 100%, ready for his next spot. Hated that guy.

  70. Bam Bam-HBK could've been the Vader-HBK feud we really wanted to see. Or not. But it could've be


  72. But nWo Hogan was broken down, iirc. If it was 5 years prior for everyone involved, you could've gotten some very good matche


  74. Hey, all those intriguing storylines leading to massive ratings and monetary success had to go in favor of the communications graduate who had no outside experience.

  75. And on the flip side you have Mysterio/Guerrero which totally didn't meet expectations. Agreed that 21 is underrated.

  76. I just re-watched the Raw where they reveal Vince as the Higher Power and the entire show is just a hot-shotting of stuff.

    They do the reveal right in the beginning of the show. During the same segment, Stephanie and Linda come out to voice their displeasure and Linda announces Austin as the new CEO. And on the same night, Test decides he wants to date Stephanie McMahon.

    It seemed cool at the time because it was different, but looking back on it now, that show epitomized everything that was wrong with Russo and the Attitude Era. It was all financially a success, but wound up doing plenty of damage in the long term. And I'd argue that Austin, Rock, Foley and the Mr. McMahon character are far more important to that era's success than the actual Crash TV style.

  77. Wardrobe malfunction.

  78. I wouldn't confuse parity with a lack of direction. I see the WWE strategy at the time as Rock and Austin as tippy-top guys who could elevate others (like Angle & HHH) without losing their heat, getting all political, or threatening to go to WCW. Given Austin's injury history, it was important to get others wrestlers perceived at the main event level. By elevating guys and moving the title around a lot, it gave others a chance to be at that level.

  79. Hey, he sold quite well for Hogan. Maybe not enough to be at a flea market, but hey, you take what you can get.
    And by that rationale btw, I'm fairly certain your favorite wrestler's name doesn't start with J and end with Seenya...

  80. Right on. Miz has demonstrated a lot of tag-team chemistry and his act was catching on before he was pushed too far too fast. Tag-teams can bring out new qualities in guys and I think this is what Dolph needs right now (the Swagger team never worked, but that was mainly just a Vickie vehicle). Dolph and Miz's characters have fallen into a similar rut (bland, ill-fitting face turns and massive depushes) and I think there could definitely be some synergy in putting the two together, provided they were given half a chance at a push. Never underestimate the Hollywood Blonds model; it's one of the best ways to revive a midcard career.

  81. if you want long and drawn out, give tna a try

  82. slaughter/hogan at wm vii

    also bossman/perfect, iirc

  83. Smackdown started in April 1999.

  84. The "stealing the show" thing would work if they actually made that the story....that he's losing BECAUSE he cares more about impressing the crowd than winning a match. But instead, he loses because he's, seemingly, a loser.

  85. there was a single upn special in paril, and then it didn't start weekly till sept '99

  86. "There was a TON of shit that got dropped suddenly or without reason in 1999 WWF."

    blonde bitch project

    godfather vs. key

    gtv (in its original form)

    hbk turning heel on the rock while reffing a match b/w rock and hhh for the title

    chyna still being aligned with hhh in the summer/fall

  87. What did Dolph say in that promo anyway? Was it on tv or the app? Link?
    I heard Alverez talking about (calling him an idiot for saying anything and not being a "corporate guy").

  88. Yea, They always had direction with Austin and Rock, and most of the other guys on top I'd say. My point was that what people consider "hot shotting" angles today, wwe did alot back than also. I'd probably say they did it more in the AE, especially on the undercard. People just forgive it or forget about it

  89. A good or less overworked booking team might actually do that. It's a more interesting take on the character and much less business exposing.

  90. Dolph gets buried while Swagger gets chance after chance to prove himself even though he actually was put on trial for driving while intoxicated (not saying that should preclude a push but still). While I don't think either man is really top of the card material, I do think Ziggler have more of the it factor than Swagger who will never be over no matter how many times he gets repackaged or who they put him with to give him the rub.

  91. Totally agree. A Miz/Ziggler team would be a great fit for both guys.

  92. Ivd literally been surprised at how good every UT match has been since the first Taker/hbk. I seriously was questioning how much taker had left aftef his Edge match at 24.
    Thought the hbk matches would be good but both were nuch better then expected, thought the hhh matches would be plodding and slow but those things were fucking awesome. Was pleasently surprised by the punk match also.

  93. "Might" have cost him his job?! Raven definitely would've been fired, it's only a matter of whether or not Vince would've had him killed.

  94. Geez, the Hollywood Blondes is RIGHT THERE as a name for a Ziggler/Miz team.

  95. Actually they did fight again at Rumble 98 where Shawn screwed up his back - although I can see why that might not be considered a 'big match' when compared to He'll in a Cell.

    But there was also the awesome mini match at the end of Rumble 07. Those guys were just great together.

  96. It would be great if they are treated seriously and as a threat. Zigg's got the talent, and Miz does well in tag teams, and the level of snark between both of them is at Hollywood Blondes levels, so as long as they're not booked to lose all the goddamn time they would succeed.

  97. The promo itself, its meaning, was good...but his shrill-ass screaming tarnished it a bit. I liked the passion and the intent, but Dolph doesn't have a yelling all.

  98. 2001 is not 1999, because Russo wasn't there anymore.

  99. I think RAW matches shouldn't be longer than 5 minutes or so. Or why would you pay x $ for a PPV when you get the SAME matches on RAW for free? RAW and SD should have short matches, many segments etc. and the PPVs should have long "real" matches. Not the other way round.

  100. I'm tired of yelling in wrestling promos.

  101. Hogan/Vince at Mania XIX. We expected bad but both guys got into it well, Vince taking savage bumps and the perfect shot of him peering over the ring apron with blood all over his face and grinning manically like Satan himself, great stuff there.
    Also, the first Money in the Bank match. I expected some good stuff but not just a spot-fest but really a great battle on its own with Shelton stealing the show and set the bar for great ladder battles to follow.

  102. Trish vs Jazz vs Victoria at WM 19. It wound up being one of the best women's matches in company history.

  103. Yeah, really worked well and loved Stevie Richards doing one of the best "bounce chair off the rope to smack yourself in the face" bits ever.

  104. That's fine but what does this have to do with Daniel Bryan?


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